单词 | 侄女婿 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 侄女婿 —brother's daughter's husbandniece's husbandSee also:侄女 n—nieces pl 侄女—brother's daughter 女婿—son-in-law • daughter's husband 婿—son-in-law
在海地太子港,安德瑞纳.皮埃尔(Andremene Pierre)将侄女杰尼 卡送到联合国儿童基金会支持的健康中心。 unicef.org | Andremene [...] Pierre carries her niece, Jennyca, to a [...]UNICEF-supported clinic in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. unicef.org |
在 125 000名居於住戶內而須獲別人照顧的殘疾人士中,有82.9%是與照顧 者同住,在這些照顧者中有三成是他們的配偶,有兩成九是 子 女 、 女婿 或媳婦。 legco.gov.hk | Among the 125 000 persons with disability living at home and have to be taken care of by others, 82.9% of them live [...] with their carers, while 30% of these carers are their spouses, 29% are their [...] children, sons-in-law and daughters-in-law. legco.gov.hk |
最终,她走到了与母亲、继父、4岁的女儿和2岁 的 侄女 杰 尼 卡共同居住的帐篷旁。 unicef.org | Finally, she arrives at the tent she shares with her mother, step-father, [...] 4-year-old daughter and 2-year-old niece, Jennyca. unicef.org |
另 一方面, [...] 我們也可見現時香港家 庭 中的老 人家,當 其 子 女 、 媳婦或 女 婿 等失業 或入息減少時,境況也是 很 淒 涼 的 。 legco.gov.hk | On the other hand, we can also see that the elderly of some Hong Kong families are also in very [...] pitiable circumstances because [...] their children, daughters-in-law or sons-in-law, and so on, [...]have lost their jobs or are earning less income. legco.gov.hk |
(a) 把《條例》的適用範圍擴大至涵蓋前配偶/同居者及 其子女;父母和子女、配偶父母和媳 婿 、 及祖父母╱ 外祖父母和孫╱外孫關係;以及其他延伸的家庭關 係,包括兄弟姊妹、兄弟姊妹的配偶、配偶的兄弟姊 妹、叔伯舅姑姨、甥侄、堂 兄弟姊妹或表兄弟姊妹 legco.gov.hk | (a) extending its coverage to include persons formerly in spousal/cohabitation relationships and their children; to [...] parent-son/daughter, [...] parent-son/daughter-in-law, and grandparent-grandson/granddaughter relationships; and to other extended familial relationships including between a person and his/her brother, sister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece and cousin legco.gov.hk |
我領獎時感到孝賢這種 品德,特別是孝順媳婦和孝順女婿, 對 於整個社會上的家庭和諧是非常重要 的。 legco.gov.hk | When I accepted the award, I had a feeling that filial [...] piety, especially when it was extended to [...] include sons-in-law and daughters-in-law, is crucial [...]to harmony in the family. legco.gov.hk |
彼 於 一 九 九 七 年 加 入 本 集 團,為 [...] 岑 綺 蘭 女 士 之 丈 夫 及 岑 傑 英 先 生 之 女 婿。 cre8ir.com | He joined the Group in 1997. He is the husband of Ms. Sham Yee Lan, [...] Peggy and the son-in-law of Mr. Sham [...]Kit Ying. cre8ir.com |
摄影更像是家庭事务,她以自己的孩子、兄弟姐妹 、 侄女 和 侄 子 作 为拍摄对象。 ba-repsasia.com | Photography is a family affair that involves her own [...] children, siblings, nieces, and nephews. ba-repsasia.com |
队长介绍贝蒂,他的侄女,他 们会寻找她的哥哥和她的父亲。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The captain [...] introduces betty his niece and that they [...]are going to search her brother and her father. en.seekcartoon.com |
田北俊議員:主席,我是不吸煙的,我從小至大也不吸煙,而在我家中,我 的太太不吸煙,我的兒子和女兒 ─ 而我更很高興知道 ─ 我的女婿和 媳婦也是不吸煙的。 legco.gov.hk | MR JAMES TIEN (in Cantonese): President, I have never smoked, be it when I was young or as a grown-up, and in my family, my wife does not [...] smoke, nor does my son or daughter, and I am also pleased to know that [...] my son-in-law and daughter-in-law do not smoke either. legco.gov.hk |
