

单词 依样画葫芦

See also:

画画 n

paint n


calabash or bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria)
generic term for block and tackle (or parts thereof)

External sources (not reviewed)

摩洛哥政府已经审查了切花、香蕉、草莓、番茄、青豆 葫芦 科 行业的消费数据, 并且确信数据是正确的。
The Government of Morocco has reviewed the consumption data
identified in the cut flower, banana, strawberry, tomato,
[...] green beans and cucurbits sectors and is [...]
confident that it is correct.
还需要做许多工作来促进补充的系统,能够沿供应链在来源控制和防 止食品安全危害,降低对终端产品的 样 和 测试 的 依 赖。
Much still needs to be done to promote complementary systems that will enable the control and prevention of
food safety hazards at the source along the supply chain
[...] and decrease the reliance on end-product sampling and testing.
此 STD 双环葫芦也适合用在低矮的房间 内,这得益于它的低净空。
The STD dual chain hoist is also suitable [...]
for low-ceilinged rooms thanks to its low headroom.
我們當然不是要政府全部模 仿外國,我們也明白其他國家的一套是不可 依 樣 葫 蘆 搬 到香港。
We too understand that the approach adopted by other countries may not be applied to Hong Kong without adjustment.
朋友间可以用金属吸管(西班牙称bombilla,葡萄牙称BOMBA) 葫芦 中 (也称为一个guampa或队友在西班牙,或在葡萄牙cabaca或cuia)中共同享用。
Drinking mate with friends from
[...] a shared hollow gourd (also called a [...]
guampa or mate in Spanish, or cabaca or cuia in Portuguese)
with a metal straw (a bombilla in Spanish, bomba in Portuguese) is a common social practice in South America.
(b) 关于淘汰青豆葫芦科生 产中用作土壤熏蒸剂的甲基溴的最终项目,最初提 交的费用总额为 1,506,093 美元,外加给予工发组织的 89,707 美元和给予意 大利政府的 40,300 美元。
(b) A terminal project for the phase-out of MB used as a soil fumigant in the production of green beans and cucurbits, originally submitted at a total cost of US $1,506,093 plus agency support costs of US $89,707 for UNIDO and US $40,300 for the Government of Italy.
依序的画面与画面影像近似,而污痕的位 置是随机的,因此可利用这技术来进行处理。
Since images in a sequence are similar frame to frame, and the position of dust is random, this technique works well.
正如《2002—2007 年中期战略》(31 C/4)中指出的那样,本组织在其所有计划中将 重点放在了最不发达国家的需要和要求上,尤其是“以弱势群体(妇女和青年)为对象,并 确定有利于他们的具体行动;传播可替代传统正规教育之解决办法的成功例子 依样 去 做 ; 鼓励使用科学和技术来改善最不发达国家的物质生活条件;利用文化作为同贫困现象作斗争 的杠杆(促进艺术创作、发展文化产业知识产权);促进最不发达国家开发和利用各种信息 和传播技术”。
As stated in its Medium-Term Strategy for 2002-2007 (31 C/4) the Organization is firmly committed to mainstreaming throughout all its programmes the needs and requirements of the LDCs, in particular by “targeting the most disadvantaged groups (women and youth) and identifying specific actions for them; spreading and replicating successful examples of alternatives to traditional formal education; encouraging the use of science and technology in order to improve material living conditions in the LDCs; using culture as a political lever for poverty alleviation (promoting artistic creation, developing cultural industries and intellectual property rights); and fostering the development of LDCs and their access to ICTs”.
这种情况加深了公 司和国家相互之间的经济依赖,即带来全球化的风险,也带来全球化的利益,使 贸易决策更多地从进出口监管转化为促进在全球经济中的竞争力和出口 样 化,依然需 要解决诸如关税等等的贸易政策“老”问题。
This deepened the economic interdependence of firms and countries, raised both the risks and rewards of globalization, and transformed trade policymaking from the regulations of imports and exports more to the promotion of competitiveness and export diversification in a global economy, although there was still a need to work on “old” trade policy issues such as tariffs.
在violinadas不仅仅是一个损失,造成了巨大的心理打击,这是一个事实,人们更害怕被冷落的牛市比失去金钱和violinada就是 样 , 购 买资产 画 上 了句号损失(例如,如果你开始下降,与小的损失),该资产下降,将触发我们的止损,在操作,然后“像火箭备份,留给我们的伤害,和非高峰。
More than just a loss, in the violinadas cause a huge psychological blow, it is a fact that people are more afraid of being left out of the bull market than losing money and violinada is just that, buy an asset, put a stop loss (ie if you start falling left the operation with a small loss) and the asset falls, will just trigger our stop, taking in the operation and then goes back up like a rocket, leaving us with the injury, and off-peak.
