单词 | 侏儒仓鼠 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 侏儒仓鼠 —dwarf hamsterExamples:坎贝尔侏儒仓鼠—Campbell's dwarf hamster (Phodopus campbelli) See also:侏儒—pygmy • dwarf • midget • small person 仓鼠 n—hamsters pl 侏儒 n—gnome n
他们满足犀牛,无惧无畏,TV-痴迷 仓鼠 和 螺 栓风扇加入他们的团队。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | They meet Rhino, a [...] fearless, TV-obsessed hamster and Bolt fan who [...]joins their team. seekcartoon.com |
该项目囊括了将近 30 个侏儒家庭中的 438 人。 daccess-ods.un.org | The project currently [...] supports nearly 30 Pygmy families comprising [...]438 individuals. daccess-ods.un.org |
以往 那些令人憎 恶 的 做 法包括,报告所称 对 侏儒症 者 实施“绝育”,不让他们再生育的做法,必须得到纠正。 daccess-ods.un.org | Some abhorrent past practices requiring redress include the reported “neutering” of people with dwarfism to prevent them from reproducing. daccess-ods.un.org |
本文提出了一种从浸泡在福尔马林的 大 仓鼠 肝 脏 和日本鳗鲡肌肉标本中提取基因组DNA的新方法。 actazool.org | This paper reports a new method to [...] extract genomic DNA from the liver [...] specimen of rat like hamster (Cricetulus triton) and [...]muscle specimen of Japanese eel (Anguilla [...]japonica) preserved in formalin. actazool.org |
继续开展 2000 年以来在 BIT 的支持下在东部省设立的 Cyrie 和 Mayos 联盟共同行动集团(GICACYMA)活动,目的是促 进 侏儒 就 业 并促进其 权利,尤其是公民权(持有身份信息卡片和出生证、拥有地产、管理合 作社和其他集体领域)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Ongoing activities of the Groupe d'Initiative Commune Alliance Cyrie et Mayos (GICACYMA), set up in 2000 in the province of Est with ILO support, in order to promote employment and the rights of the Pygmies, particularly citizenship (including the issuing of computerized national identity cards and birth certificates, access to property, management of a cooperative and collective farms). daccess-ods.un.org |
至於香港的商界,恕我得罪說一句,香港商界在經濟上如此強 大,為何在政治上卻如此“侏儒”? legco.gov.hk | As to the business sector in Hong Kong ― forgive me if I may sound offensive ― the business sector in Hong Kong is influential financially, but why does it flinch when it comes to politics? legco.gov.hk |
在刚果,粮食计划署正与儿童基金会和教 育部合作实施学校供餐计划,以改进 侏儒 儿 童 接受正规教育的机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the Congo, WFP is collaborating with UNICEF and [...] the Ministry of Education to implement school feeding projects to improve access to [...] formal education among pygmy children. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们的教会是巨型的侏儒── 体积很大,但是非常软弱,性格也不健康。 amccsm.org | Our churches are giant dwarfs - big in size, but very weak and unhealthy in character. amccsm.org |
楊耀忠議員:主席女士,有 人 說香港是一個“體育 沙 漠 ”;也 [...] 有 人 說香港是 一個“經濟巨 人、體 育 侏儒”。 legco.gov.hk | MR YEUNG YIU-CHUNG (in Cantonese): Madam President, [...] some say that Hong Kong is a "sports desert" and some others say that Hong Kong is an "economic [...] giant but a sports dwarf". legco.gov.hk |
