

单词 使耳聋

See also:


ear n
ears n

handle (archaeology)
and that is all (classical Chinese)

External sources (not reviewed)

电 视使用手语为耳聋公民播送新闻。
News on TV is
[...] being signed for the benefit of deaf citizens.
该计划的第一阶段旨使6至9 岁的肢体残疾儿童耳聋儿童 以及轻度精 神残疾儿童融入普通学校。
The first phase of the plan is
[...] intended to integrate persons with motor disability, the deaf and those with mild [...]
mental disability
aged between 6 and 9 years old.
正如昨 天联合国秘书长潘基文对我们所言:我们不能让我们 使 人 震 耳 欲 聋 的 沉 默作为 我们的标签。
As the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Ban Ki-moon, told us yesterday: we must not let our deafening silence define us.
此外,有照片的联合会卡 (与 全耳聋人和重听人联合会发的卡相 同 ) 使 持 卡人在乘坐公交车辆时有权享受折 扣。
Furthermore, the photo card of the federation —
similarly to the one
[...] issued by the National Federation of the Deaf and Persons with Hardness of Hearing [...]
— entitles its holder
to discounts in mass transport.
残疾事务协会参与了预防残疾和提高认识方案的工作,确保早期诊断 儿耳聋,并 为残疾青年举办生殖健康培训。
Disability-related associations take part in prevention and
awareness-raising programmes by ensuring the early
[...] diagnosis of child deafness and organizing [...]
training sessions on reproductive health
for young persons with disabilities.
它呼吁从事处 理妇女问题的部委和组使聋人妇 女充分和积极地参与所有领域的活动,并对聋 [...]
It has called on ministries and organizations involved with women’s
[...] issues to include deaf women fully and [...]
actively in all areas and to devote more research
to the situation of deaf women.
一成员指出,在超过《蒙特利尔议定书》规定的更严格的时限内拟议加 速淘汰氟氯烃是使土耳其政 府能够符合加入欧洲联盟的要求。
One member pointed out that one of the goals of the proposed accelerated phase-out of HCFCs within a stricter timeline than
that laid out by the Montreal
[...] Protocol was to enable the Government of Turkey to meet the [...]
requirements for joining the European Union.
驾车时通过语音发送电子邮件、使自定义播放列表上的歌曲音色更具深度, 使耳 麦 上的声音根据环境自动进行调整。
Send e-mails with your voice while driving, add extra
depth to the songs on your custom playlist, or have
[...] the sound on your headset automatically adapt [...]
to your surroundings.
2008 年,主席团挑选出:a) 星星之火可以燎原 – 纳米比亚;b) 开 放源码软使巴勒 斯坦图书馆唤发出新的活力--巴勒斯坦权力机构;c) 在 Watphrathatwittaya 学校与讲英语的国际志愿者一道教英语小组--泰国;d) 我们的城市、我们的声音:数字化时 代的移民新闻广播--美利坚合众国;e) 聋人的办法--巴西 NE 区聋人团体创造自己的发展工 具--巴西。
In 2008, the Bureau selected: (a)
Where there’s a FLAME, there’s a fire –
[...] Namibia; (b) Open Source Software brings a new lease of life to libraries in Palestine – Palestinian Authority; (c) Team Teaching English with International English-Speaking Volunteers at Watphrathatwittaya School – Thailand; (d) Our City, Our Voices: Immigrant Newscasts in the Digital Age – United States of America; (e) It’s DEAF WAY!
随着暴露增加,人可能会不舒服、视力模糊, 出现诸如视野同中心压缩耳聋、构音障碍(=语音显著模糊、缓慢且很难发音(并理解))的征兆。
With increasing exposure the person may experience malaise, and blurred vision increasing exposure, signs
appear such as concentric constriction of the
[...] visual field, deafness, dysarthria (= [...]
Speech that is characteristically slurred,
slow, and difficult to produce (and understand).
成人中,极端的暴露可引发诸如人格变化、震颤、视觉改变 耳聋 、 肌 肉协调和感官缺失、记 忆力损失、智利损伤、甚至死亡(Health [...]
Canada 2004)。
In adults, extreme exposure can lead to health effects
such as personality changes, tremors,
[...] changes in vision, deafness, loss of muscle [...]
coordination and sensation, memory loss,
intellectual impairment, and even death (Health Canada 2004).
儿童、妇女和 男子或死或伤;他们的家庭遭到摧毁和恐吓;他们感 到恐惧和痛苦;他们的哭喊耳欲聋 、 尖 叫令人瘫痪, 这些都是我们看到和听到的真情实景、战争的核心, 对战斗者和平民没有任何区别。
