单词 | 供过于求 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 供过于求 —supply exceeds demandSee also:供求 v—supply v 供求—supply and demand (economics) 过于 adv—too adv • overly adv 过于—excessively • too much
自2003年以来,中国BOPP膜销售价格下降了23%,已 经 供过于求 , 大 部分生产企业利润下滑。 zccor.com | Since 2003, China's BOPP film sales price fell [...] 23%, has been an oversupply of most of the [...]production decline in corporate profits. zccor.com |
经济逆境令市民失去信心,导致私人物 业 供过于求 的 情况相当严重,令楼价进一步下挫。 housingauthority.gov.hk | Our economic adversities, and the loss of confidence they engendered, created a considerable oversupply in the private [...] property market, [...]further depressing property values. housingauthority.gov.hk |
面对全球聚酯供过于求的经 营环境,远东新世纪(原远东纺织)以领先的技术积极开发特殊规格及高附加价值产品,作为核心的竞争能力。 feg.com.tw | With equal production on both sides of the Taiwan Straits and [...] in view of global overcapacity of polyesters, the [...]Company is actively developing specialty [...]and high value-added products with cutting-edge technology as its core competitive advantage. feg.com.tw |
LED产业研究机构LEDinside的报告显示,2012年,由于生产芯片的MOCVD机台巨大的产能仍未完全释放出来,整体产 业 供过于求 的 状 况仍将持续。 ledfchina.com | Report of LEDinside, a LED industry research organization reveals [...] that in 2012, the oversupply situation of the [...]industry will continue because the MOCVD [...]system is still releasing its huge production capacity. ledfchina.com |
是什么让行动落在股市,是供过于求 的 销 量相比相对缺乏的购买兴趣。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | What makes an action falls in the [...] stock market is an oversupply of sales compared [...]to a relative lack of interest in buying. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
多年的经济衰退、失业率上升,加上因经济逆转 和 供过于求 , 导致物业价格下跌,令人质疑政府房屋贷款公司应否维持其一直以来担当的角色,继续提供长期的低定息置业贷款。 housingauthority.gov.hk | Years of recession, increased unemployment and price deflation in the [...] property market as a result of economic [...] adversity and oversupply have all called [...]into question the Government Housing Loan [...]Corporation's longstanding role of providing long-term, fixed low-interest home purchase loans. housingauthority.gov.hk |
LED产业2013年营运成绩揭晓,虽然整体产业进入复苏期,但受到产 能 供过于求 影 响 仍巨,LED上游晶粒厂成为重灾区,国内3大LED晶粒厂晶电(2448)、璨圆(3061)、新世纪(3383)去年共亏损24亿元新台币(下同),以LED [...] 10大晶粒与封装厂来看,2012年全年亏损近10亿元规模,LED封装龙头厂亿光(2393)以全年获利5.42亿元蝉联LED获利王宝座。 jxlcd.com | LED industry operating results [...] in 2013, although the industry of the whole into recovery, but affected by [...] the capacity exceeds the demand is still huge, LED [...]upstream grain factory [...]became hard-hit, three big domestic LED crystal grain factory electricity (2448), the ladies round (3061), new century t $2.4 billion ($3383) last year losses (the same below), the LED 10 grain and FengZhuangChang, 2012 full-year loss of nearly 1 billion yuan scale, light LED encapsulation leading factory (2393) to 542 million yuan full-year earnings topped profit LED king's throne. jxlcd.com |
各方确定,由于 信通技术服务需求持续增长并超过供 应 , 中央供资方法已被证明是无效的控制机 制,而且需要规管及监察此类服务需求。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was determined that, as the demand for ICT services continued to grow and exceed supply, [...] central funding had proved to [...]be an ineffective control mechanism, and that demand for such services needed to be regulated and monitored. daccess-ods.un.org |
。小组委员会要求提供过去三年任何此类查访报告的副本、提出的任 何建议以及关于在这 些查访后所采取的任何行动的资料。 daccess-ods.un.org | The SPT requests copies of any such visit reports for the past three years, any recommendations made, and any actions taken [...] following these visits. daccess-ods.un.org |
