

单词 依次

See also:

according to
depend on
in the light of
comply with or listen to sb.

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 员的选举在全体会议选举大会主席之后立 依次 举 行 的六个主要委员会的会议 中进行。
The elections of the officers of the Main Committees are held in consecutive meetings
of the Main Committees, immediately following the election of the President of the
[...] General Assembly in plenary meeting.
将活塞 柱 (15) 依次插入喉部护圈 (19)、轴承 (16 或 25)和 U 形圈 (17 或 26)。
Insert the displacement rod (15) through the throat retainer (19), bearing (16 or 25), and u-cup (17 or 26).
若要删除存储的测量数据,按下控制盒上的“删 除”按钮,依次从最(新)后存入的数据开始删除。
If want to cancel the stored measuring data, press the cancel button “Delete” on the control box, then the cancellation will begin from the latest stored data in turn.
(8) 如有多於一項就削減同一子目、分目或總目款 額修正案的預告,該等修正案須按照建議削減 款額的大依次列入 立法會議程內,以建議削 減款額最大者居先。
(8) When notice has been given of two or more amendments to reduce the same item, subhead, or head, they shall be placed on the Agenda of the Council in the order of the magnitude of the reductions proposed, the amendments proposing the largest reduction being placed first in each case.
依据所选组合,您依次转入 克隆摘要窗口或更改磁盘布局步骤(请参阅下文)。
Depending on the selected combination, you will proceed to either the cloning summary window, or the Change disc layout step (see below).
又就各類公共政策來說,4月下旬的另一次調查發現,在25個政策議題之中,市民最關注的11個議題,由1至10的優 次 序 依次 為 : 1)增加就業機會、紓緩失業問題,2)提升政府執政能力,3)改善空氣質素,4)改革公營醫療系統,5)貧窮問題,6)改善行政立法之間的關係,7)在小學推行小班教學,8)改革綜援制度,9)舊區重建,10)實行中央屠宰家禽及為巴士票價訂立一個可加可減機制。
Besides, in terms of various kinds of public policies, another survey in late April showed that, among the 25 issues, the 11
issues which people are most concerned
[...] with, in the priority from 1 to 10, are 1) increasing [...]
job opportunities and alleviating
the unemployment problem, 2) lifting the leading ability of the government, 3) improving air quality, 4) improving public health mechanism, 5) poverty problem, 6) improving relations between the executive and legislative branches, 7) implementing small-class teaching in primary schools, 8) reforming the CSSA system. 9) re-developing old districts, 10) setting up a centralized slaughtering system for poultry and "up and down" bus fare adjustment mechanism.
如須填補的空缺有兩個或以上,當選者則會是取得最高票數的候選 人,然依次是按得票多寡定出第二名當選者,以此類推,直至所有 席位空缺都已填補為止。
In the case of two or more vacancies, the candidates elected would be the candidate that obtained the highest number of votes followed by the candidate with the second highest number of votes, and so on, until all vacancies were filled.
指定最后一个分区大小之后通常没有可用空间,因此,请将所 有未分配空间分配至第二个分区 依次 单 击接受和下一步。
Usually there is no free space
after the last partition, so allocate all the unallocated
[...] space to the second partition, click [...]
Accept and then click Next.
[...] 教育阶段――幼儿园、小学、中学――的核心课程,包括语文、音乐、舞蹈,在核 心课程之外依次进行 体育、美术及设计课程。
In pursuance of the Organization of Education Act, royal decrees have been issued laying down minimum educational content in the three stages of schooling - pre-primary, primary and secondary, thus establishing the basic elements of the syllabi for the teaching of
languages, music and the dance and as a step in
[...] the general organization of teaching [...]
of sports, plastic arts and design.
这是本条款草案的另一项关键规定 依次 排 在根据条约本身的第 4 和第 5 条 进行的调查之后。
It is another key provision of the present draft articles, and follows, in sequence, the investigation undertaken on the basis of the treaty itself, pursuant to articles 4 and 5.
