

单词 依我来看

See also:


come and see
see a topic from a certain point of view

看看 v

see v
look at v

看来 v

seem v
seems that v


it seems that

External sources (not reviewed)

正如《公约》缔约国可能没有通过侵犯所承认的权利和自由的措施,不调整 国内立法使其符合《公约》的条款 依我来看 , 本身意味着侵犯了第
Just as States parties to the Covenant may not adopt measures which violate recognized rights and freedoms, failure to adjust domestic legislation to the provisions of the Covenant in my view implies per se a violation of the obligations laid down in its article 2, paragraph 2.
依我看 来,不 应该限制不同疗法之间的交流,而应该将其扩展到预防领域,这是医疗政策的关键因素。
In my view, it would be advantageous not to limit the exchanges to treatments, but to widen them to the area of prevention, an essential element of health strategy.
从较长来看,我们支 持缔结一项公约,不仅为行使管辖权提 依 据 和 澄清 一些问题,还向国际社会表明追究参加联合国行动的人员对任何犯罪行为的责任 的重要性。
In the longer term, a convention is supported, not only to provide a basis for the exercise of jurisdiction and clarification of a number of issues, but also to indicate to the international community the importance of holding persons participating in United Nations operations accountable for any criminal conduct.
我看来,这是依照联合国大会决议和 8 国集团与 20 国集团的承诺,确保充足资金及 时可预见地流入教育的必要条件。
This for me is a sine qua non in order to ensure the predictable and timely flow of adequate resources to education in accordance with the United Nations General Assembly Resolutions and the promises made in the context of the G8 and G20.
虽然在维护国际和平与 安全方面两性平等问题已经来越被 看 作 是 一个核心问题,但是妇女在和平进程 中的作依然被普遍看作是一个枝节问题,而没有被看作是发展可行的民主机制 和建立具有可持续性和平的一个基本问题。
While gender equality is increasingly recognized as a core issue in the maintenance of international peace and security, the role of women in peace processes generally continues to be viewed as a side issue rather than as fundamental to the development of viable democratic institutions and the establishment of sustainable peace.
一段时间来,我们已经很清楚,单 依 靠 正 常计划资金是不能合理地维持一个办事处 的运转。
It has been clear for some time that regular programme funding alone does not permit an office to be optimally maintained.
最后,自安理会通过2010年11月22日关于保护 平民的主席声明(S/PRST/2010/25)来 , 我 们已 经目睹世界各国采取强有力的保护平民行动,其中 包括科特迪瓦、刚果民主共和国以及我先前提到的 利比亚,我们也看到未 能帮助迫切需要帮助的人 们。
In conclusion, since the Council’s presidential statement of 22 November 2010 on the
protection of civilians
[...] (S/PRST/2010/25), we have witnessed robust international action to protect civilians, including in Côte d’Ivoire, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and of course Libya, as I mentioned earlier, but we have also witnessed the failure to [...]
help those in dire need.
The greatest reward for me is to see that our efforts actually change people’s lives.
(1) 虽然缔约国致力于解决由委员会确立的关于第23条和24 条受违反的 情况,但缔约国说,阿森西先生的律师不愿意寻找妥协,以便让投诉依一种法律制来看他的女儿。
1) Although it is committed to addressing the violations established by the Committee in regard to articles 23 and 24, it claims that Mr. Asensi’s
lawyer’s has a lack of will in finding a compromise that would
[...] allow the complainant to see his daughters under a legal regime.
市场观察: 收看我们每日的 AutoChartist 市场观察节来开始 您每日的交易,节目中您可 看 到 我 们分析团队的成员怎样使用这些工具在当日市场中交易。
Market Watch: Start your
[...] trading sessions by watching our daily Autochartist Market Watch short video accessible from within the application to see how our in-house [...]
team of Analysts
apply this tool to trade today’s financial markets.
乌干达政府认为,第 1325(2000)号决议及其第 1889(2009)号后续决议是标志性的决议,这不仅仅是
[...] 因为我们坚信妇女在冲突期间和冲突后发挥的重要 作用,而且从我们的经来看,我们 承认妇女在预防 和调解冲突的进程中具有不容否认的作用。
Resolution 1325 (2000) and its follow-up resolution 1889 (2009) are considered by Uganda’s Government to be landmark resolutions not only because of our strong belief in the important role that women play
during and after conflict, but also
[...] because, from experience, we recognize women’s [...]
undeniably positive role in conflict
prevention and mediation processes.
我们从外向看,耶稣依次花 更多的时 间,显示更多的真理,也期待更多的事工。
As we move from the outer to the inner circle, He spent [...]
more time, revealed more truth, and expected more in return.
自从我上一次向安全理事会提交报告 来 , 我 注 意 到所有的利益攸关者都越 来越认识到科索沃特派依据第 1244(1999)号决议,经调整后在科索沃的存在及 其发挥的有用作用。
Since my previous report to the Security Council, I have noted a growing acknowledgement by all stakeholders of the reconfigured presence of UNMIK and its useful role in Kosovo on the basis of resolution 1244 (1999).
依我看,该加入通知与南斯拉夫联盟共和国(在加入《灭绝种族罪公 [...]
约》的同一天通知联合国秘书长)继承《关于国家在条约方面的继承的维也 纳公约》完全相悖,该公约第 34 条规定,被继承国的条约对每一个继承国 继续生效。
That single notification [...]
of accession, in my view, was totally inconsistent with the succession by the Federal Republic