The deafening cries and paralysing screams of fear and pain of the children, women and men killed and wounded and of their shattered, terrorized families — those were the real sights, sounds and core of a war in which no distinction was made between combatants and civilians.
此外,关于体育的 2004 年第 I
[...] 号法(以下简称“体育法”)也列出残疾人群体如 下:身体残疾人、精神残疾人耳聋 人 、 重听人、有移植性和先天性失明或先天 [...]
Furthermore, Act I of 2004 on sports (hereinafter referred to as sports act) also enlists the groups of disabled persons that are
as follows: physically handicapped,
[...] mentally handicapped, deaf, hard of hearing, [...]
transplanted and blind natural persons
or natural persons with visual impairment.
为确保残疾人在生活的各个方面在与其他 人平等的基础上享有法律权利能力而采取 的措施,特别是为确保残疾人享有平等权 利,可以维持身心健全,作为公民充分参
与,拥有或继承财产,掌握自己的财务, 有平等机会获得银行贷款、抵押贷款和其
[...] 他形式的金融信贷,以及确保残疾人的财 产不被任意剥夺而采取的此类措施使聋人和 盲聋人的基本权利能够不受任何限制地得到尊重和完全行使,全 [...]
43 条、第 241 条和第 274 条关于对此类残疾群体的表达意愿的规定。
Measures taken by the State party to ensure that persons with disabilities enjoy legal capacity on an equal basis with others in all aspects of life, in particular such measures as to ensure the equal right of persons with disabilities to maintain their physical and mental integrity, full participation as citizens, own or inherit property, to control their own financial affairs and to have equal access to bank loans, mortgages and other forms of financial credit, and their right not to be arbitrarily deprived of their property In
order to ensure respect for the
[...] fundamental rights of deaf and deaf-blind persons [...]
and the full and unhindered exercise of
those rights, CONADIS has submitted a bill that would amend articles 43, 241 and 274 of the Civil Code as they relate to the ability of persons with disabilities to express their will unequivocally.
但是,既然这一干预行动似乎给耳 其 大 使 馆 造 成不便,希腊警方可让 示威者将此类抗议信件张贴在附近场地。
However, since this intervention appears to cause
[...] inconvenience to the Turkish Embassy, the Greek police [...]
could allow the demonstrators to post
such letters of protest in adjacent areas.
我想首先感谢塞内加尔阿卜杜·萨拉姆·迪亚洛使阁下和马耳他萨维奥尔·博格 使 阁 下 今天分别 以巴勒斯坦人民行使不可剥夺权利委员会的主席和报 告员身份所做的全面发言并向我们介绍这个项目下的 四项决议草案(A/66/L.15、A/66/L.16、A/66/L.17 [...]
和 A/66/L.18)。
I would like to
[...] begin by thanking Ambassadors Abdou Salam Diallo of Senegal and Saviour Borg of Malta, the Chair and [...]
Rapporteur, respectively,
of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, for their comprehensive statements today and for introducing the four draft resolutions before us under this item (A/66/L.15, A/66/L.16, A/66/L.17, A/66/L.18).
如此可在深夜練習,而不會 打擾其他人。為了保護您的聽力使 用 耳 機 時 ,請勿將 音量設定得過高。
To protect your hearing, make sure that you do not set the volume
[...] level too high when using headphones.
[...] 片可能无法与其它因素引发的脑瘫区别,主要的模式为头小畸型、反射亢进及明显的运动和智力损伤, 有时还伴随失明耳聋(Harada,1995;Takeuchi and Eto,1999)。
In infants exposed to high levels of methylmercury during pregnancy, the clinical picture may be indistinguishable from cerebral palsy caused by other factors, the main pattern being microcephaly, hyperreflexia, and
gross motor and mental impairment, sometimes associated
[...] with blindness or deafness (Harada, 1995; Takeuchi [...]
and Eto, 1999).
该委员会与阿拉伯联盟合作,编写了一本 聋 人 使 用 的阿拉伯语词典。
In collaboration with the Arab League, the Council had
[...] elaborated an Arab dictionary for the deaf.
[...] University)和北京联合大学之间一个促 耳聋 和 听 力障碍者高等教育的伙伴合作项目。
For example, our EducationUSA program recently helped arrange a partnership between Gallaudet
University in Washington and Beijing Union University to advance
[...] higher education for deaf and hearing-impaired [...]
根据有耳聋学生的 教育法规,也可以用手语进行教学。
