

单词 使缓慢沉落

See also:

缓慢 n

slowness n

缓慢 adj

slower adj
very slow adj

沉落 n

setting n

External sources (not reviewed)

使在离点来源很远的地方大沉积 速度 很 缓慢 , 汞 的生物放大作用也会在这些水生 食物链中的顶级消费者体内造成毒性效应。
Even at very low atmospheric deposition rates in locations remote from point [...]
sources, mercury biomagnification can result
in toxic effects in consumers at the top of these aquatic food chains.
尽管这一认捐承诺不是直接向近东救济工程处 做出的,但他还是可以说由于加沙重建的步 缓慢, 大部分认捐仍落实。
Although the pledges had not been made
directly to UNRWA, he could say that most
[...] had not been implemented because of the slow pace of the Gaza [...]
联合国系统目前正在开展的辩论反映了这方面存 在的问题,提出了同样的批评:负 沉 重 、进 度 缓慢 、 效 果差、没能考虑各国的实际需要、 没有为起草报告提供技术支持、特别是缺乏 落 实 建议方面提供支持。
The current discussions within the United
Nations system
[...] are a reflection of these difficulties, with the same criticisms of complexity, slowness, ineffectiveness, the failure to take into account the real needs of States, [...]
a lack of technical
assistance for the preparation of the reports and, above all, of assistance for the implementation of the recommendations.
虽然预测不同肉食性鱼类和甲壳类物种饲料中鱼油含量也将在未来十年下降 0.5–7.0%,但水产养殖领使用鱼 油的量可能在长期将增加,尽 缓慢。
Although it is projected that fish-oil inclusion in the diets for different carnivorous fish
and crustacean species
[...] will also be reduced by 0.5–7.0 percent over the next ten years, the use of fish oil by the aquaculture sector will probably increase in the long run, albeit slowly.
关于分阶段落实各种功能的可能性,咨询委员会获悉,秘书处的分 析确定,这将是最昂贵和功效最低的办法之一,因为这将:(a) 需要多 次重复执行重大的资源密集型任务,例如测试和培训;(b) 需要开发与 现有系统的接口,其数目远大于任何其他情况;(c) 现有系统退使用 的速度慢;(d) 过程持续时间最长;(e) 见效慢,因为全面整合落实需要较长的时间。
Concerning the possibility of phased implementation of the various functionalities, the Advisory Committee was informed that the Secretariat’s analysis determined that this would be among the most costly and least effective approaches, because it would entail: (a ) a high redundancy of major, resource-intensive tasks, such as testing and training; (b ) the need to develop a far greater number of interfaces with existing systems
than in any other
[...] scenario; ( ) the slowest decommissioning of existing systems; ( d ) the longest overall duration; and (e ) the slowest time to benefit realization due to the [...]
longer period required
for the implementation of full integration.
截至 1999 年 11 月,建议落实情况进缓 慢。
Little progress to implement them was made until November 1999.
Leach field 过滤田 用于污水处理的地块,将废液导入带孔的地下 管道,让污缓慢地释放沉入地下。
Leach field a sewage treatment system that directs waste into underground pipes with
[...] holes in them that slowly let sewage soak into [...]
the ground.
[...] 在辯論的過程中,曾經嘗試想鬆一鬆,甚至石禮謙議員都可以說出 來,叫大家不要對我鬆手,因為一鬆,這個制度便 慢慢 鬆 懈 ,甚至落或沉淪。
If in the course of the debate we tried to let things go and even Mr Abraham SHEK could have said that Members should not be
lenient on him, this is because once the grip is lost, the whole
[...] system will become lax and it will even decline or perish.
一般来说,该说明(S/2006/507)的落实工 作进缓 慢,而且是不全面和不连贯的。
Generally speaking, the implementation of
[...] note S/2006/507 has been slow, partial and inconsistent.
此外慢性 营养不使儿童发育缓比率较高的国家在今后经济发展方面面临问题,如果不 尽早干预,这类儿童可能无法作为有生产能力的社会成员充分实现其潜能。
In addition, chronic malnutrition puts into question the future of economic development of those countries that have high rates of stunting in children who, [...]
without early intervention,
may be unable to reach their full potential as productive members of society.
但在执行这 项建议方面取得的进缓慢。即使在 因 多种原因允许人口流产的地方,许多妇女 仍不知道人工流产合法,而且因为对妇女而言费用昂贵,缺乏训练有素、设施完 备的服务提供者,一些机构和服务提供者抵制以及其他因素致使妇女依然无法获 得安全的人工流产服务。
Even in places where abortion is permitted for multiple reasons, many women do not know that abortion is legal, and access to safe procedures is impeded because of high cost to women, lack of trained and equipped providers, resistance by some facilities and providers, and other factors.
