

单词 供求

供求 ()

supply and demand (economics)



supply exceeds demand


supply does not meet demand


supply exceeds demand

External sources (not reviewed)

顧問研究結果將有 助我們了解香港目前的法律及相關服 供求 情 況 ,亦能為法律 界持份者在研究如何填供求缺口時,提供參考資料。
The findings of the
[...] consultancy study will help us understand the present demand for, and supply of, legal and related services [...]
in Hong Kong, and
will provide reference information for stakeholders in the legal field when examining how best the gap could be filled.
这种模式保护第三国移民 免遭剥削,且与此同,确保劳务市场不会出 供求 失 调 问题。
The model protects third-country migrants from exploitation and at the same time, ensures that the problem of a mismatch in the labour market does not arise.
特别是,未来食品供求,包 括渔业,将受人口动态以及经济增长地点和速度的影响。
In particular, the
[...] future supply and demand of food commodities, [...]
including fisheries, will be affected by population dynamics
and the location and rate of economic growth.
該 等 前 瞻 性 陳 述 乃 反 映 中 芯 國 際 高 級 管 理 層 根 據 最 佳 判 斷 作 出 的 估 計,存 在 重 大 已 知 及 未 知 的 風 險、 不確定性以及其他可能導致中芯國際實際業績、財務狀況或經營結果與前瞻性陳述所載資料有重大差異的因素, 包 括(但 不 限 於)與 半 導 體 行 業 週 期 及 市 況 有 關 風 險、激 烈 競 爭、中 芯 國 際 客 戶 能 否 及 時 接 收 晶 圓
產 品、能 否 及 時 引 進 新 技 術、中 芯 國 際 量 產 新 產
[...] 品 的 能 力、半 導 體 代 工 服供 求 情 況、行 業 產 能 過 剩、設 備、零 [...]
件 及 原 材 料 短 缺、製 造 產 能 供 給 和 終 端市 場
的金 融 情況 是 否穩 定。
These forward-looking statements are necessarily estimates reflecting the best judgment of SMIC’s senior management and involve significant risks, both known and unknown, uncertainties and other factors that may cause SMIC’s actual performance, financial condition or results of operations to be materially different from those suggested by the forward-looking statements including, among others, risks associated with cyclicality and market conditions in the semiconductor industry, intense competition, timely wafer acceptance by SMIC’s customers, timely introduction of new technologies,
SMIC’s ability to ramp new products into
[...] volume, supply and demand for semiconductor foundry [...]
services, industry overcapacity,
shortages in equipment, components and raw materials, availability of manufacturing capacity, and financial stability in end markets.
前进途径之一是需要实行能源资源 的多样化,促进可再生能源供求机 制 和能源效率。
As a way forward, there was a need to diversify energy resources, and to promote
[...] renewable energy, demand– supply mechanisms [...]
and energy efficiency.
(a)發牌;(b)豁免;或(c)暫時免責的申請作出決定,而在作出決定 時會考慮所有相關因素,包括是否符合各項規管要求、由相關界別
[...] 提出的專業意見,以及公眾利益的考慮因素,例如骨灰龕位的整供求情況 、區內居民的意見,以及購買了在發牌制度推行前已經存 [...]
The functions of the Licensing Board are to decide on the merits of applications for (a) a licence; (b) an exemption; or (c) temporary suspension of liability, having regard to all relevant factors which include, among other things, compliance with various regulatory requirements, professional input from relevant disciplines and public
interest considerations such as the
[...] overall supply of and demand for columbarium niches, [...]
views of residents in the district,
as well as the interest of patrons of columbaria which came into existence before the introduction of the licensing scheme.
拉斐尔表示,“我们希望继续在这里工作,并希望公司为孩子们 供求 知 的 场所。
We want to continue working here and hope the company will help provide schools for our children.
具体宏观经济和人文环 境的假设对农业和渔业产品供求有 重 大影响。
These assumptions portray a specific
macroeconomic and demographic environment that shapes
[...] the evolution of demand and supply for agricultural [...]
and fish products.
[...] 制条件,以确保发展灵活、有效运作的劳动力市场,消除劳动 供求 的 结 构性失 衡,减少非法就业比重,增强劳动积极性和劳动力流动。
Based on economic development trends, State labour market development policy will focus on putting in place the legal, economic and institutional conditions underpinning the development of a flexible, efficient labour market
able to bridge the structural gap between
[...] labour supply and demand, to reduce illegal [...]
employment as a share of the labour market
and to increase worker motivation and labour mobility.
