

单词 依属

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

此 外,由于提交人称部分争议财产的所有权没有受到保护,因此她的来 依属 事理 由不符合《公约》规定,因为这种财产权不受《公约》的保护。
Also, to the extent that the author contends a violation of the protection of ownership of a part of the
contentious properties, her communication is
[...] incompatible ratione materiae with the [...]
Covenant, given that the right to property
is not, as such, protected by the Covenant.
4.3 关于可否受理的问题,缔约国称,与1991年3月12 日之前的事件有关的 任何主依属时理 由不可受理,因为《任择议定书》是在该日之后生效的。
4.3 On admissibility, the State party submits that any claims
relating to events prior to 12 March 1991 are
[...] incompatible ratione temporis, given [...]
that the Optional Protocol only entered into force after that date.
要想监测和分析死刑的适用范围非常困难,因为官方统 依属 国 家 机密。
Monitoring and analysis of the application of the death penalty was difficult because
[...] official statistics remained a state secret.
司法权由法院系统实施,司法系依 据 属 地 化和专业化的原则建立,包括 普通法院、经济法院、军事法庭和宪法法院。
Judicial power is exercised by a network of courts, which rests on the principles of territorial jurisdiction and specialization and encompasses courts with general competence, commercial courts, military courts and the Constitutional Court.
(4) 正如本专题的标题中“发生灾害时”这一短语所表示的,条款草案的范依据属时理 由,主要侧重于灾害发生后的立即应对行动以及恢复阶段,包括灾害 [...]
(4) As suggested by the phrase “in the event
of” in the title of the topic, the scope of the
[...] draft articles ratione temporis is primarily [...]
focused on the immediate post-disaster
response and recovery phase, including the post-disaster reconstruction phase.
[...] 建设和强化管理地理空间信息的能力,帮助解决世界面临的全球性挑战,这些挑 战彼此关联和互依存,属于典 型的地理空间性质,产生跨界和全球性影响。
The establishment of a formal framework would enable Member States to develop effective strategies for building and strengthening their capacity for the management of geospatial information, especially developing countries, and help to address the global challenges
that are facing the world, which are
[...] interconnected, interdependent and quintessentially [...]
geospatial, with cross-border and global impacts.
我们收到诸多来自国际各界的参赛申请(共 46 份依所属大学 划分:20 份来自美洲,9 份来自亚太地区,17 份来自欧洲/非洲;依国籍划分:7 份来自美洲,24份来自亚太地区,15份来自欧洲/非洲);更值得骄傲的是,我们收到论文的质量不断提升。
The number of international entries received was very encouraging (46 in total / by university: 20 from the Americas, 9 from Asia Pacific, 17 from Europe/Africa; by nationality: 7 from the Americas, 24 from Asia Pacific, 15 from Europe/Africa).
此外,日内瓦联络处 (GLO)和纽约联络处(NYO)依然直属 对 外关系与合作部门。
Moreover, the Geneva (GLO) and New York (NYO) liaison offices continue to come directly under ERC.
由于是第一次为《国际公共部门会计标准》期初余额之目 的确认,现有财产、厂房和设备以成本或公平价值予以确认 依 其 所 属 类 别 而定。
For the first-time recognition for IPSAS opening
balance purposes, existing PP&E is recognized at either cost or fair value depending
[...] on the class of PP&E to which it belongs.
想一想在您的家中,有多少事依赖 于 金 属 , 如 镍,铁和铝的存在。
Think about how many things in
[...] your home depend on metals such as nickel, [...]
iron and aluminum to exist.
我们认识到出现了从官方借贷向商业借贷、从外债向国内公债的转变,不过 大部分低收入国家的外依然基本上 属 官 方 性质。
We recognize that a shift has occurred from official to commercial borrowing and
from external to domestic public debt, although for most low-income
[...] countries external finance is still largely official.
第 13 条阐述了相关标准,标依申请所属 的 实 体种类而有所不同。
(i) The relevant criteria are set out in regulation 13 and vary according to the category of entities into which the applicant falls.
在这方面,需要提请注意确立刑事管辖权的各 依 据 :( a) 属地原则(包 括主体和客体属地原则);(b) 国籍(“主动属人管辖权”)原则;(c) 被动属人 管辖权原则;(d) 保护原则;(e) 普遍原则。
In this connection, attention was drawn to the various bases for establishing criminal jurisdiction: (a) the territorial principle (including subjective and objective territoriality); (b) the nationality (“active personality”) principle; (c) the passive personality principle; (d) the protective principle; and then (e) the universal principle.
