

单词 依偎

依偎 ()

snuggle up to
nestle against

See also:

according to
depend on
in the light of
comply with or listen to sb.


External sources (not reviewed)

WowWee公司的Alive"迷你"幼仔是新推出的小型(8英寸)毛絨 依偎 夥 伴,共有四個小幼仔品種——小獅子、小美洲豹、小白虎和小熊貓。
The WowWee Alive Minis are new plush, miniature (8-inch) snuggle pals available in four mini-cub species - Lion Cub, Leopard Cub, White Tiger Cub, and Panda Bear Cub.
依偎在山 奥托和岸边的斜坡古铁雷斯,Arelauquen湖高尔夫乡村俱乐部是一个700公顷的私人庄园,其中400家受保护的原生森林保护区,骑马和远足小径。
Nestled between the slopes [...]
of Mt Otto and the shore of Lake Gutiérrez, Arelauquen Golf and Country Club is a 700 hectare
private estate 400 of which are home to a protected native forest reserve with riding and hiking trails.
依偎在因 恩谷 (Inn Valley) 中的茵斯布鲁克是一个充满活力的学生之城,这里有丰富的博物馆以及夜生活,还能拥揽阿尔卑斯山的美景视野。
Innsbruck, sat snug within the Inn Valley, is a lively student town with a wealth of museums and energetic nightlife, and not forgetting gorgeous views of the surrounding Alps.
当然,周六早上与您重 10 磅的金毛猎依偎躸在 床上,是件非常美好的事,我们认可这一做法,但当它重达 110 磅时,您是否真的希望 Genghis 与自己同眠呢?
(Yes, we agree that it is lovely to snuggle with your 10-pound Golden Retriever puppy in bed on a Saturday morning, but do you really want Genghis sleeping with you when he tips the scales at a hefty 110?
本拍賣的重點拍品為一枚梨形濃彩藍鑽及梨形濃彩粉紅鑽石戒指(估價1,720萬至1,950萬港元),梨形藍鑽及粉紅鑽分別重2.07克拉及2.33克拉,藍鑽與粉紅鑽分別擁有內部無瑕(Internally Flawless)及VVS1之淨度,藍鑽與粉紅鑽為「Toi et Moi」(你與我)之設計,被典雅的白鑽簇擁之餘,粉紅與藍鑽亦相 依偎 , 儼如一對甜蜜情人,滿載浪漫情懷,定為高級珠寶愛好者必爭之物。
The prime focus of this sale belongs to a Pear-shaped Fancy Intense Blue Diamond and Fancy Intense Pink Diamond “Toi et Moi” Ring (Est: HK$17.2 - 19.5 million; pictured on the top).
在那里,他们把我们的双 手绑起来,继续带着我们走到很远的地方……当 天晚上我们休息的时候,他们给了我们一些吃
[...] 的,但是我们不要,我们唯一的慰籍就是整晚彼依偎在一起,以泪洗面。
Here, they tied our hands, and continued to carry us as far as they could ... When we went to rest the following night, they offered us some victuals; but we refused
it, and the only comfort we had was in being in
[...] one another’s arms all that night [...]
and bathing each other with our tears.
每当森迪跌倒,她就立即帮森迪抚去膝盖上的尘土。耕作间歇,她便与女 依偎 在 一 起,望着女儿明亮的双眼,她不想错过任何一个宠爱自己女儿的机会。
She wipes Sendy’s knees after every fall and takes breaks from gardening to cuddle her and look into her bright eyes, relishing every opportunity to dote over her.
小口袋和封套大小適中,可收納各種票根、收據及其他雜亂的必要零星物件;首飾袋收納珠寶配件,整齊又穩當;長途飛行時與羊絨/羊毛混紡披肩及眼罩 依偎 ; 蒙 地卡羅 (Monte Carlo) 西洋雙陸棋組伴您消磨沉悶時光。
The pouches and envelopes are perfectly sized to organise all the tickets, receipts and other necessary odds and ends that add to clutter; pack jewellery
neatly and safely with their jewellery
[...] cases and rolls; snuggle up on a long [...]
haul flight with a cashmere/wool blend shawl
wrap and eye mask; while away a dull journey with a Monte Carlo backgammon set.
偎依于威 雷亚海滩及乌卢阿海滩之间,倚靠毛伊岛壮丽的南部海岸线,座落于世界著名的威雷亚度假村。
Nestled between Wailea Beach [...]
and Ulua Beach along Maui's spectacular southern coastline, within the world-class Wailea Resort.
文化普罗旺斯地区艾克斯(Aix-en-Provence的) 偎依 在 25 英亩的薰衣草门口的台阶上,的柏树和成熟的栎树,果园和橄榄树种植园,这令人印象深刻的房地产提供了一个和平的天堂。
On the doorstep of cultural Aix-en-Provence, nestling in 25 acres of lavender, cypress & mature oak trees, fruit orchards and an olive plantation, this impressive estate offers a haven of peace.
