

单词 使自己全神贯注

See also:


concentrate one's attention completely [idiom.]
with rapt attention

External sources (not reviewed)

(b) 使学生能在贯穿宽 容和公正原则的环境中发 自己 的 个 性并走向成 熟。
(b) To enable students to develop their personalities and grow to maturity in an environment [...]
informed by the principles of tolerance and fairness.
所有六个Flash测试参与者表现出对站点 全神贯注 , 即 使 在 三 十分钟后仍不愿停止。
All six Flash
[...] testers appeared to be fully engaged with the site [...]
and even after thirty minutes did not want to be interrupted.
马拉喀什工作队是各国政府带头自 愿 计划 , 全神贯注 于 七 个明确主题: (a) “可持续消费的教育”;(b) “可持续的旅游业”;(c) [...]
“可持续的公共采 购”;(d) “可持续的产品”;(e) “可持续的房屋和建筑”,(f) “与非洲合 作”;和(g)
The Marrakech task forces are voluntary initiatives led by Governments [...]
focusing on seven specific themes: (a) “Education
for sustainable consumption”, (b) “Sustainable tourism”, (c) “Sustainable public procurement”, (d) “Sustainable products”, (e) “Sustainable buildings and construction”, (f) “Cooperation with Africa” and (g) “Sustainable lifestyles”.
注意到粮食全和营 养领域没有被直接纳入某个区域技术委员会的范畴,代 表们建议亚太区域家畜生产和卫生委员会和亚太区域植物保护委员会考虑如使 自己的工 作更好地促进这些领域的工作。
Noting that the areas of food security and nutrition are not directly covered by an RTC, delegates suggested that the Animal Production and Health Commission for Asia and the Pacific (APHCA) and the Asia-Pacific Plant Protection Commission (APPPC) consider how their work could [...]
better contribute to work in these areas.
26.1. 专家们开展关于采用旨在加强内部监督职能的IOS新策略的讨论 全神贯注的 讨论教科文组织计划的重点优先项目。
26.1 Experts opened the discussion by welcoming the new strategy for IOS which appeared to strengthen the function of internal oversight and concentrated on the key priorities of UNESCO programmes.
本组织积极履自己在贯彻落实信息社会世界首脑会议(WSIS) 神 方 面 的三重任 务,即在本组织的计划范围内实施列入信息社会世界首脑会议《行动计划》的具体活动;促 进协调实施《日内瓦行动计划》的六项行动方针;以及与国际电信联盟(ITU)和联合国开 发计划署(UNDP)共同确保所有十一项行动方针的促进者 全 面 、 多方协调。
The Organization pursued its threefold role in the follow-up of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) by carrying out concrete activities included in the WSIS Action Plan in the framework of its own programmes; by facilitating the coherent implementation of six Action Lines of the Geneva Plan of Action; and by ensuring, together with ITU and UNDP, the overall multi-stakeholder coordination of the facilitators of all [...]
11 Action Lines.
与遗产有关的 专业人员自己的国 家往往互相之间缺乏联系:应当 支持会员国建立工作组,协调他们的工作,从 使尚 无一贯的国 家政策的国家制定出这样的政策。
The professionals concerned with this heritage are
often not in contact
[...] with one another in their own country: Member States should be encouraged to set up working groups to coordinate their contributions so that coherent national policies [...]
emerge in countries
which do not already have them.
您真的可以将任何地方变成会议室,无论您身处何处,都 全神贯注 并 提 高效率。
You can literally turn any room into a
[...] conference room to stay focused wherever you are [...]
and increase your productivity.
古巴建议逆转在以指挥或控制方式参与的情况中的举证责任,推定由 使全 面控 制、而非实地控制的实体承担责任和负责证 自己 没 有 参与。
Cuba suggests reversing the burden of proof in the case of participation through direction or control, in such a way
that the entity
[...] with overall control, not in situ, is presumed responsible and has the burden of proving its non-participation.
秘书长就联合国核准支持的非洲联盟维和行动最近给 安全理事会的两份报告24
[...] 应包括“明确期望区域组织在维持国际和平与安全方面发挥的作用”。25 另一方 面,各成员国提出的回馈资料显示,秘书长希望发挥带头作用,因为安理 全神 贯注于目 前的冲突问题,没有用大量的时间来思考并探索与区域组织、特别是与 非洲联盟的长期伙伴关系应该朝着哪个方向发展。
The SecretaryGeneral, in two recent reports to the Security Council on support to African Union peacekeeping operations authorized by the United Nations,24 stressed that such political direction was needed and stated in the most recent report that it should entail “a clearly defined expectation of roles of regional organizations in maintaining international peace and security”.25 On the other hand, feedback
received from member States
[...] showed that there was a wish for the SecretaryGeneral to show leadership as the Council was absorbed [...]
with current conflict
