单词 | 例行 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 例行 —routine例行 adverb —routinely advExamples:例行公事 n—routine n 例行做 v—go through v 例行的 adj—routine adj
鑒於目前政府未有一套有效的行政措施或法例保護樹木,加上負責部門分散而 [...] 欠缺統籌,以致本港樹木可能基於都市發展、疏忽照顧或其他理由而遭摧毀、損 [...] 害或移去,本會促請政府盡快制訂有效的保護樹木政策,同時完善現行相關的法 例、行政措 施、行政架構,以切實保護及保留各種樹木,特別是特老和特大、稀 [...] 有和珍貴、有重大歷史、文化或紀念意義,以及具有特殊生態或科學研究價值的 古樹名木。 legco.gov.hk | That, as currently the Government does not have a set of effective administrative measures or legislation to protect trees, and as co-ordination is lacking because the responsibilities are scattered among various departments, which may result in trees in the territory being destroyed, damaged or removed due to urban development, negligence or other reasons, this Council urges the Government to expeditiously formulate an effective policy on protection of trees, and at the same [...] time perfect existing [...] relevant legislation, administrative measures as well as administrative [...]framework, so as to effectively [...]protect and preserve various kinds of trees, especially those that are exceptionally old and large, rare and valuable, of historical, cultural or memorial significance, and of special ecological or scientific research value. legco.gov.hk |
手術後您可以根據醫生的指示慢慢恢復往日 的例行生活。 biotronik.com | Following the intervention, you can slowly return to your daily routine, as agreed with your physician. biotronik.com |
主任在回答问题时解释说,之所以就秘书处 的 例行 活 动提交报告,是为了使执行委员 会随时了解为执行其各项决定而开展的工作,而为了贯彻责任制,也有必要汇报工作人员 进行的出访。 multilateralfund.org | In response to questions, the Chief Officer explained that the intention of a report on routine Secretariat activities was to keep the Executive Committee apprised of the work undertaken to implement its decisions, and that reporting on staff missions was necessary in the interests of accountability. multilateralfund.org |
缔约国还 指出,这份逮捕令是彩色的,而这不 是 例行 作 法,缔约国还强调,在该国购买伪 造文件相当容易。 daccess-ods.un.org | The State party also pointed out that the arrest warrant has been produced in colour, which is not a regular practice, and stressed that the procurement of false documents is fairly easy in the country. daccess-ods.un.org |
当以方在蓝线以南——在 以色列境内 90 多米处——从事例行工作 时,黎巴嫩 部队隔着蓝线直接开火,打死营长 Dov Harari 中校, 并使另一名资深连长受重伤,他们两人当时站在蓝 线以南约 140 米、以色列国防军工程地点以西 250 米处。 daccess-ods.un.org | During routine Israeli work south of the Blue Line — more than 90 metres within Israeli territory — Lebanese forces fired direct fire across the Blue Line, killing Battalion Commander Lieutenant Colonel Dov Harari and critically wounding another senior company commander, both of whom were standing some 140 metres south of the Blue Line and 250 metres west of the location of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) works. daccess-ods.un.org |
可用可行的方式将外观检查和对变压器 进 行 的 例行 检查 作业相结合。 highvolt.de | These can be carried out at the same time as the usual control inspections on the transformer. highvolt.de |
此外,联黎部队例行检查 先前在其任务区内发现的 武装分子过去使用的设施,包括掩体和洞穴,但没有发现它们被重新启用的迹象, [...] 也未发现在其行动区内有新的军事基础设施的任何证据。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, UNIFIL routinely checked previously [...] discovered former facilities of armed elements in the area of operations, [...]including bunkers and caves, but did not find indications that they had been reactivated or any evidence of new military infrastructure in its area of operations. daccess-ods.un.org |
各国可考虑对于违法和违反民间私营保安服务 条 例行 为 以及不守规行为规 定适当的处罚措施。 daccess-ods.un.org | States may consider specifying appropriate penalties for [...] transgressions and [...] breaches of regulations on civilian private security services and for non-compliance with such regulations. daccess-ods.un.org |
