

单词 供资者

See also:

资者 pl

deposited funds pl

External sources (not reviewed)

此外,还可以与公共与私供资者达 成 具体的协 定,为活动的成功筹集不可或缺的经费。
Furthermore, specific agreements could be
established with public
[...] and private donors in order to gather the resources that are vital to [...]
ensuring the activities’ success.
类似供资计划需要有关管理机构审议,并需要在 供资者/ 捐助 者的协议中加以处理,以便收回项目成本。
Such a funding plan would require consideration by the relevant
governing body, and for purposes of project cost recovery, would need to be addressed
[...] in agreements with funders and donors.
68 监察组以前的报告都确定Boyah是 2008 年海盗活动 的主要组者和供资者。
Probably the most notorious pirate leader in Puntland goes by the name Abshir Abdillahi “Boyah”, who is approximately 44 years old and originally from the coastal town of Eyl.68 In
previous reports, the Monitoring Group has identified Boyah as a
[...] principal organizer and financier of pirate activity [...]
in 2008.
监测组 2011 年 9
[...] 月开始工作,将继 续调查和报告海盗民兵及供资者、 提 供 便 利者、谈判者、积极支持者和受惠者 的情况。
The Monitoring Group began its work in September 2011 and will continue
to investigate and report on pirate
[...] militias and their financiers, facilitators, negotiators, [...]
active supporters and beneficiaries.
必须 与各级政府及其它潜供资者建立 伙伴关系。
It is important to establish partnerships between governments
[...] and other potential funding-providers.
i) 由于人和生物圈计划国家委员会和生物圈保留地负责保证自己的长期资金,评估 人员指出,私人企业将成为未来的主 供资者。
(i) Since MAB National Committees and Biosphere Reserves are
responsible for securing their
[...] own long-term funds, the evaluation pointed to private corporations becoming the main funders in the future
国际实施方案促请各国政府及其他 潜在供资者在各 自的管辖范围内估定可持续发展教育方面的现有资源与需求,对现有资源 加以重新分配,并找到筹集新资源的途径。
The IIS urges governments and other potential funding sources to assess the existing resources and needs [...]
related to ESD in their
jurisdictions and to reallocate existing resources and find ways to create new resources.
在执行工作中,决者和供资者必须 把稀缺资源用于贫困和边缘群体,并解 决造成弱势的根本问题。
In doing so, policymakers and funders must target scarce resources to poor and [...]
marginalized groups, while addressing the
issues underlying their vulnerability.
供资者举行的会议上,独立专家有时的印象是,这个问题不 一定被认为是一个优先事项;然而,重建太子港的必要性提供了一个独特的机 [...]
At meetings with donors, the Independent [...]
Expert was sometimes left with the impression that this concern was not necessarily
considered a priority; yet, the need to rebuild Port-au-Prince presents a unique opportunity to demonstrate that the discrimination suffered by persons with disabilities is a thing of the past.
资 发基金还将继续同非传统供资者(包 括私营部门基金会)在金融包容性领 域结成新的伙伴关系。
UNCDF will also continue to build new partnerships with
[...] non-traditional funders, including private [...]
foundations, in the area of financial inclusion.
然而,项目驱动的供资往往得 供资者 的 赞同,因而,长时间下去,会极 大地影响良好做法的可持续性和可行性。
Yet project-driven funding is often favoured by donors, thereby [...]
greatly limiting the sustainability and viability of practices over time.
委员会鼓励缔约国促进加强透明 度和责任心,提高由国供资者资助 的 发展方案,特别是司法和机构改革方案以 及提高贫困者生活水平方案的执行效益。
The Committee encourages the State party to foster transparency and accountability to improve effectiveness in
the implementation of development
[...] programmes funded by international donors, in particular [...]
for judicial and institutional
reforms and for the improvement of the lives of those living in poverty.
他们强调需要将这些应受谴责行为的肇事者、组者、供资者和赞 助者绳之以法,并重申任何恐怖行为都无法扭转伊拉克争取实 [...]
They underlined the
[...] need to bring perpetrators, organizers, financiers [...]
and sponsors of those reprehensible acts to justice
and reiterated that no terrorist act could reverse the path towards peace, democracy and reconstruction in Iraq.
因此,预计 2010
[...] 年底以前,将用这一方法来向各 供资者 返 还 健康保险储 备金中 8 310 万美元中的一部分。
As such, it is contemplated that this approach should be used to return a part
of the $83.1 million portion of the health insurance reserve funds
[...] to the various funding sources before [...]
the end of 2010.
在这方面,咨询委员会还注意到,虽然提议从健康保险储备金中划转 8 310 万美元,以注入单独设立的离职后健康保险储备基金(见 A/64/366,以及上文第 3 段),但现在预计在 2010
[...] 年底以前,将用“保险费假日”方法来向各 供资者 返还健康保险储备金中 8 310 万美元中的一部分(A/65/342,第 [...]
8 段)。
In this connection, the Advisory Committee further notes that, while it was proposed to transfer the $83.1 million from the health insurance reserves into an independent segregated after-service health insurance reserve fund (see A/64/366 and para. 3 above), it is now contemplated that the “premium