贩毒分子将大麻脂运到加拿 大所使用的路线似乎发生了重大变化:2008 年,加拿大查出的三个大麻脂主要 来源国被认依次为牙 买加、摩洛哥和印度;但是,2009 年,上述三国被莫桑 比克、巴基斯坦和阿富汗取代。
The routes used by traffickers to ship cannabis resin to Canada appeared to have undergone significant changes: in 2008, the three main countries of origin of the cannabis resin found in Canada were identified as Jamaica, Morocco and India (in that order); in 2009, however, those countries were replaced by Mozambique, Pakistan and Afghanistan.
您的初始級別是 Acronis 授權合作夥伴(入門級),往依次 是 銀 牌、金牌和白金級別。
You begin as an Acronis Authorized Partner (entry level) and can then move up to Silver, Gold and Platinum levels.
在 328 家参与调查的企业中,聘用外籍员工比例最高的行 依次 为 制 造业 (25.9%)、批发与零售业(22.6%)、建筑业(21.3%),其余的 30.2%来自运 输与仓储业、酒店与餐饮业、教育,医疗保健与社会服务领域、房地产与租赁领 域、专业、科学与技术行业、金融与保险业、资讯通信业和其他行业。
Among the 328 respondents of the survey, the highest proportion of foreign workers were hired in manufacturing (25.9%), wholesale and retail trade (22.6%), and construction (21.3%), while the remaining 30.2% were from transport and storage, hotels and restaurants, education, health and social work, real estate, rental & leasing activities, professional, scientific & technical activities, financial & insurance activities, information & communications and other sectors.
另一方面,56%滿意當地電力的服務質素,至於被訪澳門市民對巴士、電話及自來水服務質素的滿意比率, 依次 為 46 %、45%及38%。
On the other hand, 56% were satisfied with the service quality of electricity supply, whereas the satisfaction levels of bus, telephone and water supply services were 46%, 45% and 38% correspondingly.
就礦物組成而 言,礦石於垂直分帶的分佈情況如下:上盤黃鐵礦侵入體的下 依次 為 塊狀重晶石-方鉛礦-閃鋅礦、閃鋅礦及含重晶石的黃鐵礦-方鉛礦、黃鐵礦-黃 銅礦-閃鋅礦及黃銅礦-黃鐵礦;下盤則包含黃鐵礦脈浸染狀礦化物。
In terms of mineral composition the ores express the following vertical zoning: in the hanging wall pyrite impregnation is consecutively underlain by massive barite-galena-sphalerite, sphalerite and pyritegalena with barite, pyrite-chalcopyrite-sphalerite and chalcopyrite-pyrite ores in the lower part; the footwall contains pyrite vein-disseminated mineralisation.
定義這個運動具有極高的精確依次 激 活位於轉子下,僅落後於盒底的槓桿,通過齒輪系,並指示兩針。
This movement defined with extreme precision in turn activates a lever located under the rotor, just behind the bottom of the box, and directs two needles through a gear train.
排在亚洲之后依次 是非 洲(7%以上)和拉丁美洲及加勒比地区(3.6%)。
Asia is followed by Africa (more than [...]
7 percent), and Latin America and the Caribbean (3.6 percent).
在对某一提案提出 了两项或两项以上修正案时,会议应先表决主席认为内容实质与原提案相 去最远的修正案,再表决与原提案次远的修正案 依次 类 推 ,直至所有修 正案均付诸表决为止。
When two or more amendments to a proposal are moved, the Meeting shall first vote on the amendment deemed by the chairperson to be furthest removed in substance from the original proposal, and then on the amendment next furthest removed therefrom and so on, until all the amendments have been put to the vote.
如需要,助剂加次序依次为: 消泡剂,硬化剂,哑光剂,稀释 剂。
As needed, auxiliaries should be added in the following sequence: defoamer, hardener, matting agent or thinner.
最受欢迎的专依次是: 烹饪(占录取学生总人数的 15.7%)、汽车修理(占 学生总人数的 9.5%)、泥工和焊工(分别占 7.9%和 6.9%)、IT 专家(占 5.2%)、气 体管道工和木工(各占 4.9% )。
The most popular qualifications are of: cook (15.7%, out of the total matriculated students), car mechanic (9.5%), plasterer and stitcher (7.9%, and 6.9% respectively), IT specialist (5.2%), gas-pipeline mechanic, and carpenter (4.9% each).
从产量看,亚洲的水产养殖主要为有鳍鱼类(64.6%), 接下依次为软 体类(24.2%)、甲壳类(9.7%)和杂项水产类(1.5%)。