这个题目是从来没有作为一个治疗的教条式的神学的一部分,直到什么是现在俗称“神学fundamentalis”在十六世纪,崛起,其中创始人梅尔基奥 尔 仓鼠 和 贝 拉明。 mb-soft.com | The subject was never treated as a part of dogmatic theology until the rise of what is now commonly called "Theologia fundamentalis", in the sixteenth century, the founders of which are Melchior Canus and Bellarmine. mb-soft.com |
在西北和东部省为 Mbororos 和侏儒儿童 设立户籍档案支持项目,项目 [...] 是在喀麦隆项目非政府组织和“社会 Mbororo 和文化发展协会”的积 极参与下开展的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Support project for issuing civil status certificates [...] to Mbororo and Pygmy children in the [...]provinces of Nord-Ouest and Est, with the [...]active involvement of two NGOs, namely "Plan Cameroon" and the "Mbororo Social and Cultural Development Association". daccess-ods.un.org |
但使用“叙利亚仓鼠胚胎 细胞”所做的实验显示,高浓度的去甲基雄三烯醇酮(群勃龙)可导致细胞变异,并在艾姆斯试验“Ames-test”中呈弱阳性。 r-biopharmrhone.com | However, trenbolone in increased [...] concentrations induced cell transformation in a test [...] using "syrian hamster embryonal cells", [...]and reacted weakly positive in the Ames-test. r-biopharmrhone.com |
本实验的结果提示:小鼠卵巢囊淋巴孔的大小、分布都与 金 仓鼠 、 豚 鼠 的 卵 巢囊淋巴孔有一定的差异,其淋巴孔的物质吸收功能具有时间依赖性。 actazool.org | In addition, some closed lymphatic stomata were observed on the ovary bursa, which suggested that the stomata might be regulated in physiological condition. actazool.org |
刚开了崔姬(Twiggy)它:米奇米谢尔森的是一个邪恶的宠物保姆的 类 仓鼠 崔 姬 (Twiggy)。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Gettin' Twiggy With It: Mitch Mitchelson is an evil pet [...] sitter for the class hamster Twiggy. seekcartoon.com |
为研究大仓鼠利用表型匹配识别亲属和近交发生的可能性,我们将 大 仓鼠 单 只隔离饲养,8个月后,经在Y型迷宫中测试,发现它们在同胞和非同胞之间不表现出偏好和友好行为,攻击行为和交配行为也没有表现出差异。 actazool.org | After rat-like hamsters were individually caged for 8 months from weaning, they did not display significant preferences [...] between siblings [...]and non-siblings and there were no significant differences between amicable behavior, agonistic behavior and mating in a Y maze. actazool.org |
在黑白蒼涼的影像中,穿上修士服的小孩 和 侏儒 , 高舉Anton當年替Joy Division拍攝的照片,追悼Ian之意不言而喻。 think-silly.com | In monotone, the image of children and midgets dressed as cloisterers moan the loss of Ian. think-silly.com |
支持朱姆–Oveng–明托姆区(德加和洛博省)7 000 名侏儒的经济和社会发 展项目,从 2004 年至 2007 年在比利时的合作下开展 daccess-ods.un.org | Support project for the economic and social development of 7,000 Pygmies in the Djoum-Oveng-Mintom region (department of Dja and Lobo), implemented with the Belgian Government for 2004-2007. daccess-ods.un.org |
改善 Lolodorf 侏儒生活环境的项目。 daccess-ods.un.org | Project for improving the quality of life of the Pygmies of Lolodorf. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过优化客户、制造商和儒卓力之间 的 仓 库 管 理,维持较低的成品仓库和缓冲仓库库存量。 rutronik.biz | By way of optimised store management between [...] customers, manufacturers and Rutronik, stocks in finished [...]and buffer stores are kept low. rutronik.com |
