

单词 依从

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设定培训的主要学习目标,比如,政策的相关内容、政策 依从 性 和 执行。
Develop the key learning objectives of the training, such as, knowledge of content of the written policy, compliance with the policy and enforcement of the policy.
几位与会者称,常任和非常 任理事国之间的区分被夸大了,因为问题的范畴并 依从 这 种 区分和类别。
Several participants asserted that the divide between permanent and non-permanent members has been exaggerated, as issue lines do not respect such distinctions and categories.
研究人员可借助临床研究中心库的功能有效地缩短设计周期、提高设计质量、改善 S O P 依从 性 , 集中管理模板并对重要概念、定义进行锁定。
Researches can effectively shorten design cycle time and improve
[...] standards and SOP compliance through clinical [...]
libraries, centrally managed templates and concept lock.
例如,毒品和犯罪问题办公室与阿富汗国 家艾滋病控制方案编制了警察培训课程,并支持了对警察部队的培训;为巴拿 马监狱卫生工作人员设计并测试了有关监狱中艾滋病毒的培训方案模式;对缅 甸的 1,600 多名警务人员进行了培训;在印度尼西亚 12 个省促进对 120 多名监 狱工作人员进行了在监狱环境中建立一种有利环境的培训;支持了纳米比亚大 部分监狱诊所的艾滋病毒咨询和检测以及对囚犯和监狱工作人员的抗逆转录病 毒治依从性辅导。
For example, UNODC has developed the police training curriculum with the National AIDS Control Programme and supported training for police forces in Afghanistan; designed and tested a model training programme on HIV in prisons for penitentiary health staff in Panama; conducted the training of over 1,600 police officers in Myanmar; facilitated training of over 120 prison staff in establishing a supportive environment in prison settings in 12 provinces in Indonesia; and supported HIV counselling and testing and antiretroviral therapy adherence counselling to both prisoners and prison staff in most of the prison clinics in Namibia.
我们是骄傲的宣布DASY52最终发放,一个重大的升级代表质量下一步该测试 依从 的 手 机和一般近场的评价。
We are proud to announce the final release of DASY52, a major upgrade representing the next leap in quality compliance testing of mobile phones and general near-field evaluations.
由于形依从职能,非集中化研究特设工作组首先是从事与教科文组织的作用及其在 [...]
国家层面开展的行动方式有关的活动,无论这些活动是否作为联合国共同发展努力的一部分 或是履行本组织的全球准则职能。
As form follows function, the primary [...]
subject taken up by the DRTF relates to the roles of UNESCO and its modalities of
action at country level, whether as part of the United Nations joint development efforts or in pursuance of the global normative mandate of the Organization.
应该对政策高度支持,这样将保证政策的高 依从性 并将鼓励吸烟者做更多的戒烟尝试。
There should be a high level of support for the policy, which will in turn ensure a high level of compliance with the policy and encourage more quit attempts by smokers.
为落实经安全理事会核准的工作组建议 依从 并 根 据可适用的国际法及安全 理事会的相关决议,包括第 1612(2005)号和第 1882(2009)号决议,我受托以工 作组主席的身份
As a follow-up to the recommendations of the Working Group, approved by the Security Council, and subject to and consistent with applicable international law and relevant Security Council resolutions, including resolutions 1612 (2005) and 1882 (2009), I am entrusted, in my capacity as the Chairman of the Working Group, to
我们良好依从性与 爱的代码,似乎有这Drupal主题的设计师,这次的主题是所有的浏览器上可见,但所有的代码是标准的Drupal模块没本事
We love good compliance with the code that seems to have the designer of this Drupal theme, and this theme is visible on all browsers, but also all the code is standard Drupal module not hack!
通过使用 Medidata Designer 为所有新的研究撰写临床协议,Purdue
[...] 加强了操作程序的合规性,提高了对临床研究协议开发标准 依从 性。
Using Medidata Designer to author protocols for all new studies, Purdue has been able to strengthen operating procedures compliance and adherence to standards for protocol development and
now has the tools in place to optimize study design by eliminating efforts associated with
[...] collection of unnecessary data.