holiday” approach should be used to return a part of the $83.1 million portion of the health insurance reserve funds
[...] to the various funding sources before [...]
the end of 2010 (A/65/342, para. 8).
鉴于此,联合国 依据现有计划参与者的数据,使用“保险费假日”来定期向所 供资者 分 配 剩余 的储备金金额,这一直被认为,并且继续会被认为是向所 供资者 返 还 剩余健康 保险储备金的最公平的方式(A/65/342,第 8 段)。
For that reason, the United Nations uses a
[...] “premium holiday” to periodically distribute excess reserve amounts to all funding sources on the basis of current plan participant data.
其目标 是为了提高地区内部的投资服务质量,并为资 者提供各种 最新信息——比如,投资需求和地区 性微观经济数据。
Their goal is to improve the quality of a
[...] region’s investor services as well as to provide an access to the latest information - such as, the investment offers and [...]
regional micro-economic data.
联黎部队还将继续开展相关活动,以协助黎巴嫩政府 将权威扩大到黎巴嫩南部,方法包括协助当地市镇编写捐 者供资 项 目 的可行性 报告,改善获得外部资金的机会,促进与外部捐助者的合作,借此加强市镇行政 工作人员项目拟订和执行的能力;与国际和当地政府和非政府组织合作,实施环 境举措,作为一种向当地市镇提供援助的手段。
The Force will also continue to undertake activities that will assist the Government of Lebanon in extending its authority in southern
Lebanon, including by
[...] assisting local municipalities in preparing feasibility studies for donor-funded projects so as to enhance external funding opportunities [...]
and promote cooperation
with external donors, which would increase the capacities of municipal administrative staff in terms of project formulation and implementation, as well as by implementing environmental initiatives, in cooperation with international and local governmental and non-governmental organizations, as a means of providing assistance to local municipalities.
虽然摩尔多瓦共和国开展的打击贩运活动有相当一部分是国际组织实施的, 并依然有赖于国际捐者供资,但 政府已加大保护受害者的努力,并提供直接财 政援助,协助保护和援助受害者的工作。
Depending on financial possibilities, the Government is gradually assuming ownership of the process — a step in this regard was the institutionalization of the Assistance and Protection Centre in Chisinau (designed for the rehabilitation of
者对新 的计划管理周期现采用自上而下和自下而上的互动做法表示满意,预计这 种做法会给地区办事处和全国委员会在拟定下一个计划与预算时以更多的职责,同时一致强 调指出,为编写文件 C/5 或为被视为教科文组织中主要工作组成部分的任何事项能举行的多 国磋商和地区磋商都不应由参与计划,而应由正常计划项下的其 资 源 提 供资 金 ( 参见附件 III 中所附磋商会议通过的决议)。
While expressing their satisfaction that the new programme management cycle now allows not only a top-down but also a bottom-up interaction which is expected to give a more important role to field offices and National Commissions in the design of the next programmes and budgets, participants unanimously stressed that cluster and regional consultations for the purpose of the preparation of the C/5 document or for any issue considered to be part and parcel of UNESCO’s core business shall not be funded from the Participation Programme but from other sources under the regular [...]
programme (see resolution
adopted by the Consultation which is attached as Annex III).
食典委鼓励当前的捐者继 续向该信托基金供资金, 并请其他国家考虑向该基金捐款,以便确保基金的可持 续性。
The Commission encouraged current donors to continue to provide funds to the Trust Fund and invited other countries to consider contributing to the Fund in order to ensure its sustainability.
供所有 来源的客观和高质量信息,包括来自公共和私营实体的信 息,如国家统计机构、国际货币基金组织(基金组织)、世界银行、联合国系统、 投资顾问和信用评级机构,对国内外潜在 资者 作 出 明智的决定至关重要。
The provision of objective, high-quality information from all sources, including private and public entities, such as national statistical agencies, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, the United Nations system, investment advisers and credit-rating agencies, is vital for informed decisions by potential domestic and foreign investors alike.
欧洲委员会和项目合作伙伴认为欧洲地名项目是一项十分成功的项目,它现 在为欧洲地理协会及其成员、欧洲国家制图和地籍局协会提供了极佳的机会,以 国家和欧洲空间资料基础设施的参 资 料 提 供者 的 身 份,来满足今后的需要(例 如欧洲共同体空间信息基础设施 INSPIRE)。
Recognized as a very successful project by the European Commission and the project partners, EuroGeoNames now provides excellent opportunities for EuroGeographics and its members, the European association of national mapping and cadastral agencies, to meet future requirements (e.g., INSPIRE) in their role as reference information providers for national and European spatial data infrastructures.
提出的建议包括:近东救济工程处必须让 其捐助方深刻认识到其核心预算并不是一个管理黑 洞,而是运行其教育方案的关键,因而应当被视为 是对巴勒斯坦难民的未来的投资;把握所 供资机 会 ;扩大其核心预算捐助方的范围,目前对此提供 的捐款为数不多——他曾在阿拉伯联盟各国部长在 开罗举行的一次会议上提请注意这一点,这些国家 对具体项目和紧急呼吁但不包括核心预算给予了值 得欢迎的支助;扩大与各基金会和私营部门其他机 构之类的非国家行者的伙 伴关系;并继续通过更 好的规划、执行和监督活动,以经济合算的方式实 施方案。
Among the recommendations were that UNRWA must: impress upon donors that its core budget was not an administrative black hole but the key to running its educational