咨询委员会注意到,2010 年拟议资源的增加还反映了以下方面所需 资源的增加:反恐怖主义委员会执行局(963 700 美元),因为拟议增设 2 个职位(1 个 P-4 和 1 个 P-2);支持安全理事会第 1540(2004)号决议所 设委员会(886 500 美元),因为拟议增设 1 个 P-5 职位;索马里问题监 察组(311 500 美元),因依照安全理事会第 1853(2008)号决议增加了 第五位专家;苏丹问题专家小组(225 700 美元),因为专家的月费增加。
The Advisory Committee notes that the increase in the resources proposed for 2010 also reflects additional requirements for the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate ($963,700) in view of two additional positions (1 P-4 and 1 P-2) proposed; for support to the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1540 (2004) ($886,500), in view of the proposed addition of one P-5 position; for the Monitoring Group on Somalia ($311,500), owing to the addition of a fifth expert pursuant to Security Council resolution 1853 (2008); and for the Panel of Experts on the Sudan ($225,700), in view of the increase in the monthly fees of experts.
国际笔会还对“亵渎”法的存在表 示关注依据这 类法律,一些作家和出版人被起诉、监禁和判处死刑,国际笔会 指出,它将继续要求释放根据此类法律监禁的人。
International Pen was also concerned about the existence of “blasphemy” laws, under which a number of writers and publishers had been charged and imprisoned and sentenced to death, and indicated that it would continue to call for the release of those imprisoned under such legislation.
这些研究包括:所有人权的不可分割、相互联系和相 依 存 ; 经济、社会和文化权 利的可诉性;关于衡量实施经济、社会和文化权利,特别是接受教育权利指标的现状,以及 [...]
These studies concern: the indivisibility,
[...] interrelation and interdependence of all human [...]
rights; the enforceability of economic,
social and cultural rights; the state of the art with regard to indicators to measure the implementation of economic, social and cultural rights and in particular the right to education and the right to take part in cultural life and the right to education.
鑒於香港經濟持續低迷,失業率高達5.3%,同時消費物價指數已 連續3年下滑,通縮日益惡化,而本港各類公共交通服務的收依 然高 企,交通費佔了市民生活開支一個甚大的比例,本會促請政 府與各公共交通機構磋商,鼓勵各機構因應其個別營運情況,調 低收費或提供優惠給乘客,以減輕市民負擔。
That, as Hong Kong's economy remains in the doldrums with the unemployment rate rising to 5.3%, the Consumer Price Index falling for three consecutive years, and the worsening deflationary situation, while the fares of various public transport services remain high, and transport expenses account for a large proportion of the public's living expenses, this Council urges the Government to discuss with various public transport operators and encourage them to take account of their respective operating conditions and reduce their fares or offer concessions to passengers, thereby alleviating the burden on the public.
依条约 规定,或因谈判国数目有限和因条约的目的和宗旨,任何其他国家参加该条约必须 [...]
认为应经全体当事国或全体缔约国同意时,新独立国家只有在获得此种同意后才可确立其成 为该条约当事国或缔约国的地位。
When, under the terms of the treaty or by [...]
reason of the limited number of the negotiating States and the object and purpose
of the treaty, the participation of any other State in the treaty must be considered as requiring the consent of all the parties or of all the contracting States, the newly independent State may establish its status as a party or as a contracting State to the treaty only with such consent.




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