[...] 先生認為可以運用其他工程方法來興建中環灣仔繞道, 例使用沉管隧道,而若中環灣仔繞道的隧道低於海平 [...]
面,當局便應致力避免就該段中環灣仔繞道進行填海, 以保留更多海面範圍。
Mr Michael CHIANG, Chairman of the Planning & Lands Committee of HKIA, considered that
there could be other engineering
[...] solutions, for example immersed tube tunnel, for [...]
constructing CWB and if the CWB tunnel
was below sea level, efforts should be made to avoid reclamation for that section of the CWB so as to retain more water surface.
它们认为,这些负担沉重地落在发展 中国家肩上。
They believe that such burdens would fall most heavily on developing countries.
应刻不缓地充实并落实这 一承诺。不过,鉴于对世界经济 进行可持续的调整需要多年时间,落实这样一个框架不能仅靠 20 国集团的非正 式协商:需要在多边体制内妥善地加以制度化,并建立执行机制,才 使 政 策协 调行之有效、责任到位。
However, as sustainable rebalancing of the world economy will take many years, the implementation of such a framework cannot be left to informal consultations at the level of the G-20: it will require proper institutionalization within the multilateral system and establishment of enforcement mechanisms to make policy coordination effective and accountable.
政府制訂港台公司化建議已多年,但㆒直以來 ㆒拖再拖,延誤經年使港台公司化計劃㆒直未能得到落實,令港台蒙受沒有效率、 官僚主義及士氣落的沉重打擊。
As a result, after all these years, the proposal to corporitize RTHK has still not been put into practice and RTHK is still suffering heavily from inefficiency, red tape and low morale.
在四个“一”工程中,“一个办 事处”,包括(在全球和国家层面的)“一种业务操作方式” 落 实 工 作进 缓慢。
Of the four “Ones”, progress on the “One Office” including harmonization of business practices (at
[...] global and country levels) is the slowest.
但是,含汞的飞灰作为一种污染物不 使 用 , 因为它 缓慢 地 进入周围环境中。
However, fly ash that contains mercury as a contaminant
[...] should not be used, as it slowly leaches into the surrounding [...]
我希望“財爺”與其團隊會監察醫管局 究竟有否善用這筆錢,有否把不同的服務排列優次,然後 慢慢落實 推 行,而不是一次過投入33億元,以致不同的新服務同時開展 使本 來 已不足夠的人手 ⎯⎯ 不管是醫生、護士或其他醫療人員 ⎯⎯ 要 更吃力地負責不同的工作,最終令更多醫護人員流往私營醫院。
I hope the Financial Secretary and his team will exercise monitoring to find out whether the HA can use this amount properly and rank different services according to priorities and implement them gradually rather than using the entire sum of $3.3 billion in one go, resulting in the launching of various new services at the same time and making it necessary for existing staff, be they doctors, nurses or other healthcare personnel, which is already insufficient, to take up various tasks and become more exhausted, thereby causing more healthcare personnel to switch to private hospitals in the end.
海洋通过洋流把热量输送到全球各处,或 使 二 氧化 碳沉,从而使之离 开大气,因此,海洋在决定气候方面发挥着重要作用;海洋 占世界上生物机体捕获的生物碳(或称绿色碳)总量的 55%。
Oceans play an important role in determining climate by transporting heat around the globe through ocean currents or sinking carbon dioxide, thereby taking it out of the atmosphere; oceans account for about 55 per cent of the world’s total biological, or green, carbon captured by living organisms.
他们最后表示, 乍得政府对作为中乍特派团任务一部分承诺开展的基础设施项 落 实 步 伐 缓慢 感到沮丧。
They finally expressed their Government’s
[...] frustration over the slow implementation pace of infrastructure projects that had been [...]
part of the mandate of MINURCAT.
仅仅提到各方达成一项违反本规则的协议的可能性, 不使调和 以下两个问题成为可能:《实践指南》中的所有准则只是指示性的, 当事方仍然可以通过(有效)的相互间协议自由地离开这些准则;与上述情况极为 不同的是,是否可以说,只因为其他各方保 沉 默 , 就已经有了协议,这是非常 令人怀疑的。
A mere reference to the possibility of parties reaching an agreement contrary to this rule would not have made it
possible to reconcile these two concerns:
[...] quite apart from the fact that all the guidelines in the Guide to Practice are only indicative and parties remain free to depart from them by (valid) agreement inter se, it is extremely doubtful whether an agreement could be said to have come about merely because the other parties all remain silent.
此外,由于 没有拖网网板沉重底纲,使海床 受力减少。
Moreover, because there are no trawl doors or heavy
