

单词 依托

See also:

according to
depend on
in the light of
comply with or listen to sb.

thanks to
be entrusted with
rest (e.g. arm rest)
hold in one's hand
support in one's palm
support (for weight)
act as trustee
Torr (unit of pressure)

External sources (not reviewed)

These extrabudgetary projects are facilitated by the Institute’s network of regional advisers based in UNESCO regional offices in Africa, Latin America and Asia.
执行委员会还赞赏地注意到黎巴嫩在以利益攸关方 网络和知识依托,促 进执行氟氯烃淘汰项目所做的努力。
The Executive Committee also notes with appreciation the efforts of Lebanon in building on its stakeholder network and knowledge for implementation of HCFC phase-out projects.
上海交通大学以强大的工程学科为基础,以雄厚的科研实力为支撑,以学生创新精 神和实践能力的培养为抓手,对机械工程人才培养的理念和教学模式进行重大改革,机 械与动力工程学院以增强工程意识,拓展学习能力,培养创新意识为指导思想,以迅速 发展的上海制造业依托,将工程教育、工程实践和工程研究有机地结合起来,全方位 提高学生的综合工程能力。
On the basis of powerful engineering disciplines, under the support of solid scientific research strength, starting with cultivation for students’ innovation spirit and practical capacity, SJTU greatly reformed the concept of cultivating mechanical engineering talents and teaching mode; the aims of mechanical engineering school of SJTU are to build up engineering senses, develop capacity of study and cultivate innovative senses; in addition, depending on the quick development of manufacturing of Shanghai, the said school will organically combine with engineering education, engineering practice and engineering research to improve comprehensive engineering capacity of students in all aspects.
保护这种情况下的 儿童的最佳途径是,确保移徙政策一般不将移徙人员定为罪犯,其目的和效果不 具有歧视性,从儿童和性别的角度处理整个移徙过程,确保政策立足并尊重人权 规范和标准,以证据依托,并在所有相关利益攸关方之间协调执行。
The best way to protect the rights of the child in this context is to ensure that migration policies in general do not criminalize migrants, are non-discriminatory in purpose and effect, address the entire process of migration from a child and gender perspective, are premised on and respectful of human rights norms and standards, and are evidence-based and coordinated between all relevant stakeholders.
再分配式的土地改革应: (a)包括符合国际农业知识与科技促进发展评估组织所提建议的综合农村发展政 策(推广系统、获得信贷和农业研究),并拿出足够的预算扶持受益者;(b)利用 土地限制法,并以清楚界定了受益者和豁免土地的法律框架 依托 ; (c)倡导共有 所有权制度而不是只关注个别受益人;(d)以参与、透明和问责制等原则为指导, 以防止地方精英攫取土地;(e)以有关土地社会功能的宪法规定为基础,如果有此 类规定的话。
Redistributive agrarian reforms should: (a) include comprehensive rural development policies that follow the recommendations resulting from the International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology for Development, including extension systems, access to credit and agricultural research and support beneficiaries, provided with sufficient budgets; (b) make use of land ceiling laws and be based on legal frameworks that clearly define beneficiaries and exempted land; (c) encourage communal ownership systems, rather than focusing solely on individual beneficiaries; (d) be implemented in accordance with the principles of participation, transparency and accountability, in order to prevent their appropriation by local elites; (e) be grounded in constitutional provisions regarding the social functions of land, where such provisions exist.
我们的URS团队依托自己 的文化背景和宏观经济环境,与亚洲的跨国公司和本地企业展开合作,满足它们对先进分析工具的需求。
Our URS team will work with Asian multinationals and domestics in the backdrop of their own cultures and macro-economic landscape to meet their needs for leading edge analytical tools," Bushel said.
号决定请特设工作依托作为特设工作组第十届会议报告一部分转交的 草案,继续开展工作。
By its decision 1/CMP.5, the CMP requested the AWG-KP to continue its work drawing on the draft text forwarded as part of its report on its tenth session.
该框架以三大支柱依托:国家有义务通过适当政 策、规章和裁决提供保护,防止包括商业企业在内的第三方侵犯人权;公司有义 务尊重人权,意指尽责行事避免侵犯他人权利;让受害者有更多途径获得有效的 司法和非司法补救。
It rests on three pillars: the State duty to protect against human rights abuses by third parties, including business, through appropriate policies, regulation, and adjudication; the corporate responsibility to respect human rights, which means to act with due diligence to avoid infringing on the rights of others; and greater access by victims to effective remedy, judicial and non-judicial.
主席说,缔约方会议还请特设工作 依托 它 提 交缔约方会议第十五 届会议的报告以及缔约方会议在该报告基础上进行的工作,继续开展工作。
recalled that the COP also requested the AWG-LCA to continue its work drawing on the report of the AWG-LCA presented to the COP at its fifteenth session, as well as the work undertaken by the COP on the basis of that report.