它要求提供关于过去三 年任何查访报告的副本和建议,并建议当局 确保在实践中实施该法律规定。 daccess-ods.un.org | It requests copies of any such visit reports [...] concerning the last three years and recommendations and recommends that the [...]authorities ensure implementation of the legal provision in practice. daccess-ods.un.org |
其他发言者认为,第 B 条草案中载列的规则不够灵活或过于 详 细 :从这样的要 求看, 更是这样:为了驱逐而拘留外国人不得使用关押被判处剥夺自由刑罚的人 [...] 的场所;有人还建议,在某些情况下,可能需要拘留非法居留的外国人,以便确 定事实,甚至保护这些人。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to other speakers, the rules set out in draft article [...] B were not flexible enough or were too detailed: that was [...] particularly the case with the requirement that the detention of an [...]alien pending [...]expulsion must be carried out in a place other than a facility in which persons sentenced to penalties involving deprivation of liberty were detained. daccess-ods.un.org |
世界上有大量证据表明对供水的大力补贴会导 致 过 度 用水和浪费水,从而 使得处于供水系统高端或终端的人缺水,因为对新资源的投资赶不上 需 求。 wrdmap.org | There is considerable evidence from around the world that [...] heavily subsidised water [...] supplies lead to excessive and wasteful consumption by those who have access to water and shortages for people at high points or at the end of the distribution network, as investment in new resources fails to keep up with demand. wrdmap.org |
他们还受益于高昂的诉讼费,方法是 要 求 少 于 诉 讼费的专利许可费,同时希望使用者即使不 侵犯专利权也会付费给他们,而假若使用者侵犯了专利权,改变产品的费用 又 过于 昂 贵。 iprcommission.org | They benefit from the high cost of litigation by demanding license fees that are less than the cost of litigation, hoping that people will pay even if they don’t infringe, or, if they do infringe, it will [...] be too costly to change the product. iprcommission.org |
按照委员会 1986 年会议制订并经 1992 年会议重申的程序,希望于大会主要 会期期间在总部举行会议的大会附属机构的主席应向委员会主席提出 请 求 , 供其 审议和向大会提出建议。 daccess-ods.un.org | In accordance with the procedure established by the Committee at its 1986 session and reaffirmed at its 1992 session, Chairs of [...] subsidiary organs of the General Assembly that wish to meet at [...] Headquarters during the main part of the Assembly should submit their requests to the Chair of the Committee for its consideration and recommendation [...]to the General Assembly. daccess-ods.un.org |
安全和质量标准、供 求情况 、交通服务和费用、储存和包装以及天气预报也 属 于 市 场 信息。 daccess-ods.un.org | It also covers safety and quality standards, supply and demand situation, transport services and charges, storage [...] and packaging, and weather reports. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,基于采购 的紧急性,排除担任“中间商”的供应商 Z 可以获 得的经济利益,以及此前供应商 Z 曾通过供应商 A 向近东救济工程处及时供货这 一事实,近东救济工程处加沙外地办事处决定,可证明供应商 A 可靠性和货物质 量的现有信息就足够了。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, given the urgency of the procurement, the economic benefits derived from eliminating supplier Z as “middle man”, and the fact that supplier Z had previously [...] provided goods [...]from supplier A to UNRWA in a timely manner, UNRWA Gaza made the decision that available information attesting to supplier A’s reliability and the quality of its goods would have to be sufficient. daccess-ods.un.org |
其他成果包括建立了一个区域贸易费用 数据库,向各国提供过去未曾提供过 的 关 于 它 们同亚太区域内外伙伴 进行贸易的费用的信息、在 2011 年亚太贸易便利化论坛期间发动了 促进贸易便利化机制区域合作对话、并组织了具有开创性的专家组讨 论会,讨论与贸易有关的信息和文件跨境得到法律承认的问题,以及 农业贸易便利化问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | Other outcomes included the development of a regional trade cost database providing countries with previously unavailable information of their trade costs with partners inside and outside the region, the launch of a Regional Cooperation Dialogue for Trade Facilitation mechanism on the occasion of the Asia-Pacific Trade Facilitation Forum in 2011, and the organization of pioneering expert group discussions on the legal recognition of trade-related information and documents across borders, as well as on agricultural trade facilitation. daccess-ods.un.org |