选择最适当的药物和吸入器是由医生和患者根 据许多方面的因素(包括疾病及其严重程度 依从 性、使用的轻松程度、成本、可获得性及患者的偏爱)来 决定的。
The choice of the most suitable drugs and inhaler are decided by physician and patient based on many factors including disease and severity, compliance, ease of use, cost, availability and patient preference.
旅客同意因依从承运 人指示而拒绝或没有上岸,令承运人招致的任何延误、费用、支出、损失或损害向 承运人进行赔偿并使其免受伤害。
Guest agrees to indemnify Carrier and hold Carrier harmless against any delay, cost, expense, loss or damage incurred by Carrier due to Guest's refusal or failure to disembark the Vessel as per Carrier's direction.
根据执行委员会近来核准的做法,即各国提出第一阶段的 基准消费量超过 10%,要求增加承诺从而达到 35%的目标,秘书处询问,阿根廷是否可以承 依从 2015 年以后的目标。
In reference to the practices of the Executive Committee in recent approvals where countries address more than 10 per cent of the baseline consumption in stage I, requiring an additional commitment towards meeting the 35 per cent targets, the Secretariat inquired whether Argentina could make a commitment for compliance beyond 2015.
We also may have to release personally identifying information when it is necessary to comply with judicial or other government subpoenas, warrants, orders, or to protect the rights, property, or safety of EnglishCentral, its users or others.
我们采用了其中48条作为子集,研究四家中文在线书店 依从 率 ( 译者注:另译为顺应度)(一个网站所符合的规则条数,除以总的规则条数),任务完成时间,任务准确程度,以及用户的可用性感受和喜好程度。
We took a subset of 48 rules, and looked at the compliance rate (number of guidelines a web site complied with, divided by the total number of guidelines), task completion time, task accuracy, and users’ perceived usability and likeability for four Chinese online bookstores.
这三种药物的混合剂两周就能杀灭99%的结核分枝杆菌,使市面上现有的六个月疗程的结核疗法相形见绌,它不仅将减少治疗费用,还将提高病人 依从 性 ; 现在给予病人的结核相关疗法导致了耐药结核菌株的出现,包括多药耐药结核(MDR-TB)和广泛耐药结核(XDR-TB)。
The ability of the three drug cocktail to eliminate 99% of the bacteria in only two weeks provides a stark contrast to the six-month treatment regimen of TB therapies that is currently on the market, and would not only decrease treatment costs but also increase compliance of patients prescribed current TB-related therapy, which has resulted in the emergence of drug-resistant TB strains, including multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) and extensively drug-resistant TB (XDR-TB).
塞拉利昂从依赖援 助走向经济增长,并期 待继续获得国际支助。
Sierra Leone was on the way to
[...] moving from aid dependence to economic growth, [...]
and looked forward to continued international support.
从依靠销售产品谋取利润的 模式转移到以发挥功能为目的而提供服务的模式,可以增加可持续性。
Moving from a model of profitability based on selling products to one based on providing functionality-oriented services can enhance sustainability.
[...] 的挑战带来仙丹灵药式的解决办法,但是健康权能够将有关老年人的讨 从依据 需 求的方式转向依据权利的方式,从而使老年人的权利得以更明确的阐述。
The right to health will not provide a
[...] magic solution to these multifaceted challenges, [...]
but it will allow shifting the discourse
on older persons from a needs-based approach to a rights-based one, and enable greater articulation of the rights of older persons.
[...] 中多数为发展中国家——已表示打算在今后提出划界案, 从依照 S PLOS/183 号 文件所载的第十九次缔约国会议的决定交存大量初步资料的情况可以看出。
In that connection, he recalled that a significant number of States parties to the Convention, most of them developing States, had expressed the intention of
making a submission in the future, as shown
[...] by the large number of deposits of [...]
preliminary information made pursuant to
the decision of the nineteenth Meeting of States Parties contained in document SPLOS/183.
圣经人物(即伊斯兰教的先知)的故事按照时间顺序描述 从依 德 里斯 (Idris) 到诺亚 (Noah),再到亚伯拉罕 (Abraham)、以赛玛利 (Ishmael) 和夏甲 (Hagar)。
The stories of figures from the Bible (considered prophets in Islam) follow chronologically from Idris and Noah on through to Abraham, Ishmael, and Hagar.
