

单词 依地酸二钴

External sources (not reviewed)

许多国家在履行军事和安保职能时,正越来越 地依 赖 私 人军事和安保承包 商,这些职能直到最近都一直是由政府官员履行。
Many States
[...] are increasingly relying on private military [...]
and security contractors in the performance of military and security
functions, which, until recently, had been performed by Government officials.
依托中 南大学冶金物理化学学科,学校以技术出资与社会投资 合作相继创立了湖南瑞翔新材料有限公司、湖南杉杉新材料有限公司、湖南海纳新材料 有限公司,从 2001 年开始,在较短的时间内,先后实现 钴酸 锂 、电池级四氧化钴等 近 10 种具有国际先进水平的系列电池材料的产业化, 2004 年,实现销售收入 6 亿多 元,利税 6700 多万元,多项产品开始出口韩国等国际市场,实现出口 500 多万美元, 为社会创造就业岗位 650 多人,有望构建湖南区域内能源材料的产业 地。
Since 2001, these corporations have successively realized the industrialization of nearly ten kinds of advanced battery materials, such as lithium cobaltate, CoO4, and so on.
另一名業界代表詢問,在修訂建議中,焦 酸二 甲 酯 是否 屬於准許用於食物的防腐劑。
Another trade representative
[...] enquired whether dimethyl dicarbonate (DMDC) was [...]
a permitted preservative for food use in the proposed amendment.
本报告所述期 间印发的出版物包括:2006 年关于钴结壳 和海山动物群分布形态多样性的研讨 会会议记录,2003 年关于建立赤道以北太平洋克拉里昂-克利珀顿断裂带多金属 结核资地质模 形的研讨会会议记录,以及国际海底管理局《技术研究》第 4 号: “有关《联合国海洋法公约》第八 二 条 执行情况的问题”。
Publications issued during the period covered by the present report include the proceedings of the
March 2006 international
[...] Workshop on Cobalt-rich Crusts and the Diversity of Distribution Patterns of Seamount Fauna, the proceedings of the May 2003 Workshop on the Establishment of a Geological Model of Polymetallic Nodule Resources in the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone (CCZ) of the Equatorial North Pacific Ocean, and ISA Technical Study No. 4, entitled “Issues associated with the implementation of article 82 of [...]
the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea”.
经讨论后,执行委员会决定核准在巴西聚氨酸泡沫塑料制造业中将甲酸甲酯确认为 一种发泡剂的试验项目(第一阶段),总费用为 401,500 美元,外加开发计划署的机构支 助费用 30,113 美元,同时指出,该项目符合第 55/43(e)号决定,其目的是在全球传播经过 确认的在硬质聚氨酯整皮泡沫塑料用途中使用的 酸 甲 酯技术,且有一项谅解,即:该项 目是关于酸甲酯 在硬质聚氨酯整皮泡沫塑料制造中的应用的最后确认项目,且核准该项 目不妨碍执行委员会审议今后为该项目 二 阶 段提出的供资申请。
Following a discussion, the Executive Committee decided to approve the pilot project for validation of methyl formate as a blowing agent in the manufacture of polyurethane foam (phase I) in Brazil at a total cost of US $401,500 plus agency support costs of US $30,113 for UNDP, noting that the project was consistent with decision 55/43(e) and that it had been designed to
disseminate the results from the
[...] validation of methyl formate technology in rigid and integral skin polyurethane foam applications globally, and on the understanding that the project would be the final validation project for methyl formate in the manufacture of rigid and integral skin polyurethane foams, and that approval of the project was without prejudice to consideration of the future funding request for phase II of the project [...]
by the Executive Committee.
[...] 的评述中作了一项解释,他们特别指出,他 依 然 关 注就 二 次 报 告提出的问 题,包括似乎以绝对和扩张性的方法处理豁免的问题。
Nevertheless some other members preferred to comment on the third report with a caveat, noting
in particular that their concerns
[...] raised in regard to the second report, including the [...]
seemingly absolutist and expansive
approach to immunity, remained.
针对这一 威胁,西撒特派地雷行 动协调中心继 依 照 第 二 号 和 第三号军事协定,努力发 展和增强与各方的合作。
In response to this threat, the MINURSO Mine Action Coordination Centre continued its efforts to develop and increase collaboration with the parties in accordance with military agreements Nos. 2 and 3.
二零一一年的溢利雖低二零一 零年, 依然 保持強勁勢頭。溢利二零一 零年因亞洲的實貨購買及補充存貨強勁所導致的高位回落。
Other ferroalloy consuming industries such as
[...] aerospace, automotive, oil and gas and plating remained strong throughout the second half.