of Yugoslavia — notified the very same day to the United Nations Secretary-General as accession to the Genocide Convention — to the Vienna Convention on Succession of States in Respect of Treaties, which in article 34 provides that the treaties of the predecessor State continue in force in respect of each successor State.
我看来,决 议的确有这样的禁止规定,至少在两点上是 [...]
如此:宣言超越了根据决议给予科索沃特派团的授权订立的《宪法框架》;宣言 是单方面的,而科索沃的最终地位必须获得安全理事会的核准。
In my view, it does establish such a bar,
[...] on at least two counts: because [...]
the declaration is not within the Constitutional
Framework established pursuant to the mandate given to UNMIK in the resolution; and because the declaration is unilateral, whereas Kosovo’s final status must be approved by the Security Council.
从产看,亚 洲的水产养殖主要为有鳍鱼类(64.6%), 接来依次为 软体类(24.2%)、甲壳类(9.7%)和杂项水产类(1.5%)。
In terms of volume, Asian aquaculture is dominated by finfishes (64.6 percent), followed by molluscs (24.2 percent), crustaceans (9.7 percent) and miscellaneous species (1.5 percent).
但在其它时候,这依赖性并不看 见; 城市区域的供水、超市里卖的食物 我 们 呼 吸的新鲜 空气依赖于正在运行的生态系统。
At other times, it is less
[...] visible; the water supply of urban areas, the food sold in supermarkets, and the clean air we breathe also relies on functioning ecosystems.
虽然在某些情形中,一些发展中国家发展以著作权为基础的行业所带来的潜在利益可能是 诱人的,但根据从整个发展中国家世界 来 的 证 据 看 , 我 们 难 以否认:更为强硬的著作权 保护对世界大多数贫困人口的负面影响很可能更为直接和明显。
Although the potential benefits from the development of copyright-based industries in some developing countries may be
enticing in some cases, it is hard
[...] not to conclude from looking at the evidence from [...]
the developing world overall that the
negative impacts of stronger copyright protection are likely to be more immediate and significant for the majority of the world’s poor.
如果你没依约定时间来看房子 也没有提前告 我 们 , 又或者 总是不接受适合的住房,我们将复审你的申请并且可减少你的 房屋分数。
If you don’t turn up for your viewing without telling us, or consistently refuse suitable properties, we will review your application and we may reduce [...]
your housing points.
[...] 以及从我们作为法院缔约国的国家观 来看 , 我们 不能对达尔富尔人民所遭受的苦难和自2003年以来 [...]
在达尔富尔实施的严重行为,以及最近调查中所详 细阐述的、无论怎样衡量都构成危害人类罪的系统 性可悲事实视而不见。
It is in that same context that, as members of the Council and from
our national perspective as a State party
[...] to the Court, we cannot turn a blind eye [...]
to the suffering caused to the population
and the serious acts committed in Darfur since 2003, as well as to the recent investigations that detail systematic and lamentable facts, which by any measure constitute crimes against humanity.
2009 年 9 月就业率有所增加,但按国际标 来看依 然 很 低,加沙地带的失业 率属于全世界最高的失业率之列。
Employment rose in 2009, but remained very low by international standards, with unemployment in the Gaza Strip among the highest rates worldwide.
来,我从一个网站(网址:http://itextsharp.sourceforge.net/index.html) 看 到 了 专门制作PDF文件的控件的介绍,暗喜之余,立马下载试验,果然非常轻松地制作出了想要的PDF文件,因为网站为英文,内容又多,读起来非常费力,在解决了自己的问题后,看到许多网友还在为PDF文件制作而郁闷,遂决定将该内容翻译为中文,由于本人英语水平一般,许多地方又晦涩难懂,故翻译质量不是很满意,敬请斧正,但大部分能看懂。
Later, I learned from a website (URL: http://itextsharp.sourceforge.net/index.html) see the production of [...]
a special control PDF
documents, the feel pleased but not show while downloading immediately test was very easy to create a the desired PDF file, as site for the English, the contents of another, very easy to read, in resolving its own problems, many users still see PDF document production and depressed, decided that the content translated into Chinese, I generally as a result of the standard of English in many places obscure and difficult to understand, it is not very satisfied with the quality of translation, please¸«Õý, but most can read.
正如您能想象的那样,有大量的用户创建了 数据,同时,我看来,CompactLogix 是市场上最有 能力处理此类信息的 [...]
PAC 之一。
As you can imagine, there was a huge amount of user created
[...] data and, in my opinion, CompactLogix [...]
is one of the most capable PACs on the market
for handling this type of information.
如果您的产品目前不包括在我们的资质范围内,请与我们联系 看看我 们 能 否给予帮助,或将其添加到我们的 来 产 品 资质范围中。
If your product is currently
[...] not covered in our scope, please contact us to see how we can help or include it in our future scope [...]
虽然我真心期盼能够继续和AM-CCSM一同事奉,直到我前往天家或主 来 的 日 子,但是祂在2010年底时清楚 我看 见 , 祂对我的生命有其他的计画,我将在2011年底时离职。
While I genuinely expected to continue working with AM-CCSM until I went to heaven or the Lord returned, He made it clear at the end of 2010 that He had other plans for my life and I was to finish at the end of 2011.
我提交大会、载于文件 A/64/L.66 的题为“在巴 基斯坦发生严重洪灾后加强紧急救济、恢复、重建和 预防工作”的决议草案,我看来是 本 大会对目前局 势的重要及时回应。
The draft resolution that I have presented to the Assembly in document A/64/L.66, entitled “Strengthening emergency relief, rehabilitation, reconstruction and prevention in the wake of devastating floods in Pakistan”, is in my view an important and timely response by this Assembly to the situation at hand.




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