

单词 侮弄

See also:




play with
mess with
fool with
toy with

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 人士彼此合作,营造一个人人彼此尊重、社群意识浓厚、服务精神强烈的学校文化,并正视题。
All members of the community work to create a
school-wide culture of mutual respect, social awareness and service
[...] while adressing bullying, name-callingand teasing.
它还感 到遗憾的是,没有诽谤和伤害公务员的法律提出建议,而这一法律导致 了一些新闻记者遭到关押。
It also regretted the fact that no recommendation had been made on the law concerning the disrespect, defamation and injury of civil servants, which had led to the imprisonment of several journalists.
[...] 母生活在一起有生命或健康危险的情况下,儿童保护工作者会着手把儿童从父母 身剥夺父母的权利。
In cases where counselling does not yield expected results and the life or health of a child are in danger if they
continue to live with parents, a child protection
[...] worker may initiate removal of [...]
a child from a parent or deprivation of parental rights.
中央政府当然食髓知味,眼见民主派对扭曲 式释法没有作出有力的反抗,於是又再於2007年 12月 30日,人大常委再 次作出决定,否决2012年双普选,但为了缓和港人一而再生的可能反弹,於是便虚与委蛇,抛出了所谓“可以在2017年普选 行政长官,可以在2020年普选立法机关。
On 30 December 2007, the NPCSC again made a decision to rule out dual universal suffrage in 2012. But in order to ease the possible aversion among Hong Kong people from being insulted and fooled over and over again, they made a pretense by suggesting that the election of the Chief Executive in the year 2017 may be implemented by the method of universal suffrage and the election of the Legislative Council in 2020 may be implemented by the method of electing all the members by universal suffrage.
(c) 如果所有其他通信手段都失灵,通过既有的督导员体系当面通知工下落并保持联系的唯一途径。
(c) When all other communication fails, face-to-face communication through the established system of wardens is the only way to account for staff and to keep in touch.
最高 法院进一步指出,言论自由的行使“必须尊重其它人权,包括予以保护、以免由 于宗教信仰遭羞辱性歧视的权利”。
The Court further noted that freedom of expression must be exercised “with necessary respect for other
human rights, including the right to
[...] protectionagainst insulting and degrading [...]
discrimination on the basis of religious belief”.
以书为指导开展的活动使阿尔及利亚得部门的情况并且与其他马格里布 国家进行交流。
For example, activities undertaken in conjunction with the book sector provided Algeria with an opportunity to review the state of the sector and to engage in exchanges with the other Maghreb countries.
我们在访问期间常常被告知,这些逮捕程序似乎有计划地意在恐吓逮捕者,使他们转为提供合作,指认示威中的抗议领导者并在今后不再从事 反占领的活动。
During our mission we were frequently told that these arrest procedures seemed systematically intended to frighten and humiliate those arrested, and to turn them towards collaborating by identifying protest leaders in demonstrations and refraining from anti-occupation activities in the future.
涂谨申议员会考虑动议议案,修订将由地铁公司订立的《香港铁路(西 北铁路)附例》第22(1)(a)条,订明任何人不论何时在铁路处所内"不得
[...] 作出喧哗或扰乱秩序的行为,或使用恐吓性、辱骂性的言词, 意图使他人破坏铁路处所安宁,或其上述行为相当可能会导致铁路处 [...]
To this end, the Subcommittee notes that Hon James TO will consider moving a motion to amend section 22(1)(a) of the Mass Transit Railway (North-west Railway) Bylaw to be made by MTRCL to the effect that no person shall at any time while upon the railway premises "behaves in a
noisy or disorderly manner, or use threatening,
[...] abusiveor insulting words, with [...]
intent to cause a breach of the peace in railway
premises, or whereby a breach of the peace in railway premises are likely to be caused;".
作为补充,还对全球、区域及 国家趋势的监测和确认进行了研究,并制订了多种工具,从而以有效且注意文化敏感性的方 式进行触歧视问题的性教育。
This is complemented by research on the monitoring and identification of global, regional and national trends, as well as by the development of tools for the effective and culturally-sensitive delivery of sexuality education that addresses stigma and discrimination.
因此不得对囚犯实施包括医 学或科学实验等非人道的对待或惩罚;对被剥夺自由者以外的任何人, 不得使之陷入困境或限制其自由。
For this reason, prisoners cannot be subject to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, including medical or scientific experimentation, nor to hardship or to constraint other than those which result directly from the deprivation of freedom.
议 事规则委员会主席曾钰成议员表示,应 内务委员会的要求
,议事规则委员会曾研究是否需 要明示授权事 务委员会主席,处 理在事
[...] 务委员会会 议上有 议员被指使用 冒犯性言词的 情况, 以及有关立法会、 [...]
常 设 委员会及专责 委员会会议秩 序 的 《 议 事规则》I部的适 用 范围, 应否扩 展至其他 委员会。
Mr Jasper TSANG, Chairman of CRoP, said that as requested by the House Committee, CRoP had studied whether it was necessary to provide express authority for a panel chairman to deal with the
