单词 | 依旧 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 依旧 —stillless common: as before See also:依—according to • depend on • in the light of • comply with or listen to sb. 旧 n—former n 旧—worn (with age)
挑战依旧很大,尤其在 D-1 这一级别,妇女所占比例为 23%。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The challenge remains significant, [...] particularly at the D-1 level, where women represent 23%. unesdoc.unesco.org |
机器设计结构紧凑,即使在浇注段很短的情况 下依旧能良好运作。 kuenkel-wagner.com | The compact design of the machine also allows the operation at short casting lines. kuenkel-wagner.com |
欧洲联盟在上一年启动了其《贸易援助战 略》,现在它依旧承诺继续提高这一机制的质量和数 [...] 量,并且呼吁所有其他捐助方也采取类似行动。 daccess-ods.un.org | Having launched its own Aid for Trade Strategy the previous year, the [...] European Union remained committed to [...]improving the quality and quantity of that [...]mechanism and called on all other donors to take similar action. daccess-ods.un.org |
秘书长关 [...] 于联合国西非办事处活动的最新报告(见 S/2011/811) 指出,这两个次区域依旧是可卡因贩运和合成药物生 产的首选地。 daccess-ods.un.org | The latest report of the Secretary-General on the activities of the United Nations Office [...] for West Africa (see [...] S/2011/811) points out that the two subregions continue to be a preferred [...]area for trafficking in [...]cocaine and the production of synthetic drugs. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管全球金融危机使国家经济遇到了困难,保障人的社会和经济权 利 依旧 是国家政策的优先方向。 daccess-ods.un.org | Despite the difficulties encountered by the national economy as a result of the [...] world financial crisis, securing the social and economic rights [...] of individuals remains a priority of [...]government policy. daccess-ods.un.org |
发展中国家在更便宜的劳力支持下, 依旧 通 过不太复杂的转化方式进行 加工,例如切片、盐腌、罐装、干制和发酵。 fao.org | Supported by cheaper labour, in developing countries, processing is still done through less sophisticated methods of transformation, such as filleting, salting, canning, drying and fermentation. fao.org |
深感震惊于每年仍然布设的地雷(水雷)数目,以及地雷(水雷)和战争遗留爆 炸物虽然在减少,但由于武装冲突之故,其数量和贻害面 积 依旧 很 大 ,因此仍然 深信国际社会的当务之急是加大地雷行动力度,以期尽快消除地雷和战争遗留爆 炸物对平民造成的威胁 daccess-ods.un.org | Deeply alarmed by the number of mines that continue to be laid each year as well as the presence of a decreasing but still very large number of, and area of square kilometres infested by, mines and explosive remnants of war as a result of armed conflicts, and therefore remaining convinced of the necessity and urgency of strengthening mine-action efforts by the international community with a view to eliminating the threat of landmines and explosive remnants of war to civilians as soon as possible daccess-ods.un.org |
在大城市中,商店、餐厅和公共交通工具在公共节假 日 依旧 照 常 运营。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | In larger cities, shops, restaurants and public transport generally continue to operate on public holidays. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
2010 年 11 [...] 月以来恢复工作的法庭/肯尼亚警察联合工作队对重要逃犯 Félicien Kabuga 的抓捕工作依旧进展缓慢。 daccess-ods.un.org | The work of the joint Tribunal-Kenya Police [...] Task Force, reactivated since November 2010, in respect of the tracking of the key [...] fugitive Félicien Kabuga remains slow. daccess-ods.un.org |
确认,虽然中等收入国家取得了成就作出了努力,但相当多的人仍生活在贫 穷之中,不平等现象依旧存在,要减少这些不平等现象,就必须在社会服务和经 济机会方面加大投入, 又确认中等收入国家为应对其特有挑战和满足其人民的需要业已采取的行 动,意识到需要作出进一步国际努力,以在这方面向中等收入国家提供支持 daccess-ods.un.org | Recognizing that, despite the achievements and efforts of middle-income countries, a significant number of people are still living in poverty and inequalities remain, and that further investment in social services and economic opportunities are needed in order to reduce those inequalities, Recognizing also the actions that middle-income countries have taken to address their particular challenges and the needs of their people, and recognizing the need for further international efforts to support middle-income countries in this regard daccess-ods.un.org |