这一体系依托把地 中海地理区域视作一个完整安全区的地中海安全地图, 并包括一系列促进信任与安全的措施、一套地中海国家的良好行为守则以及一个 使地中海各国能够更好协调各自安全议程的信息交流机制。
The system could be based on a Mediterranean security map in which the geographical region of the Mediterranean would be considered an integral security area, and would include a series of measures to foster trust and security, a code of good conduct for Mediterranean countries and a mechanism for exchanging information which would allow Mediterranean countries to better coordinate their individual security agendas.
该战略的目的是:促使各界对高校在新的社 会政策和以知识依托的新 可持续生产体制的背景下应扮演何种角色展开更广泛 的讨论,并明确高校应如何通过自愿实现改良和现代化来重新书写高校和社会之 间的社会契约。
To give new impetus to the Spanish university system, the University Strategy 2015 has been set in motion, intended to serve as a catalyst for a much broader discussion on the role of the university in new social policies and in the new, knowledge-based sustainable production system, as well as a discussion on how to rewrite this new social contract between university and society based on a voluntary decision to improve and modernize the universities.
他们会审查绩效,监督是否符合道德标准要求,而且其薪酬依托企业 价值观管理公司业务的能力挂钩。
They review our performance, monitor compliance with ethical standards, and measure their own compensation against their ability to manage our business according to our values.
(2006-2010年) ,中国政府结 合普法活动,积依托现有 的义务教育、中等教育、高等教育、职业教育体系和 [...]
国家机关内的培训机构以及广播、电视、报刊、网络等多种媒体,有计划地开展 形式多样的人权教育,普及和传播法律知识和人权知识。
During the fifth five-year campaign for the promotion of legal knowledge (2006–2010), the
Chinese Government consolidated
[...] promotional activities, relying on the existing systems [...]
of compulsory education, secondary
education, higher education and vocational education, and the training institutions of organs of the national Government, as well as broadcast, television, print, and Internet media, to conduct a methodical and diversified programme of education on human rights, and popularize and disseminate knowledge of the laws and of human rights.
3.3 提交人宣称,缔约国未能为他提供第二条第3 款和第二条第1 款以及第十
[...] 四条与第二十六条一并解读的含义所述的有效补救办法,纠正任意解释遗嘱的行 为,因为宪法法院非但拒绝受理提交人关于任意解释问题的申诉,反而以国籍问 题依托。
3.3 The author claims that the State party failed to provide him with an effective remedy, within the meaning of article 2, paragraph 3 and article 2, paragraph 1, read in combination with articles 14 and 26, against the arbitrary interpretation of the will, since the Constitutional
Court refused to address the author’s complaints about arbitrary
[...] interpretation and instead relied on the citizenship issue.
依托的技 術深度,持續時間,下降和上升率,解壓,所有參數都必須進行仔細研究,以便最美麗的冒險不會變成一場噩夢。
It is also relying on the technical depth, [...]
duration, rate of descent and ascent, decompression, all parameters must be carefully
studied so that the most beautiful adventure does not turn into a nightmare.
北京联通经营分析系统(ODS)处于商务管理层 依托 于 业 务管理层的计费账务系统、业务管理系统、客户服务系统、结算系统和商务管理层的财务系统等系统,将客服、营业、财务、市场等多个系统提供的数据整合到统一的信息库,对庞大的数据量进行加载/清洗/转换、整合,对外提供查询、数据交互等功能,实现数据标准的统一和系统间的数据共享,为管理者提供市场、经营等全面的分析信息,是企业管理和决策强的有力依据。
    Beijing Unicom’s ODS system is at the business management layer (BML), which, on strength of the billing system, service management system, client service system and settlement system at the service management layer (SML), and financial system at BML, integrates data from client service, sales, financial and marketing systems to a central information bank, loads/cleans/transforms and integrates the massive data, and provides query and data interaction functions.
自2004年底流媒体平台建成以来,(原)北京网通本地IP网络经历了几次大的调整与改造,使 依托 于 其 上的CDN网络就近选择状况发生很大变化,对流媒体业务的分发质量产生了很大的影响,因此迫切需要CDN网络随之进行适应性调整与改造;其次,在宽带接入用户数量迅猛增长的背景下,流媒体业务随之迅速发展,特别是直播业务的大量开展和新业务的不断涌现,流媒体系统对直播业务的支撑能力表现不足,对新业务的支持能力灵活性不够;流媒体业务发展带来了业务种类的激增,对于业务管理及管理自动化提出了更高的要求,使得系统管理功能需要进一步优化与增强;另外,为配合集团SCDN网的部署,需要进一步发展完善流媒体平台中心节点。
Since the streaming media platform was established at the end of 2004, the local IP network of former China Netcom Beijing has undergone several big adjustments and upgrading, to make CDN network relying on it change a lot for near selection conditions, greatly affecting distribution quality of streaming media services, thus it is urgently required to carry out adaptability adjustment and reconstruction for CDN network.
在超过 45 年的时间里依托世界一流的研究和产品开发团队,Maxwell [...]
Technologies 成为享誉全球的领导者,致力于在汽车、重型运输、再生能源、备用电源、无线通信、工业及消费电子应用以及卫星和宇宙飞船用抗辐射微电子组件和系统领域,开发、生产和销售能量储存与电力输送解决方案。
For more
[...] than 45 years, our world-class research [...]