鉴于申诉人来访的情 况证实了此前从他甥侄那里了解的情况,加拿大当局 希望此事不再按后续程序进行审议。 daccess-ods.un.org | As the complainant’s visit confirmed previous information [...] received from his nephew, the Canadian [...]authorities requested that this matter be [...]removed from consideration under the follow-up procedure. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,食物環境衞生署(“食環署”)設有的家庭式龕位, 其使用資格則較寬鬆,可同時安放4位有親屬關係的死者的骨灰,即 使是不同姓的女婿的骨灰亦可安放在家庭式龕位內。 legco.gov.hk | As a result, daughters-in-law may be included, but married daughters do not meet the requirements. Yet, the eligibility requirements for the use of the family type niches provided by the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) are more relaxed, allowing the ashes of four close kins to be deposited in the family type niche at the same time. legco.gov.hk |
各位男士请留意:去年空气吉他世界锦标赛的冠军,是绰号”魔 鬼 侄女 ” (T he Devil’s Niece) 的女子无形吉他手。 visitfinland.com | According to the ideology of the Air Guitar, wars would end, climate change stop and all bad things disappear, if all the people in the world played the Air Guitar. visitfinland.com |
壁橱里摆放着几本封面带有夫人们的徽章的书籍,一个夫人们 的 侄女 伊 丽莎白夫人的装有地图集的盒子,几件1775年交付给阿德莱德夫人的带有中国装饰元素的塞夫勒陶瓷咖啡用具,以及一个带有维克多尔夫人镀金姓名首字母图案和徽章的桌铃。 zh.chateauversailles.fr | The cupboards house a few bound books bearing Mesdames’ coat of arms, a box containing a collection [...] of geographical maps having belonged to [...] Madame Elisabeth, niece of Mesdames, pieces [...]of a Chinese decor Sevres china coffee [...]set, created in 1775 for Madame Adelaide, and a vermeil table bell bearing the monogram and coat of arms of Madame Victoire. en.chateauversailles.fr |
贝克塔什派开创了代表其信条的先进的板面书法与绘画,其中对阿里神的信仰居首,阿里是伊斯兰第四代哈里发,也是先知穆罕默德 的 女婿。 wdl.org | The Bektashis created calligraphic panels and paintings representative of their tenets, among which [...] the belief in the divinity of 'Ali, the fourth caliph [...] of Islam and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad, comes to the fore. wdl.org |
這裏包括(a)至 (o)款 ─ 大家聽一聽 ─ [...] 包括父親、母 親、繼父、繼母、配偶、配偶的母親、配偶的父親、領養父母、繼父母、孫、 [...] 孫女、外孫女、繼孫、繼孫女、孫媳婦、外 孫 女婿 , 還 要說明不論全血親、 半血親或憑藉領養關係,還有其他甚麼繼父母、繼子女、甥女、表兄弟、表 [...] 姐妹、堂兄弟或堂姐妹,這裏寫滿一整頁紙。 legco.gov.hk | There is a long list set out from subclauses (a) to (o). Members can just listen to this: It includes father, mother, step-father, step-mother, spouse, mother-in-law, father-in-law, adoptive parent, step-parent, grandson, granddaughter, [...] step-grandson, step-granddaughter, [...] granddaughter-in-law, grandson-in-law, and there [...]is even the specification of "full blood [...]or half blood or by virtue of adoption", and there are step-parent, step children, niece, nephew or cousin; all these are written on one full page. legco.gov.hk |
Michael Wolgemut和他的女婿Wilhe lm Pleydenwurff大约在1490年制作了插图,那时他们的作坊处于艺术高峰期,年轻的阿尔布雷特·丢勒刚刚在此当完学徒。 wdl.org | Michael Wolgemut [...] and his son-in-law Wilhelm Pleydenwurff [...]executed the illustrations in around 1490, a time when their workshop [...]was at its artistic peak and the young Albrecht Dürer was just completing his apprenticeship there. wdl.org |
簡介 首播日期: 2012.08.27 息影電視紅星商映虹(汪明荃)和繆星河(黃淑儀)本屬同門師姊妹,但二女為爭一日之長短,鬧至決裂長達三十年之久,若不是師父馮恨晚(鍾景輝)經常居中拉攏,兩人基本上老死不相往還,但諷刺的是星河的兒子莊家朗(錢嘉樂)原來是映虹 的 女婿 , 而 映虹女兒為家朗冒生命危險誕子,後更難產去世,令映虹一直痛在心嵌。 justlatte.com | Synopsis Release Date: 2012.08.27 Striving for temporary superiority over one another, retired TV actresses SHEUNG YING-HUNG (Liza Wang) and MIU SING-HO (Gigi Wong) have had ruptures in their relationship as fellow students for thirty years. justlatte.com |