issues and had not devoted significant time to reflecting on where the long-term partnership with the regional organizations, in particular the African Union, should be heading.
讚美能夠提升你的禱告生活使你超 越自 己,注目在神的身上。
Praise raises your
[...] prayer life above yourself and helps you to focus on who God is.
在这方面,我想提请你注意占领国以色列在包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯 坦被占领土上进行的以下非法行动,并重申巴勒斯坦人民及其领导人呼吁包括全 理事 会在内的国际社会维护他们的法律义务和责任、立即采取行动制止这种非法和 危险的局势和抓住实现公正全面和 持久和平解决的有利时机,特别是通过和平解 决巴勒斯坦人民可在 1967 年前边界的基础上建立以东耶路撒冷为首都的独立、主 权、民主、毗邻和能独立发展的巴勒斯坦国,实 自己 的 自 决 和 自由权利。
In this regard, I wish to draw your attention to the following illegal actions perpetrated by Israel, the occupying Power, in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and to reiterate the appeal of the Palestinian people and their leadership to the international community, including the Security Council, to uphold its legal obligations and responsibilities and to act forthwith to bring an end to this unlawful and dangerous situation and to salvage the prospects of realizing a just, comprehensive and lasting peace settlement by which, inter alia, the Palestinian people will realize [...]
their right to self-determination
and freedom in their independent, sovereign, democratic, contiguous and viable State of Palestine, with East Jerusalem as its capital, on the basis of the pre-1967 borders.
圖書館是社區中心開放給所有的民眾,我們不能保 使 用 者的 安 全 所 以 您必需時注意自己的小 孩知道他們在何處及做何活動。
As a community center
[...] open to all, the Library cannot guarantee the safety of its patrons and urges all caregivers [...]
to remain with their children at all times.
(e) 向儿童和青少年提供支持使其能够在符合国家法律和国际法情况下, 组建注册自己的社 团以及从事其他由儿童和青少年主导的活动
(e) To provide support
[...] to children and adolescents to enable them to form and register their own associations and other child- and [...]
adolescent-led initiatives,
in conformity with national and international law
为帮助孩子们使自己的受教育权和 全 权 , 联合国儿童基金会在日本政府的资助下,购买了一辆新校车接送学生,使学生在上下学途中更加安全。
To help children safely exercise their right to education and [...]
protection, UNICEF, with funding from the Government of Japan,
secured a new school bus which will safely drive students to and from school.
我今天重申,尽管在所有方面均面临严峻的现 实,但巴勒斯坦领导层依然充分致力于和平和积极参
[...] 束以色列的占领,以便使巴勒斯坦人民能够在他们以 东耶路撒冷为其首都、以 1967 年以前边界为基础、 和平、全地与 以色列毗邻共处的独立国家 使自己 的自决权,并根据国际法和联合国决议公正解决巴勒 斯坦难民的困苦。
I reaffirm today that, despite the harsh reality that prevails on all fronts, the Palestinian leadership remains fully committed to peace and to engaging in a credible peace process based on the agreed terms of reference, with the aim of definitively bringing an end to the Israeli occupation in order to allow the Palestinian people to exercise their right to selfdetermination in their independent State, with East Jerusalem as its capital, living side
by side with Israel
[...] in peace and security on the basis of the pre-1967 borders, and achieving a just resolution [...]
of the plight of
the Palestine refugees in accordance with international law and United Nations resolutions.
波 斯 尼亚和黑塞哥维那高度重视 全神贯注 地关心受到深刻社会和政治变革影响的阿拉伯友好国家 [...]
Bosnia and Herzegovina is
[...] following with great attention, preoccupation [...]
and concern the development of the situation in
the friendly Arab countries that are affected by deep social and political changes.
刚果民主共和国综合战略框架的总体目标是:(a) 就联合国如何协助刚果民 主共和国政府和人民结束在该国东部地区旷日持久的冲突、巩固其他地区的和平 以及全国加快复苏和发展进程达成共同愿景;(b) 将这一愿景转变成一个单 一、贯的战 略框架,其中列出明确的目标和优先事项,同时充分考虑到减贫战 略、政府优先行动计划及刚果民主共和国东部地区稳定和重建计划中反映的政自己的目 标;(c) 加强联合国协调和管理机制,确保遵循“一体行动”原则协调 一致地执行优先事项。
The overall aim of the Integrated Strategic Framework for the Democratic Republic of the Congo is: (a) to forge a shared vision of how the United Nations can assist the Government and the people of the Democratic Republic of the Congo to end the long-lasting conflicts in the eastern part of the country, to consolidate peace in other areas, and to accelerate nationally the process of recovery and development; (b) to translate this vision into a single, coherent strategic framework that has clear objectives and priorities, taking full account of the Government’s own goals as reflected in the poverty reduction strategy and its priority action plan, and the Stabilization and Reconstruction Plan for eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo; and (c) to strengthen United Nations coordination and management mechanisms to ensure the cohesive implementation of priorities in keeping with the principle of “delivering as one”.
