

单词 使骇怕

See also:

be afraid
be unable to endure
surname Pa

External sources (not reviewed)

我写信通报伊朗圣城部队和真主党又实施了一次 怕 的 恐怖袭击,作为在世 界各地针对以色列人和犹太人骇人 听 闻活动的组成部分。
I write in regard to another horrific terrorist attack perpetrated by the Iranian Al Quds forces and Hezbollah, [...]
as part of a gruesome campaign targeting
Israelis and Jews around the world.
剥夺儿童的笑容和梦想使其身负 重伤和机枪骇人听闻,是对某些团体和个人价值观 的严厉控诉。
To deprive a child of his smiles and dreams and burden him with gore and machine guns is an appalling indictment of the values of the certain groups and individuals.
我担心的是,发动极骇人听闻的攻击 仍将是反叛分子目前使用的策略,而他们干扰当前 增兵的努力也将采用此种策略。
The spectacular horror in the use of attacks will remain, I am afraid, a tactic of the insurgency for the time being, as will their efforts to interfere with the current military surge.
虽然包括联合国主要机关在内的国际社会一直承认,是亚美尼亚发动了战 争,攻击并占领阿塞拜疆领土,包括 Daghlyq Garabagh(纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫)地 区,开展大规模的种族清洗,在战争期间犯下其 骇 人 听 闻的罪行,在被占领的 阿塞拜疆境内成立了同族裔人组成的附庸分裂实体;奇怪的是,亚美尼亚的宣传 机器继续把对阿塞拜疆的侵略说成是“纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫人民和平要求 使其 自决权,是符合宪法的要求”。
Whereas it has been internationally recognized, including by the principal organs of the United Nations, that Armenia unleashed the war, attacked Azerbaijan and occupied its territories, including the Daghlyq Garabagh (Nagorno Karabakh) region, carried out ethnic cleansing on a massive scale, perpetrated other heinous crimes in the course of the war and
established the ethnically constructed
[...] subordinate separatist entity on the captured Azerbaijani territory, it is curious that Armenian propaganda continues to qualify the aggression against Azerbaijan as “a peaceful and constitutional demand of the Nagorno Karabakh people to exercise its right to self-determination”.
这些袭击造成以色列人死亡、 致残,使以色列人的生活变成了一场 怕 的 噩 梦,使以色列采取自卫行动。
These attacks kill and maim Israelis, creating a living nightmare, a nightmare that forced Israel to act in self-defence.
政府當局表示,在香 港這個如此密集的 城 市中,把 兩個市政 局的運 作 模 式應用 於區議會,或把特定行政職能下放予18個地方行政 區,怕會 使權責過於分散,減低效 率 。
The Administration advised that adopting the operational mode of MCs for DCs, or devolution of specific executive functions to 18 district administrative regions in a compact city like Hong Kong would run the risk of fragmenting responsibilities and diminishing efficiency.
当他们思考生命时,创意是他们活着的理由; 当他们思考死亡时,创使他们不害 怕 , 因为他们相信可以凭借自己创造的事物而留芳百世。
When they think about life, creativity is the reason for living;
when they think about death, creativity
[...] keeps them safe from fear, because they feel that [...]
with the things they have created, they can never die.
还有一项建议要求土库曼斯坦采取措施使媒体自由化并确保多元化,消 除 对 批 评 政 府 的一切 限制使 人 们 不 用怕 打击报 复 ,制止政府 任命编 辑 和 媒 体 管理人员的做法。
A further recommendation requested Turkmenistan to
take measures to
[...] liberalize and pluralize media and to remove all restrictions on criticizing the Government, without fear of retaliation [...]
and to end the practice
of government appointment of editors and managers of media.
[...] 醒覺,查找不足的話,那麼,政府所表現的態度,實在與醉駕情況無異,同使我們感到怕。
If all these terrifying accidents leading to the death and injury of innocent members of the public still cannot wake the Administration up and identify inadequacies, the
attitude displayed by the Government is in fact no different from drink driving, and it
[...] similarly makes us feel equally scared.
从这些事例中可以得出结论,在一些情况下,安全理事会面 骇 人 听 闻的侵 犯人权罪行,伸张了正义。
From these examples, one can conclude that there are situations where the Security Council, confronted by horrific human rights crimes, acts on behalf of justice.
法律和秩序的全面崩溃、正义的缺失、持续的冲突、根深蒂固的歧视态 度和行为,以及在这些情况中盛行的有罪不罚之 使 这 些 犯罪行为得以发生;这 些罪行不仅给受害者造骇人听闻的后果,还从整体上破坏社会结构。
The general breakdown in law and order, the absence of justice, continuing conflict, entrenched discriminatory attitudes and practices and the prevailing