Currently, sign language is taught in the seventh and eighth grades at
[...] schools teaching deaf students, but teaching [...]
can also be conducted in sign language
under the regulations concerning the education of deaf students.
云技术让家电成为一体 智能吸尘机器人可使用平 板电脑作为智能操控,能够装配摄像头,而且自带识别软件,一改以往吸尘器 聋 又 瞎 又傻的传统形象,只需安装了应用软件,用户手中的平板电脑就可以成为遥控器,指挥吸尘器在家中任何角落工作,同时平板电脑也能成为监视窗口,它的主人可以实时了解家中儿童或宠物的生存状态,而视频监控数据则能通过集成的Wi-Fi芯片发送给主人。
Cloud” technologies - binding all
appliances into one   Intelligent
[...] vacuum cleaning robot may make use of tablet PC as intelligent control, could be equipped with camera and recognition software, face-lifting the vacuum cleaner from the past traditional image of deaf, blind and dump.  [...]
By installing suites of
application software, the tablet PCs currently in use could be transformed into remote control, directing the VC robot to work in any corner within the household; at the same time, tablet PC could also be turned into a surveillance window, enabling its master to monitor, in real-time, the current status of children/pets at house whereas video monitoring data could be streamed through Wi-Fi chip to the master.
一旦您要牠们拉一趟野外旅游,牠们就会很雀跃,发出的叫声甚至 耳 欲 聋 , 让 您知道牠们很想参与其中。
However, when the guide fetches the dogs for a safari it’s a different
[...] story; the barking is ear-splitting as all [...]
the dogs want to come.
任 何 人除非得到人員的特准,否則不得 在或企圖在吊車系統上或吊 車系統區內使用收音機、卡式機、雷
[...] 射碟 機、錄音機、便攜式無線電視機 或任何其他類似 的產 生 聲音的器件,但如耳筒或 耳機 一併 使用,耳 筒或耳機已作充分隔音,避免聲音外洩,則屬例外。
No person shall, unless authorized by an official, use or attempt to use any radio, cassette, compact disc player, record player, portable wireless television or any other similar device which generates sound on the Cable Car System or in
the Cable Car System
[...] area, except when used with an earphone or headset sufficiently insulated to avoid [...]
leakage of sound.
克罗地亚聋哑人协会称,《社会福利法》在社会保障体系中引入聋哑概 念使聋哑人 有权获得援助和照料津贴,以及在克服具体困难方面获得援助的权 利。
DODIR reported that the Social Welfare Act introduced the concept of deafblindness in the social security system and entitled deafblind persons to an allowance for assistance and care, as well as to the right to assistance in overcoming particular difficulties.
但 是,加拿大最高法院使用了与南非宪法法院在相似的资源分配案件中 使 用 过 的几乎相同 的推理,认定完全漠聋人的 需要不是一种医疗资源的合理分配。
But using reasoning almost identical to that employed by the South African Constitutional Court in similar cases dealing with resource allocation, the Supreme
Court of Canada found that to
[...] entirely ignore the needs of those who are deaf was not a reasonable allocation of health [...]
听力丧失,听力减退,分为两大类:传导性聋,这是由于外耳、中耳传音结构发生病变,声波传入内耳发生障碍;感音神经 聋 , 耳 蜗 螺旋器病变不能将音波变为神经兴奋或神经及其中枢途径发生障碍不能将神经兴奋传入;或大脑皮质中枢病变不能分辩语言,统称感音神经性聋。
Hearing loss, a decreased ability to hear, is divided into two main categories: Conductive, which is hearing loss due to
something interfering with the sound
[...] passing to the inner ear; and sensorineural [...]
-- due to nerve or organ damage within the ear.
冈比亚对第 66/6 号决议投了赞成票,我们将继续支持大会通过必须终 止对古巴的经济、商业和金融封锁的决议,直到美国
[...] 最终听取联合国会员国和国际社会 耳 欲 聋 的 呼 声, 决定结束对古巴人民实施不公正的惩罚性制裁。
The Gambia has voted in support of resolution 66/6, and we will continue to support the resolutions of the Assembly on the necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed on Cuba
until such time as the United States
[...] finally heeds the deafening calls by Member [...]
States and the international community
and decides to put an end to the unjust punitive sanctions it has imposed on the people of Cuba.




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