由于CYANEX 272萃取剂的活性成分是有机酸,金 属的萃取是通过阳离子交换的机理实现 的,虽然CYANEX 272萃取剂可以从含镍的溶液 中选择地萃取钴外, 但在不同的溶液pH值下 也可以萃取其它的金属离子。
Although CYANEX 272 extractant is selective for cobalt in the presence of nickel, a variety of other cations can also be extracted depending upon the solution pH.
使用未促进树脂时,根据树脂生产指南,必须添加促 进剂(环酸钴或邻苯二甲酸增塑剂或脂肪烃辛酸盐溶 液),可在 12-25 分钟的凝胶时间内进行密封;在 [...]
20-40 分 钟的凝胶时间内进行打底。
In case of non-accelerated resin, the promoter (a solution of
[...] cobalt naphthenate or octoate in phthalate plasticizer [...]
or aliphatic hydrocarbon)
has to be added to provide a gel time of 12 to 25 minutes for sealing operations or 20 to 40 minutes for priming applications in accordance with the resin manufacturing guidelines.
依条约 规定,或因谈判国数目有限和因条约的目的和宗旨,任何其他国家参加该条约必须 认为应经全体当事国或全体缔约国同意时,新独立国家只有在获得此种同意后才可确立其成 为该条约当事国或缔约国地位。
When, under the terms of the treaty or by reason of the limited number of the negotiating States and the object and purpose of the treaty, the participation of any other State in the treaty must be considered as requiring the consent of all the parties or of all the contracting States, the newly independent State may establish its status as a party or as a contracting State to the treaty only with such consent.
第 4 节概述头 5 年的勘探方案和日期表,汤加近海采矿有限公司工作计划目 标是:(a) 确定加工和回收多金属结核中的镍、钴、铜和锰的最有效且在环境上 可以接受的方法;确定在销售成品中以什么形式报告这些金属及其有关的基本建 设费用和生产费用;(b) 决定在尽量不损害环境的情况下,从海底回收物质的最 佳方式及其有关的基本建设费用和生产费用;(c) 确定进行有经济效益的提炼要 求多金属结核中有什么品级的镍钴 、 铜 和锰,并且通过勘探确定合同区内可以 确认和界定的这种物质的数量和地。
The objectives of Tonga Offshore Mining’s plan of work are to: (a) determine the most efficient and environmentally acceptable method to process and recover nickel, cobalt, copper and manganese from the polymetallic nodules, and define in what form these metals would report in a final product for sale, as well as the related capital and operating costs; (b) decide upon the optimum method to recover the material to surface with the minimum of environmental disturbance, as well as the related capital and operating costs; and (c) define what grade of nickel, cobalt, copper and manganese is required in the polymetallic nodules for economic extraction, and determine through exploration what quantity and density of such material can be identified and delineated in the contract area.
因此,委员会得出结论,在本案中,缔约国还侵犯了提交 依据 《公约》二十一条所享有的权利。
Accordingly, the Committee concludes that in the present case, the State party has also violated the author‟s right under article 21 of the Covenant.
在这方面,《2008 年摩纳哥宣言》建议促进研究, 以便更地了解海洋酸化对海洋生态系统的影响,将经济学家和科学家结合起 来,以评价社会经济影响,加强决策者与研究人员之间的沟通,并在气候变化谈 判中考虑大气二氧化碳水平上升 地 球 辐射平衡产生的影响以及对海洋化学 和生态系统产生的负面的影响。
In that regard, the 2008 Monaco Declaration
recommended promoting research
[...] to better understand the impacts of ocean acidification on marine ecosystems, develop linkages between economists and scientists to evaluate the socio-economic impacts, improve communication between policymakers and researchers and consider the effect of increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide on the radiation [...]
balance of the Earth
and the negative impact on ocean chemistry and ecosystems in climate change negotiations.157 195.
研究表明,植物对铀的吸收26 以及废气燃烧( 有时用于消除原油中的废气) ,会向大气中释放一氧化二氮(N 25 35. 2O) 和二氧化硫(SO 2) ,造酸性降水,即酸雨”,可 地 表 水和土壤造成污染。
Studies have shown that plants uptake uranium,26 and gas flaring, which is sometimes used to remove unwanted gas from crude oil, releases nitrous oxide (N O) and
sulphur dioxide (SO ) into the
[...] atmosphere, resulting in acidic precipitation, or “acid rain,” that can contaminate surface water and soil.