and product development teams have established Maxwell Technologies as
a global leader in developing, manufacturing and marketing energy storage and power delivery solutions for automotive, heavy transportation, renewable energy, backup power, wireless communications and industrial and consumer electronics applications as well as for radiation-hardened microelectronic components and systems for satellites and spacecraft.
依托数十 年的行业经验和领导地位,Skyworks 在原有高性能产品(包括 Alpha Industries 在与 Conexant 无线部门合并组建 Skyworks 前 开发的产品)的基础上,采用最先进的工艺生产这些创新的解 决方案。
Building on a proven legacy (which includes products developed at Alpha Industries prior to its merger with Conexant’s Wireless Division to become Skyworks), these innovative solutions are manufactured using the most advanced processes, driven by decades of experience and industry leadership.
号决定拿出工作结果,供《议定书》缔约方会议第六届会议通过,并请 特设工作组依托列为 向《议定书》缔约方会议第五届会议提交的特设工作组第 十届会议报告一部分转交的草案,继续开展工作。
Background: The CMP, by its decision 1/CMP.5, requested the AWG-KP to deliver the results of its work pursuant to decision 1/CMP.1 for adoption by the CMP at its sixth session, and to continue its work drawing on the draft text forwarded as part of its report on its tenth session to the CMP at its fifth session.
无论您是工程主管、精益生产经理、黑带大师、设施维护经理还是项目经理,我们都 依托 我 们丰富的业务资源和庞大的人脉网络,竭力为您找到合适的雇主。
Whether you’re an engineering director, lean manager, master black belt, facilities & maintenance manager or project manager, we have the right resources and network of contacts to connect you to the right organisation.
依托母公 司国际先进的LED照明技术和产品,以高效节能环保为设计理念,致力于照明环境的优化和绿色照明技术的推广,为市政亮化工程及企事业单位照明节能提供技术服务,通过与用户签订能源管理合同,提供节能诊断、融资、改造方案,项目实施后以节能效益分享方式回收投资,避免了用能单位节能改造的资金投入和技术险,实现“你改造,我实施,我投资;你分享,你节能、我受惠”。
Companies rely on the parent company [...]
of international advanced LED lighting technology and product, with high efficiency
energy saving and environmental protection as the design concept, committed to improving the environment and green lighting lighting technology promotion, enhancement for the municipal engineering and enterprises and institutions to provide technical services illumination energy conservation, through and users sign energy management contract, providing energy-saving diagnosis, financing, reconstruction scheme, after the implementation of the project to share the energy-saving benefit way investment recovery, to avoid the energy-using units of energy saving reconstruction money and technology risk, and to realize the transformation, I carry out, your investment; the more you share my, you energy saving, I benefit ".
鉴于形势的严重性,继秘书长 2010 年 10 月 27 日的报告(S/2010/556)和我 的开场白之后,我将在下文阐述对索马里沿海海盗问题的分析,这些分析是我关 于这一问题的思考和起草有关建议 依托。
further to the Secretary-General’s report of 27 October 2010 (S/2010/556) and my introductory remarks, I set out below the analysis of piracy off the coast of Somalia that guided my thinking on the issue and the crafting of my recommendations.
依托于领 先的维修设备与技术力量及不断完善的物流网络,结合严格的培训认证机制,梅赛德斯-奔驰致力于为您提供顶级水准的售后维修服务,使您安心无忧。
Equipped with advanced maintenance systems, technical skills, continuous improvements to the logistics network and strict training and certification mechanisms, Mercedes-Benz is dedicated to providing you with the highest standards of after-sales maintenance services.
自新媒体艺术从20世纪60年代的行为艺术、拓展电影艺术和装置艺术的形态中逐渐浮现,直至当今新媒体艺 依托 技 术 的可视化的新形态,肖始终是新媒体艺术的领军人物。
Shaw has been a leading figure in new media art since its emergence from the performance, expanded cinema and installation paradigms of the 1960s to its present day technology-informed and virtualized forms.
江苏云联科技有限公司是以美国和加拿大的北美系统有限公司 依托 , 由 具有世界主流影响力的祝辰博士亲自带队领导,分别致力于基于云计算技术的产品的研发和服务及基于RFID技术的产品的研发和服务。
Jiangsu Union science and technology limited company is in the United States and Canada North America System Company Limited as the basis, with the mainstream of the world influence to Dr. Chen personally led the leadership, were committed to based on cloud computing technology and product development and services and based on RFID technology product development and services.
新加坡人通过这个公积金可以为他们的退休生活、教育、医疗保健需求和购 房提供资金。新加坡实行的福依托 于 “ 多方援手”方针,也就是社会弱势群体 [...]
Welfare, as it exists in Singapore, depends on the “many
helping hands” approach, wherein the
[...] disadvantaged in society rely upon a network [...]
of community organizations, religious groups and charities.




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