

单词 使警觉

See also:


be on guard


police n
alert n

a sleep
find that
a nap

External sources (not reviewed)

传送一封电邮确认他们的邮址是否有效, 使 用 免 费网基电邮账户的卖 方提警觉。
Send them an e-mail to see if they have an
[...] active e-mail address and be wary of sellers who use free web-based e-mail [...]
在家庭暴力的具体领域,增加了宣传运动的投入和 对警察和检察官的培训使警察和司法机关在做法上有了很大进步。
A growing investment in awareness-raising
campaigns and in the training
[...] of police and prosecutors in the specific area of domestic violence had been taking place, which resulted in considerable progress in police and judicial practices.
但这大可不必沾沾自喜,而且专家组建议 加纳钻石当局应在此方面继续保 警觉。
This should not be cause for any complacency, however, and the Group recommends that Ghanaian diamond
[...] authorities remain vigilant in this regard.
它遗 憾的是,没有就警务程序法提出建议, 使警 官 有 很大的斟酌决定余地。
It regretted the fact that no recommendations had been made regarding the law on police procedure, which gives a wide margin
[...] of discretion to police officers.
这样一个“不妨碍”规定的存在使 读 者 警觉 到 ,第 1 款中的一般 规定在国际组织与其成员国和成员组织的关系中可能会容许有例外。
The presence of such a “without prejudice” provision will serve as a reminder of the fact that the general statement in paragraph 1 may admit of exceptions in the relations between an international organization and its member States and organizations.
暂停上述公司的业务表明卢旺达采矿当局 警觉 性 , 但与此 同时也明确提醒我们违规加标情况长期存在,有可 使 刚 果 矿产流入卢旺达系统。
The company suspensions referred to
[...] demonstrate the vigilance of Rwandan mining authorities, but are at the same time a strong reminder that irregularities in tagging persist, potentially allowing Congolese minerals [...]
to be inserted into the Rwandan system.
阿尔巴尼亚政府认为,这一法律的通过,尤其是该法律的实施非常有助于 创造一种环境使每个人感觉到自 己是社会的平等组成部分。
According to the Government, the adoption of the law, and particularly its implementation, would essentially help produce a climate in which each individual would feel an equal part of the society.
委员会认 为,缔约国依据《公约》指明并界定酷刑罪, 使 之 有 别于其他罪,尤其可引起 每一个人,包括罪犯、受害者以及公众对酷刑罪严重性质 警觉 , 增 强禁止规定 本身的威慑力,进而直接推动公约防止酷刑的终极目标。
By naming and defining the crime of torture in accordance with the Convention and distinct from other crimes, the Committee considers that States parties
will directly
[...] advance the Convention’s overarching aim of preventing torture by, inter alia, alerting everyone, including perpetrators, victims and the public to the special gravity [...]
of the crime of
torture, and by improving the deterrent effect of the prohibition itself.
The tracking systems works with both the thermal and visual camera.
作品《碰撞使人们 意识到应该慢下来 警觉 我 们 的周遭;《舒适的困难》是一件欺骗眼睛的家具,它看起来是个可以休息的家具,实际上表面非常粗糙根本不能使用。
For this exhibition, the curators have selected two recent works, The Bump, which draws attention to the need to slow down, to keep alert to everything [...]
around us, and …with the
Hardships of Comfort, a piece of trompe l’oeil furniture, which looks like a potential resting spot but is actually a completely unyielding hard surface.
1 条和第4 条对酷刑罪行定名和定义,将其区别 于其他罪行使包括 肇事者、受害者和公众在内的每个 警觉 酷 刑 罪行的特 别严重性,增强了禁止酷刑的威慑效应,从而直接推进《公约》防止酷刑这 [...]
By naming and defining the offence of torture in accordance with articles 1 and 4 of the Convention and distinct from other crimes, the Committee considers that States parties will directly
advance the Convention’s
[...] overarching aim of preventing torture, inter alia, by alerting everyone, including perpetrators, [...]