硫酸亞鐵中的鐵、七水合物:245毫克/公斤、氧化鋅中的鋅:204毫克/公斤、氧化錳中的錳:27毫克/公斤、硫酸錳中的錳、一水合物:20毫克/公斤、硫酸銅中的銅、五水合物:15毫克/公斤、碘化鉀中的碘:3毫克/公斤、鹼性 酸钴 中 的 钴、一水合物:0.5毫克/公斤。
Iron as Ferrous Sulphate, heptahydrate: 245mg/kg, Zinc as Zinc Oxide: 204mg/kg, Manganese as Manganous Oxide: 27mg/kg, Manganese as Manganous Sulphate, monohydrate: 20mg/kg, Copper as Cupric Sulphate, pentahydrate: 15mg/kg, Iodine as Potassium Iodide: 3mg/kg, Cobalt as Basic Cobaltous Carbonate, monohydrate: 0.5mg/kg.
在随后的辩论中,各代表团期地注 意 到, 钴 铁 锰 结壳探矿和开发规章将 得到核准。
In the ensuing debate, delegations noted with anticipation the forthcoming approval of the regulations on prospecting and exploitation of cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts.
经济增长在很大程度上仍依赖采矿业,由于商品价 格已恢复到 2009 年丧失的价值水平,国内铜钴等主 要出口矿物产出的增加为 经济增长提供了动力。
Economic growth
[...] remained largely dependent on the mining sector, fuelled by increased output in the country’s main export minerals, including copper and cobalt, as commodity [...]
prices regained value lost in 2009.
a) 制定执行《第二议定书》的指导原则; b) 给予、中止或取消对有关文化财产的重点保护,以及建立、更新和传播《受重点保护 的文化财产目录》; c) 跟踪和监督《第二议定书》的执行情况,推进对受重点保护的文化财产的鉴别确认工 作; d) 审议各缔约国提交的报告并提出看法,必要时要求提供详情,并就《第二议定书》的
执行情况向缔约国会议提出自己的报告; e) 受理并审议根据《第二议定书》第 32
[...] 条之规定提交的各种国际援助申请; f) 决定如何使依照《第二议定 书》第 29 条之规定设立的在武装冲突的情况下保护文化 [...]
财产基金; g) 行使缔约国会议可能赋予的其他各项职权。
9.2 Pursuant to Article
[...] 27, paragraph 2, of the Second Protocol, the functions [...]
of the Committee shall be performed in co-operation with the Director-General.
委员会面前的二件事,是依照安 理会在第 1977(2011)号决议第 22(a)段中的请求,加强裁军事 [...]
务厅目前在行政和后勤方面对委员会的支助,包括通 过加强裁军厅在区域、次区域和国家等层面支持落实 决议的区域能力。
The second matter before the Committee is that [...]
of strengthening the existing administrative and logistics support for the
Committee by the Office for Disarmament Affairs, as requested by the Council in paragraph 22 (a) of resolution 1977 (2011), including through strengthening the regional capacity of UNODA to support implementation of the resolution at the regional, subregional and national levels.
教科文组织政府间海洋学委员会在海洋观测和数据交换、海洋科学和降低海洋灾害风 险方面的作用,在联合国系依然是 唯一 二 的。
The role of IOC in ocean observation and data exchange, marine sciences, and reduction of risks from ocean-related hazards remains unique in the United Nations system.
此外, 利比亚呼吁进一步交换多金属结核、锰结核、硫化物 和钴结克勘探方面的科研经验,以确保公平和公地分配 这些资源,不对研究和经验进行垄断。
Moreover, Libya appeals for further exchanges of scientific experiences relating to the exploration of polymetallic nodules, manganese nodules, sulphides and cobalt-rich crusts in order to ensure a fair and equitable distribution of such resources, free of any monopoly in terms of research and experience.