国内价格高于国外价格,但消费者的购买 欲 依旧 强 烈:朗标的研究表明,同款的手袋在中国的零售价格会高于欧洲或者北美地区约30%-80%。 labbrand.com | Chinese domestic prices are higher than foreign markets but purchase intention is strong: Labbrand’s research showed that for a given model of luxury bag, China retail price is generally 30% - 80% more expensive than Europe or North America. labbrand.com |
如果欧洲没有显著的措施解决其财政危机,美国财政政策改革停滞不前,并且中国仍然经济增长缓慢,那么可以预见,业务投资的步伐 将 依旧 缓 慢。 emerson.com | With no apparent path to resolving the European financial crisis, looming fiscal policy changes in the U.S., and slower growth in China, the pace of business investment is expected to remain tepid. emerson.com |
一些代表认为,34 C/5 草案提出的 7 项工作重点太多了,不应该“依 旧”照搬。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Some delegates remarked that the seven MLAs proposed in draft document 34 C/5 were too numerous and should not be renewed “as is”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
实际上,根据这份报告,不同族群之间的政治局 势依 旧紧张,《代顿和平协定》遭遇某些领导人的阻力, [...] 他们想要加强其实体的自治权,在情况允许时走向独 立,而另外一些人则要求建立以克族为多数民族的第 三个实体。 daccess-ods.un.org | Indeed, according to the report, [...] the political situation between the [...] different communities remains tense, and the [...]Dayton Peace Agreement is coming up against [...]the desire of some leaders to strengthen the autonomy of their entity and to move towards independence, circumstances allowing, while others call for the creation of a third entity with a Croat majority. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会感到关切的是,一些群体特别是少数民族的失业率持续高于其他工 人,而且他们依旧从事着低收入工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee is concerned that the unemployment rate of some groups, especially ethnic minorities, continues to be higher than that of other workers, and that they continue to be employed in low paid jobs. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管双方的行为模式依旧如故 ,但冲突的暴力程度 在 2011 年升级到前所未有的程度。 crisisgroup.org | While the pattern of behaviour of the two sides remained familiar, the conflict escalated to an unprecedented level of violence in 2011. crisisgroup.org |
尽管欧洲问题重重,但欧元依旧强劲,年底以高于 1.33 美元收盘。 在我的第七个预测中,我认为,许多货币会从主要发达国家中进行的快速货币扩张政策中受益,我例举了新加坡元和澳元、韩元以及斯堪的纳维亚货币将 成为受益者。 china.blackstone.com | In spite of Europe’s problems the euro was strong and closed the year above $1.33. In my seventh Surprise I thought a number of currencies would benefit from the rapid monetary expansion going on in the major developed countries and I cited the Singapore and Australian dollars, the Korean won and the Scandinavian currencies as beneficiaries. blackstone.com |
对所有这些依旧对上 帝保持忠诚之心的 人,我们想起使徒保罗的话:“现今就是该 趁早睡醒的时候,因为我们得救,现今比初 信的时候更近了。 thestudiesinthescriptures.com | To all such whose hearts are still loyal to the Lord, we call in the words of the Apostle Paul, “It is high time to awake out of sleep; for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. thestudiesinthescriptures.com |
不幸的是,仍有许多国家为从危机中爬出来 , 依旧 执 行 甚至强化已 经失败的政策。 daccess-ods.un.org | Unfortunately, many [...] countries have relied on a repetition [...]and intensification of failed policies to try to climb out of the crisis. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,对最不发达国家有利的重 大市场准入措施在多哈回合中继续受阻,最大的原因是发达国家和新兴经济体在 其他问题的政策方面依旧存在分歧。 daccess-ods.un.org | Yet, important market access measures of benefit to least developed countries remain blocked within the Doha Round, essentially because of policy disagreements between developed and emerging economies on other matters. daccess-ods.un.org |
