

单词 供认

供认 noun, plural ()

confessions pl

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 意识到证据不可否认,并对他进行的侵犯现有法律的行为表示悔改时,他自愿供认了罪行。
The Government maintains that he made the confessions voluntarily after
realizing that the evidence was undeniable, and repented the acts that he had carried
[...] out in violation of the existing laws.
他们在问讯期供认,他 们把这些武器运 送到上述区域,是为了将它们走私到叙利亚。
They confessed during interrogation [...]
that they had transferred the weapons to the above-mentioned area with a view to smuggling them into Syria.
[...] 与内部审计办公室合作,后者正在编制培训和 供认 识 的 材料以及制订对道德环 境有影响的政策和程序。
The Ethics Office is working with
the Office of Internal Audit as it develops
[...] training and awareness materials and [...]
on policies and procedures with implications for the ethics environment.
为了实现 2005 和 2007 年的淘汰目标,秘鲁政府提议为私营部门(最终用户和制冷维 修技术员)提供技术援助,鼓励他们自愿减少
[...] CFC 的消费;促进信息的传播和供认识以 支持各类 CFC 的淘汰,加强法律框架以支持减少 [...]
CFC 使用的举措,包括支持海关署对各 类 CFC 的非法贸易进行管制;以及建成全面的监测和管制方案。
In order to meet the 2005 and 2007 phase-out targets, the Government of Peru proposes to provide technical assistance to the private sector (end-users and refrigeration service technicians) to encourage their
voluntary reduction of CFC consumption; promote
[...] information and awareness to support the [...]
phase-out of CFCs and enhanced the legal
framework to uphold the CFC reduction initiatives, including support to the Customs Office to control illegal trade of CFCs; and establish a comprehensive monitoring and control programme.
该国政府报告,此供认于上 述日期偷窃车内财物,表示他并 未试图恐吓 Neelapaijit 夫人或其家属。
The Government
[...] reported that this person, confessed to having stolen property [...]
from the cars on the above-mentioned dates
and expressed that he did not have the intention of intimidating Mrs. Neelapaijit or her family.
(d) 由环境规划署执行的(135,000 美元)加强国家监测各类消耗臭氧层物质的贸易 和防止非法消耗臭氧层物质贸易的能力的项目,将为 400 名海关官员(检查员、
管制员和海关警察)进一步提供消耗臭氧层物质相关问题的培训,并在海关部内 建立消耗臭氧层物质信息/执法中心,包括提供回收设备,从没收非法设备中回
[...] 收消耗臭氧层物质;在非法消耗臭氧层物质贸易活动的追踪问题上,加大执法官 员培训活动的力度;就国内加速淘汰消耗臭氧层物质问题开展 供认 识 活 动。
(d) Enhancement of national capacity to monitor trade and prevent illegal trade of ODSs, to be implemented by UNEP (US $135,000), would provide additional training to 400 Customs officers (inspectors, controllers and customs policemen) on ODS related issues, establish an ODS Information/Enforcement Centre in the Customs Department, including provision of equipment for recovery of ODS from confiscated illegal equipment; intensify the training campaign for enforcement officers on
follow-up of illegal trade of ODSs
[...] activities; and awareness activities related to the accelerated [...]
phase-out of ODSs in the country
其意图有所不同,报告单边行动为发 展中国家的行动供认可, 同时提供了一个国家各 种行动的综合状况,而报告国际支持下的行动可以 [...]
The purpose may differ, with unilateral action reported
[...] to provide recognition of action by [...]
developing countries and a comprehensive
picture of the actions by a country, while internationally support action would be reported to enable verification.
他还称一 名高级官员叫他全供认据称 犯罪行为,说这样可以获释。
He also explains that a highlevel official told him to give a full confession on the alleged crimes, as this would lead to his release.
他们致力于促进尊重和恢复这些权利,并计划为查科地区参 与起诉有关奴役和强迫劳动案例或针对土著成员的类似案例的所有工作人员供认识劳 工权利和土著人各项权利的培训。
Respect for and restoration of these rights are being promoted and training in labour rights and the rights of indigenous peoples is planned for all officials of the Chaco region who are involved in the prosecution of cases related to servitude, forced labour or similar practices that target members of indigenous peoples.
这 类证词不得作为定罪证据,只能证明那些警察见证的信息和事实,例 供认 确有 发生,以及供词是在什么情况下作出的。
