

单词 侍立

See also:

attend upon

External sources (not reviewed)

侍立帝左右的天使加百列清楚地知道耶稣是上帝之 子。
Gabriel, an angel whostands inthe presence of God, knew that Jesus was the Son of God.
The Lord has promised that one day there will be people from every nation, tribe, people
[...] and language, standingbefore His throne.
(三 ) 会否就立法立侍谘询民间团体、妇女事务委员会及公 众的意见;若会,详情为何;若否,原因为何?
(c) whether they will consult community groups,
the Women's Commission and the
[...] public on legislation for the provision of paternity leave; if [...]
they will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that?
不过,既然立侍在其他地方的经验亦不多,所以我们应该先搜集更多有关的资料,然後再 提出来讨论。
However, given the shortage of foreign experience in the provision of paternity leave, we suppose we should first collect more relevant information before raising the issue for discussions.
代理主席,举例来说,民协多年来大力推动并希望能立侍,这是 “家庭友善”措施的一种。
For instance, Deputy President, over the years, the ADPL has been
vigourously promoting paternity leave in the hope that
[...] paternity leave canbeestablished as a family-friendly [...]
民主党及多个妇女团体多年来要求政府立法规定雇主向男性雇员 提供有薪侍产假,并指出立侍不但有助纾缓产妇及家庭的压力、 协助男士担当家庭照顾者的角色和承担责任,亦有助促进男女平等及家 庭和谐,但政府至今未作正面回应。
For years, the Democratic Party and various women's groups have been asking the Government to legislate on the provision of paid paternity leave by employers to male employees, and have pointed out that the provision of paternity leave not only helps relieve the stress of the women who have given birth and their family, facilitates men to assume the role of family carer and shoulder their responsibilities, but also helps promote gender equality and family harmony.
我们分别於2006年及 2008
[...] 年向人力资源经理会的逾千间会员机构进行问卷调 查,以了解受访机构立侍的普遍性及具体安排。
It has conducted questionnaire surveys with over a thousand member organizations of its Human
Resources Managers Clubs in 2006 and 2008 to collect information on the prevalence and
[...] actual arrangements of paternity leave.
有些经济体系为雇员提供无薪的侍产假(例 如澳洲和新西兰),有些由社会保险计划直接承担雇员在侍产假 期间的薪酬(例如英国和瑞典),亦有不少先进的西方和香港邻 近的一些经济体系目前并没有立侍的法规。
Some economies provide unpaid paternity leave to employees (for example, Australia and New Zealand) while in other economies the social insurance system assumes direct responsibility for paying employees' remuneration during the period of paternityleave (for example, the United Kingdom and Sweden).
(一) 就不立法立侍会否构成家庭岗位歧视的问题,我们已谘询 律政司的法律意见。
(a) On the question of
[...] whether failure tolegislate for paternity [...]
leave will constitute family status discrimination, we
have sought the advice of the DoJ.
我们也曾尝试在香港搜集这方面的资 料,但发现只有很少公司有侍产假,而根据我们所得的资料显示,虽然有十 多间公司自行主动立侍,但大多数都是无薪的。
And, as indicated by the information collected, although some 10 companies provide such leave of their own volition, it is mostly of a no-pay nature.
王议员促请政府当局积极考供有,因为他认为此举能有效推广家庭友善雇 佣措施和协助提高香港的出生率,正好实践行政长官早前就加 [...]
强以家庭为核心的支援网络所作出的承诺,以及配合他对於夫 妇应生育3名子女所提出的呼吁。
Mr WONG urged the Administration to
[...] activelyconsider legislatingforpaid paternity leave which he [...]
considered an effective measure
to promote family-friendly employment practices and help boost Hong Kong's birth rate in meeting the Chief Executive's earlier pledge of strengthening family-based support network and appeal for married couples to have three children respectively.
性雇的建议,我们亦已展 开研究,包括探讨其他经济体系在提供侍产假方面的具体安 排,以及向劳工处成立的人力资源经理会的会员机构进行相 [...]
On the proposal
[...] for paternity leave tobe provided to male employees, [...]
we have been conducting a study on the specific arrangements