[...] ground gear, there is less force on the sea bed.
关于题为“促进实现核裁军和不扩散核武器目标 的建议”的项目,里约集团重申它支持从各个方面开 展核裁军和不扩散的坚定立场,同时它对核武器的存 在给人类造成严重威胁而在彻底消除核武器方面却 进缓慢表示关切,而彻底消除核武器是防止威胁使用此类武器的唯一保障。
Regarding the item entitled “Recommendations for achieving the goal of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation of nuclear weapons”, the Group reiterates its firm position in favour of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation in all their aspects, as well as its concern about the serious threat to humanity posed by the
very existence of nuclear
[...] weapons and the slow progress towards their total elimination, which is the only absolute guarantee against the threat or use of such weapons.
A lot of elderly inmates become very
[...] depressed and low-spirited for not having [...]
any activities.
这个问题的紧迫性,加之某些方面 在立即停止这场杀戮和屠杀方面令人遗憾 缓慢行 动使马来 西亚敦促重新召集这个紧急特别会议, 以便使这个组织的所有成员能够为恢复加沙的和平 与安全采取必要行动。
The urgency of this matter
[...] and the unfortunate slow action in certain quarters to put an immediate stop to this killing and carnage compelled Malaysia to urge the reconvening of this emergency special session to enable the [...]
general membership of
this body to take the necessary action to restore peace and security in Gaza.
在该背景下,有人建议,缔约国 和更广泛的执行群体应确保满足上述要求,不应局限于如何确保女孩、男孩、妇
[...] 女和男子平等获得为执行《公约》提供的资源的一般性讨论,而应询问为什么这 方面的进展一直如缓慢。
In this context, it was suggested that both States Parties and the broader implementation community need to make sure that this actually happens, including moving beyond the general discussions of how to ensure that girls, boys, women and men have equal
access to the resources generated through implementation of the Convention, and, by asking why
[...] progress has been so slow.
经社会注意到本区域所面临的挑战,包括欧元区的债务危机在继续以 及其他发达经济体的复缓慢,这 导致了本区域增长前景预期下降以及在获 [...]
The Commission noted the challenges facing the region,
including the continuing debt crisis in
[...] the euro zone and slow recovery in other [...]
developed economies, which were leading
to lower growth prospects in the region as well as the potential reduction in access to liquidity.
[...] 划官员的地位问题;与全球环境机构(GEF)的关系问题;传播问题;在运 沉 积 物 时使 用同位素的问题;术语问题:例如, 跨 [...]
国界地 下水资源( transboundary groundwater resources);在各国间加强国际水文计划,人与生物圈计划,国际地质对比计划,政府间
海洋学委员会和社会变革管理计划相对应的国家委员会之间合作的问题;Kouacs讨论会的 准备情况;国际水文计划行动问题;与相关机构进行内部和外部合作的问题;国际水文计 划的管理问题;以及有关1999年利比亚会议结果的问题。
Several questions and comments were raised by the members of the Bureau on issues related to the 36 recommendations, such as: relation of IHP with IGBP, the Humid Tropics Centre in Africa, the status of the national programme officer for
hydrology in Dakar, relations with the
[...] Global Environment Facility (GEF), communication [...]
issues, use of isotopes in sediment
transport, terminologies such as transboundary groundwater resources, strengthening collaboration at the national level between the corresponding National Committees of IHP, MAB, IGCP, IOC and MOST, preparation of the Kovacs Colloquium, the IHE initiative, internal and external coordination with relevant bodies, governance of the IHP, and the outcome of the 1999 Libya Conference.
具 体落实行动包括组织召开具体培训届会,旨在激励决策者和政策制定者授予在线普及利用 公共记录和政府持有的记录的权利,确定和促进公共领域中信息和知识的储存 使 其 可 供全使用, 对政府持有的公共领域信息进行保护和数字化。
Concrete follow-up initiatives have included the organization of specific training sessions with a view to stimulating decision- and policy-makers to enact the right of universal online access to public and government-held records, to identify and promote repositories of information and knowledge in the public domain and to make them accessible to all, as [...]
well as to undertake
the preservation and digitization of public domain information held by governments.




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