culture of impunity
[...] in these situations allowed for these crimes to be committed not only with appalling consequences for the [...]
victims, but with a
force that destroys the fabric of society as a whole.
此外,大众媒体报道中载有亚美尼亚侵略军开枪滥杀霍贾里居民和保卫者以 及犯下其他暴行骇人听 闻的报告(更多信息可见 E/CN.4/2002/151 号文件)。
In addition, mass media outlets contained horrifying reports about the killing of the residents and defenders of Khojaly by indiscriminate Armenian gunfire and other brutal acts by invading troops (more information is available in document E/CN.4/2002/151).
路易丝·阿尔布尔法官在序言中警告说,“科索沃的暴力事件 骇 人 的 ,对许多成为受害者的 普通人来说,再次证明是摧残性的”(第 1 页)。
In its foreword, Justice Louise Arbour warned that “the violence in Kosovo was horrific, and again proved devastating for the many ordinary people who became its victims” (p. 1).
古巴反对美国政府所采用的非法机制,后者正是借此冒称其有权证实其他国 家在恐怖主义方面的行为并发布带有歧视性、选择性和政治动机的名单,同时保 持双重标准,不将本地区针对古巴和其他国家公然从 骇 人 听闻恐怖主义行为的 肇事者绳之以法,却让他们逍遥法外。
Cuba rejects this illegitimate mechanism whereby the United States Government arrogates to itself the right to certify the conduct of other nations with regard to terrorism and to publish discriminatory, selective and politically motivated lists, while maintaining a double standard by failing to try the avowed perpetrators of horrendous terrorist acts against Cuba and other countries in our hemisphere, instead allowing them to remain at large.
e) 在社会上进行教育和宣传,以便保障尤其是全体居民真正民主地参与基因数据的
[...] 收集、处理、利用和储存,保证这种参与是受到启发、建立在科学知识和科学事 实基础上的,而不是受怕和偏见驱 使 的。
(e) public education and information so as to ensure genuine democratic oversight with regard to the collection, processing, storage and use of data – particularly in the case of entire populations –
as well as informed public participation, based on knowledge and scientific facts
[...] and not motivated by fear or prejudice.
怕即使是 中學生也清楚知道這個問題的答案。
I am afraid that even secondary [...]
school students clearly know the answer of this question.
在 那怕的一天,使是那 些没有留意到在巴尔干地区 和高加索地区,在非洲和阿富汗进行的十年残酷战争 [...]
的人,也不得不放弃他们的幻想,即一个没有冲突的 新世界秩序已经永久性地出现了。
On that terrible day, even those who had failed [...]
to pay heed to a decade of grim wars in the Balkans and the Caucasus, in
Africa and in Afghanistan, had to abandon their illusions that a new world order free of conflicts had emerged for good.
我不認為嚴謹的規則 會怕人家,反而使我們的國際聲譽提升,更能吸引更多投資者來 香港投資,因為我們是保障投資者的。
Instead, our international reputation will be upgraded, thus attracting more investors to come to Hong Kong for investment because investors are protected here.
[...] 了,但平民在冲突期间的安全问题却变得越来越严 重,有时甚骇人听闻,我们过去几天、几个星期、 [...]
几个月在加沙地带、伊拉克、达尔富尔和刚果民主共 和国(仅举几例)所目睹的情况就是如此。
The Security Council has been dealing with this topic for more than 10 years, yet civilian security during conflict is becoming more and more
critical, if not at times dramatic, as we have
[...] witnessed in these past months, [...]
weeks and days in the Gaza Strip, Iraq, Darfur
and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, to name just a few.
有人认为,自 1998-1999 年骇人暴行发生以来,十年已经过去,“冲突 已经结束”,设法被“湮没”在忘却的记忆中,科索沃今天实现了和平,上述镇 压属于过去,这样的论点在我看来即便不是无根据的,也是肤浅的。
The argument that, since the utmost violence of 1998-1999 one decade has passed and the “conflict is over”, somehow “buried” into oblivion, and that there is peace today in Kosovo and the aforementioned repression belongs to the past, is in my view superficial, if not unsustainable.
善用恶骇客所使用的 工具,熟练的认证道德骇客(CEH)能够探测到入侵者与系统中的弱点与漏洞。
Utilizing the same tools as a malicious hacker, the skilled [...]
Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) is able to detect intruders and
the weaknesses and vulnerabilities in the system.
安全理事会成员并对这骇人听 闻罪行的受害者及其家属、尼日 利亚联邦共和国政府和人民、联合国秘书长和联合国其他同事表示深切同情与哀 悼。