因此,在公民教育方面,我們希望局長多推 廣孝順兒女、孝順媳婦和孝順女婿, 這 是更重要的。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, with respect to civic education, we hope [...] that the Secretary can promote filial piety among [...] the sons and daughters, and the daughters-in-law and the sons-in-law. legco.gov.hk |
珍妮尔 (Janelle) 与夫婿尼尔 (Neal) 结褵已四十余年,育有三个儿子和五个孙 子 女。 cmn.beyondtheshock.com | They have three sons and five grandchildren. beyondtheshock.com |
中共政府強 辯指劉曉波是罪犯,我們姑且不評論他是否罪犯,但大家有否聽過一 名罪犯的家屬、一位太太、一位婦女 , 會 因為 夫 婿 的 行為而受逼迫嗎? legco.gov.hk | Have Member ever heard of the wife of a criminal being oppressed for her husband's act? legco.gov.hk |
400多位嘉宾获邀参加这次音乐会,其中包括德‧布拉干萨公爵(Duke de Bragança)、西班牙教育部长梅赛德斯‧卡布雷拉女士(Mercedes Cabrera)、保加利亚卡丹姆亲王(Prince Kardam)及匈牙利米里亚姆王妃(Princess [...] Miriam)、西班牙首相夫人安娜‧波特利亚(Ana Botella)、时装设计师Agatha Ruiz [...] de la Prada、西班牙王室成员索菲娅女王 陛下 的 侄 子 布 鲁诺‧戈麦斯‧艾斯博(Bruno [...] Gómez Acebo)及夫人、以及索菲娅王后博物馆馆长安娜‧马丁内斯‧德‧阿奎拉尔女士(Ana Martínez de Aguilar)。 vacheron-constantin.com | Over 400 guests were invited, including the Duke de Bragança, Ms Mercedes Cabrera, Spain’s Minister of Education, Prince Kardam of Bulgaria and Princess Miriam of Hungary, Ana Botella, the wife of José Maria Aznar, the fashion designer Agatha Ruiz de la Prada, [...] members of the Spanish royal family like [...] Her Majesty Queen Sophie’s nephew, Bruno Gómez Acebo, [...]accompanied by his wife, [...]and Ana Martínez de Aguilar, Directress of the 'Queen Sofia Museum'. vacheron-constantin.com |
在审判时提交人未提出此事,因为担心所涉官员可 能会对提交人侄子复仇。 daccess-ods.un.org | This issue was not brought up at trial by the author for fear that the officers in question might seek [...] revenge on the author’s nephew. daccess-ods.un.org |
Charmcaster“他是个有天分的人,谁是十几岁 的 侄女 十 六 进制。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Charmcaster: A gifted human [...] who was the teenage niece of Hex. seekcartoon.com |
彼為本公司主席丁午壽先生及本公司執行董事丁王云 心 女 士 的 侄 兒 ,以及本公司董事總經理丁天立先 生的堂兄。 kader.com | He is the nephew of Mr. Kenneth Ting Woo-shou, the Chairman of the [...] Company and Mrs. Nancy Ting Wang Wan-sun, [...]the Executive Director of the Company, [...]and the cousin of Mr. Ivan Ting Tien-li, the Managing Director of the Company. kader.com |
就算在舊時㆗國,「自由戀愛」尚未普及之時,父母也往往會 [...] 提高兒女婚事安排的「透明度」,讓他們可以參與選擇未來的丈夫或太太,而不會隱瞞 他們去選女婿或媳婦。 legco.gov.hk | Even in old China, even before "free [...] love" became popular, parents would often act with a high degree of transparency in [...] arranging their children's marriages. legco.gov.hk |
然而,食物環境生署("食環署")設有的家庭式龕位,其使用資格則較寬鬆,可同時安放 4位有親屬關係的死者的骨灰,即使是不同姓 的 女婿 的 骨 灰亦可安放在家庭式龕位內。 legco.gov.hk | Yet, the eligibility requirements for the use of the family type niches provided by the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department ("FEHD") are more relaxed, allowing the ashes of four close kins to be deposited in the family type niche at the same time. legco.gov.hk |
随后,男孩正面临由诺曼的疏远,看似错乱的叔叔,先生Prenderghast(约翰·古德曼)谁告诉他 的 侄 子 的愿景是,他很快就必须采取了定期的仪式,以保护镇的一个标志。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Afterward, the boys are confronted by NormanXCHARXs estranged and seemingly [...] deranged uncle Mr. Prenderghast (John Goodman) [...] who tells his nephew that the vision [...]is a sign that he soon must take up his [...]regular ritual to protect the town. iw.seekcartoon.com |