2000年11月,贝克索参演了实况音乐俱乐部——巴比伦俱乐部在伊斯坦布尔举行的舞台表演,她加入了一个打击乐队,身着自行绘制的透明服装的她为观众呈现了一道丰富多彩的艺术大餐,从诗歌到演唱、 画 , 再 到戏剧 样样 精 彩
In a stage performance at the live music club Babylon club in Istanbul in November 2000, she joined a percussion group and
performed in a wide spectrum of the arts— from poetry to singing to
[...] drawing to drama—in a transparent self-painted costume.
[...] 和 2料(图1)拌匀后,放入3料西葫芦( 图 2),用一木勺顺一个方向边搅拌边加入4料的水,搅拌80下至馅上劲(图3)。
1: Zucchini and pork filling: Combine all ingredients of Ingredient 1)
to 3) in a bowl, and mix well (picture 1).
[...] Add shredded zucchini (picture 2) [...]
and stir in one direction for 3 minutes with
a wooden spoon, slowly adding 5-6 tbsp cold water until the mixture becomes sticky (picture 3).
其特点是可以 自由选择吊钩葫芦之间 的间距,将大体积的重物或者大包提升 葫芦 的 上极 限位置而不会受到小车葫芦本身或链条盒的干涉。
Its special feature is the free
choice of the distance
[...] between chain hoist and load hook which makes lifting bulky loads or Big Bags up to top hook position possible without hindering edges such as trolley, chain hoist or chain box.
它可以让你下载任何视频从50 +在线视频共享网站YouTube上葫芦,VI MEO,VEVO,土豆网,优酷,ABC和BBC等与一个单一的点击:点击下载按钮出现在顶部的视频。
It lets you download any video from 50+ online video sharing sites like YouTube, Hulu, Vimeo, VEVO, Dailymotion, Metacafe, ABC and BBC with a single click: click the Download button that appears on the top of the video.
有了它,你可以下载来自50多个在线视频共享网站如YouTube上,VEVO,VIM EO , 葫芦 , 断 裂,Metacafe和更多的网络视频。
With it, you can download web video from over 50 online video sharing sites like YouTube, VEVO, Vimeo, Hulu, Break, Metacafe and more.
缔约方会议在第1/CP.16 号决定第51
[...] 段请秘书处安排举行研讨会,以了解发 展中国家缔约方所提交的缓解行动的 样 性 、 所 依 据 的 假设以及采取这些行动所 需的任何支助,同时注意到发展中国家缔约方的不同国情和各自能力。
The Conference of the Parties (COP), by its decision 1/CP.16, paragraph 51, requested
the secretariat to organize workshops
[...] to understand the diversity of mitigation actions [...]
submitted by developing country Parties,
underlying assumptions and any support needed for the implementation of these actions, noting different national circumstances and the respective capabilities of these Parties.
儘管有上述種種批評,但司長竟然完全不予理會,在制訂今年的 預算案時還依樣畫葫蘆,再來一次,於是便引起很多市民的不滿。
Since the Financial Secretary has completely ignored the above criticisms and he adopts the same measure again this year when he works out the Budget, many people are discontented.
另一种意见认为,与其像特别报告员所做的 样 , 依 据 这 样 的 前提,即认 为国家官员一般享有豁免,然后考虑例外情况,而是应当采取相反的做法,依 据这样的前提:人人应该平等对待,不论是国家首脑还是公民个人。
According to another view, instead of starting from the premise that, as a general rule, State officials generally enjoyed immunity, and then consider exceptions as the Special Rapporteur had done, a reverse approach that starts from the premise that everyone should be treated equally regardless of whether one was a Head of State or a private citizen should be followed.
拼接液晶屏,采用专业的DID显示技术,亮度高达700cd/㎡,并拥有极高的亮度均匀性;对比度高达3000:1;10000K的色温,即使在阳光 依 然 完 美显示 画 面 清 晰亮丽;色彩饱和度及还原度高;支持VGA~UXGA、WXGA区间高分辨率信号;拥有双方向178度超宽广视角。
Mosaic LCD screen, a professional DID display technology, brightness of up to 700cd/ ©O, and has high brightness uniformity; contrast up to 3000:1; 10000K color temperature,
even in the sunlight still perfect
[...] display, clear bright screen; the color saturation [...]
and high reduction degree; support
for VGA¡« UXGA, WXGA interval high resolution signal double direction 178 degrees; with super wide angle.
正如许多代表在 2006 年辩论会(第 5474 次会议) 上正确指出的样,依照《宪章》的条款实行制裁并 且使其具有高度合法性,是极为重要的。
As many rightly pointed out during the debate in 2006 (5474th meeting), it is of the utmost importance that sanctions are adopted in accordance with the provisions of the Charter and that they have a high degree of legitimacy.