该代表还阐明, [...] 指导值适用于有关核事故或放射性事故的情况,不是为了用于在国家一级为筛选 进行 例行监测 ,可采用其它现有国际公约来防止受污染食物的分配。 codexalimentarius.org | The Representative also clarified that the Guideline Level applied to situations related to nuclear [...] accidents or radiological events and were not [...] meant for use in routine monitoring conducted [...]at national level for screening and [...]that other existing international conventions could be applied to prevent distributions of contaminated foods. codexalimentarius.org |
展望今后,总干事满怀信心:已实施的变革(如明确手册条款及其与财务条例的关 系,以及相应的培训等)将使秘书处能根据明确和明白的采购 条 例行 事 , 也将使秘书处更好 地理解和更严格地执行这样的条例,以防止重犯审计报告中指出的错误。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Looking ahead, the Director-General is confident that the changes put in place (such as the clarification of the Manual items and their relation to the Financial Regulations, and appropriate training) will enable the Secretariat to function within clear and well-known procurement rules, and will lead to a better understanding of and strict adherence to such rules by the Secretariat, in order to prevent reoccurrence of the failures identified in the audit report. unesdoc.unesco.org |
此外,本署為例行的斜 坡保養工程採取的外判工作安排,使本署可以更有效 [...] 地策劃和實施該等工程,令更多斜坡的保養符合現行的標準。 devb.gov.hk | An outsourcing [...] arrangement for routine maintenance works [...]is contributing to better planning and more efficient implementation [...]of works, leading to an increasing number of slopes being maintained in line with current standards. devb.gov.hk |
联合国儿童基金会与合作伙伴支持促进交流,以了解艾滋病毒携带者感染疟疾日益增大的风险,了解加强预防和治疗的需要,通过为艾滋病毒感染者,尤其是孕妇 的 例行 服 务来提供驱虫蚊帐。 unicef.org | UNICEF and partners support improved communication on the increased risks from malaria in people with HIV and the need for intensified prevention and treatment, including provision of ITNs through routine services to people living with HIV, especially pregnant women. unicef.org |
对于机械型组织的通常描述是: 高度专业化、例行性的组织任务; 形式化的运营流程; 泛滥于整个组织的繁文缛节、规章制度以及沟通形式; 大规模的运营单元; 组织任务所高度依赖的功能基础; 相对中心化的组织决策; 明晰的组织行政架构,以及在作业单位与支持单位之间的严格分界。 12manage.com | A clear configuration of the design parameters is described consistently in the research: highly specialized, routine operating tasks; very formalized procedures in the operating core; a proliferation of rules, regulations, and formalized communication throughout the organization; large-sized units at the operating level; reliance on the functional basis for grouping tasks; relatively centralized power for decision-making; and an elaborate administrative structure with sharp distinctions between line and staff. 12manage.com |
例行女性 保健護理(包括乳房檢查、乳房 X 光攝影篩檢)、子宮頸抹片檢查及骨盆檢查,只要您是從網 [...] 絡醫務人員接受服務即可。 lacare.org | Routine women’s health care, [...] which includes breast exams, screening mammograms (X-rays of the breast), Pap tests, and pelvic [...]exams, as long as you get them from a network provider. lacare.org |
可用可行的 方式将外观检查和对变压器进行的 例行 检 查 作业相结合 (见 ED 型电动机构编号为 138 的使用说明书)。 highvolt.de | These can be carried out at the same time as the usual control inspections on the transformer (see Operating Instructions No. 138 for motor-drive unit ED). highvolt.de |
最后,我要表示我们深信,我们在建设和平领域 看到的新势头,以及各方在定期例行 审 查 建设和平活 动之后提出的许多宝贵意见和建议,非但不会被浪 费,反而会很快导致在所有相关行为体之间出现新的 协同增效作用,并将产生人们殷切期望的结果。 daccess-ods.un.org | In conclusion, I would like to express our conviction that the new momentum witnessed in the field of peacebuilding, as well as the many valuable proposals and recommendations that have resulted from the regular and periodic reviews of peacebuilding activities, will not be wasted but will soon lead to new synergy between all relevant actors and yield eagerly awaited results. daccess-ods.un.org |
庭长在与书记官长磋商后决定例行开 庭 和特别开庭的日期和地点。 daccess-ods.un.org | The President shall decide the date and venue of ordinary and extraordinary sessions after consultation with the Registrar. daccess-ods.un.org |