很多国家担心假冒伪劣和没有许可证的药品泛滥,联合国儿童基金会关 注 于 控 制 药品供应的源头,只允许国家政府 通 过供 应 司 来获取药品。 unicef.org | The expanding use of counterfeit and unlicensed medicines is a concern in many countries, and UNICEF focuses on [...] controlling the origin of the medicines [...] it supplies and only allows country offices to purchase medicines through Supply Division. unicef.org |
美国前大使托马斯·彼格令(Thomas Pickering),威 廉·卢尔斯(William Luers )及国际安全问题专家吉 米·沃尔斯(Jim Walsh)说用制裁解决伊朗核问题尤其 困难,原因如下:首先,伊朗是地区大国而且是产油 国,在全球石油供给逐渐萎缩的情况下,各国会继续购 买伊朗原油;第二,伊朗政府已经公开承诺继续核研 发,而且就此前经验来看,伊朗可以在制裁生效之前装 好离心机;第三,伊朗民族自豪感强烈,而且憎恨外部 干涉;最后,制裁虽然有惩罚效果, 但 过于 嚣 张 且自以 为是,因此容易导致反抗而不是服从。 crisisgroup.org | Former U.S. Ambassadors Thomas Pickering and William Luers, along with international security expert Jim Walsh, argue that the Iranian nuclear case presents a particularly tough challenge for sanctions for several reasons: [...] Iran is a regional power [...] and an oil supplier likely to continue to sell to various countries given declining global supply; its government has made a very public commitment to the nuclear program, and experience has shown it can build centrifuges faster than others can impose sanctions; it is a proud country with a cultivated abhorrence of outside interference; sanctions can impose costs, but their loud and accusatory [...]character make [...]them as likely to induce resistance as compliance. crisisgroup.org |
一成员还指出,文件中没有提供过去 要 求 就 第二阶 段转型进行的分析,根据要求单独地提供了分析。 multilateralfund.org | One member also noted that the [...] analyses previously sought on second stage conversions had not been provided in [...]the documentation and [...]had been provided to it separately upon request. multilateralfund.org |
(b) 秘书处应在报告所涉期间结束后,随即在 9 月 30 日前向安理会成员提 交报告草稿,以便于讨论 ,并由安理会及时 通 过 , 供 大 会 在大会常会主要会期期 间审议。 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) The Secretariat should continue to submit the draft report to the members of the Council no later than 30 September, immediately following the period covered by the report, so that [...] it may be discussed [...] and thereafter adopted by the Council in time for consideration by the General Assembly during [...]the main part of the regular [...]session of the General Assembly. daccess-ods.un.org |
他强调,政治领导人和政党应发挥 关键性作用,并要求他们回应极端主义政党、运动和团体的民粹化 和 过于 简 单 化 的言论,重新确立移民、不安全和失业等问题的相关事实,通过合理的论证驳斥 不合逻辑的说法。 daccess-ods.un.org | He therefore emphasizes the key role that political leaders and [...] political parties [...] have to play, and calls upon them to provide answers to the populist and oversimplified statements of extremist [...]political parties, [...]movements and groups by re-establishing the facts associated with the issues posed by, inter alia, immigration, insecurity and unemployment, and by refuting illogical claims through reasoned argument. daccess-ods.un.org |
卡塔尔代表表示,关于立即采取行动的 要 求过于 突 然和匆忙,使该组织没有 机会说服委员会的许多成员其各项目标符合《联合国宪章》第十条和经社理事会 [...] 第 1996/31 号决议规定的标准。 daccess-ods.un.org | The representative of [...] Qatar said that the request to take immediate [...]action was sudden and hasty, and deprived the organization [...]of the opportunity to persuade many members of the Committee that its aims and objectives are in conformity with Article 10 of the Charter of the United Nations and the criteria set out by Council resolution 1996/31. daccess-ods.un.org |
