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否则,如果选择了色则会将扫瞄应用程式中设定的 dpi 值,套用至彩色 [...]
/ 灰阶及黑白文件。
Otherwise, ifColorDetection is selected, [...]
the dpi value set in the scanning application is applied to both color/ grayscale and black and white.
Incidentally, you must attach the external drive(s) before booting from the rescue media, otherwise the recovery environment might notdetect the drive(s).
资料筛选功能可控制机密资料模式(信用 卡号、社会保险号码以及自订模式)的传输。
Data filtering
[...] features can detect, and control [...]
the flow of confidential data patterns (credit card or social security numbers as well as custom patterns).
如果扫瞄长於 此值的文件长度,它将确定发生了多页进纸。
If the scanner detects a document longer than this value, it will determine that a multifeed has occurred.
沃尔夫斯堡组织相信这方面的建设性沟通,将有助该等机关和机构加深对贪腐的 认识和提高他们处理贪腐活动的能力,以便掌握贿赂和贪腐活动的趋势、模式、
[...] 清洗黑钱的技巧和手段;同时,公私营机构之间相互合作打击贪腐,亦有助金融 机构预防及/披露贪腐事件,打击贪腐。
The Wolfsberg Group believes that constructive dialogue in this area will help to increase the knowledge and ability of such agencies and institutions to identify trends, patterns, money laundering techniques and mechanisms used in the furtherance of acts of bribery and corruption and with an effective public private partnership financial
institutions will be better placed to assist in the fight
[...] to prevent and/ordetect and disclose incidents [...]
of corruption.
有效的风险管理端视(其中包括)滙丰能否透 过压力测试及其他技巧,设法防范其所采用的 统计模型所无事件;以及滙丰能否成 功应付营运、法律及监管和诉讼方面的挑战, 特别是有关反洗钱、《银行保密法》和美国外 国资产控制办公室调查的最终解决方案。
Effective risk management depends on, among other things, our ability through stress testing and other techniques to prepare for events that cannot be captured by the statistical models we use; and our success in addressing operational, legal and regulatory, and litigation challenges, notably the ultimate resolution of the AML, BSA and OFAC investigations.
公 帄 对 待 市 民 大 众 , 也 是 一 个 合 情 合 理 的 考 虑 问 题 , 而 只 要 警 务 人 员 在 执 行 职 责 之 时 是 推 动 和 保 障 公 众 的 利 益,法 庭 便 有 职 能 致 力 是 令 情 况 保 持 帄 衡,以 确 保 个 人 权 利 得 以 妥 为 保 存,而 警 方案 之 时 又 不 致 受 到 一 连 串 学 院 派 的 反 对 声 音 所 制 肘 , 而 这 些 反 对 声 音 其 实 是 罔 顾 实 际 情 况 和 实 务 问 题 , 并 且 完 全 不 理 会 公 众 利 益 。
Fairness to the public is also a legitimate consideration, and in so far as police officers in the exercise of their duties are prosecuting and protecting the public interest, it is the function of the Court to seek to provide a proper balance to secure that the rights of individuals are properly preserved, while not hamstringing the police in theirinvestigation of crime with a series of academic vetoes which ignore the realities and practicalities of the situation and discount completely the public interest.
除依照保证等级测试级及第一级运作之凭证机构不做规定外,依 照保证等级第二级以上运作之凭证机构机房必须具备自灾 预警功能,系统能自动启动灭火设备,并设置手动开关於各主要出入 口处,以供现场人员於紧急情况时以手动方式操作。
Except for CA that operates under test assurance level and level 1 where stipulations are not required, CA that operates under assurance level at or above level 2 shall have automatic fire alarm detection function for its computer room and the system can automatically activate the fire extinguishing equipment and install manual switches at entrances and exits to permit manual operation by personnel at site in emergencies.
微波的用途十分广泛,可用速車辆、发送电话、无线电和 电视讯号、治療肌肉疼痛、弄乾和处理胶合板、处理橡胶及树脂、发酵 麫包及炸麫包圈,以及烹煮薯片等。
They are used todetect speeding cars, send telephone, radio and television communications and treat muscle soreness, dry and cure plywood, cure rubber and resins, raise bread and doughnuts, as well as cook potato chips.