victims, and the
public, to the special gravity of the crime of torture and by improving the deterrent effect of the prohibition itself.
[...] 法,并且审查了需要进一步努力和不断保 警觉 的 主 要关注领域,其中包括保护 弱势个人群体免遭种族主义和仇外心理罪行的侵犯,以及在总体上保护和巩固民 [...]
and different stakeholders and examines the
main areas of concern where further efforts
[...] and consistent vigilance are required, [...]
including with regard to the protection of
vulnerable groups of individuals against racist and xenophobic crimes and the protection and consolidation of democracy and human rights in general.
企业对可能增加自身将面对的竞争的技术转 让方式更警觉。
Firms are more wary of transferring technology in ways that may increase the competition they face.
外地军事人员和警察报告举措旨在开发一种工具 使警 察 和 军事人员能够 追踪和管理他们在外地的人员的信息。
The field
[...] military and police reporting initiative is aimed at developing a tool that would enable the police and the military [...]
to track and manage
information about their personnel in the field.
[...] 一国家共享和提倡的理想、价值观、目标和原则,他们参与或依附于国家政治机 构或属于某一国家的觉应使他们 被认为是其中的一部分。
Indeed, the attachment of such individuals to the ideals, values, objectives and principles shared and promoted in a given State, their participation or attachment to the national
political institutions or their feeling of belonging to a
[...] given State should allow them to be considered [...]
as being part of it.
(d) 已经采取了哪些措施,以使警察和移民社区参与宣传方案、体育运 动和发展积极的媒体关系,以及增加社区警察的人数?
(d) What measures have been
[...] taken to engage the police and migrant communities [...]
in outreach programmes, sports and development
of positive media relations and to increase the presence of community police?
2004 年在巴塞罗那举行的第一个世界文化论坛总结了一系列经验,进行了一系列思 考,并提出了许多令人关切的问题;这一切应 使 人 们多 视 觉 地 应 对不断变化的世界所面临 的现实挑战。
The first Universal Forum of Cultures, which took place in Barcelona in 2004, gave prominence to a series of experiences, reflections and concerns providing a multi-faceted vision with which to confront the challenges raised today by a world in constant change.
其中前者发起了一个新的地区教育项目。全民教育监测报告在有 关全民教育的讨论和决策中所起的澄清思想 警觉 后 进 的作用,正应验了一句老话:知己知 彼,百战不殆的道理。
The role of the EFA Global Monitoring Report in giving clarity and urgency to discussions and decisions on EFA underscores the old adage that if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.
在这些方面,各捐助 方提供的援助将继续至关重要, 使警 察 队 伍能够履行其维护国内安全的首要责 任。
Donor assistance will continue to be critical in
[...] those areas if the police force is to be able [...]
to fulfil its primary responsibilities for internal security.
秘书长执行办需要更警觉一些,以便处理必 要的延期或启动接替计划,从而能够做到接替及时、不留空当,并尽可能做到任 [...]
The EOSG needs to be more vigilant in order to process [...]
the necessary extensions or to initiate succession planning so that
it is timely, gaps do not exist, and to the extent possible that there is a minimum two week overlap with incumbents.
通过提供工具来存储、搜索、分享和分析大量的调查信息,该系统 旨使警察机 关之间能够实现协调和分享信息并提高调查效力。
It is designed to enable collaboration and
[...] information-sharing among police services and increase [...]
the effectiveness of investigations
by providing tools to store, search, share and analyse the large volumes of investigative information.
我们还吁请所有缔约国利用这些文书和相 关的联合国决议,加强国际合作,打击一切形式和表现的恐怖主义及为恐怖主 义融资,包警觉后者 不断演变的特点。
We also call upon all States parties to use those instruments and the relevant United Nations resolutions to enhance international cooperation in countering terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and its financing, including evolving features of the latter.