situation where a Member was alleged to have
[...] used offensive or insulting languageat a [...]
panel meeting, and whether Part I of the
Rules of Procedure (RoP) concerning order at Council meetings, standing committees and select committees should be extended to other committees.
因此,较佳的做 法是协助场地管理人加强能力,要求吸烟者把燃着的香烟、雪茄或烟如该人没有遵办,则要求该人提供其姓名和地址,以及出示 身份证明文件,或要求该人离开禁烟区。
Hence, a better approach would be to help venue managers build up their capacity in requesting a smoker to extinguish a lighted cigarette, cigar or pipe or where the person fails to do so, requiring him to give his name and address and to produce proof of identity or leave the no-smoking area.
与会者一致认为,为战略与计划之间的联系,应当认真评估预期结果,以衡 量有关计划是否实现了《中期战略》规定的目标。
Participants unanimously agreed, that in order to ascertain the linkage between strategy and programme, expected results should be carefully evaluated to assess whether the programme has achieved the objectives of the Medium-Term Strategy.
该项目主要针对脆弱群体中的青年,目的是使他们能够为防止 与艾滋病毒和艾滋病有关歧视的政策制订工作做出贡献。
The project, targeting youth particularly belonging to vulnerable groups, aims at enabling them to contribute to policy-making for the prevention of HIV and HIV-related stigma and discrimination.
当日 13 时 20 分,由 30
[...] 人左右组成的一伙人来到我团正门前,并开始制造 巨大的噪音,高喊攻击性口号,做出威胁的手势,并多次在我团正门及 [...]
At 13:20, a group of around 30 persons arrived at the main entrance of the Mission
and began to make a lot of noise, shouting
[...] offensive andinsulting slogansand making [...]
threatening gestures, and placed numerous
offensive posters at the main entrance of the Mission and exterior windows on Lexington Avenue.
Besides, So pointed out that most of the people did indeed share a common view regarding the legislation, he called for the government and its coalition to listen to public opinion carefully, and "not try stupid acts like offering free meals and movie tickets to the citizens on July 1… to create false impression that the
public is divided… They should never say again the public is
[...] "misled" asthis onlyinsults theintelligence [...]
of the people.
安全理事会为处理在前南斯拉夫和卢旺达发生的罪行而成立了 两个国际法庭;这两个法庭的规约、《国际刑事法院罗马规约》和《塞拉利昂问 题特别法庭规约》将基于性别的暴力(例如强奸、强迫卖淫和在武装冲突中从事 贩卖)以及酷刑或其他残忍、不人道格的待遇和奴役罪包括在战争罪和 危害人类罪的定义中,并作为灭绝种族罪的定义中。
The statutes of the two International Tribunals created by the Security Council to address crimes committed in the former Yugoslavia and in Rwanda, the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and the statute of the Special Court for Sierra Leone all include gender-based violence, such as rape, enforced prostitution and trafficking during armed conflict, as well as torture or other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, and enslavement, within the definition of war crimes, crimes against humanity and as components of the crime of genocide.
该法将“骚 扰”的含义限定为指以身体、口头或任何其他方式表示的任何不受欢迎的行为, “的意思表示行为的任何不必要的骚扰”一个身体,任何口头或其他方式,其目 的或作用是侵犯人的尊严或造成敌对、贬低威胁性的环境、态度或做 法。
The Act qualifies “harassment” as meaning any unwanted conduct expressed in a physical, verbal or any other manner, which has the purpose or effect of violating the person’s dignity or creating a hostile, degrading, humiliatingor intimidating environment, attitude or practice.
强调指出污蔑诋毁宗教是对人格尊严的严导致非法限制信徒的宗教 自由,并挑起宗教仇恨和暴力
Stressing that vilification of religions
[...] is a serious affront to human dignity [...]
leading to the illicit restriction of the
freedom of religion of their adherents and incitement to religious hatred and violence
儿童权利法》―― 第 6 条:“国家保护儿童不受侵犯,保护其免受任何形
[...] 式的剥削、歧视和身体及精神暴力,免受残忍、粗暴及蔑视待遇虐待,不参与犯罪活动,不参与消费酒精饮料、非法使用毒品和精神药 [...]
淫或其他非法性活动为目的的剥削,不参与色情和含有色情内容的节目, 包括来自父母或合法监护人、亲属。
Law on the rights of children – article 6: “The State protects the child’s inviolability, protecting him from any form of exploitation, discrimination, physical and moral
violence, not accepting cruel, rude,
[...] disdainfultreatment, insults and maltreatment, [...]
involvement in criminal activity, involvement
in consumption of alcoholic drinks, illegal use of drugs and psychotropic substances, gambling, begging, involvement or constrain into any form of illegal sexual activity, exploitation with the purpose of prostitution or other illegal sexual practices, in pornography and materials with a pornographic contents including from parents or persons with legal custody, relatives.