从依照大会第 60/251 号决议设立人权理事会 [...]
以来,它一直在通过统一工作标准和采用建设性合作 办法处理人权问题,不断提高其工作绩效,以便应会 员国的要求提供咨询意见和必要的支持。
Since its establishment by [...]
resolution 60/251, the Human Rights Council has continuously improved its performance through
unifying working standards and adopting a constructive cooperative approach in dealing with human rights issues, with a view to providing advice and the necessary support, upon the request of Member States.
正如我们一再强调的那样,恐怖主 从依 托 跨 地 区训练和行动支助的思潮和野心的危险组合中寻求 养分和支持,而自杀式恐怖主义则是其主要伎俩,其 袭击目标不限于阿富汗。
As we have repeatedly highlighted, terrorism finds sustenance and support from a dangerous mix of ideologies and ambitions supported by training and operations across the region, with suicide terrorism as its main technique and targets that are not limited to Afghanistan.
[...] 并提出了行动路线,它体现了重大的转变态度—从 依赖援助和恢复转向通过创造有利于私营部门发展和 [...]
It represents a major change in
[...] attitude from aid dependence and recovery [...]
to growth and development through the creation
of an environment conducive to private sector development and a stronger inclusion of the diaspora.
该办法 符合秘书长领导的全球粮食安全危机高级别工作队制订的综合行动框架,也符 合 2009 年 11
[...] 月在罗马召开的世界粮食安全首脑会议商定的各项原则,其目的 是帮助社区实从依赖援 助到具备复原力的过渡。
The aim of the approach, which is aligned with the Comprehensive Framework for Action established by the High-level Task Force on the Global Food Security Crisis, led by the Secretary-General, and with the principles agreed at the World Summit on
Food Security, held in Rome in November 2009, is to help communities make the
[...] transition from aid dependency to resiliency.
关于经济发展,我们赞赏政府希望使海 从依赖 国 际援助转为依赖投资创造就业和带动可持续经济 增长。
Turning to economic development, we applaud the Government’s desire to shift Haiti away from dependence on international assistance to reliance on investment to create jobs and spark sustainable economic growth.
在McCarthy的15年专业生涯中,所遇到关于安全的最大变化之一是,现在已无需高度规范的安全要求 从依 赖 政 府法规白纸黑字的明文规定,过渡到一种风险评估过程。
One of the biggest changes in safety that McCarthy has seen over her 15 years in the industry is the move away from highly prescriptive safety requirements – where everything is laid out in black and white through government laws and regulations – to a risk-assessment process.
迪拜国际金融中心 (DIFC) 首席经济学家与主要发言人 Nasser Saidi 博士论述了随着经济增长从依赖于 石油逐步转移到依赖于资产和自我持续发展,中东地区正在经历一场“经济复兴”。
Dr. Nasser Saidi, Chief Economist of Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) and keynote speaker remarked that the Middle East region is experiencing “an economic renaissance” as economic growth becomes increasingly asset-based and self-sustaining rather than oil-based.
为此,总干事从依照 教 科文组织《财务条例》规定设立的特别账户中提取法定管理费。
To this end, the Director-General will determine a mandatory overhead cost amount to be applied and charged against the funds in the Special Account, which is to be established under the Financial Regulations for the Prize.
罗兰•贝格研究报告分析了全球金融危机下装备制造业所面临的前所未有的挑战 从 而 从依 托 十 大重点工程、实施装备自主化、提升四大配套产品制造水平和加快兼并重组、优化产业结构四个方面探讨了政府的产业振兴计划为行业提供的机遇。
The Roland Berger report has analyzed the
[...] unprecedented challenges to the equipment manufacturing [...]
industry in the global financial
crisis, and probes into the opportunities created by the government’s industrial revitalization plans for the industry in four aspects, i.e. relying on ten key projects, implementing equipment localization, improving the manufacturing of four supporting products, speeding up mergers and reorganization/ optimizing industrial structure.




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