

单词 供不应求

See also:


supply and demand (economics)

供应 n

availability n
provision n
flats pl



供应 v

serve v

External sources (not reviewed)

经济的快 速增长导致国内能供不应求,因此中国政府不 得不把目光放到国外以确保国内经济发展和稳 定。
.45 China’s need for energy is growing faster than any other country’s. Record economic
[...] growth results in demand that outstrips domestic [...]
supply, leading
Beijing to look outward to ensure growth and stability.
随着对文化与发展决策建议、工具和培训的需求不断增加 供不应求 的 问 题依然 存在。
The challenge of responding adequately
[...] to the increasing demand for advice, tools [...]
and training in policy-making for culture and development remains.
库存少致使市供不应求,从 而 降低市场应对意外事件的能力,致使总价格上升并加剧价格波动。
Low stocks create tight markets thus reducing the
[...] market’s ability to respond to unforeseen events, [...]
hence contributing to higher overall
prices and increased price volatility.
发 展中国家的能源基础设施大部分尚待建设,从而使发展中世界许多地区的能源服供不应求而且价格昂贵。
The bulk of energy infrastructure in developing
[...] countries has yet to be built, leaving energy services undersupplied and expensive in many parts of the developing world.
随着中国人口的增长与生活水平的提升,食品和蛋白质也开 供不应求。
As China’s global population and standard of living
[...] continues to rise, the demand for food and protein is going to [...]
exceed supply.
该厂占地9000平方米(97000平方英尺),年产能为250万块电池,即使开足马力,产品在印度国内及周边市场也 供不应求。
The 9,000 sq m (97,000 sq ft) plant has a production
capacity of 2.5 million batteries per year, and full productivity will
[...] be needed to meet demand in India and nearby [...]
因有效率的销售及拍卖,及大拍卖行有效率的商业行销刺 激了整个市供不应求的状况。
The technical efficiency of art sales and auctions combined with commercial and
marketing prowess of the major auction houses has
[...] stimulated aggregate demand in a market where [...]
the supply is naturally limited
此外,饮用水匮乏,但需求却很大,新鲜食物很难大量采购,住房 常供不应求,缺 少可靠的通信基础设施。
Moreover, potable water is scarce and in high demand, fresh food can be difficult to procure in quantity, housing stock is frequently in short supply, and reliable communications infrastructure is lacking.
联合国“蓝盔”维和部队处 供不应求 , 而 且目前 这种趋势有深化的迹象。
Demand for blue helmets far outpaces supply, [...]
and shows no sign of abating.
供不应求的带 有小直径方向盘的动力转向提供了平稳、容易的方向盘控制以及节能
On demand power steering with small diameter [...]
steering wheel provide smooth, effortless steering control and energy savings
其中“久”字牌柴油机FIRCRI高压共轨燃油喷射系统产品填补了国家空白,高压油泵产品省内排名第一;柴油机产品涵盖四缸和六缸缸径的几十个系列柴油机,产品行销全国并出口南非 、印度尼西亚、越南、苏丹、印度、美国与厄瓜多尔等国家和地区,受到国内外用户的普遍赞誉;生产的中小型发电机组涵盖20kw—200kw功率,很大一部分出口到国外市场,产 供不应求。
In them the "久" plate FIRCRI high-pressure common-rail fuel injection system products has filled product gaps of the country; the high-pressure oil pump products has ranked first in the province; diesel products, which are generally praised by users at home and abroad, cover dozens of four-cylinder and six-cylinder bore series diesel engine and been sold across the country and export to South Africa, Indonesia, Vietnam, Sudan, India, the United States, Ecuador and other countries and regions; products of small and medium model
generator, most of
[...] which exports to global markets, cover product range of 20kw-200kw power and persist in short [...]
在圣佩德 罗苏拉市监狱内的所谓“市场”之所以能够存在,其中一部分原因是由于犯人们的 伙供不应求、饭 菜质量差、而且味道不好。
The “market” in San Pedro Sula Prison exists in part because of the small helpings, poor quality and unpleasant taste of the food.
每年,我校幼教学院的招生名 额供不应求。
Each year, demand for slots in Teda [...]
International School’s Early Childhood Academy typically exceeds availability.
移徙工人在丧失工作或收入降低的情况下会返回原 籍国,导致这些国家原已不堪重负的社会服务越 供不应求 , 并可能影响到经济 与社会的稳定。