该请求应要求供应商 或承包商澄清定价根据并确认这方面的补充要点,以 便于 采购 实体就供应商或承包商是否有能力按提交的价格履行采购合同得出结论。 daccess-ods.un.org | The request should ask the supplier or contractor to clarify the basis upon which the price was determined and confirm [...] such additional elements [...]in this respect, to allow the procuring entity to conclude whether the supplier or contractor will be able to perform the procurement contract for the price submitted. daccess-ods.un.org |
这 些建议主要涉及委员会在以下各方面的能力:收集 关 于 决 议 执行情况的资料;加 强委员会作为协调援助供求的信 息交流中心的作用;与相关的国际、区域和次区 域组织以及多边机构订立正式和非正式合作安排;促进分享有关良好做法和经验 [...] 教训的信息,并协助制定和执行各项标准。 daccess-ods.un.org | These recommendations deal mainly with the capacity of the Committee to gather information on the status of implementation of the [...] resolution; [...] consolidate its clearing house role in matching requests for assistance with offers; develop formal and informal [...]cooperative arrangements [...]with relevant international, regional and subregional organizations and multilateral institutions; and facilitate the sharing of information on good practices and lessons learned and the development and implementation of standards. daccess-ods.un.org |
Hiten Nagadia认为:「自印度引入反倾销条例后,市场上的注塑机出 现 求过于供 的 现 象,客户往往要等较长的时间才能收到机器,部份客户更因此改买二手机。 cosmos.com.hk | Mr. Hiten Nagadia, a business partner of WML, [...] expressed: "The demand for injection moulding machines has [...]exceeded the supply in the [...]Indian market after the implementation of the anti-dumping rules. cosmos.com.hk |
温巧夫总经理对于三星电子副总裁Austin Kim博士和John Lee博士一行表示衷心感谢,他说,致 力 于 打 造 世界级优秀天线企业,是硕贝德人的 追 求 , 过 往 时间硕贝德经过三星电子的严格审核,公司已经成为三星电子的合 格 供 应 商,双方现在合作也很默契,我们希望硕贝德将来有更多的机会,更加深入地为三星电子提供更广泛的专业服务。 speed-hz.com | General manager Wen Qiaofu to Samsung vice president Dr. Austin Kim and Dr. John Lee [...] and his party express hearthelt thanks, he says, [...] committed to creating a world class excellent antenna enterprise, is the pursuit of Speed, passing time Speed through a rigorous examination of the Samsung Electronics,,and has become Samsung Electronics [...]Company qualified suppliers,borh sides now cooperation very good, we hope that the Speed will have more opportunities, more in depth for the Samsung Electronics provides a wide range of professional services. speed-hz.com |
(b) 通过采购程序产生的拟订立采购合同或框架协议所要求主要条款和条 件的概要,包括所需供应货物的性质、数量和交货地点、拟实施工程的性质和 地点或者服务性质和提供服务地点,以及希望或 要 求供 应 货物的时间或工程竣 工时间或者提供服务的时间表 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) A summary of the principal required terms and conditions of the procurement contract or the framework agreement to be entered into as a result of the procurement proceedings, including the nature and quantity, and place of delivery of the goods to be supplied, the nature and location [...] of the construction [...]to be effected, or the nature of the services and the location where they are to be provided, as well as the desired or required time for the supply of the goods or for the completion of the construction, or the timetable for the provision of the services daccess-ods.un.org |
从这些问题可以看出,自 从推行结构性调整方案以提高生产能力以来,农业部门长期存在弊病,同时国家 [...] 撤销机构支持服务,通过大幅降低或取消关税和配额制,在条件尚未成熟的情况 下让小农面临大型跨国供应商 的竞争,以及一些发达国家 由 于过 分 支 持国内农 民,实施粮食“倾销”政策。 daccess-ods.un.org | These weaknesses reflected a persistent failure since the promotion of structural adjustment programmes to support the building of productive capacities; along with a dismantling of institutional support services; the premature exposure of small-scale farmers, through a rapid reduction or elimination of tariffs and quotas, to competition from large [...] multinational suppliers; and food “dumping” [...] by a number of developed countries because of excessive support to their farmers. daccess-ods.un.org |