The members of the Council also expressed their deep sympathy and condolences to the victims of that heinous crime and to their families, the people and Government of Nigeria and the Secretary-General and other United Nations staff members.
[...] 子,这一点不足为奇,但妇女却因此被排除在赔偿方案以外,尽管暴力行为对她 们产生了怕的影响,使她们 的处境岌岌可危,她们肩负抚养子女和其他受扶养 [...]
Not surprisingly, these are the violations that in many scenarios target men disproportionately. Women have thus
been excluded from reparations
[...] programmes, despite the terrible impact of violence [...]
on women, leaving them in a precarious
position, with the responsibility for children and other dependants, without income-generating skills and subjected to stigma and poverty.
后来他成为了一名律师,在南非工 作的时候,他对英国人对待印度人的态度感到骇,并 为争取印度从英国的统治中独立出来而开 始奋斗。
He became a lawyer and, while working in South Africa, he was appalled at the way Indians were treated by the British and began to work for the independence of India from British rule.
关于有效的投诉机制问题,一些与会者指出,并不是到处都设有劳动监察 办事处;大多数移徙家佣遇到劳动方面的问题时,不知向谁投诉, 使 知 道 ,也 因怕被驱逐出境,而不愿向警察或劳动部门投诉。
On efficient complaint mechanisms, some participants observed that labour inspection offices were not available everywhere; that most migrant domestic workers did now know to whom to
address their labour
[...] problems and, even if they did, were reluctant to go to the police or the labour authorities out of fear of deportation.
对于任何阶层的人来说,去独立完成一件即使是很简单的事情都几乎是不可能的,这 使 得 孟 买人 怕 是 跟 陌生人一起处理问题时,都怀着开放和相互信任的态度。
It is nearly impossible for individuals to accomplish the simplest tasks on their own at any level of society, and this leads to
an openness of spirit and
[...] camaraderie in problem solving, even with strangers. 1+1 equals [...]
10 in Mumbai—and the power of
this collective force of over 20.5 million people is hard to match.
使恐怕洩露機密資料,亦不構 成施加這項限制的理由,因為有關識別目標人物身分的資料 已予塗抹遮蓋,而且無論如何,專員獲得委任本身已是一項 可靠的證明,當局已採取了充分保安措施,並認為他可委以 高度機密的工作。
Nor would the fear of security leakage be a warrant for such a restriction, because the essential information relating to the identifying details of the targeted subject would have been blocked out and after all the Commissioner’s appointment should be safely relied on to bear out that full security measures had been taken and that he could be trusted with the secretive nature of the work.
然而,令人失望的是,由于 缺乏公平的国际经济体系,国际援助未能大幅增加, 很有可能出现的情况是,尽管国际社会抱有十分乐观 的态度,但到 2015 年怕将无法实使贫困人口减 半的目标。
It is disappointing to note, however, that in the absence of a fair international economic system and a substantive increase in international assistance, it is most likely that, despite all its optimism, the global community will probably miss its target of halving the number of the poor by 2015.
我们毫不怀疑的是,这些国家提出这些指控只不 过是企图转移对其本国违反核裁军义务 骇 人 听闻 行径的注意力,这些行径包括共享核武器,在其领土 上部署核武器,以及帮助中东唯一的《不扩散条约》 非缔约方以色列政权从事其核武器计划。
We have no doubt that raising such allegations is nothing but an attempt to divert attention from the horrendous record of non-compliance by those countries with their nuclear disarmament obligations, including through nuclear weapon-sharing, hosting nuclear weapons in their territories and assisting the only non-party to the NPT in the Middle East, the Israeli regime, with its nuclear weapons programme.
汗衫骇人听闻的说明文字,例如印在 一个巴勒斯坦孕妇图象的汗衫上“1 [...]
开枪 2 打死”的 文字以及另一个印在一个儿童图象的汗衫上“越小越 难”的令人震惊的文字都显示出以色列政权在侵犯这 个地区巴勒斯坦人民以及其他阿拉伯人民所采用的 政策和做法上的残暴和凶恶。
Appalling captions, such as [...]
“1 shot, 2 kills” printed on a tee shirt depicting a pregnant Palestinian, or the shocking caption
of “The smaller, the harder” on another tee shirt depicting a child, are indicative of the atrocious and criminal nature of the Israeli regime’s policies and practices in its aggression against the Palestinians and other Arab peoples in the region.




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