in other economies on the provision of paternity leave and carrying out relevant questionnaire surveys with member organizations of the Human Resources Managers Clubs formed by the Labour Department.
如果我们不立侍,对於新任母亲、新生婴儿及她们的丈夫来 说,其实是很难在生活和工作上取得平衡的。
If paternity leaveis not introduced, for new mothers and their husbands and newborn babies, work-life balance can hardly be achieved.
大家必须看清楚,究 竟香港是否适合立侍
Members must consider very thoroughly whether the provision of paternity leaveis suitable for Hong Kong.
局长刚才提到中小企的雇员人数不多,中小企的雇主也向我们反 映,如果立法立侍,而刚好有数名员工同时放假,便一定会影响企业 的生产效益。
And, many SME employers have also reflected to me, saying that if several employees take paternity leave all at the same time after the enactmentof legislation, the productivity of their enterprises will surely be adversely affected.
对 於 有立 侍法 例 的 地 方,我 们 并 无 每 一 [...]
个 地 方 的 相 关 法 例 生 效 日 期 的 资 料 。
We do not have information on when
[...] the relevant legislationcameinto force [...]
in each and every place that has statutory provision on paternity leave.
最 新 已 自 愿立 侍的 企 业 或 机 构 的 数 目 及 已 惠 及 多 少 雇 员 ?
What are the outcomes of these surveys? What is the latest number of enterprises or organisations that have implementedpaternity leave on a voluntary basis, and the number of employees benefitted?
因此,民主党要求政府立侍,让丈夫可以在太太产後享受有 薪假期,从而协助照顾产後的太太和新生婴儿。
For this reason, the Democratic Party asks the Government to introduce paternity leave so that the husbands can enjoy paid leaveafter their wives have given birth and they can help look after their wives and newborn babies.
此外,民主党一直希望政府能推行家庭友善政策,建议立侍、最低工资和标准工时,以及希望提供诱因鼓励雇主实施家庭友善雇 佣政策,让雇员可同时兼顾家庭和工作。
Besides, the Democratic Party has all along been hoping that the Government will
promote family-friendly
[...] policies andhas thusproposed the introduction of paternity leave, minimum [...]
wage and standard working
hours and the provision of incentives for employers to implement family-friendly employment practices to enable employees to meet the demands of both the family and work.
The film that follows shows matadors fighting the bulls
in the arena, assisted by an entourage of
[...] flagmen,sword pages, and lancers mounted [...]
on horseback, with cheering crowds in the background.
在 考 虑 应推 行时 , 我 们 必 顸 考 虑 本 港 的 实 际 情 况 , 并 小 心 评推 行对 雇 主 ( 特 别 是 中 小 型 企 业 ) , 以 及 整 体 经 济 可 能 造 成 的 影 响 。
In deliberating
[...] whether we should legislate for paternity leave, wehave to consider the actual circumstances of Hong Kong and carefully assess the possible impact of legislating for such leave on employers [...]
(especially small-and-medium-sized
enterprises) and the economy as a whole.
这份秘密报告也表明,海军指挥旗官的犯 罪嫌疑最大。
This confidential report also identified the chief security officer of the Navy Flag Officer in Command as the most likely perpetrator of the crime.
删除“香 ”,并以“有研究显示香港家庭团结指数持续下降,而在金 融海啸之下,各阶层家庭无论在财政、生活各方面均承受着沉重 的压力;与此同时,鉴於本”代替;在“文化运动”之後删除“, ”, 并以“及积极落实家庭友善政策,”代替;在“生活压力;”之後加上 “并藉此”;在 “重要的成就;”之後加上“(二 ) 引入‘家庭影响评估’, 检讨公共政策及行政措施对不同模式的家庭的影响;(三 ) 积极推 动
[...] [...] ‘家庭日’,呼吁各界重视家庭的价值;”;删除原有的“(二 )”,并 以 “(四 )”代替;在“竞争力的城市;”之後加上“(五 ) 立侍及 标准工时,并鼓励雇主实施家庭友善雇佣政策,让雇员可同时兼 顾家庭和工作;”;删除原有的“(三 [...]
)”代替;及删除原 有的“(四 )”,并以“(七 )”代替。
To add "a study indicates that the index on family solidarity in Hong Kong has continued to drop and amid the financial tsunami, families at various strata are bearing heavy pressure in their finances and other aspects of daily life; at the same time," after "That,"; to add "and actively implement family-friendly