Using ultrasound sensors it can identify parking spaces and automatically steer the vehicle into the space while parking.
有 人 认 为 真 理 本 身 是 相 对 的 , 而 一 般 来 说 , 维 护 婚 姻 关 系 , 以 免 受件 真 相 的 干 扰 , 对 社 会 整 体 的 孜 定 繁 荣 , 比 之 把 案 件 查 过 水 落 石 出 , 更 为 重 要 。
Some would say that truth is itself a relative matter and that preserving marital relationships generally, from the threat of being invaded in the search for truth about a crime, is more important to the welfare and stability of society as a whole than the possibility of discovering a piece of truth that might otherwise pass undetected.
配备了两个定向麦克风 及一个颚测器 (3),Zik 能捕捉颚 骨的震动,并将其与您的声音进行融合, 进而实现高品质的通话。
Equipped with two directional microphones and a
[...] jaw bone sensor(3), Zik captures the vibration of the jaw bone and merges it [...]
with the sound of your voice for reliable calls.
此外,亦可利用 30 fps 的解析度录制 1280 x 720 规格的影片,效果与摄录影机一样好;并有超过 10 种摄影模式:
[...] 自动、夜景人像、夜景、人像、风景、运动、宴会、海滩、脸 、微 以及包括防手震与连拍功能。
In addition, it can also record video clips in HD up to 1280 x 720 at 30 fps resolution just like a camcorder; and you can take pictures in over 10 different scene modes: Auto, Night Portrait, Night Scenery,
Portrait, Scenery, Sport, Party, Beach,
[...] face detection,smile detection, andincludes features [...]
for anti-shaking and continuous shots.
(e) 资料如披露会令防止、调查 案及罪行,以及 逮捕或检控罪犯的工作,或任何羁留设施或监狱的保 安受到伤害或损害。
(e) Information the disclosure of which would harm or prejudice the prevention, investigation and detection of crime and offences, the apprehension or prosecution of offenders, or the security of any detention facility or prison.
[...] 才负责,旨在分别检查遵守法规及公司内部规条的情况统性风险及提呈政策转变;以及不时就客户对公司 [...]
We have also put in place competent compliance, internal audit and quality assurance teams with their respective aims at carrying out checks on
statutory compliance and Company’s rules and
[...] regulations; detecting systemic risks [...]
and recommending policy changes; and implementing
ongoing checks and verification of satisfaction rate of Company’s prescribed service pledge and standards.
首先以气相色谱仪分离待测物, 然後利用高分辨质谱仪以分辨率相等於或大於 5000 的选择离检 测。
The analytes were separated by GC and detected by HRMS set at a resolution of  5000 in Selected Ion Requisition (SIR) mode.
The third generation of the powerful trend-setter will make use of a whole host of the latest assistance
systems to support the driver, including the
[...] drowsiness detection system ATTENTION [...]
ASSIST, developed by Mercedes-Benz and
fitted as standard; the optional anticipatory occupant protection system PRE-SAFE®, which is unique in the world; the Intelligent Light System that provides five lighting functions (cornering light function, country mode, motorway mode, active light function and enhanced fog lamps), which are activated depending on the driving conditions.
除依照保证等级测试级及第一级运作之凭证机构不做规定外,依 照保证等级第二级以上运作之凭证机构机房的实体所在及结构,必须
[...] 符合储存高重要性及敏感性资讯的机房设施水准,结合门禁、保全、 入监视录影等实体安全机制,以防止未经授权存取凭证机构 [...]
Except for CA that operates under test assurance level and level 1 where stipulations are not required, the physical location and structure of the computer room for CA that operates under assurance level at or above level 2 shall conform to the computer room installation standard for storage of highly important and sensitive information
in conjunction with door security,
[...] security, intrusion detectionand video monitoring [...]
and other physical security mechanisms
to prevent unauthorized access to the relevant equipment of the CA.