当富国调动 数万亿美元解决金融问题时,难道我们会在只有数千亿美元的官方发展援助方面 “例行节约”? daccess-ods.un.org | Are we to “economize” on official development assistance (ODA), worth some hundred billion dollars, while trillions of dollars are mobilized in the rich countries to fight their financial problems? daccess-ods.un.org |
研究表明,婴儿间歇假定性治疗(IPTi),可有效地减少幼童中的贫血和临床疟疾病例,并有可能不久将作为 其 例行 免 疫接种的一部分。 unicef.org | Research shows that intermittent preventive treatment for infants (IPTi) may be effective in reducing anaemia and clinical malaria in young children, and may soon be provided as part of their routine immunization visits. unicef.org |
(a) 支付需要聘用的員工的薪酬及委員會按照《華人廟宇 條 例 》 行 使其 權力而招致的其他行政管理開支;及 ctc.internad.hk | (a) for payment of the necessary staff and the other [...] administrative expenses incurred by the Committee in the exercise of its powers [...] under the Chinese Temples Ordinance; and ctc.internad.hk |
然而,各援助组织在项目管理的循环内以单独或集 体的方式例行进行评估 活动对确保其有效性和钱花得有价值是不无重要的。 iprcommission.org | It is important for ensuring effectiveness and value for money, however, that donors undertake such evaluation exercises, individually and collectively, as a routine activity within the programme management cycle. iprcommission.org |
工作组还开展了两次国别访问,与会员国代表、 非政府组织和专家举行了例行会议 ,审议了关于雇佣军和私营军保公司活动的指 控及其对人权的影响,并就适当的行动作出了决定。 daccess-ods.un.org | It also carried out two country visits, held regular meetings with member States representatives, NGOs and experts and reviewed allegations regarding the activities of mercenaries and PMSCs and their impact on human rights and decided on appropriate action. daccess-ods.un.org |
印度洋金枪鱼委的港口检查计划鼓励成员国对船舶 进 行例行 检 查 ,并在有 证据表明存在破坏印度洋金枪鱼委养护和管理措施的行为时采取行动。 daccess-ods.un.org | Under the port inspection scheme of IOTC, members were encouraged to conduct routine inspections of vessels and take action when there was evidence of action detrimental to IOTC conservation and management measures. daccess-ods.un.org |
董事已向聯交所承諾,只要有關規則及法例適用,彼等將根據購回授權及按照上市規 則及百慕達之適用法例,行使本 公司權力進行購回活動。 cre8ir.com | The Directors have undertaken to the Stock Exchange that, so far as the same may be applicable, they will exercise the powers of the Company to make repurchases pursuant to the Repurchase Mandate in accordance with the Listing Rules and applicable laws of Bermuda. cre8ir.com |
1 该物质通过设计得当的系统运输或储藏;储运设施具有适当 的 例行 清 洁 制度, 包括验证各批货运之间的清洁效果,并要辅以有效的检查和记录过程。 codexalimentarius.org | 1 The substance is transported/stored in an appropriately designed system; with adequate cleaning routines, including the verification of the efficacy of cleaning between cargoes, followed by effective inspection and recording procedures. codexalimentarius.org |
以保證等級第三及第四級運作之憑證機構,應 執 行例行 的 安全控 管弱點評估,以保證等級測試級、第一及第二級憑證運作之憑證機構 則不做規定。 epki.com.tw | CA that operates under assurance levels 3 and 4 shall carry out routine security control vulnerability assessments to ensure the test assurance level, but CA that operates under level 1 and 2 has no stipulations. epki.com.tw |
理事会应定期举行例会,至少每一日历年举行一次;根据理事会主席本人倡议或在教 [...] 科文组织总干事的要求下,理事会主席可召集举行特别会议。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Governing Board [...] shall meet in ordinary session at [...]regular intervals, at least once every calendar year; it shall meet [...]in extraordinary session if summoned by the Chairperson, either on his/her own initiative or at the request of the Director-General of UNESCO. unesdoc.unesco.org |
不过,现在一些国家正在作出努 力,把这些钱的一部分转入现有的区域开发银行或新的 银 行 , 例 如 拉丁美洲南方 银行和拟议中的巴西、中国、印度、俄罗斯联邦和南非银行。 daccess-ods.un.org | Most of that money is invested at low interest rates in foreign money markets and contributes little to development, but there are efforts to channel some of it to existing regional development banks or new ones such as the Latin American Bank of the South and the proposed bank of Brazil, China, India, the Russian Federation and South Africa. daccess-ods.un.org |