

单词 使膨胀

See also:



膨胀 n

dilatation n


External sources (not reviewed)

叶鞘无毛; 叶片线形披针形或线形,有白霜, 10-30 * 0.5-1 厘米,无毛,粗糙的边缘,基部圆形,丝状的先端;
叶舌0.5-1.5毫米Spathate 圆锥花序狭窄,疏忽,6-20厘米; spatheoles红棕色,2-2.5厘米;
[...] 总状花序红棕色到略带紫色,1.5-2厘米; 在边上的轴节间和花梗白色纤毛虫使膨胀的同 性花的对的花梗,桶形或者宽专栏,发亮,熔化成节间在基部。
Spathate panicle narrow, lax, 6–20 cm; spatheoles reddish brown, 2–2.5 cm; racemes reddish brown to purplish, 1.5–2 cm; rachis internodes and
pedicels white-ciliate on margins; pedicel of
[...] homogamous pair swollen, barrel-shaped [...]
or broadly columnar, shiny, fused to internode at base.
2010 年期间,一些外部因素,如燃料和食品价 格使通货膨胀率上升到 6.7%,不过核心通货膨胀率仅略有增长。
A number of external factors, such as fuel and food prices, pushed inflation up to 6.7% in 2010, although core inflation increased only slightly.
数字化位移传感器集成了高分辨率和宽 量程的优点使得该热膨胀仪成 为研究烧结或其他致密过程的有效手段。
The high resolution of the digital transducer, coupled with its long stroke makes this dilatometer a powerful tool for studying sintering, or other densification processes.
软化的需求压力、汇率在第一季度的更好表现以及更有利的能 源价格均使通货膨胀下降
Softening demand pressures, a better
performance of exchange rates during the Q1 and more favorable energy prices are
[...] supporting the reduction in inflation.
每次冲压前,表壳中部均需加热至1100°C左右, 使 金 属 膨胀 并 重新回到稳定状态。
Before each new stamping, the case-middle is heated to around 1100° C in order to let down and restabilize the metal.
值得提到的是货币波动不仅影响销售和市 场,还影响贸易统计;对按美元表示的统计数来说,疲软的美元 使 进 出 口数膨胀。
It is worth noting that currency fluctuations influence not only sales and markets, but
also trade statistics; for statistics stated in US dollars, a
[...] weakening dollar will inflate both import and export [...]
他们继续把对他的RadiCola,使党的皮特像气球一 膨胀 , 很快 就 使 他 爆 炸。
They continue to throw the RadiCola towards him, causing Party Pete to puff up
[...] like a balloon, and soon causing him to explode.
在财政层面,改革使控制通货膨胀 、 防 止滥用 公共资金和避免非得印制货币等成为可能,并使我们 能打击管理不善、有罪不罚和腐败现象。
On the financial level, reform will
[...] make it possible to control inflation, prevent the misappropriation [...]
of public funds and
avoid having to print money, as well as allow us to combat poor governance, impunity and corruption.
使用按通货膨胀调整 的低人均收入调整门槛值的优势是,一国相对于该门槛 值的位置将不受其他国家情况的影响。
59. Using the inflation-adjusted low [...]
per capita income adjustment threshold has the advantage that a country’s individual
position with respect to that threshold would be independent of the performance of other countries.
签证申请费的上调适用于全球各地的美国签证申请人,原因包括安全保障方面的费用增加、新型信息技术系统 使 用 以 及通 膨胀 带 来 的影响。
These fee increases apply to visa applicants worldwide and are due to new security-related
[...] costs, new information technology systems and inflation.
更值得一提的是,除了在标准配置 使 用 电 子 膨胀 阀 之外,每个回路只配有一个循环泵,进一步提高了 [...]
Digitemp 装置的能源效率。
In addition, the use
[...] of the electronic expansion valve, included in [...]
the standard configuration, and of only one pump per
circuit, further enhances the energy efficiency of the Digitemp units.
在这点上,专家小组已知悉 ZRG预算值的计算方式(使用通货 膨胀 指 标 和法律规定的指标)和实际建议如何使 [...]
用资金的方式(即依照总干事在充分考虑成员国关注问题的情况下确定的优先原则) 之间存在差别。
In this regard, the Group of Experts was informed that there is a distinction between the way
that the ZRG budget estimates are
[...] calculated (i.e. using inflation and statutory indicators) [...]
and how the funds are actually
proposed to be used (i.e. based on the priorities identified by the Director-General bearing in mind the concerns of Member States).
拟议的 2014 年预算编列的是根据修订的 2013 年工作人员薪金费用水平,在 2014 年为延长工作人员合同所需的工作人员费用,并且按照适用 3%的通货胀率标准,直至 进一步评估 2012 年使用的通货膨胀率是否适合。
The proposed 2014 budget reflects only staff costs for 2014 to enable extension of staff contracts based on the revised 2013 staff costs
levels, using the
[...] three per cent inflation rate against the 2013 staff cost until further assessment of the appropriateness of the inflation rate used in 2012.
[...] 的各国通货膨胀率,但秘书处代表仍未建议修改其基于这些最近时期通货膨胀率的实 际零增长估算值,这是因为这些估算值平均高于初次实际零增长计算实 使 用 的膨胀率。