取浸泡于福尔马林中的大仓鼠肝脏 或日本鳗鲡肌肉适量,用PBS溶液冲洗,放在灭菌的吸水纸上将其揩干,于超净工作台内用无菌剪刀将材料剪成50 [...] mg的小块,放入PBS液浸泡12~24 h;然后转入70%的乙醇中处理12~24 h。 actazool.org | First, took some [...] liver tissue of the rat like hamster (Cricetulus triton) and [...]muscle tissue of the eel (Anguilla japonica); [...]second, cleaned them with PBS solution; and dried them with sterilized water absorbing paper; third, cut them into the pieces about 50mg weight; and put the pieces into PBS solution for 12~24 hours; fourth, flooded them in two changes of 70% alcohol for 12~24 hours each, then infuse them into alcohol as the following concentration: in two changes of 80% alcohol for 2 hours each, two changes of 90% alcohol for 2 hours each, two changes of 100% alcohol for 1 hour each, after all of the above treatment, put the samples into 1/2 PBS solution for 12 hours, during this treatment, changed the 1/2 PBS solution once. actazool.org |
通过随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD) [...] 方法,我们对河北省固安县牛驼镇王龙村附近的 大 仓鼠 ( C r ic etulus triton)种群的遗传多样性进行了研究。 actazool.org | The genetic diversity of [...] rat-like hamster(Cricetulus triton) populations [...]in Hebei Province,China was investigated using [...]the randomly amplified polymorphic DNA(RAPD) method through the polymerase chain reaction(PCR). actazool.org |
黑者鼠标系 列于2010年开卖,其中黑者及黑者魔战很荣幸的同时选入WCG的官方指定使用产品 。 ttesports.com.cn | BLACK mouse series was first [...] introduced in year 2010, with both BLACK and BLACK Element that were honorably selected as [...]WCG’s Official Hardware sponsor in 2010. ttesports.es |
(四) 當局如何評估滅鼠工作 的成效,以及評估的結果,以及會否加強 滅鼠工作? legco.gov.hk | (d) how it evaluates the [...] effectiveness of anti-rodent work, as well as the evaluation results, and whether it will step up anti-rodent efforts? legco.gov.hk |
十五位諾貝爾和平獎得主的公開呼籲,就是世界上15位來自不同 國家、不同種族的道德巨人要求中共這個道 德 侏儒 不 要 再做有違道 德、有違文明的事情。 legco.gov.hk | This public appeal made by 15 Nobel Peace Prize Laureates represents the call from 15 moral stalwarts from different countries and different races on this moral dwarf of the CPC to stop its immoral and uncivilized acts. legco.gov.hk |
i. 儒 家 學 問 強 調 歷 史 , 這 使 人 民 注 視 到 德 川 時 代 及 儒 學 時 代 以 前 的 日 本 傳 統 , 一 部 份 神 道 僧 侶 注 意 到 古 代 日 本 的 詩 歌 , 早 期 神 話 中 的 日 本 神 怪 及 日 本 散 文 ; 有 一 些 更 學 習 古 代 的 語 言 及 早 期 的 文 學 。 hkahe.com | Some Shinto priests drew attention once again to ancient Japanese poetry, Japanese spirit in early mythology, and purely Japanese prose works; some took up the study of the ancient language and early literature. ii. hkahe.com |
用MTT法测定海巴戟果甲醇提取物的细胞毒活性,此提取物的中间致死剂量(LC50)多 幼 仓鼠 肾 细 胞为2.5mg/mL,,对非洲绿猴肾细胞为3mg/mL,对人喉癌Hep2细胞为5mg/mL;海巴戟果0.1mg/mL对乳腺癌MCF7细胞株与成神经细胞瘤LAN5细胞株的细胞毒活性分別为29%及36%。 int-tm.com | The MTT method for the determination of methanol extract of Morinda citrifolia fruit the cytotoxic [...] activity of the extract of median lethal dose, [...] ( LC50 ) a baby hamster kidney cells for [...]2.5mg/mL,, on Africa green monkey kidney [...]cells for 3mg/mL, on human laryngeal carcinoma Hep2 cell for 5mg/mL; Morinda citrifolia fruit 0.1mg/mL on breast cancer MCF7 cell lines and into neural cells tumor LAN5 cell cytotoxic activity were respectively 29% and 36%. en.int-tm.com |