Such testimony must not be treated as incriminating evidence, but solely as evidence of information and facts witnessed by those officers, such as the fact that the confession took place and the circumstances in which the statement was made.
PADI 潜水中心由经验丰富、通晓多种语言的员工提 供服务,供认证课 程、高氧潜水、水下呼吸 器和夜间潜水探险。
A PADI dive centre is run by experienced, multilingual
[...] staff and offers certification courses, nitrox, [...]
rebreather and night diving expeditions.
在 审前拘留的情况下,它成为一供认 有 罪 或配合检举 他人的不适当压力形式,而这些目的应当严格由被拘 留者自愿达成。
In the case of pretrial detention, it became a form of undue pressure for a confession or for cooperation with the prosecution of others, objectives that should be pursued strictly as voluntary on the part of the detainee.
供认识、 能力建设和技术援 助等方面的保护措施不仅应当着眼于法官和其他决策官员,而且也应当着眼于 [...]
Awareness-raising, capacity-building [...]
and technical assistance should be provided not only to judges and other decision-making
officials, but to the general public as well.
(k) 制定农业良好做法国家认证标准,在国内以合理费用 供认 证。
(k) Development of national standards for certification of good agricultural practice, which may be provided domestically at reasonable cost.
(a) 推动和鼓励部门合作,供认识具体部门行动收益的手段(美利坚合众 国,MISC.5)
(a) Catalysing and encouraging sectoral cooperation and
[...] providing a means of recognizing the benefits of [...]
sector-specific actions (United States, MISC.5)
这就是为什么我国政府和国际社会 确保向该委员会供认捐款 是如此重要,以避免重建 工作的任何拖延,并确保不会由于未满足人民对于改 善条件的合法期望而发生暴力。
That is why it is so important for the Government and the international community to ensure that the amounts pledged are made available to the Commission in order to avoid any delay in the reconstruction work and to ensure that there is no outbreak of violence due to a failure to meet the population’s legitimate expectations of better conditions.
2011 年 5 月 17
[...] 日(星期二)上午 10 时 45 分,臭名昭著供认不讳的恐怖分子让路易 斯·波萨达·卡里莱斯连同其他五人,出现在曼哈顿列克星敦大道和 [...]
38 街的街 口,古巴常驻联合国代表团的位置。
At 10.45 a.m. on Tuesday, 17 May 2011, the
[...] notorious self-confessed terrorist Luis [...]
Posada Carriles, along with five other people,
appeared at the corner of Lexington Avenue and 38th Street in Manhattan, where the Permanent Mission of Cuba to the United Nations is located.
但是,应该指出,预防性安全局不是以酷刑数量和 严重程度为重点,而是更注重选择所用酷刑的种类和方法,他们选用的 酷刑和压力可导致快供认和承 认对个人的指控。
However, it should be noted that, instead of focusing on quantity and severity, the Preventive Security Service was more selective in its use of torture, employing types and methods of torture and pressure that would lead to a rapid confession and admission of the charges attributed to the person.
绩效衡量19.1: 在依照SFI 2010-2014标准 成功完成认证、再认证或监督审核之后, 经认证的计划参加者应向SFI Inc.提供认证 机构所准备的审核报告概要。
Performance Measure 19.1 A certified Program Participant shall provide a summary audit report, prepared by the certification body, to SFI Inc. after the successful completion of a certification, recertification or surveillance audit to the SFI 2010-2014 Standard.
战后被俘虏的克尼坎普博供认,在 1944年夏季,绘制完成的图纸和3辆试验车合同,交由玛格鲁斯公司进行试生产,但直到1945年1月依然未能完成。
According to Kniepkamp in postwar interrogations, the drawing for the E 10 were completed in the Summer of 1944 and contracts given to Magirus to complete three trial vehicles.
再次承诺支持发展中国家努力确保全体儿童接受并完成免费、高质量的 义务初级教育,消除两性不平等和失衡现象,继续努力改善女孩教育,继续支持 发展中国家努力执行全民教育倡议,包括通过全民教育快速道倡议增加各类资 源,支持由国家牵头实施的国家教育计划,敦促捐助方 供认 捐 款 项; 19.
Reaffirms its commitment to supporting the efforts of developing countries to ensure that all children have access to and complete free and compulsory primary education of good quality, to eliminating gender inequality and imbalances and renewing efforts to improve the education of girls, and to continuing to support the efforts of developing countries in the implementation of the Education for All initiative, including with enhanced resources of all types through the Education for All fast-track initiative in support of country-led national education plans, and urges donors to honour their pledged contributions