朝珠由108颗珠贯串而成,每隔27粒串入一颗大珠,义为“佛头”,与垂于胸前正中一粒佛头相对的一粒大珠称为“佛头塔”,由佛头塔缀黄绦,中穿背云,末端坠 葫芦 形 佛 嘴。
Beads by the 108 beads and cuts across and into every 27 tablets series into a larger bead, meaning "Buddha-heads", in chests midway down and a grain of the Buddha's head opposite big beads are called
"Buddha's head Tower", yellow sash from the Buddha's head Tower prefix, put back in,
[...] falling at the end of a gourd-shaped mouth.
2.链条:更高强度的链条;对口处焊接精细,经过中频感应淬火处理符合ISO3007-1984国际标准链条技术要求;适应突发超重作业;手拉链手感更好;改变普 葫芦 只 能 垂直向下拉,能从多方向、呈45°角拉拽,适应范围更大。
2. Chain: More the high strength chain; The contra-aperture place solders the specification meticulous , handling by that intermediate frequency induction quenches to accord with ISO3007-1984 international standard chain; Fit in with dash forward sending out superheavy school assignment; Hand zip
fastener handle is much better; Change
[...] the average bottle gourd can only perpendicularity [...]
downward play, can assume 45' angles
from much direction, play drag, accommodation is bigger.
居住在成都的华裔即兴演奏家、作曲家、街头音乐家李带 果,以擅长演奏众多乐器闻名,他擅长和常用的乐器有:小提琴,中提琴,大提琴,
[...] 琵琶,南音琵琶,胡琴(包括二胡,四胡,板胡),长笛(箫,南箫 [也叫尺八 ] , 葫芦 丝 , 口笛和巴乌),MBIRA (津巴布韦手指琴),克林巴琴和单簧管。
Current Chengdu resident, American Chinese improvisor, composer and street musician Li Daiguo, has been known  to play violin, viola, cello, pipa, nanyin pipa, huqin (including erhu, sihu,banhu
erxuan), flute (xiao, nan-xiao [also called
[...] shakuhachi], hulusi, koudi and bawu), [...]
the Zimbabwean mbira, kalimba and clarinet.
主席先生,遇有法例被濫用的情況,本局全體議員就有責任去改善法例,但不是由 於其他國家已這樣做我們就依樣葫 蘆 ,因為每個社會皆有其獨特情況。
Mr President, it behoves all of us in this council to improve the law where there is abuse, but not to do so because other countries do so, as each community has their own peculiarities.
整体和局部的分隔都是属于表现的,局部在整体中的风格也不同(如:从右到左,第一张,有一个女人从大楼里探头出来收衣服的一段画面和后面的画面的风格全然不同,而它却是 画样 式 的 ,后面的第二画幅确实纯粹表现主义的)。
There are some local variations in style (e.g. the first image reading from the right, the picture of a woman sticking her head out of the window to fetch the washing in is completely different, in a cartoon style, while the next two images are pure expressionist).
[...] “原始数据”,与“存储波形”的计算结果可显示在同 画 面 中, 这 样就 可通过窗口效果在显示的同时确认频谱波形,提高分析时的操作性。
Furthermore, the display of “Raw Data” obtained by measurement with the MEM function and
the calculation results of “Storage
[...] Waveform” on the same screen allows you to view [...]
the effect of the window function and
the spectrum waveform on the same window, thus greatly enhancing operability for analysis.
采取的策略包括在 高生物样性领域进行画红线 ’投资、对环境敏感 性行业制定行业指引 (例如,荷兰合作银行对棕榈油 和大豆制定了有关生物多样性影响的具体要求)、不 对银行缺乏专业知识的行业进行融资以及与借款人 合作改善其环境表现和减轻损害10。
Strategies employed include ‘red-lining’ investments in areas of high biodiversity, developing sector guidelines for environmentally sensitive sectors (for example, Rabobank has specific requirements regarding impacts on biodiversity for palm oil and soya), refraining from financing sectors in which a bank lacks specialist knowledge, and working with borrowers to improve their environmental performance and to mitigate harm15.
虽然通过动画制作磨炼了自己很多的绘画技术,但我个人的绘画风格则受到胡德森•里 画 派 这 样 的 老 学派、浪漫主义以及欧洲象征主义者创作的富丽堂皇的舞台布景的影响;还有桑多菲(Sandorfi)、贝克辛斯基 (Beksinski)、乌加特(Ugarte)等当代艺术家以及法国法国浪漫主义艺术先驱(LES Visionnaires)也在其中。
Even though animation has helped me a lot in practicing my skills, my personal style is influenced by old schools like the Hudson River School, The Romantics and the European Symbolists for their grandiose, theatrical scenery; my style has also been shaped by contemporary artists like Sandorfi, Beksinski, Ugarte and The Visionaries (Les Visionnaires) in France.




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