首先应用非重要高优先级的属性(由于作为其 属 性 的 依 据 而 应首先应用的属性,例如 display),接着是高优先级重要规则,然后是普通优先级非重要规则,最后是普通优先级重要规则。
First non important high priority properties (properties that should be applied first because others depend on them - like display) are applied, than high priority important, then normal priority non important, then normal priority important rules.
At the same time, the results achieved remain predominately of a technical nature.
事实上,现代 社会很少有什么方面不在一定程度 依 赖 矿 物和 属。
Indeed there are few aspects of modern
[...] society that do not rely on the use of minerals and metals to some extent.
我敦促 阿富汗政府确保为该行动计划的有效实施分配充足的资源,包括推行相关立法,
[...] 将在武装冲突中招募儿童的行为定为刑事犯罪行为,并确保 依 照 国际 法 属 于严 重侵犯儿童的行为不得予以免罪。
I urge the Government to ensure that adequate resources are allocated for effective implementation of the Action Plan, including introducing legislation aimed at criminalizing the recruitment of children
in armed conflict and ensuring that no impunity is granted for grave
[...] violations against children under international law.
此外,囚犯对代表团说,他们严依 赖 自 己的 属 补 充 口 粮,并向他们提供资金在监狱商店购买更多食品。
Further, prisoners told the
[...] delegation that they relied heavily on their relatives [...]
to supplement the food ration and to
provide them with money to purchase more food in the prison market places.
摩尔多瓦共和国缔结(尤其是与前苏联国家――乌克兰、俄罗斯联邦、白俄 罗斯、乌兹别克斯坦、阿塞拜疆、保加利亚(2005 年 1 月 1 日声明废止)和罗马尼 亚缔结)的社会保护协依据的是属地 原 则。
The agreements in the field of social protection to which the Republic of Moldova is a party to, especially with former soviet countries – Ukraine, Russian Federation, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria (denounced on 1 January 2005) and Romania, are based on the principle of territoriality, according to which the pensions are established and are paid from the financial resources of each of the Contracting Parties, on the territory of which the person has its residence, irrespective of the fact if it contributed or not to the public system of social insurance of the host state.
除第⑺款的规定外,任何人为迫使任何其他人从事或不从事某种行为, 威胁说其本人或其他人要实依照 第⑴ 款 属 于 犯罪的行为,凡做出此种威胁可能 危及该船舶安全航行者,即属实施犯罪。
(5) Subject to subsection (7), a person who, in order to compel any other person to do or abstain from doing any act, threatens that he or some other person will
do an act which is an offence by
[...] virtue of subsection (1), where the making of that threat [...]
is likely to endanger the safe
navigation of a ship, shall commit an offence.
在功能块中,内容项将根据他们的重要属性进行选择性排序,重要属性是一个简单的数字域,当功能块空间变狭窄的时间 依 次 将重 要 属 性 最小的内容项隐藏。
The order in which chunks are selected to be collapsed depends on their Importance
property - a simple numeric field that ensures the chunks with the lowest
[...] importance are hidden first when space becomes tight.
依据现有雪属种类 的采集记录、文献记载的分布资料,结合野外实地考察,运用GIS(地理信息系统)的叠加和分析功能,综合生境类型资料,建立其野生动物-栖息地关系模型,并预测该属种类栖息地分布。
Based on specimen collection records from museums, published references and field investigations, we used GIS (Geographic Information System) software and the WHR (Wildlife-Habitat Relationship) model to predict suitable snow finch habitat.
(b) 采取具体措施,防止在过境期间——包括在港口和机场以及边境和移
[...] 民检查站——发生对移徙者人权的侵犯;培训在上述设施和边境区域工作的公职 人员对移徙者及其属以礼依法相待 ; 依 照 适 用法律,追究在移徙者及其家属往 返原籍国与目的地国——包括途经国家边境期间——发生的任何侵犯其人权的行 [...]
