单词 | 例行公事 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 例行公事 noun—routine nSee also:例行—routine 例行 adv—routinely adv 公事 pl—briefcases pl 公事 n—official business n
各组织应选择最适合自己的技巧;但是,为避免这一活动成 为 例行公事 和 简 单重 复,同一技巧不应连续使用。 daccess-ods.un.org | Organizations should choose the techniques that are most suited to their needs; [...] however, the same techniques should not be continuously used, in order to avoid [...] making the exercise routine and repetitive. daccess-ods.un.org |
他们发现该国的高等教育、 科学和技术部例行公事地把 大部分资金拨给了高等教育,非常不重视科学和技术。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Among the [...] findings was the fact that the then Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology routinely allocated [...]the bulk of its [...]resources to higher education, with minimal attention paid to science and technology. unesdoc.unesco.org |
但假如我們不能在這個問題㆖取得共識, [...] 我認為立法局或任何㆟都不能期望我們會再回去想出㆒個新計劃,因而令到整件事變 成每年的例行公事。 legco.gov.hk | But if we do not, if we cannot find a consensus on this issue, I do not think that the Legislative Council or [...] anybody else should expect us to go away and think up a new [...] scheme so that we can make this [...]into a sort of annual ritual. legco.gov.hk |
我們現在看到的這種 掉以輕心的態度,令機制上的程序成 為 例行公事 般。 legco.gov.hk | The negligent [...] attitude adopted by the officials had turned the procedures of the mechanism into a routine practice. legco.gov.hk |
在欠缺準則 的情況下,民政事務局處理分發經常資助,猶如一 般 例行公事 般。 legco.gov.hk | In the absence of such [...] criteria, the Home Affairs Bureau appears to have allocated the regular subventions as a matter of routine. legco.gov.hk |
調解能否成功,其實關鍵在於是否全心全意進行調解工作,而不 是做門面工夫、例行公事,當中固然涉及專業守則、專業水平,以及 參與者對調解的認同和參與程度。 legco.gov.hk | The key to successful mediation lies in the way that mediation work is conducted, that is, whether it is conducted [...] wholeheartedly by the parties, or whether it is [...] regarded as mere ceremony or routine. Certainly [...]it also involves the professional code [...]of practice and professionalism of the participants as well as their recognition of mediation and level of participation. legco.gov.hk |
只在最合适的时候用考试,而不是 例行公事。 aaia.org.uk | Use tests only when most [...] appropriate, not as routine. aaia.org.uk |
即使原訟法庭的裁決於 上訴被推翻,但上訴法庭的判案書顯示政府當局只 把環評程序視為例行公事,沒 有充分尊重這項程序 旨在訂定的可持續發展原則。 legco.gov.hk | Even though the ruling of the Court of First Instance was quashed on appeal, the Court of Appeal's judgment showed that the Administration treated the EIA process as a mere formality without giving due respect to the principle of sustainability it was purported to enshrine. legco.gov.hk |
律政司司長黃仁龍先生最近在一個公開場合表示,有些人擔心調 解會淪為訴訟過程前的一些例行公事 , 以 及爭議各方為了循例辦理這 手續而聘用資格或操守可能成疑,或收取不合理費用的調解員。 legco.gov.hk | The Secretary for Justice, Mr WONG Yan-lung, said recently on a public occasion that some people were worried that [...] mediation would be [...] reduced to some routine practices prior to the litigation process and, in order to complete this formality as a matter of routine, the [...]disputing parties would [...]hire mediators with doubtful qualifications or conduct, or those charging unreasonable fees. legco.gov.hk |
尽管审查中尽量本着例行公事的态 度,但还是觉得这些 档案并非都按规定收入了所有必须的资料要件。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Despite a determination to comply with the prescribed forms, the files did not systematically contain all of the documents required. unesdoc.unesco.org |