无论您在哪里,Jabra Speak™ 510+ UC 便携式统一通信免提电话都能让您提高效率 全神贯注 , 有 了它,您简直可以把任何地方变成会议室。
Increase productivity and stay focused wherever you are with Jabra Speak™ 510+ UC, a portable unified communications speakerphone that gives you the power to literally turn any room into a conference room.
这就是为什么全神贯注吉多 ·韦斯特韦勒先生就建设和平委员会 在联合国系统框架内必须发挥的决定性作用所发表 [...]
That is why I completely concur with Guido [...]
Westerwelle’s remarks about the determining role that the Peacebuilding Commission
has to play in the context of the United Nations system.
人道主义状况直接与安全局势有关,它需要 我全神贯注,因 为它影响到最脆弱和最贫困的群 体。
The humanitarian situation, which is a direct
consequence of the security situation,
[...] requires our full attention as it affects an [...]
extremely vulnerable and impoverished population.
全神贯注地听 取了阿富汗伊斯兰共和国外 交部长扎尔迈·拉苏勒先生的发言。
It is with heightened attention that we listened to [...]
the presentation of Mr. Zalmai Rassoul, the Minister for Foreign Affairs
of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.
高效的项目管理——引导您完成审批过程 使 您 可 以时刻 注 于 自己 的 核 心业务并保持竞争优势。
Efficient project management – that
guides you through the
[...] approval process, enabling you to stay focussed on your core business and maintain a competitive edge.
缺乏法律诉讼信息的和/或误报会为申诉人/幸存者带来恐 惧; 使其不能全神贯注地投入到案件中; 阻止她继续提起诉讼, 尤 其是在家庭暴力案件中, [...]
Lack of information and/or misinformation regarding the legal process can be intimidating
for the complainant/ survivor; preclude
[...] her from engaging fully and completely in the case; deter [...]
her from continuing with
the prosecution, particularly in cases of domestic violence; and threaten her safety.
亚涅斯-巴努埃沃先生(西班牙)(以西班牙语发 言):主席先生,我很遗憾,有一根柱子挡住了我们 的视线使我们不能彼此直接看到对方,但我向你保 证,全神贯注地、非常认真地听取了你和负责裁军 事务的秘书长高级代表的发言。
(Spain) ( spoke in Spanish): I regret that a column prevents us from seeing each other directly, but I assure
you, Mr. Chairman,
[...] that I listened very carefully to you with my full attention, as well as to the High Representative of the SecretaryGeneral [...]
for Disarmament Affairs.
索菲亚会议作为一项政策承诺通 过的“行动号召”强调,贯彻执行 全 民 教 育计划、第五届国际成人教育会议的 神 和 终身 学习政策方面必须不断前进,但也表示担心全民教育可能变成除成人以外的全民教育。
The “Call to Action” adopted by the Sofia Conference as a policy commitment stressed the need for continued progress on the implementation of EFA, CONFINTEA V and lifelong learning policies, but expressed also the fear that EFA could come to mean education for all except for adults.
因此我们重申,我们承诺努力建立以下列认识为基础的安全共识:许多威胁 相互关联,发展、和平、全和人 权互相加强,没有任何国家通过单独行事就能使自己获得 最佳保护,所有国家都需要一个符合《宪章》宗旨和原则的有实效 和效率的集体安全体系。
We therefore reaffirm our commitment to work towards a security consensus based on the recognition that many threats are
interlinked, that
[...] development, peace, security and human rights are mutually reinforcing, that no State can best protect itself by acting entirely alone and that all States need an effective and efficient collective [...]
security system pursuant
to the purposes and principles of the Charter.
我自己经营着一家公司,注于Windows Azure应用的监控,我自己使用了 大量的Azure存储,但即便对于我们所用的存储能力来说,账单上的数字也是很小的。
I run a company
[...] dedicated to monitoring of Windows Azure applications and we ourselves use a ton of Azure storage, but even with our [...]
capacity our storage bills are minuscule.
使得 Burke E. Porter 能够注于他们自己的核 心专业领域,如测试扭矩、温度和压力,并将时间放在技术先进的灵活测试台,经过优化以快速适应多种齿轮箱类型。
The approach allows Burke E. Porter to concentrate on their own core area of expertise, [...]
such as testing torque, temperature
and pressure, and investing their time building technologically advanced, flexible stands that are optimized to quickly accommodate multiple gearbox types.




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