programmes and thus should be
[...] seen as an investment in the future of the Palestine refugees; exploit all funding opportunities; enlarge its donor base for the core budget, to which only a small number currently contributed — a point to which he had drawn attention in Cairo at a meeting of Arab League ministers whose countries gave welcome support to specific projects and emergency appeals but not to the core budget; expand its partnerships with non-State actors such as foundations [...]
and other institutions
in the private sector; and continue to be cost-effective in conducting its programmes through better planning, implementation and oversight.
另外比较可取 的是对赔偿确认适当的标准,从自愿作证开始时就确定 供 赔 偿的义务,设置并 运作取得肇者资产的 机制,将不同的做法统一融合,并确保与其他过渡期机制 的适当协调。
It is also advisable to identify appropriate criteria for reparations,
to establish the obligation to provide reparations from the beginning of voluntary depositions, to reinforce
[...] State mechanisms for accessing assets of perpetrators, to integrate differential approaches [...] [...]
and to ensure adequate coordination with other transitional mechanisms.
政府、国际金融机构和大公司应该协同努力,制定奖励措施,促进增加对可 持续技术、创新和基础设施的投资,途径包括:制定政策和目标,减少 资者的 顾 虑;推动发展支持研发的公私网络;发展风险担保机制和 供 风 险 资本;供 种子资金。
Governments, international financial institutions and major companies should work together to create incentives for increased investments in sustainable technologies, innovations and infrastructures, including through the adoption of
policies and targets
[...] that reduce investor uncertainty; the promotion of public-private networks to support research and development; the development of risk guarantee schemes and the provision of risk capital; and seed financing.
凭借其在技术上的领先地位,Marketwire 提 供 富 有 创新意识的产品与服务 — 其中包括社交媒体,搜索引擎优化,News Dashboard报告,加拿大新闻网等网络的独家进入权,简易 资者 关 系 和简易公共关系工作流程解决方案等——帮助传播专家在保证精确性和最佳实行的同时,使工作效率最大化。
With a reputation for technology leadership, Marketwire offers innovative products and services -- including Social Media, Search Engine Optimization, News Dashboard coverage reports, exclusive access to networks such as The Canadian Press Wire Network, Easy IR and Easy PR workflow solutions, and more -- that help communication professionals maximize their effectiveness while ensuring accuracy and best practices.
苏丹条例》第 12 条禁止直接或间接向委员会或安全理事会为第 1591(2005) 号决议第 3(c)分段目的指认的人、代表被指认者或根据其指示行事的人、或由被 指者直接或间接拥有或控制的实体 供资 产 , 或为了这些人或实体的利益供 资产。
Regulation 12 of the Sudan Regulations prohibits making an asset available, directly or indirectly, to, or for the benefit of, a person designated by the Committee or the Security Council for the purposes of subparagraph 3 (c) of resolution 1591, or to a person acting on behalf of or at the direction of a designated person, or an entity owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by a designated person.
这一多捐者供资形式 使教科文组织能 够在预算外活动中增强一致性,依照其经常方案优先事项提高其在国家一级的行动效率,并侧重 [...]
于在选定的非洲国家和最不发达国家(LDC)实现工作重点的预期成果–非洲撒哈拉以南教师培 训行动(TTISSA)和提高能力的扫盲行动(LIFE),这些国家获得上述资金的最大部分。
This multi-donor funding modality has enabled [...]
UNESCO to improve coherence in extrabudgetary activities, to increase effectiveness
of its actions at the country level in line with its regular programme priorities and to focus on achieving the expected results of the main lines of action – Teacher Training Initiative in Sub-Saharan Africa (TTISSA) and Literacy Initiative for Empowerment (LIFE) – with selected countries in Africa and LDCs receiving the largest share of these funds.
高级咨询小组在关于冲突后文职人才的独立报告(见 A/65/747-S/2011/85) 中进一步加强了这一呼吁,其中在第 10 项建议中明确表示职员学院是联合国系 统能力训练的主要供者之一 ,并要求它与其他培训伙伴一起确定哪些领域需要 技能,然后提供培训或寻找适当的外部培训;建立正规的培训认证机制并按成本 回收的办法运作,以保证方案有足够高的质量;对培训危机应对技能进行 资。
This call was further reinforced in the recent independent report of the Senior Advisory Group on civilian capacity in the aftermath of conflict (see A/65/747S/2011/85), which, in its recommendation 10, clearly identifies
the College as one of the
[...] key providers of capacity training in the system and calls for it, together with the other training partners, to identify where skills are needed and then either provide training or identify appropriate external trainings; to develop a formal training certification mechanism, operated on a cost-recovery basis, to guarantee programmes of sufficient quality; and to invest in training in [...]
crisis response skills.




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