产品介绍:应用于玻璃纤维、化工原料、淀粉草酸钴、纤维素(如羟乙基纤维素、羧甲基纤维素等)、甘露醇、氢氧化镍 钴酸 锂 、 石墨、炭刷、碳化硅 二 水 氯化钙、活性碳、氧氯化锆、氧化锆、氢氧化锆、碳酸锆、正硫酸锆、碳酸锆铵、硅酸锆、碳酸锆钾、油性油墨催干剂、水性油墨交联抗水剂、可膨胀石墨、各种陶瓷氧化锆、纳米氧化铁、正温度系数(PTC)热敏材料沾稍骷胺湮咽絇TC元器件等。
Product Description: used in glass fiber, chemical raw materials, starch, oxalic acid, cobalt, cellulose (eg hydroxyethyl cellulose, carboxymethyl cellulose, etc.),
mannitol, nickel
[...] hydroxide, lithium cobalt oxide, graphite, carbon brushes, carbide silicon, calcium chloride dihydrate, activated carbon, [...]
zirconium oxychloride,
zirconium oxide, zirconium hydroxide, zirconium carbonate, is zirconium sulfate, ammonium zirconium carbonate, zirconium silicate, zirconium carbonate, potassium, oil-based ink drying agents, water-based ink cross-linked anti-agent, expandable graphite, a variety of ceramic zirconium oxide, iron oxide, positive temperature coefficient (PTC) thermistor materials dipped slightly  skeleton  amine submerged pharynx Qu TC components, etc..
因此,業界應繼續密切監察生產過程、找出可能引起問題 地 方和 制訂方法,以防止或減少食品在製造及貯存過程中產生氨基 酸 乙 酯, 並把食品的氨基酸乙酯 含量減至最低。
It is therefore important for the industry to continue closely monitor the manufacturing process, identify potentially problematic conditions and develop methods that would prevent or reduce the formation of EC and maintain EC contamination at the lowest level possible during processing and storage.
如果每個類別的食品和樣本數目增加,化驗檢測工作便能 夠更全面地涵蓋香港市面供應的發酵食物,以及更準 地 評 估 這些食物 的氨基酸乙酯含量範圍和平均值。
Increasing both the number of food items and the number of samples per individual food commodity for laboratory analysis could provide a more comprehensive coverage and a more precise estimate of the range and average EC concentration of fermented foods in the Hong Kong market.
据3月27日发表在《美国医学会杂志》上的一则研究披露,尽管将药物乙二胺四 酸二 钠 的 螯合疗法用于冠心病已经有许多年的时间而且对于这种疗法只有有限的功效证据,但一项包括了先前发生过一次心肌梗塞病人的随机化试验发现,使用螯合疗法可适 地 降 低不良心血管后果的复合风险,但这些发现不支持对已经有过一次心肌梗塞的病人常规性地使用螯合疗法进行治疗。
Although chelation
[...] therapy with the drug disodium EDTA has been used for many years with limited evidence of efficacy for the treatment of coronary disease, a randomized trial that included patients with a prior heart attack found that use of a chelation regimen modestly reduced the [...]
risk of a composite
of adverse cardiovascular outcomes, but the findings do not support the routine use of chelation therapy for treatment of patients who have had a heart attack.
另外,甲二苯基二异氰酸脂以 及硬质和软质泡沫塑料系统的领先制造商-烟台万华聚氨酯股份有 限公司是澳大利亚聚氨酯有限公司(Australian Urethanes Systems)的贸易伙伴,后者是 澳大利亚、新西兰以及包括中国和印度在内的亚洲太平 地区 ecomate(即酸甲酯)发 泡剂的独家经销商。
Ltd. in Shandong Province. Also Yantai Wanhua Polyurethanes, a leading manufacturer of MDI and rigid and flexible foam systems is a trade partner to Australian Urethanes Systems, the sole distributor of the ecomate (i.e., methyl fromate) blowing agent in Australia, New Zealand, and the Asia Pacific region, including China and India.
这一具体案例突出表明,为支持贸易和发展,有必要在运 输方面采取适应气候变化的措施;同时也表明,与适应措施相关的费 依地 理位置、发展水平以及经济结构和贸易的不同而不同。
This particular case highlighted the necessity of taking climate change adaptation measures in transport to support trade and development, and showed that the costs associated with adaptation differed according to the geographical location, the level of development, and the structure of the economy and trade.
[...] 的差异,迫使条件较差或宏观经济情况不佳的国家更 地依 靠 多边机构提供资 金,或以较差的条件进行成本更高的融资。
This could deepen the differences among developing countries in terms of access to the international capital markets, which would oblige less
well-endowed or more macroeconomically
[...] vulnerable countries to rely more heavily on [...]
financing from multilateral agencies or on
more expensive financing under less advantageous conditions.
他 質疑維港委員會是否只為維護政府當局的利益而展開工 作,並批評有關方面根本沒有進行任何優化海濱地區的 工程,以致大部分地依然空置,並無撥作更佳用途。
He queried whether HEC was only working for the interests of the Administration and criticized that enhancement works to harbourfront areas were lacking and much of the land was left idle and not put to better use.




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