根据《乌兹别克斯坦共和国刑法》第 156 条规定,对煽动民族、种族或宗 教仇恨,即蓄族荣誉和尊严,旨在引起对其他民族群体、种族群体或族 裔群体的仇视、不容忍或不和,以及根据民族、种族和族裔归属,直接或间接地 限制特权,或给予特权的行为,要追究刑事责任。
According to article 156 of the Criminal Code, incitement to ethnic, racial or religious hatred, i.e. deliberate acts injurious to national honour and dignity perpetrated with a view to arousing hatred, intolerance or grievances with respect to any population group on grounds of national origin, race or ethnic affiliation, as well as the imposition of direct or indirect restrictions or the granting of direct or indirect privileges on grounds of national origin, race or ethnic affiliation, are criminal offences.
数民族身份而遭到袭击或杀害;个人,仅仅因为别人认定的他或她的宗教或族裔 背景,经常歧视性地被制止和遭到搜查、审讯或逮捕;移民、难民或寻求庇护者,
[...] 因为其非公民身份,每天面临歧视;或足球运动员,因为其肤色而所有 这些例子不幸地证明种族主义和仇外心理不是昨日的问题,今天它们仍然是巨大 [...]
Be it the member of an ethnic minority who is attacked or killed in the context of a conflict due to his or her minority status; the individual who is regularly and in a discriminatory manner subjected to stopping and searching, interrogations or arrests, solely because of his or her perceived religious or ethnic background; the migrant, the refugee or the asylum-seeker who faces daily discrimination due to his or
her status as non-citizen; or the
[...] football playerwhois insultedbecauseof his [...]
skin colour; all such instances unfortunately
demonstrate that racism and xenophobia are not yesterday’s problems, but that they remain an immense challenge for today.
这些人 还表示,被安全人员羁押期间,他们遭受讯问人或狱卒以刑讯逼供目的 的殴打和酷刑。
These individuals also stated that, while in the custody of security agents, they were beaten and tortured by interrogators and jailers for the purposes of extracting a confession or in order to humiliate them.
同时,根据《2009-2013 年机构战略计划》之规定,全国支助残疾人理事 会,作为妇女和社会发展部下辖的政府机构,与共和国国会下辖的残疾人事务特 别委员会共同直接参与了与残疾人切身利益密切相关问题的法律起草工作,并已 于 2009 年通过第 013-2009-MIMDES 号最高敕令批准通过了第 28530 号《促进 残疾人使用互联网并在公共场所为残疾人提供适当的实体空间法》的实施细则; 批准通过了关于修订《民法典》第 43 条、第 241 条和第 274 条中明显对残疾人 构表述方式的法律修改案;批准通过了关于替代第 129-95-EF 号最高敕 令中关于规定免除残疾人专用车辆及假体进口所应缴纳的关税和其他相关税费的 最高敕令提案。
Legislation of this type includes Supreme Decree No. 013-2009-MIMDES of 2009, which provides for the adoption of the implementing regulations for Act No. 28530 on the Promotion of Internet Access for Persons with Disabilities and the Adaptation of Public Internet Booths; a bill to amend articles 43, 241 and 274 of the Civil Code, which deal with the unequivocal expression by persons with disabilities of their wishes; and a draft supreme decree to replace Supreme Decree No. 129-95-EF, which deals with waivers of customs duties and other taxes on imports of special vehicles and prostheses for the exclusive use of persons with disabilities.
古巴常驻联合国代表团向美国常驻联合国代表团致意,谨通知如下:2010 年 7 月 23 日上午 11 时,约有 12
[...] 人聚集在古巴代表团大楼门前,高呼攻击性的口号,阻碍工作人员进出,并扰乱外交使团平和正常地履行职能。
The Permanent Mission of Cuba to the United Nations presents its compliments to the United States Mission to the United Nations and, wishes to inform it that, on Friday 23 July 2010 at 11:09 a.m., a group of around 12 people gathered in front of the entrance
doors of the Mission’s building, shouting
[...] offensive and insulting slogans,blocking [...]
the staff’s comings and goings and disturbing
the peace and proper functioning of the diplomatic Mission.
[...] 他们被剥夺了自由并容易遭受各种形式的暴力、虐待、非正义情况下
Aware of the need for special vigilance with regard to the specific situation of children, juveniles and women in the administration of justice, in particular while
they are deprived of their liberty, and their vulnerability to various forms of violence,
[...] abuse, injustice and humiliation
根据摩尔多瓦共和国《刑法》(2002 年 4 月 18
日第 985-XV 号)第 346 条,
[...] 禁止包括通过大众媒体手段、以书面和电子形式进行的旨在煽动敌意或民族、种 族或宗教派系斗争毁国家声誉和尊严,以及直接或间接限制权利或根据 [...]
According to article 346 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Moldova No. 985-XV from 18.04.2002, malicious actions, public urges, including through the means of mass-media, in written and electronic form, directed towards
instigation of enmity or national, racial or
[...] religious faction,towards humiliation [...]
of national honour and dignity, as well as direct
or indirect limitation of rights or establishment of direct or indirect advantages to citizens based on their national, racial, or religious origin are prohibited.




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