Although IMF had published country-level inflation rates as of October 2008, the representative of the Secretariat does not propose to revise its ZRG estimates based on these more
recent rates, because, on average, they were
[...] higher than the rates that were actually used in the initial [...]
ZRG calculations.
净额减少是由员额占用数减 少及其他变动使所需经费减少以及因汇率和通膨 胀合并影响使所需经费增加造成的。
The net reduction was the result of reduced requirements under post incumbency and
other changes, partially offset by additional requirements owing to
[...] the combined effect of exchange rates and inflation.
无足够 的蒸发空间、微小的温度上升能导致液 膨胀 并 使 压 力急 剧升高。
Without enough vapor space, a small temperature increase can cause the liquid to expand and increase the pressure dramatically.
EYBC反应器作为一种改进型的升流厌氧反应器,虽然在结构形式、污泥形态等方面与升流厌氧非常相似,但其工作运行方式与升流厌氧显然不同,主要表现在EYBC中一般采用2.5~6m/h的液体表面上升流速(最高可达10m/h),高的液体表面上升流速使颗粒污泥床层处 膨胀 状 态 ,不 使 进 水 能与颗粒污泥能充分接触,提高了传质效率,而且有利于基质和代谢产物在颗粒污泥内外的扩散、传送,保证了反应器在较高的容积负荷条件下正常运行。
The EYBC reactor is one improved UASB reactor, and very similar in structure and sludge appearance, but its operation model is obvious different with the UASB reactor, as EYBCnormally take the ascending speed for 2.5-6m/h (max. for 10m/h), and the liquid surface high ascending speed make the particle sludge bed in expansion, not only make the inlet water touch the particle sludge completely, improve the transfer efficiency, but also benefit to the diffusion and transfer of the basic media and metabolite in the particle sludge, ensure the reactor in normal operation in high volumetric load.
2012 年,独 联体国家的通膨胀率预 计不高;而在 2011 年,食品和燃料价格上涨,工资上 涨,而且在某些情况下出现大量外汇流入, 使 通 胀 加 速
Inflation in the CIS countries is set to moderate in 2012, after accelerating in 2011 on the back of higher food and fuel prices, rising wages and, in some cases, massive foreign [...]
exchange inflows.
[...] 基部直接或者之字形,顶部下垂; 节间的稍弯曲,经使近基 部,24-28厘 膨胀 , 无毛,最初稀疏白色粉状; 在鞘痕下面和高于鞘痕的灰白色的绢状的毛的基部的节具戒指。
basally straight or flexuose, apically pendulous;
[...] internodes slightly curved, often swollen near base, 24–28 cm, glabrous, [...]
initially thinly white powdery;
basal nodes with rings of gray-white silky hairs below and above sheath scar.
拟议的 2013 年预算反映了 2013 年的工作人员费
[...] 用,以确保利用根据第 60/49(b)号决使用的 3%的通膨胀率, 根据核准的 2012 年工作 人员薪金部分的数额,延长工作人员的合同。
The proposed 2013 budget reflected staff costs for 2013 to enable extension of staff contracts based on the
approved 2012 staff salary
[...] component level, using the 3 per cent inflation rate applied in [...]
line with decision 60/49(b).
(b) 汇率和通膨胀:美元汇率波动和 胀使 预 计 的当地工作人员费用增加 1 860 万美元,其中包括薪金表上的增加额和业务费用。
(b) Exchange
[...] rates and inflation: Fluctuations in the exchange rate for the United States dollar, compounded by inflation, result in [...]
an increase of $18.6
million in projected local staff costs, including salary scale increases and operating expenses.
待焊接头, 公称管和卡套管材料的选择至关重要, 使用相同材 料, 可保证相同膨胀系数, 并降低不良焊接, 圆度不够或尺寸 变化(不利于良好焊接的)的可能性。
The choice of
[...] fitting, pipe, and tubing material being welded is critical Using the same materials [...]
will ensure the same
coefficients of expansion and will reduce the possibility of poor welds, out-of-roundness, or dimensional changes that are detrimental to a good weld
其中最为重要的是粮食价格 持续上涨并导致营养缺失;过去四年商品价格极度波动对增长造成负面累积影 响,并威胁到来之不易的发展成就,特别是导致在其他方面采用健全宏观经济政 策的最不发达国家出现通膨胀;国 际金融危机及其后续调整的延续性影响;以 及通过预算借款提高债务水平和降低许多最不发达国家的增长预期 使 债 务 可持 续性遭受损害。
Among the most important are the secular rise in food prices and the resulting nutrition scarcity; extreme volatility in commodity prices during the past four years, which has had negative cumulative effects on growth and has threatened to unwind hard-earned
developmental successes, not least
[...] by inducing inflation in least developed countries that were otherwise following sound macroeconomic policies; lingering effects of the international financial crisis and subsequent adjustments; and undermining debt sustainability by increasing debt levels [...]
