

单词 依洛瓦底

External sources (not reviewed)

作为以 社区为基础的减少灾害风险的一部分,该项目还在遭到纳吉斯气旋严重影响的洛瓦底光地区的八个乡镇发展上述能力。
As a part of communitybased disaster risk reduction, the project is also building such capacity in eight townships severely affected by Cyclone Nargis in theAyeyarwady and Yangon divisions.
力于为实现全面和军而加强多边主义,特别是以可核查、不可逆转和 确切的方式裁减核武器。
Morocco remains committed to strengthening multilateralism for [...]
general and complete disarmament, in particular with regard
to the disarmament of nuclear weapons in a verifiable, irreversible and definitive manner.
到目 前为止,已经向位于洛瓦底光地区九个乡镇的 2 000 所学校分发了 4 000 个备灾资源 包(每所学校分配两个)。
To date 4,000 disaster preparedness resource packs (two for each school) have been delivered to 2,000 schools in nine townships of Ayeyarwady and Yangon divisions.
关于特使工作的政,日的成果 文件(S/2012/523,附件)已经涵盖此问题,国际 [...]
社会所有负责任的成员和叙利亚各方应该以此为指 导。
As far as the political basis for the Special Envoy’s [...]
work is concerned, that is covered by the outcome document of the
Geneva conference (S/2012/523, annex), which all responsible members of the international community, as well as the Syrian parties, should be guided by.
[...] 500 个成员的名单, 从而被视为一个地区性政党,只能在洛瓦底选。
As a consequence, the party was only able to
resubmit a list with just over 500 members and thus is considered a regional party able
[...] to run onlyin Irrawaddy Division.
例如,洛瓦底运输项目提供了一条由云南通往仰光 Thilawa 港的交通路线。
For example, the Ayeyarwaddy Transportation Project provides a transport line from Yunnan to Thilawa Port in Yangon.
摩尔和摩尔多瓦科学院的倡议,预算法规定,国际项目科研 [...]
At the initiativeof the Government and [...]
the Moldovan Science Academy the import of scientific equipment purchases within
the international projects is exempted by budgetary law from customs taxes, which substantially contributes to the update of the scientific and material base.
大约有 47 个村庄会受到 Myitsone 大坝的直接 影响,大坝洪水将迫使这些村庄里预计
[...] 1 万名村民 搬迁,因失去他们一直以来赖以生存的洛瓦底难以生存。
There are approximately 47 villages that will be directly affected by the Myitsone Dam. Flooding from the dam site will displace an estimated 10,000
people from these villages, leading to the loss of livelihood for communities which
[...] traditionally depend onthe Irrawaddy.
The subsea section across the Mediterranean Sea connects Abu Talat, Egypt to Mazara del Vallo, Italy and has been in service since the first quarter of 2012.
各位部长确认不结盟运动在协调其对人道主义援助的立场方面具有重要作 用,为此,他们请协调2006年在行的第14次不结盟运动首脑会 议的决定,使不结盟运动人道主义事务联络小组运转起来,同时考虑建立不结 盟运动人道主义援助工作组,并尽快就这样一个工作组的职权范围进行讨论、 达成协议并做出决定。
The Ministers recognized the importance of the Non-Aligned Movement to coordinate its positions on humanitarian assistance, and in this regard they requested the Coordinating Bureau tooperationalize the NAM Contact Group on humanitarian affairs as decided at the 14th NAM Summit in Havana in 2006 as well as to consider the establishment of a NAM Working Group on humanitarian assistance and to discuss, agree and determine the terms of reference of such a Group as soon as possible.
该项目于 1999 年 10 月动工,施工内 容包括,在八莫(Bhamo)附近建设一个集装箱港,改善新集 装箱港至中国边境 Muse/Lwejel 之间的道路,疏浚洛瓦底确保航道畅通。
The project, which began in October 1999, consists of constructing a container port near Bhamo, upgrading the road from the new container port to Muse/Lwejel on the Chinese border, and dredging the river to secure a vessel lane.