(b) To adopt concrete measures to prevent violations of the human rights of migrants while in transit, including in ports and airports and at borders and migration checkpoints, to train public officials who work in those facilities and
in border areas to treat
[...] migrants and their families respectfully and in accordance with [...]
the law, and to prosecute, in
conformity with applicable law, any act of violation of the human rights of migrants and their families, such as arbitrary detention, torture and violations of the right to life, including extrajudicial executions, during their transit from their country of origin to the country of destination and vice versa, including their transit through national borders
规划提供照料及确保永久性的工作应特别基于下列几点,从而避免分离:儿 童对其家属何种依恋关 系,程度如何;家庭保障儿童福祉和协调发展的能力; 儿童感受身为家庭一员的需要或愿望;儿童留在所处社区和国家的必要性;儿童 的文化、语言和宗教背景及儿童与兄弟姐妹的关系等。
Planning for care provision and permanency should be based on, notably, the nature and quality of the child’s attachment to his/her family, the family’s capacity to safeguard the child’s well-being and harmonious development, the child’s need or desire to feel part of a family, the desirability of the child remaining within his/her community and country, the child’s cultural, linguistic and religious background, and the child’s relationships with siblings, with a view to avoiding their separation.
在第 11 段结尾应添加以下 段落:“我们还确认,应宣布一切传播种族优越思想 或仇恨及煽动种族歧视的行为以及一切暴力行为或 煽动暴力行为属需依法惩处的犯罪行为;此种禁令 无悖意见自由和言论自由。
At the end of paragraph 11, the following passage should be added: “we affirm further that the dissemination of ideas based on racial superiority, hatred, or incitement to racial discrimination, as well as all acts of violence or incitement to such acts shall be declared offences punishable by law in accordance with the international obligations of States and that those prohibitions are consistent with freedom of opinion and expression.
食 典 委 注 意 到 , 鉴 于 法 典 STAN 233-1969 标 准 废 除
[...] 由 《 通 用 采 样 原 则 》 (CAC/GL 50-2004)替代,食典委属机构应依此 为 标准化的产品制定适当的采样计划, 有关加工水果和蔬菜的一些食典标准中涉及批次合格规定的内容,应与加工水果和蔬菜 [...] [...]
委员会修订的最新标准使用的措词一致,后者提及“AQL 6.5 适当采样计划”,因此同意 以此替代加工水果和蔬菜的相关标准。
The Commission noted that in view of the revocation of Codex STAN 233-1969 and its replacement by the General Guidelines on
Sampling (CAC/GL
[...] 50-2004) by which subsidiary bodies of the Commission should develop appropriate [...]
sampling plans for the
product(s) being standardized, the reference to lot acceptance provisions in a number of Codex standards for processed fruits and vegetables should be aligned with the wording used in the latest standards revised by the Committee on Processed Fruits and Vegetables which referred to the “appropriate sampling plan with an AQL of 6.5” and therefore agreed to proceed with this replacement in the relevant standards for processed fruits and vegetables.
设立联合国贩运人口特别是妇女和儿童行为受害者自愿信托基金,通过政 府、政府间和非政府组织等已建立的渠道向贩运人口受害者提供人道主义、法律 和财务援助,该基金应作为联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室管理的联合国预防犯罪 和刑事司法基金的属基金运行依 照 《联合国财务条例和细则》17 和其他规定 经管,接受一个由具备贩运人口领域相关经验的五人组成的董事会的建议,这些 人应由秘书长在与会员国及联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室执行主任协商后、并在 适当考虑到公平地域分配的情况下任命
Establish the United Nations Voluntary Trust Fund for Victims of Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, to provide humanitarian, legal and financial aid to victims of trafficking in persons through established channels of assistance, such as governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, which shall operate as a subsidiary fund of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Fund managed by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, and shall be administered in accordance with the Financial Regulations and Rules of the United Nations17 and other relevant provisions, with the advice of a board of trustees composed of five persons with relevant experience in the field of trafficking in persons who shall be appointed with due regard to equitable geographical distribution by the Secretary-General in consultation with Member States and with the Executive Director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
[...] 号决定请全球机制和《荒漠化公约》秘书 处以及缔约方会议的两个属机构依 照 推 进执行《公约》的十年战略规划和框架 [...]
(2008-2018年)( “战略”) 制订四年工作计划,采用成果管理制办法编写,提交缔 约方会议。
By its decision 3/COP.8, the COP, at its eighth session, requested
the GM and the UNCCD secretariat, as well
[...] as the two subsidiary bodies of the COP, [...]
to develop four-year workplans, in line
with the 10-year strategic plan and framework to enhance the implementation of the Convention (2008—2018) (The Strategy) and following a resultsbased management approach, for submission to the COP.




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