(e) 继续补充各种监测活动,为此需要更加系统地研究苯丙胺类兴奋剂问 题,包括对苯丙胺类兴奋供求关系在不同情况下错综复杂的相互作用进行更 详细的分析,并需要开展研究以确定苯丙胺类兴奋剂的流行率和使用风险并提 [...]
(e) Continue to complement monitoring activities by conducting more systematic research into the problem of amphetamine-type stimulants, including more
detailed examinations of the complex
[...] interplay between the demand for and the supply [...]
of amphetamine-type stimulants in different
contexts, and by conducting and making available the results of studies to establish the prevalence and identify the risks of the use of amphetamine-type stimulants.
菲律宾实施的减少药供求战略的 重点是预防、治疗和康复;打击吸毒和贩毒;遵守规 [...]
章;采取司法和立法措施;以及国家、区域和国际合 作。
The Government’s
[...] strategies for reducing demand and supply were [...]
based on prevention; treatment and rehabilitation; campaigns
against the use and trafficking of illegal drugs; regulatory compliance; judicial and legislative measures; and national, regional and international cooperation.
为 了实现全 民教育目
[...] 标,即人人完 成九 年制基础教育,教育部 门将特别 关注最贫穷人口和弱势群体,处理该领域 供求 和 质 量问题。
To achieve education for all - namely the attainment of nine years of basic education for
all people- the educational sector
[...] would deal with supplies, demands, and quality by focusing [...]
special attention on the poorest
group and the vulnerable group.
因此,调节就供求关系 并促进在企业和培训中心的实习安置,以及收 集、制定、监测并发布与这三个领域相关的统计数据,这些为减少失业采取的主 要行动有利于打击对弱势群体(青年男女毕业生或无资质人员、女性)的排斥并减 缓其贫困。
Thus, the main actions undertaken to reduce unemployment help to combat exclusion and poverty in vulnerable groups (young girls/boys with or without qualifications, and women) by bringing labour supply and demand closer together, by encouraging internships in companies and in training centres, and by collecting, compiling, monitoring and disseminating statistics on these three areas.
安全和质量标准供 求情况、交通服务和费用、储存和包装以及天气预报也属于市场信息。
It also covers safety and quality
[...] standards, supply and demand situation, transport [...]
services and charges, storage and packaging, and weather reports.
雖 然 預 期 「 恒 生 之 ETF 」 每 基 金
[...] [...] 單 位 的 市 場 價 格 通 常 會 接 近 其 每 單 位 的 資 產 淨 值 , 但 其 市 場 價 格 受 市供 求 影 響 , 因 此 「 恒 生 之 ETF 」 每 基 金 單 位 的 市 場 價 格 或 許 會 與 其 每 單 位 資 產 [...]
淨 值 有 所 差 異 。
It is expected that the market price per Unit in Hang Seng's ETF(s) will normally approximate its net asset value (NAV) per Unit.
这项战略推动全面的办 法,调动欧洲联盟能够使用的所有工具设法解决小武 器和轻武器贸易供求问题
The strategy promotes a comprehensive approach and seeks to mobilize all the instruments
that the European Union has at its disposal to
[...] tackle both supply and demand in the small arms and [...]
light weapons trade.
季內銅金 屬市場供求平衡重回供不應求之局 面,而上一季度則 供 過 於 求。
The copper metal market supply/demand balance returned to a deficit in the quarter, compared [...]
to a surplus during the previous quarter.
我们着重指出有必要采取措施应对洪水、干旱和缺水情况,调节水 供求 平衡 ,包括酌情利用非传统水资源,并在符合国家优先目标的情况下调动财政资 [...]
We underline the need to adopt measures to address floods, droughts and water
scarcity, addressing the balance
[...] between water supply and demand, including, where [...]
appropriate, non-conventional water resources,
and to mobilize financial resources and investment in infrastructure for water and sanitation services, in accordance with national priorities.
这 些建议主要涉及委员会在以下各方面的能力:收集关于决议执行情况的资料;加 强委员会作为协调援供求的信 息交流中心的作用;与相关的国际、区域和次区 域组织以及多边机构订立正式和非正式合作安排;促进分享有关良好做法和经验 [...]
These recommendations deal mainly with the capacity of the Committee to gather information on the status of implementation of the resolution;
consolidate its clearing house
[...] role in matching requests for assistance with offers; develop [...]
formal and informal cooperative
arrangements with relevant international, regional and subregional organizations and multilateral institutions; and facilitate the sharing of information on good practices and lessons learned and the development and implementation of standards.
鑒於整體供求狀況 ,及可透過 為客戶及供應商提供具吸引力的業務建議,故Glencore 展望於年內餘下時間營銷業務前景仍保持正面。