When two emperors divided the Empire, it was not quite according to language; nor were the ecclesiastical divisions more exact, since the great province of Illyricum, including Macedonia and all Greece, was attached to the West through at least a large part of the patristic period, and was governed by the archbishop of Thessalonica, not as its exarch or patriarch, but as papal legate.
据西班牙当局报告,该国大麻脂的缉获量之所以下 降,是因为欧洲的黑市更多源于外的国家的大麻。
According to Spanish authorities, the drop in the amount of cannabis resin
seized was attributable to the illicit
[...] marketin Europerelying more on cannabis originating in countries otherthanMorocco.
[...] Souleymane Diallo (又 名 Suleyman Asisigan)科特钻石的主要买家。
The Group also received confirmation that Souleymane Diallo (also known as Suleyman Asisigan) continues
[...] to be the primary buyerof Ivorian rough diamonds.
领土政府首脑在会上表达了对气候 变化影响该领土的关切,以及目前计划到 2012 年现完再生能 源。
At the Conference, the Head of the Territorial Government voiced his concerns over the
impact of climate change on the Territory and the
[...] ongoing plansto relycompletely on renewable energy by theend of 2012.
根据 2006-2007 年中国电力投资集团公司和 缅甸军阀达成的协议,该公司将在克钦邦境内沿洛瓦底恩梅开江 (N’Mai Hka) 和迈立开江 (Mali Hka) 修建七个大坝群。
In Kachin State, China Power Investment Corporation plans to build seven dams along the Irrawaddy, N’Mai Hka and Mali Hka Rivers according to 2006 and 2007 agreements between the company and the military junta.
危机组织采访,当地非政府组织负责人,仰光,2012 年 9 月;以及“Minorities still neglected, say ethnic MPs”[ 《少数民族议员称,少数民族仍然被忽视》] , The Irrawaddy [《洛瓦底》],2012 年 10 月 4 日。
Crisis Group interview, head of a local NGO, Yangon, September 2012; and “Minorities still neglected, say ethnic MPs”, TheIrrawaddy,4October 2012.
到 2007, 蒙古以及尼日尔和萨(这些国家始终存在资金提供问题)也将完成 其余的检测工作。
By the end of 2007,the remaining pilot tests should be completed in Kenya, Morocco andMongolia as well as in Niger andEl Salvador (where funding [...]
problems persist).
2007 年 5 月,Myitsone 大 坝举行工程启动仪式,该 3,600 兆瓦的大坝坐落在洛瓦底,位于克钦邦境内恩梅开江和迈立开 江的交汇处。
In May 2007, the projectlaunching ceremony was held for the Myitsone Dam. The 3,600 MW Myitsone Dam will be located on the IrrawaddyRiver, at the confluence of the N’Mai Hka and Mali Hka Rivers in Kachin State.
我高兴 地报告,目前已有 15 个联合国机构、50 个国际组织和类似数目的地方非政府组 织在该国开展活动,它们不仅在洛瓦底角洲而且也在缅甸所有地区开展工 作。
I am glad to report that, today, 15 United Nations agencies, 50 international organizations and a similar number of local non-governmental organizations are now operating inside the country and are working not only in theAyeyarwaddy delta, but in all regions of Myanmar.
摩尔多瓦共和国于 2001
[...] 年成立红十字会,它是一个民众的自愿社团,与政 府当局合作约及其附加议定书,在人道主义领域履行辅助职能。
In 2001, the Red Cross Society was established in the Republic of Moldova. The Society represents a voluntary public association which, in cooperation with the public authorities,
carries out auxiliary functions in the humanitarian
[...] field based on the Geneva Conventions, including [...]
the Additional Protocols.
约第一附加议定书第 90 条规定,塞浦路斯声明,对于接受 同样义务的任何其他缔约国,塞浦路斯依照事实并无需特别协定,确认国际实况 调查委员会有权调查此种其他缔约方提出的指控。
Cyprus declares that it recognizesipso facto and without special agreement, in relation to any other high contracting party accepting the same obligation, the competence of the International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission to enquire into allegations by any other such Party, as authorized by article 90 of Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions.