The return of migrant workers to their countries of origin in response to loss of jobs or lower earnings can result in the overburdening of already stretched social services in those countries, and may also affect economic and social stability.
一方面是因为国内对新技术、新产品的投入没有发达国家大,企业都想在短期内追求利益最大化;另一方面,我国LED行业确实发展过快,资深专业人才自 供不应求。
On the one hand, because the domestic on new technology, new products in developed countries not big, enterprise want to pursue the maximal profit in the
short term; On the
[...] other hand, our country LED industry really burgeons too rapidly, senior professional talents natural demand exceeds supply.
这在一定程度上将有效缓解北京写字楼市供 不应求的矛 盾。由于新入市项目普遍品质较好,因此预 计 2013 年甲级写字楼的租金仍将会有上涨空间,空置 率则将随着新项目的投放有小幅上升 (图三)。
We expect office rents in Beijing to continue to display mild growth in 2013, while the vacancy rate will also increase slightly (Figure 3).
在能源求不断上升的时代,对现有水电站的现代化改造为保障能 供应 起 到 了举足轻重的作用。
In these times of rising demand for energy, the modernization of existing hydro power plants makes an important [...]
contribution to the security of supply.
在该背景下,有人建议,缔约国 和更广泛的执行群体应确保满足上述 求 , 不应 局 限 于如何确保女孩、男孩、妇 女和男子平等获得为执行《公约》 供 的 资 源的一般性讨论,而应询问为什么这 方面的进展一直如此缓慢。
In this context, it was suggested that both
States Parties and the
[...] broader implementation community need to make sure that this actually happens, including moving beyond the general discussions of how to [...]
ensure that girls,
boys, women and men have equal access to the resources generated through implementation of the Convention, and, by asking why progress has been so slow.
如果在预算 期间产生了这些职能求,应该尽 一切努力在现有资源范围内 供 这些 职能。
Should the need for those functions arise during the budget period, every effort should be made to provide them from [...]
within existing resources.
应该提到的是,在之前的届会中,执行局同意预算第 IV 篇不仅 可 以为法定义务或通胀原因引起的费用增加供资,而且,在可能 的情况下,为其他额外的紧急求供 资 , 即使这些资金需求并没 有出现在 C/5 文件中。
It may be recalled that at previous sessions of the Executive Board,
the Board
[...] had approved that Part IV of the budget finance not only increases due to statutory obligations or inflation but also, if funds were available, other additional urgent requirements for which proper funding was not foreseen in the C/5 [...]
在可预见的未来,对淡水的求将随 着淡 供应不 足 的 国家增多 而继续上升。
The demand for freshwater will continue to increase in [...]
the foreseeable future as will the number of countries with inadequate supplies of fresh water.
男女选不同职 业和部门工作的原因是复 杂的,与个体雇员的偏好、规范、在家庭中的性别作用和资金 求(供应 方 )以 及 雇主以全职或非全时为基础安排工作时间的方式等劳动力市场(需求方)因素有 关。
It has to do with the
[...] individual employee’s preferences, norms, gender roles in the family and financial needs (supply side) and with labour market factors, such as the way employers organize working [...]
either on a full-time basis or a part-time basis (demand side).
(b) 与联合国和从事保护儿童工作的机构合作,作为一个优先事项拟订并 执行一项战略,为现在和以前的儿童女兵及其子女确定并 供 有 效的重返社会援 助,以满足他们复杂的医疗、经济和心理 求 ; 应 该 尽 力确保上述倡议以及因此 而制定的各项方不加剧 前儿童女兵的污点及其对她们的排斥
(b) As a matter of priority, develop and implement in collaboration with the United Nations and child protection
actors a strategy to identify and provide effective reintegration assistance to current and former girl soldiers and their children, which meet their
[...] complex medical, economic and psychosocial needs; Every effort should be made to ensure these initiatives, and any resulting programmes, do not increase the stigma and exclusion faced by former [...]
girl soldiers
优质农产供应不足是 贸易机会不足的重要原因,也与纵向协调且功能强大 的产业链和连锁经营不发达导致求 得 不到满足的现实有着非常密切的联系,而 这种产业链和连锁经营的作用在于创造和形成需求并根据市场需求制定农产品质 量标准。
The inadequate supply of
[...] agricultural products of high quality is the reason of the insufficient opportunities of trade and this in turn is closely linked with the failures at the demand side as would [...]
be the underdevelopment