年复一年地以例行公事的方 式一 再重复地审议安理会的年度报告,对于我们的机会来 说是不公正的,对于报告能够并且应该发挥的作用也 是不公正的,这是反思联合国在和平与安全领域整个 业绩的一次机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | The ritualistic and highly repetitive manner in which the report is considered year after year does not do justice to the opportunity we have and to the role which the report could and should play — as an opportunity to reflect on the overall performance of the Organization in the area of peace and security. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,令国际工作人员协会(AIPU)感到遗憾的是,始终没有正式建立起一种必要的 [...] 机制,使涉及到工作人员的结构性调整不仅是得到认可,而且是开展得及时和有透明度,因 这不是官僚主义的例行公事,但 需要工作人员及其代表充分地参与所有各个阶段的工作,以 [...]尽可能地减少社会代价和避免在最后一刻才做出涉及就业问题的决定。 unesdoc.unesco.org | ISAU regrets, consequently, that there is still no officially established mechanism that would ensure that the restructuring affecting staff is not only recognized as such but is, most importantly, conducted in good [...] time and in a transparent manner: not [...] as a bureaucratic routine but with the full [...]participation at all stages of the staff [...]and their representatives, in order to limit the social cost as far as possible and avoid being confronted with last-minute decisions affecting employment. unesdoc.unesco.org |
就是到本會以前,當 局也知道是一定可以取得撥款的,這不過 是 例行公事 , 就 如“隔夜燒 賣 ”,是早已預備好的。 legco.gov.hk | The authorities come to this Council to request funding. The [...] authorities knew it well [...] before coming to this Council that funding would certainly be approved for this was merely a routine like Chinese [...]dumplings prepared the night before. legco.gov.hk |
何秀蘭議員補充,在政府 [...] 當局與區議會缺乏緊密夥伴合作關係的情況下,高級 官員出席區議會會議只屬例行公事。 legco.gov.hk | Ms Cyd HO added that in the absence of a close [...] partnership and collaboration with DCs, the attendance of senior officials at DC [...] meetings was merely an act of formality. legco.gov.hk |
最后,我要强调,除例行公事地举行辩论会外, 安全理事会所有成员必须把有关安理会工作方法的 关切和建议化作具体行动,这将使安理会有可能实现 确保安理会透明度、公开的互动以及有效性的最终目 标,同时不会妨碍有关安理会成员数目和代表性问题 的必要和紧迫的改革。 daccess-ods.un.org | In conclusion, I wish to emphasize that, beyond the formalities of this debate, all members of the Security Council need to translate [...] the concerns and proposals [...]regarding the working methods of the Council into specific action that will make it possible to achieve the ultimate goal of guaranteeing the transparency, open interaction and effectiveness of the Council, without prejudice to other necessary and urgent reforms relating to its membership and representativeness. daccess-ods.un.org |
我們 需要讓行政局議員有更多時間審議政策事宜和它們所牽涉的問題,而不應 讓 例行公事 充斥行政局的議程。 legco.gov.hk | We need to give Executive Councillors more time to consider policy issues and their implications, and not allow meetings to become cluttered with routine business. legco.gov.hk |
主席,我們覺得當局必須就這 4 點作出回應,因為如果純粹按照機制進 行例行公事,即如今天因應物價指數的增加而把法援稍為調高,雖然我們不 會反對,但我們覺得這是根本無法切實回應有關法援的要求的。 legco.gov.hk | If they are only carrying out a routine procedure according to the mechanism, such as raising the legal aid level in accordance with price index movements proposed today, we of course will not oppose it, but we think such action can in no way meet the demand for legal aid. legco.gov.hk |
周梁淑怡議員 [...] 同意涂謹申議員所說,就是港大校董會在其會議 上,通常討論一些例行公事,而該等會議為時約10 分鐘。 legco.gov.hk | Mrs CHOW agreed with Mr James TO that the Court of HKU usually [...] discussed routine matters at its meetings [...]which lasted for about 10 minutes. legco.gov.hk |
我相信很多市民在這方面都有相 同的疑慮,我亦希望政府在這一點多作解釋,究竟今次的檢查只 屬 例行 公事,抑或真的能夠找出有問題的樓宇,從而盡早作出補救措施呢? legco.gov.hk | Is the inspection this time around merely a routine procedure or does it want to find out structurally unsound buildings for the early making of remedial measures? legco.gov.hk |
過去㆒年,香港市民表達了不少關於民生方面 的意見,但施政報告內容全無新意,乏善可陳,只是㆒ 次 例行公事。 legco.gov.hk | However, the policy address has neither innovative ideas nor merits to speak of and is simply another routine document. legco.gov.hk |