最后,我认为应当在此指出,欧洲议会在最近关于2011年3月9 日土耳其
[...] 耳其人定居点,因为此举会改变该岛的人口平衡,减少土耳其人对以共同的历史 为基础的未来共同国家的效忠”,并应《日》和国际法原则解决 岛上土耳其人的定居问题”。
In closing, I consider it pertinent to note that, among others, the European Parliament, in its recent resolution on Turkey’s 2010 progress report of 9 March 2011, called on Turkey and its subordinate local administration “to refrain from any new settlements of Turkish citizens on the island, as this would continue to change its demographic balance and reduce the allegiance of its citizens to a future common State based on its common past” and to “address the issue of the
settlement of Turkish citizens on the island, in
[...] accordancewith the GenevaConvention and the [...]
principles of international law”.
委内瑞拉玻共和作为在国际社会行动的基础的宪法原则,即 人本主义、合作和人民团结,坚持对和平的承诺,无条件地尊重国际法规范和原 则,没有也永不实施具有域外效力、侵害他国主权和政治独立及人民人权的单方 面措施。
In accordance with the constitutional principles that underpin its actions in the community of nations, namely humanism, cooperation and solidarity among peoples, staunch in its commitment to peace, and guided by its unconditional respect for the norms and principles of international law, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela does not and will not apply unilateral measures with extraterritorial effects that violate the sovereign rights and political independence of other States, as well as the human rights of their people.
阿尔巴尼亚、安哥拉、阿根廷、澳大利亚、孟加拉国、比利时、贝宁、保加利 亚、布基纳法索、布隆迪、中国、刚果、刚果民主共和国、丹麦、吉布提、多米
[...] [...] 尼加共和国、萨尔瓦多、爱沙尼亚、危地马拉、冰岛、印度、爱尔兰、以色列、 意大利、日本、肯尼亚、吉尔吉斯斯坦、马里、波兰、大韩民国、摩尔国、罗马尼亚、卢旺达、塞内加尔、西班牙、泰国、前南斯拉夫的马其 [...]
Subsequently, Albania, Angola, Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Benin, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, China, Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Denmark, Djibouti, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Estonia, Guatemala, Iceland, India, Ireland, Israel,
Italy, Japan, Kenya,
[...] Kyrgyzstan, Mali, Morocco, Poland, the Republic of Korea, the Republic of Moldova, Romania, [...]
Rwanda, Senegal,
Spain, Thailand, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, Ukraine, the United States of America and Zimbabwe joined the co-sponsors.
这其中包 括缅甸首任总统之子、欧盟-缅甸办公室主任韩永
贵;泰国瓦湖发展研究所的研究员,其中数名曾是 某学生武装暴动组织的高级成员;三家最着名的流
[...] 亡媒体组织(缅甸民主之声,密兹玛通讯社 [Mizzima]和洛瓦底社[Irrawaddy ])的编 [...]
辑,他们与缅甸政府就这三家媒体在缅甸国内合法 运作的可能性进行了讨论;国际缅语广播电台(由
英国广播公司[BBC]、美国之音[Voice of America] 和自由亚洲电台[Radio Free Asia ]进行广播)的 代表也与缅甸政府进行了磋商,同时首次在缅甸本 土进行报道。
These have included Harn Yawnghwe, son of Myanmar’s first president and head of the EuroBurma Office; members of the Thailand-based Vahu Development Institute, several of whom had been senior members of an armed student rebel group; the editors of the three most prominent exiled
media organisations (Democratic Voice of
[...] Burma, Mizzima and Irrawaddy),whowere able [...]
to discuss with government the possibility
of operating legally in the country; representatives of international Myanmar-language radio stations (broadcast by the BBC, Voice of America and Radio Free Asia) have also had dis
印度国家水电公司为位于洛 瓦底地亲墩江上 1200 兆瓦的 Tamanthi 多功 能存储项目拟定了初步可行性报告,并似乎有意 参与该项目的后续开发阶段。
NHPC prepared a pre-feasibility report for the 1200 MW Tamanthi multipurpose storage project on the Chindwin River in the Irrawady Basin and seems to be involved in further stages of development.




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