虽然他们从来没有团结成一个单一的机构,一些发达国家的团结意识,作为科隆代表由1591年签署的概念由15个传教士,首 供认 的 信 仰,同时接受了荷兰和德国的高与低门诺派。
While they never united into one homogeneous body, some sense of unity developed, as represented by the Concept of Cologne signed in 1591 by fifteen preachers, the first confession of faith accepted simultaneously by Dutch and High and Low German Mennonites.
没有一个 政府可以僭取权利将其他国家在反恐方面采取的行 动分门别类,更何况是一个采用双重标准、拒绝起诉 诸如路易斯·波萨达·卡里略斯等对古巴和本半球其 他国家犯有骇人听闻的恐怖罪行 供认 不 讳 的肇事 者并让他们逍遥法外和参加政治活动的政府。
No Government can arrogate the right to categorize the actions of other nations with regard to terrorism, especially not a Government of double standards that refuses to prosecute confessed perpetrators of horrendous terrorist acts against Cuba and other countries of this hemisphere, such as Luis Posada Carriles, allowing them instead to roam free and participate in political activities.
绿色之星评级系统是由澳大利亚绿色建筑委员会 供认 可 的 标准来表征一栋楼环保程度的证书。
The Green Star rating system was developed by the Green Building Council of Australia to provide a recognised standard that would indicate the environmental credentials of a building. As such, the rating system aims to improve the sustainability of the Australian property industry.
[...] 与自然和历史的互动中,被不断地再创造,为这些社区和群体 供认 同 感和持续 感,从而增强对文化多样性和人类创造力的尊重。
This intangible cultural heritage, transmitted from generation to generation, is constantly recreated by communities and groups in response to their environment, their interaction with
nature and their history, and provides them
[...] with a sense of identity and continuity, [...]
thus promoting respect for cultural diversity and human creativity.
4.支付体系:将银行系统、电子商务平台系统、商家和北京网通业务系统互连为一体,在用户、商家、北京网通和银行之间建立统一的支付平台,为其提供统一模式的接口进行数据传递,支付平台对可追踪用户(持有银行卡/折、固话等)消费 供认 证 和用户帐务数据。
Payment system: Bank systems, the E-commerce platform system, merchants and Beijing Netcom’s business systems were interconnected into a whole, with a uniform payment platform established between subscribers, merchants, Beijing Netcom and banks and uniform-mode interfaces provided for them for data transfer.
委员会请缔约国坚决禁止在任何诉 讼程序中受理施加酷刑而获取的证据,并请缔约国提供资料说明获取此供 认的官 员是否受到起诉和惩罚,并列举 供认 为 逼 迫所得而不受理案件的例 子。
The Committee requests the State party to firmly prohibit admissibility of evidence obtained as a result of torture
in any proceedings, and provide information on whether any officials have been prosecuted and punished for extracting such confessions
[...] as well as examples of cases that were set aside because of a confession having been coerced.
(iii) 涉及发售本公司或本公司发起或拥有权益的任何其他公司的股份或公 司债券或其他证券供认购或购买的合约或安排,而董事或其联系人 士在发售建议的包销或分包销中以参与者身份拥有权益
(iii) any contract or arrangement concerning an offer of shares or debentures or other securities of or by the Company or any other company which the Company may promote or be interested in for subscription or purchase, where the Director or his associate(s) is/are or is/are to be interested as a participant in the underwriting or sub-underwriting of the offer
该部分,即“精算审查”,据其自 供认, 不 包括“批判性分析或建议”,而且虽然报告对到 [...]
2019 年的医疗保险费用增长作出了估 计,但是它并未提供纳费增长的估计数,而这是弥补这些费用所必需的。
This part, Actuarial Review,
[...] contains by its own admission, “no critical [...]
analysis or recommendations”, and while it estimates
increases in the costs of medical benefits to 2019, it does not include any estimate of the increases in contributions that would be needed to meet these costs.




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