through borrowing
for budgetary support, and by lowering growth prospects for many least developed countries.
此外,该地区许多国家都有高通 膨胀 的 问 题, 使 采 用 名义零增长的方 案,会费的计算方法仍会增加这些会员国的负担。
Moreover, the way in which contributions are calculated turns even zero nominal growth into an increased effort from Member States confronted with high inflation, as are many countries of the region.
该地区的经济疲弱,国内产生的通膨胀应可受到控制,尽管较强劲的全球经济抬高了商品价格,可 使 通 胀 率接 近该区域央行的目标水平。
The economic slack in the region
should keep
[...] domestically generated inflation in check, although higher commodity prices from a more robust global economy could keep inflation close to the target [...]
levels of the region’s central banks.
与 2008/09 年度相比,2009/10 年度期间的所需资源增加了 22%,其主要原 因可归结为:(a) 依照大会有关人力资源管理的第 63/250 号决议的规定,国际 工作人员的薪金(包括工作地点差价调整数)和一般工作人员费用所需资源增加 (这笔费用因特派任务生活津贴的所需资源取消而部分抵消);(b) 特派团无力控 制的诸多结构性通膨胀因素致使特 派团不得不支付更多的费用来提供与 2008/09 年度同等水平的支助。
The resource requirements for 2009/10 reflect an increase of 22 per cent compared with 2008/09, which is primarily attributable to: (a) additional resources for salaries, including post adjustment, and common staff costs for international staff, pursuant to General Assembly resolution 63/250 on human resources management, offset in part by the elimination of requirements for mission subsistence allowance; and (b) a number of structural inflationary factors that are beyond the Mission’s ability to control and have resulted in increased costs to maintain the same level of support that was provided during 2008/09.
1957年美国保险业的3名工作人员调查一起由甲醛和苯酚制取酚醛树脂的反应器爆炸事故,经过仔细调查,一点也没有发现燃烧爆炸的痕迹"研究结果表明,其原因是: 反应器内的介质主要是水,它处于加压过热状态,而且反应器气相部分的器壁发生了裂口, 使 反 应 器内压力急剧下降,造成反应器内的水骤然气化和体 膨胀 , 正 是由它造成了反应器的爆炸"在当时已了解到蒸汽锅炉也有类似事故发生,进一步的研究还发现液化天然气即使在不加热的情况下,也会发生类似的现象"为了与其他的爆炸加以区别,将它称之为"BLEVE"。
In 1957 the U.S. insurance industry along with three staff survey taken by the system and phenol formaldehyde phenolic resin reactor explosion, after careful investigation, that also found no traces of burning and explosion "results show, the reason is: reactor the medium is
mainly water, it is
[...] pressurized thermal state, and part of the reactor wall of gas had cracks, which makes a sharp decline in the pressure [...]
within the reactor,
causing a sudden water reactor gasification and volume expansion, it is It is caused by the reactor explosion "in the steam boiler was already aware of similar incidents have occurred, further research also found that LNG is not even in the case of heating, a similar phenomenon will occur" in order to explode with the other distinction, it would be called "BLEVE".
秘书长关于汇率和通膨胀率变 动对卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭和前 南斯拉夫问题国际法庭 2010-2011 两年期拟议预算的影响报告(A/64/570) 中所述重计费用反映了实际通膨胀 的 最 新数据、薪金调查结果、年度 生活费调整、2009 年工作地点差价调整指数变动,以及 2009 年业务汇率 变化的影响。
The recosting reflected in the report of the Secretary-General on the
effect of changes in
[...] rates of exchange and inflation on the proposed budgets of both the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia for the biennium 2010–2011 (A/64/570) reflects the impact of the latest data on actual inflation, the outcome of [...]
salary surveys, the
annual cost-of-living adjustments, the movement of post adjustment indices in 2009 and the effect of the evolution of operational rates of exchange in 2009.
[...] 划贷款和采取安全措施的费用全部列入预算,但本组织将需要在预算中匀支估计为 37,800,000 美元的整个通膨胀和法定增长额。
This option which merely reduces the detrimental impact of the ZNG scenario would imply that the costs of the Belmont loan and security measures would be fully provided but the
Organization will be required to absorb the
[...] entire amount of inflation and statutory [...]
increases estimated at $37.8 million.




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