In terms of volume, Asian aquaculture is dominated by finfishes (64.6 percent), followed by molluscs (24.2 percent), crustaceans (9.7 percent) and miscellaneous species (1.5 percent).
[...] 论结束之后举行,而且在大会常会期间,第一委员会及特别政治和非殖化委员会(第 四委员会)不应同时开会,可考依次 开 会
The General Committee may also wish to bring to the attention of the General Assembly that the Main Committees shall meet in substantive session only after the end of the general debate and that the First Committee and the Special Political and Decolonization Committee (Fourth Committee)
shall not meet simultaneously
[...] and may consider meeting in a sequential [...]
manner during the regular session of the General Assembly.
线性聚合物是重复的结构单元按一定顺 依次 首 尾 连接得到的聚合物。
A linear polymer is composed of a single
[...] main chain of repeating units, linked [...]
in a regular end to tail fashion.
当 x4 设备通过 USB 电缆连接到 PC,并且 x4 控制应用程序激活时,所有三个指示灯 依次 闪 烁, 以帮助确定正在控制哪个装置。
When the x4 device is connected to a PC by a USB cable and the x4 Control application is active, then all three lights flash in turn to help to identify which unit is being controlled.
涵盖面最大的非洲 (7 项)、依次是亚洲及太平洋区域(3 项)、阿拉伯国家(2 [...]
项)、欧洲和中亚(2 项) 和拉丁美洲(1 项)(见下图)。
The greatest coverage was in
[...] Africa (7), followed by the Asia [...]
and Pacific region (3); Arab States (2); Europe and Central
Asia (2); and Latin America (1) (see figure below).
Module can in turn use to create yourRequired from the customer desktop applications , to the FTP server , to Web services , and so on.
地层包括新元古代石灰岩,上依次 为 下 泥盆纪至上泥盆纪火山沉积岩层序,有中泥盆纪和上泥盆纪Khatanbulag侵入杂岩体侵入。
The stratigraphy consists of Neoproterozoic Limestone and quartzite, trusting over the Lower to Upper Devonian volcano-sedimentary sequences and intruded by Middle to Upper Devonian Khatanbulag intrusive complex.
2003 年,票房收入排在前 10 位的影依次是上海永华电影城(2746 万元)、北京华星国际影城 [...]
(2429 万元)、上海环艺影城(2309 万元)、浙江庆春电影大世界(1868 万元)、四川王府 井电影城(1637 万元)、广州中华广场电影城(1533
万元)、广东天河影城(1531 万元)、 上海超级电影世界(1515 万元)、深圳新南国电影城(1458 万元)、浙江翠苑电影大世界(1334 万元)11 ,这些影院都是集中在中国经济最发达地区的新建和改造的现代化和多厅化影院。
In terms of box office revenue, the
[...] top 10 cinemas in 2003 were Paradise [...]
Warner Cinema City (Shanghai) (RMB27.46 million),
UME International Cineplex (Beijing) (RMB24.29 million), StudioCityCinema (Shanghai) (RMB23.09 million), Qingchun Film World of Zhejiang (Zhejiang) (RMB18.68 million), Wangfujing Film City (Sichuan) (RMB16.37 million), China Plaza Cinema (Guangzhou) (RMB15.33 million), Tianhe Cinema (Guangzhou) (RMB15.31 million), Shanghai Cinema World (Shanghai) (RMB15.15 million), New South Movie City (Shenzhen) (RMB14.58 million) and Cuiyuan Movies World of Zhejiang (Zhejiang) (RMB13.34 million).11 All these cinemas are newly built or refurbished modern multiplexes located in the most economically developed areas in China.
[...] 支配收入价值较高)最高,尾随其后 依次 是 奥 布瓦尔登州和格 拉鲁斯州,而城市各州如巴塞尔城市半州和日内瓦州则是实际可 [...]
支配收入最低的地区 (图 69)。
The canton of Appenzell Innerrhoden has the
[...] highest real disposable income (high [...]
RDI value) ahead of Obwalden and Glarus,
while the urban cantons of Basel-Stadt and Geneva are at the other end of the scale (Fig. 69).
按行业分析:对工业产值贡献最大的是食品、饮料和烟酒业,占工业产值 的 15.4%,其依次为冶 金与金属制品业(13.8%)和交通运输材料业(12%)。
By branch, the activity with the greatest contribution to the turnover of the industrial sector was that of food, beverages and tobacco, accounting for 15.4 per cent of the total, followed by metallurgy and metal manufactures (13.8 per cent) and transport goods (12 per cent).




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