阐明有关在和平或战争时期保护文化遗产免遭蓄意坡坏 的基本原则;(ii)
[...] 唤起人们对日益增多的蓄意破坏文化遗产现象 警觉 ; (i ii) 间接地鼓励尚 未参加的国家参加 [...]
1954 海牙公约及其两个议定书,1977 附加议定书,和其他保护文化遗产 协定。
Its main purpose is threefold: (i) to state basic principles for the protection of cultural heritage specifically against intentional destruction in peacetime and wartime; (ii) to raise awareness of the
growing phenomenon of intentional destruction of
[...] this heritage; and (iii) to encourage [...]
indirectly the participation of States
not yet party to the 1954 Hague Convention, its two Protocols, the 1977 Additional Protocols and other agreements protecting cultural heritage.
不 過, 正如我㆒直所說,我希望政府會繼續考慮成立㆒個獨立於警務處的警察投訴科 使警 方及 其他部門在得到更大權力時,能獲得適當的平衡及監管。
However, as what I have been saying, I hope the Government will continue to consider
setting up a Complaints
[...] Against Police Branch which is independent of the Royal Hong Kong Police Force so that the increased powers of the police and other departments [...]
can be subjected
to proper checks and balances.
至於主體答覆中提及的警方的中學聯絡主任,也是一個以學校和地區為 本的安排,讓警方能跟各學校的管理層和社工保持溝通 使警 方 更 瞭解當區 的青少年問題,從而與其他有關部門和機構攜手合作,提供更切合該區的青 少年和兒童所需的服務和協助。
The police's SSLO team mentioned in the main reply is also a school-based and district-based initiative which enables the police to communicate with the school management and social workers, so that they can have a better understanding of the juveniles' problems, and work with other relevant departments and organizations to provide services and assistance that can best suit the needs of youths and children in the region.
(a) ‚ 公 帄 ‛ 帶 出 的 結
[...] 論 是:合 理 懷 疑 應 當 是使 警 察 權 力 的 基 準 , 而 若 干 權 [...]
力 ( 例 如 取 得 令 狀 搜 查 證 據 ) 應 當 只 在 較 為 嚴 重 的 罪 行 中 才 可 使 用 。
(a) “Fairness” led to the conclusion that
reasonable suspicion should be the
[...] threshold for the exercise of police powers and that [...]
certain powers (eg to obtain a warrant
to search for evidence) should only be available in respect of more serious offences.
在报告内, 他还审议了需要更加努力和继续保 警觉 的 主 要关注领域,其中包括保护弱势个 人群体免遭种族主义和仇外心理罪行的侵犯,和从总体上保护和巩固民主与人权 [...]
In the report, he also examines the
main areas of concern where more efforts
[...] and consistent vigilance are required, including [...]
with regard to the protection of
vulnerable groups of individuals against racist and xenophobic crimes and the protection and consolidation of democracy and human rights in general.
雷达桅杆上的碳纤维T形飞桥,侧面通道进入沙 龙区的玻璃入口等,融合以上所有设计的20米的蒙地卡罗游艇 使 您 感 觉 置 身 于超级游 艇之上。
The Portuguese deck forward, the radar mast to support the all-carbon T-top of the fly bridge, the splendid glass supports that protect the lateral walkways up to the side entrance to the saloon: 20 metres of length that give the impression of being aboard a mega yacht.
委员会的主流意见是无需中止对本专题的审议,他也赞同这一看法,并指 出,一旦中止审议,就使人们错误 觉 得 委 员会认为本专题不适当或编纂为法 典的时机还不成熟,乃至错以为还有其他不继续进行的理由。
He associated himself with the general view in the Commission that there was no need to suspend the consideration of the topic, noting that any suspension could create a false impression that the Commission considered the topic be inappropriate or not sufficiently mature for codification, or indeed that there were other reasons for not proceeding further.




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