policies" after
[...] "campaign forwork-lifebalance"; to add "and through these measures,"after "problems [...]
at work,"; to add "(b)
to introduce 'family impact assessment' to review the impact of public policies and administrative measures on different types of families
(b) 我 们 在 研推 行是 否 可 行 的 过 程 中,参 考 [...]
了 其 他 经 济 体 系 的 相 关 政 策 、 社 会 背 景 和 法 例 , 并 曾 向 本 地 机 构 进 行 统 计 调 查 , 了
解 本 港 私 人 企 业 提 供 侍 产 假 的 最 新 情 况。
(b) In studying the
[...] feasibilityof legislatingforpaternity leave in [...]
Hong Kong, we have made reference to the relevant
policies, social backdrop and legislation in other economies.
但说真的,如香港是真正的国际金融服务中心、国际都会,我们 一方面要向餐厅薄饼速递员致敬,也让我们令所有参与者更 具竞争力,按照今天的全球标准,而不是过去的本地做法,为顾客提 供更佳、更合理的服务,而非牺牲公众利益,认同甚或恢复过去的保 护主义和歧视性做法。
But seriously, while we salute the restaurant waitresses and pizza delivery men, if Hong Kong is to be a truly international financial services centre, and an international city, let us strive to make all players more competitive according to global standards of today and not local practices of time past, by serving customers better, more fairly, rather than holding on to or even reviving protectionist and discriminatory practices of the past, at the expense of public interest.
至於饮食业,全职餐厅主管及酒樓经理等相关人员及技工师/操作员每月工资 范围轻微扩阔;全及厨师等相关服务人员和洗碗工及厨房杂工等相关非技术工 人每月工资范围则轻微收窄。
The monthly wages ranges of full-time waiters/waitresses, cooks and other related service workers, and dishwashers, kitchen general workers and other related elementary workers were slightly compressed.
在汽车后部的两条长椅上相对而坐的是 Safdar Abbasi 参议 员(人民党高级成员,后排右侧长椅)、Shahenshah 先生(后排左侧长椅,面向 Abbasi 参议员)和 Razaq Mirani 先生(布托女士的个后排右侧长椅,坐 在 Abbasi 参议员的左边)。
Seated in the back of the vehicle on two benches facing each other were Senator Safdar Abbasi (senior PPP member, rearright bench), Mr. Shahenshah (rear-left bench, facing Senator Abbasi) and Mr. Razaq Mirani (personal attendant of Ms. Bhutto, rear-right bench next to Senator Abbasi and to his left).
Meanwhile, London teaches Esteban how to act rich because his family inherits the throne to his country, but ends up ruining everything for Esteban and when a military coup d’etat has overthrown
Esteban’s royal family, all his luxury items are subject torepossession, forcing Esteban to go back to
[...] his oldjob asa bellhop.
在访问期间,工作组发现,非洲人后裔在葡萄牙面临的挑战主要涉及他们 作为一个特定群体在葡萄牙国家政策架中得不到承认;其在历史上对 该国的建设和发展作出积极贡献得不到承认;没有按种族或族裔分列的定性和 定量的分类数据;贫困、获得教育、公共服务和就业机会不平等,以及在行政 和司法制度运作方面的歧视,形成恶性循环;存在种族貌相和警察暴力;在政 治和体制决策进程中代表不足,以及葡萄牙缺少针对非洲人后裔或其他少数群 体的具体措施或扶持行动政策。
During their visit, the Working Group found that the challenges faced by people of African descent in Portugal related mainly to their lack of recognition as a specific group in the national policy andlegal framework; the lack of recognition of their positive contribution throughout history to the construction and development of the country; the lack of qualitative and quantitative disaggregated data by racial or ethnic origin; the existence of a circle of poverty, unequal access to education, public services, employment, as well as discrimination in the administration and functioning of the justice system; existence of racial profiling and police violence; underrepresentation in political and institutional decision-making processes, as well as the lack of special measures or affirmative action policies in Portugal for people of African descent or other minorities.




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