Glencore’s outlook for the remainder of the year in marketing remains positive, based on generally accommodating supply/demand conditions and the compelling business proposition that we provide to our customers and suppliers.
特别报告员强调,为打击人口贩运,像某些国 家那样仅仅加强移民和边境安全监管措施是不够 的,这不仅不会遏制偷渡行为,对于打算偷渡的人 来说,还增加了他们被贩运的风险,而且还应解决 贩运人口供求因素
In order to combat trafficking in persons, it was not enough, as some countries did, to strengthen immigration control and border security, as that did not discourage clandestine migration but were in fact counterproductive, exposing prospective migrants to the risk of being trafficked.
[...] 一個供電可靠性的指標,以「給用戶供電小時數」除以「用 戶求供電總小時數」的百分比表示。
An electricity supply reliability indicator, showing the total customer-hours served as a percentage of
[...] the total customer-hours demanded.
她指出,根据向会议提出求供资的 项目所需的全部数额,有可能目前拥有的资源不足以支付项目的核准款额和其 [...]
She indicated that, given
[...] the total amount requested for funding projects [...]
at the meeting, it was possible that the total
resources available would be insufficient to cover project approvals and other costs.
9.2.3 獲款機構須保留與項目有關的所有報 價單最少兩年,由項目完成當日或項 目協議終止當日起計(以較遲者為準), 以應求供秘書處審查。
9.2.3 All quotations under the project should be kept for a period of at least two years from the completion of the project or the date of termination of the project
agreement, whichever is later, and shall be made available
[...] without delay for the Secretariat’s inspection upon request.
应该提到的是,在之前的届会中,执行局同意预算第 IV 篇不仅
[...] 可以为法定义务或通胀原因引起的费用增加供资,而且,在可能 的情况下,为其他额外的紧急求供 资 , 即使这些资金需求并没 有出现在 C/5 [...]
It may be recalled that at previous sessions of the Executive Board, the Board had approved that Part IV of the budget finance not only increases due to statutory obligations or inflation but
also, if funds were available, other
[...] additional urgent requirements for which proper [...]
funding was not foreseen in the C/5 documents.
[...] 杂的,与个体雇员的偏好、规范、在家庭中的性别作用和资金 求(供 应 方)以及 雇主以全职或非全时为基础安排工作时间的方式等劳动力市场(需求方)因素有 关。
It has to do with the individual employee’s
preferences, norms, gender roles in the family and
[...] financial needs (supply side) and with [...]
labour market factors, such as the way
employers organize working hours either on a full-time basis or a part-time basis (demand side).
(b) 通过采购程序产生的拟订立采购合同或框架协议所要求主要条款和条 件的概要,包括所需供应货物的性质、数量和交货地点、拟实施工程的性质和 地点或者服务性质和提供服务地点,以及希望或 求供 应 货物的时间或工程竣 工时间或者提供服务的时间表
(b) A summary of the principal required terms and conditions of the procurement contract or the framework agreement to be entered into as a result of the procurement proceedings, including the nature and quantity, and place of delivery of the goods to be supplied, the nature and location of the construction to be effected, or the nature of the services and the location where they are to be provided, as well as the desired or required time for the supply of the goods or for the completion of the construction, or the timetable for the provision of the services
预 计在 2004 年底,即紧接执行局秋季会议之后举行下一个阶段的多国磋商,以便让各国全委 会和各国的所有有关各方更加广泛地参与确定各多国小组的优先 求 , 供 在 编写 33 C/5 时加 以考虑。
The holding of a further round of cluster consultations, towards the end of 2004, following the autumn session of the Executive Board, would aim to introduce a more participatory process, including the involvement of National Commissions and stakeholders at the national level in the identification of priority needs at the cluster level, which should be included in document 33 C/5.
(10) 在采购合同生效以及按求供应商 或承包商提供履约担保时,即应向其他 [...]
供应商或承包商发出采购合同通知,列明订立合同的供应商或承包商的名称和 地址及合同价格。
(10) Upon the entry into force of [...]
the procurement contract and, if required, the provision by the supplier or contractor
of a security for the performance of the contract, notice of the procurement contract shall be given promptly to other suppliers or contractors, specifying the name and address of the supplier or contractor that has entered into the contract and the contract price.




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