有评论员关注到选举委员会的人数和选民基础太小,以及在普选行政长官 时,行政长官候选人的提名程序依旧 不 明。 daccess-ods.un.org | Some commentators expressed concerns that the size and the electorate base of the Election Committee are small and the nomination [...] procedures for Chief Executive candidates when universal suffrage for the Chief Executive [...] is implemented remain unclear. daccess-ods.un.org |
该组织的资金依旧来源 于个人和基金会,并且 越来越多地来源于犹太联盟团体。 daccess-ods.un.org | The organization’s funding continues to come from individuals, foundations and, increasingly, the Jewish Federation community. daccess-ods.un.org |
如此前所报告,低成本、大规模耕种 的发展前景虽然依旧十分 遥远,但已有越来越多的农民为赚取更多收入而参与生 态旅游业活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | As previously reported, the prospect of lower-cost, large-scale farming developing still appears distant, but a growing number of farmers are engaging in ecotourism in order to generate more income. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管国际社会、各国政府和地方当局作出了这些 努力,但种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相关不容 忍行为依旧存在,并继续导致侵犯人权行为和暴力现 象,使人们遭受痛苦和处于劣势。 daccess-ods.un.org | Despite these efforts undertaken by the international community, Governments and local authorities, the scourge of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance persists and continues to result in violations of human rights, suffering, disadvantage and violence. daccess-ods.un.org |
喀土穆积极力求减少中国政府与南苏丹的接触,控制 中国对其国内政治动态的看法,起初是在内战期间,但 后来在《全面和平协议》签署后依旧 如 此。 crisisgroup.org | Khartoum actively worked to curtail Beijing’s contact with the South and control Chinese perceptions of domestic political dynamics, first during the war but also after the signing of the CPA. crisisgroup.org |
法国虽在承认在妇 女享有权利方面取得了重大进展,然而却仍然指出,家庭暴力的程 度 依旧 令 人极 感震惊,而打击侵害妇女暴力行为的单位在惩治侵害妇女的暴力行为方面似乎不 太有效,因为警官对暴力侵害行为不大接受。 daccess-ods.un.org | While acknowledging the significant progress made in the area of the rights of women, France added that domestic violence was still at a very alarming level and the units of fighting violence against women seemed not to be very effective due to the lack of receptivity of the police officers on this subject. daccess-ods.un.org |
在一客户连续使用446天后,SynStron干 网 依旧 保 持 了原接缝强度的72%。 voith.com | After being used by a customer for 446 days, the SynStron dryer fabric still had 72% of its original seam strength. voith.com |
品牌拥有的是一种极大的权益倾向,如果经营管理的好,我们可以预料,Mooney的这一举措是十分明智的,他将自己本身的品牌权益转向新的产品线,而与此同时,人 们 依旧 将 Di sney这一品牌与奢侈以及创意牢牢结合。 labbrand.com | Even though recent consumers spending might have decreased, Disney move seems to be rather smart: the brand carries a huge equity along and if well managed it is likely to assume that a wise Mooney will be transferring this equity to the new lines while having people think about them as the embodiment of luxury and creativity. labbrand.com |
我们知道即使科技在不断发展,您也 许 依旧 需 要 保留住几年前的代码,然后为您的用户完成新的工作。 evget.com | We know that even as technology moves [...] forward, you may still need to maintain [...]code built years before - and do new things with it for your users. evget.com |
澳大利亚与中国或许存在着很多差异,但是,双方 间 依旧 拥 有 部分重要的共通性:我们都面临供水与配水的问题,我们的发展都严重依赖 于对煤炭的使用,以及我们都致力于深刻理解并应对重大的国际问题(比如气候变化与粮食安全问题)。 australiachina.com.au | Although Australia and China may differ in many respects, we also have some important common links: our water supply and distribution issues, our heavy reliance on coal to fuel growth and our commitment to understand and confront global issues of importance, such as climate change and food security. australiachina.com.au |