模拟结果显示,适应性信号子空间投影法及以权重化特徵向量为输入之類神经网路在影像分類上能 够有效的减少杂讯效应,与传统的韦恩濾波器法及以像素输入法为基础之倒传递网路相比,論文提出的 适应性濾波法具有较低的错及快速的收敛速度。
Simulation results validate the image eigen-features can alleviate the noise effect in classification and the proposed ASSP and ANN classifiers have lower detection error and fast convergence rate than conventional Wiener filter and per-pixel ANN methods.
各成员一旦发现客户的财务 运作出现可能与贪腐有关的可疑活动,均负有法律责任根据适用法律加以举报。 但在大多数情况下,亦由於未能掌握进一步的资料,他们可能无 户的交 易是否具体涉及贪腐或与贪腐有关。
Whilst members are legally obliged to report suspicious activity in accordance with applicable laws that may be related to corruption when detected in customers’ financial operations, in most instances and without further information, it may not be possible to detect whether customers' transactions involve or are otherwise linked to corruption.
客 户同意公司可使用或向公司指定代名人或代理人披露客户提供的个人资料或与本协议有关的任何资料,藉此进行 (a) 提供服务给客户、(b) 信贷调查、(c) 市场研究、(d) 刊印电话索引、(e) 收账事务、(f) 预防 行、(g) 根据法律或政府当局所要求披露及(h) 提供紧急服务,而公司有权送交或交付公司或其任何联营公司的产品或服务有关的若干资料给客户。
The Customer agrees that the Company may use or disclose the personal information furnished by the Customer and any information relating to the Agreement to any appointed nominee or agent of the Company for the purpose of (a) provisioning the Services to the Customer, (b) credit reference checks, (c) market research, (d) publication in telephone directory, (e) debt collection, (f) prevention or detection of crime, (g) disclosure as required by law or a government authority or (h) provisioning of emergency services and that the Company shall be entitled to send or otherwise deliver to the Customer certain information in relation to any products or services of the Company or any of its associated company.
假如阁下向敦沛提供授权书,允许其代存邮件或将邮件转交予第三方,那麽阁下便须尽速亲身收取所有 关於阁下的有关帐户的成交单据及结算,并加以详细阅读,以确保可及 任何差异或错误。
If you provide Tanrich with an authority to hold mail or to direct mail to third parties, it is important for you to promptly collect in person all contract notes and statements of the Accounts and review them in detail to ensure that any anomalies or mistakes can bedetected ina timely fashion.
在步骤 3,我们已使用手动删除方法将一些已知的病毒档案删除,但 「Autorun 病毒」的变种日渐增加,我们建议执行一次全系统的病毒扫描,确保一些未知的 病毒档案也可来。
At step 3, we have deleted some known virus files manually, but the variants of “Autorun virus” increase steadily, we suggest to run a full system scan to ensure that some unknown virus files can be undetected.
When systemdetects fan fails, the built-in redundancy mechanism will spin up the functional fan(s) to properly ventilate the system, and support continuous operations until the replacement fan arrives.
除此之外,SN3101所提供的Windows Utility能自域网路(LAN)内所有的SN3101装置,并可立即进行一台或多台SN3101的设定与监控,如此便可轻松地进行大规模的系统建置。
The provided Windows utility auto-discovers all SN3101 units in a local area network (LAN) and permits configuration/monitoring of one or multiple SN3101s at once - mass deployment is simple.
A:为了确保听众所点选的电台皆为可連线电台,我们会不定期台 連线是否成功,一该电台无法連线时则会从清单中移除该电台, 所以当您所设定的我的最爱电台或是最受欢迎电台是无法連线 的狀态时,该电台就会从清单中被移除,避免您点选到无法連线的电台。
Once astation was detectedasunreachable, we will remove it from all station lists, which include My Favorites and Top10 station lists.
同时,学生应注意 到以传统化学测学物种的固有局限,因而明白在化学分析中采用 现代化仪器的好处。
Students should be aware of the limitations inherent in the use of conventional chemical tests in thedetection ofchemical species and hence appreciate the application of modern instruments in chemical analysis.




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