動議措辭規定它 們優惠長者,㆒來不符合原來的獨立運作精神,原則㆖說不通;㆓來把自發的敬老行動變為 例行公事,把 清高的事降格為依法執行,「畫虎不成反類犬」。 legco.gov.hk | Firstly, in terms of principle, it is wrong of the motion to require them to provide preferential treatment to the elderly for it violates the spirit of giving these corporations operational independence. Secondly, it turns a spontaneous [...] show of respect for [...] the elderly into a matter of routine, reducing one lofty deed into a statutory obligation — a classic example of aiming for an exalted [...]goal but eventually falling far short of it. legco.gov.hk |
由于大量信通 [...] 技术服务是通过临时人员和约聘人员提供的,咨询委员会建议,应要求秘书长作 为例行公事,向 大会通报这些支出类别的用途细目,区分人员费用和其他需求。 daccess-ods.un.org | Given that a large number of ICT services are provided through temporary assistance and contractual personnel, the Committee recommends that the [...] Secretary-General be requested to inform the [...] General Assembly, as a matter of routine, of the breakdown [...]of the utilization [...]of those categories of expenditure, distinguishing between personnel costs and other requirements. daccess-ods.un.org |
代 理主席,政府一直只 是 將諮詢 區 議會意見當作例 行 公事,與 其 說是諮 詢 , 不如說成 是“知會 ” , 可能更 為 貼 切 。 legco.gov.hk | Madam Deputy, the Government has all along regarded consultations with the district boards routine business, and we might suitably describe this as "notification" rather than consultation. legco.gov.hk |
任何政府机构或组织的任何调查或查询通知(与税务机关等机构 的 例行公事 除 外 ),必须立即报告给 UCI-FRAM 集团副总裁和总法律顾问(Keith Zar,847-482-4350)。 wellsve.com | Notice of any investigation or inquiry (other than routine interactions such as with taxing authorities) by any governmental agency or organization must be reported immediately to the UCI-FRAM Group Vice President and General Counsel (Keith Zar, 847-482-4350). wellsve.com |
(ii) 假 若 使 用 錄 音 機 成 為 例 行 公 事 , 那 麼 沒 有 錄 音 的 會 見 內 容 , 即 使 不 作 錄 音 有 正 當 理 由 , 在 證 據 方 陎 所 佔 的 分 量 也 可 能 會 減 弱 。 hkreform.gov.hk | (ii) If the use of tape-recorders became standard, it is possible that the contents of an interview which had not been tape recorded, albeit for legitimate reasons, might be treated as of less evidential weight. hkreform.gov.hk |
然而,由于该问题已成为联合国 议程上长期存在的问题,就会有这样一种危险,即我 们有时可能会例行公事地、 机械地处理这一问题,从 而使该问题失去真正需要的紧迫性和相关性。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since it has become a permanent fixture of the United Nations agenda, however, there is a danger that we sometimes deal with the issue in a ritualistic and mechanical manner, thereby losing the urgency and relevance that it truly deserves. daccess-ods.un.org |
立法會還在這裏煞有介事,逐字逐句地制 [...] 定一個公平的行政長官選舉法,但行政長官早已經被“阿爺”欽點了,即使 小圈子選舉,也恐怕是例行公事,用 假選舉來確認中央人民政府(“中央”) 的真選擇,自欺欺人。 legco.gov.hk | JIANG Zemin, ZHU Rongji and QIAN Qichen have one after another "backed" Mr TUNG in public, trying [...] to rally support for [...] him. The Legislative Council is still trying to draw up a fair piece of legislation [...]for the Chief Executive [...]election, examining the provisions word by word, as if the legislation really matters. legco.gov.hk |
在考慮其他委員會是否可以增加透明度時,我們必須謹記,政府屬㆘ 350 個諮詢 委員會所處理的事務,在性質㆖有很大分別,部分委員會經常處理機密資料或敏感的 商業資料,而其他則就㆒般事項提供意見及處 理 例行公事。 legco.gov.hk | In considering whether other boards and committees can be more open, it has to be borne in mind that the business transacted by the 350 advisory boards and committees vary greatly in nature. legco.gov.hk |
楊孝華議員: 代 理主席,自 從 民主派 1998 年 重 返 立法會以來, 幾乎每 年 都 對行政長官的施政 報告, 以各種 各 樣 的 理 由 , 提 出所謂遺憾議 案 , 連 同今天 [...] 楊森議員提 出 的已是第 五次, 好 像 已 經成為 例 行 公事似 的。 legco.gov.hk | MR HOWARD YOUNG (in Cantonese): Mr Deputy, since its return to this Council in 1998, the democratic camp has been citing a variety of [...] reasons to propose a so-called motion of regret on the policy address [...] delivered by the Chief Executive almost every year. legco.gov.hk |