of vertically coordinated valour chains, whose role is to create and form the demands and to set standards for agricultural products on the basis of the market’s requirements.
特别报告员强调,为打击人口贩运,像某些国 家那样仅仅加强移民和边境安全监管措施 不够 的不仅不会遏制偷渡行为,对于打算偷渡的人 来说,还增加了他们被贩运的风险,而且 应 解决 贩运人口供求因素
In order to combat trafficking in persons, it was not enough, as some countries did, to strengthen immigration control and border security, as that did not discourage clandestine migration but were in fact counterproductive, exposing prospective migrants to the risk of being trafficked.
(a) 如果可能,涉及已和解个人的除名请求应附上高级和平委员会通过阿富
[...] [...] 汗政府递交的一项公函,确定所涉个人根据和解准则具备和解身份,如果是按照 加强和平方案进行的和解,则需提供文件,证明其已根据以前的方案进行和解;应提供当前地址和联系方法; (b) 除名求所涉个人如果于 2002 年之前曾在塔利班政权任职,不再符 合本决议第 3 段所述列名标准,应在可能情况下附上阿富汗政府的一项公函,确 认所涉个人不再活跃支持或参与威胁阿富汗的和平、稳定与安全的行为;并应提 [...] [...]
(b) Delisting requests concerning individuals who formerly held positions in the Taliban regime prior to 2002 who no longer meet the listing criteria
outlined in paragraph 3
[...] of this resolution should, if possible, include a communication from the Government of Afghanistan confirming that the individual is not an active supporter [...]
of, or participant
in, acts that threaten the peace, stability and security of Afghanistan, as well as current address and contact information
教科文组织应该加强行动,在各级教育中引进和使用信息传播技术,特别是通过发展 全国性的远程教育课程和接受其它阿拉伯语的在线内容,开发多语种教学内容,通过 供不 同形 式的授课方式增加终身学习的机会。
UNESCO was also urged to increase action with respect to the introduction and use of ICTs at all levels of education, especially through the development of national distance education courses and access to other online content to be made available [...]
in Arabic, multilingual
content development, and enhancing lifelong learning opportunities through access to diversified delivery systems.
因此,提议续设 2 个 P-4 和 P-3 级培训干事的一般临时人员职位,以维持 高级领导培训。鉴于内在更替率高并且政策和其他课程内容 求不 断 变化,因此 高级领导培训必须在总部举办,以确保向秘书长特别代表、秘书长副特别代表、 部队指挥官、警察局长以及其他外地高级管理人员 供 一 致 并且最新内容的概括 介绍。
Accordingly, it is proposed that 2 general temporary assistance positions of Training Officer, at the P-4 and P-3 levels, be continued in order to sustain senior leadership training, which must be centrally conducted so as to ensure the consistent and up-to-date orientation of Special Representatives of the Secretary-General, Deputy Special Representatives, Force Commanders, Police Commissioners and other senior field management in the light of inherently high turnover rates and constantly evolving policy and other course content required.
与此同时, 在未采用这种可追溯性系统的南北基伍和马涅马,矿物生产和官方出口有所下降, 因为,要获得不涉及冲突”冶炼厂地位的精炼厂和冶炼厂称,它们自 2011 年 4 月1日起,将只从警示地区购买有锡 供应 链 倡议制度标记的材料(见S/2011/738, 第 339 段)。
Meanwhile, in the Kivus and Maniema, where no such traceability systems were introduced, mineral
production and
[...] official exports have fallen since refineries and smelters seeking conflict-free smelter status stated that from 1 April 2011 onwards they would buy material from red-flag locations only if tagged under the ITRI Tin Supply Chain Initiative [...]
scheme (see S/2011/738, para. 339).
咨询委员会注意到,依照安理 会第 1904(2009)号决议第 21 段,在任命监察员后,第 1730(2006)号决 议所设协调人机制(P-4)应不再接受个人和实体提出的从综合名单除名的求,而应继续接受个人和实体提出的从其他制裁名单除名的请求。
The Committee notes that, in accordance with paragraph 21 of Council resolution 1904 (2009), after the appointment of the Ombudsman, the focal point mechanism (P-4)
established in
[...] resolution 1730 (2006) shall no longer receive requests from individuals or entities seeking to be removed from the Consolidated List, but shall continue to receive [...]
requests from individuals
and entities seeking to be removed from other sanctions lists.




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