

单词 使结束

使...结束 verb

cap v

See also:

结束 adj

ending adj
closing adj

结束 (...) v

close v
end up (sth.) v
finish v

surname Shu

External sources (not reviewed)

占领国的持续占领和继续违反 停火协使结束这些令人不安的情况变得非常困难。
The ongoing occupation and continuing violation of the
ceasefire agreement by the occupying Power make it enormously difficult to bring
[...] these disturbing developments to an end.
国际社会的分使结束暴力 的前景变得复杂。
Divisions among the international
[...] community complicate the prospects for ending the violence.
他被认为是由他的追随者,因为“上帝之门”,后来作为隐藏伊玛目谁 使结束 伊 斯兰法和inau gurate一个新的先知周期。
He was regarded by his followers as the
"Gate of God" and later as the Hidden Imam who
[...] would bring to an end Islamic law and [...]
inau gurate a new prophetic cycle.
使结束一切 形式的 暴力侵害妇女现象的努力取得成功,就不能继续仅仅关注受害者的眼前的健康问 [...]
Efforts to end all forms of violence [...]
against women will not be successful if they continue to be solely focused on the immediate
health concerns of the victims, or on implementing legal measures that only consider the most severe forms of abuse.
登记册重造工作预期于 2009 年 2 月结束,使得 有 关人员能在选民登记行动结束前列入选民名单。
The reconstitution of the registers
[...] is scheduled to conclude in February 2009, to allow those concerned [...]
to enrol on the voters list
before the end of the voter registration operations.
您每次使用网上银行后,请点击页面右上角的“安全退出 结束使 用 , 并拔出U盾妥善保管。
Please click the “Safe Exit” button on the upper right of the page to perform
要打印文本的开始结束处必须使用 相同的可打印字符, 且不能用在文本内部。
The same printable character must be used at
[...] both the beginning and end of the text to be printed [...]
and cannot be used within the text.
苏丹解放军-瓦希德派指挥官同意制定 行动计划结束使用儿 童兵情况,同时也呼吁向儿童提供人道主义援助、保健和 [...]
SLA-AW commanders agreed to establish
[...] an action plan to end the use of child [...]
soldiers, while also appealing for humanitarian
assistance, health and education for the children.
如 上所说,“用石油换食品”计划 结束 , 使 这 类 拨款自 2003年6月至2004 年 6 [...]
月减少了 115,800,000 美元,即减少了 37.9%。
The fact is that the end of the Oil-for-Food [...]
programme, as has already been explained, led to a fall in these allocations
of US $115.8 million from June 2003 to June 2004, i.e. -37.9%.
[...] 期作出一个适当的决定。这些未决的问题包括:第二阶段转产,持续整体削减氟氯烃消费 的起点;合格的增量成本;氟氯烃成本效益阈值;在设 使 用 寿 命 结束 之 前 进行技术级和 转型;以及在氟氯烃方面低消费量国家类别的适用性。
In fact, an appropriate decision on the cut-off date could only be made in the context of a series of other outstanding issues, including: second-stage conversions; the starting point for sustained aggregate reductions in HCFC consumption; eligible incremental costs; cost-effectiveness thresholds for HCFCs;
technological upgrades and
[...] conversion before the end of equipment’s useful life; and the applicability [...]
of the low-volume-consuming
country category with regard to HCFCs.
我们再次要求结束使两个 邻国持续陷于紧张状态和 在整个加勒比地区产生关切、烦恼和不安的封锁。
We call once again for the end to an embargo that has preserved a state of tension between two [...]
neighbouring countries and
generated concern, disquiet and discomfort throughout the Caribbean.
为了顺应这一变化,一般性政策辩论上的发言时间将从 8 分 钟减少到 6 分钟;这么做的另一个好处是,可以使一般性政策辩论在大会的第一个周结 束,使附属 机构和其他活动的工作计划稍为宽松,同时限制第一周的并行活动次数(2007 年会议上,代表和秘书处都将其形容为“过分拥挤”)。
In order to accommodate this change, speaking time at the General Policy Debate should be reduced from eight to six minutes; this would also have the added benefit
of allowing the GPD
[...] to close at the end of the first week of the General Conference, allowing a better, less-constraining [...]
planning of work for
subsidiary bodies and other events, and at the same time limiting the number of parallel events during the first week (which delegates and the Secretariat alike described as “overcrowded” at the 2007 session).
[...] 员确保该国政府与公民社会协作,采取步 结束 基 于 族裔和性别的歧视,并促进 言论、见解和新闻的自由。
It urged the members of the Council to ensure
that the Government work with civil
[...] society, take steps to end ethnic and gender-based [...]
discrimination and promote freedom
of expression, opinion and the press.
总务委员会还不妨提请大会注意,解释投票应以 10 分钟为限;如果某一主 要委员会和全体会议审议同一决议草案,各代表团应尽可能只解释投票一次,即
[...] 有所不同时,不在此限;如果一天排定两次会议,这两次会议又都审议同一项目, 则各代表团应在该日会结束时行使 答 辩 权(第 34/401 号决定,第 6 至 8 段 (A/520/Rev.17,附件五))。
The General Committee may also wish to draw to the attention of the General Assembly that explanations of vote should be limited to 10 minutes; that, when the same draft resolution is considered in a Main Committee and in plenary meeting, a delegation should, as far as possible, explain its vote only once, i.e., either in the Committee or in plenary meeting, unless that delegation’s vote in plenary meeting is different from its vote in the Committee; and that delegations should exercise their right of reply at the end of the day whenever two meetings have been scheduled
for that day and whenever such
[...] meetings are devoted to the consideration of the same item (decision [...]
34/401, paras. 6-8 (A/520/Rev.17, annex V)).
[...] 以及利比里亚、尼泊尔、塞拉利昂等地冲突 结束, 使得儿 童兵的数量在全球范围内得以下降,并且这 [...]
Nevertheless, positive
[...] developments and an end to the wars in Liberia, [...]
Nepal and Sierra Leone had led to a decrease in the
total number of child soldiers in the world, and there was a possibility that the downward trend would continue.
我们都期待和平进程尽快成结 束,使我们能确保在本国实现进一步的和平、稳定以 及可持续、快速的经济发展。
We all look forward
[...] to the successful conclusion of the peace process [...]
as soon as possible so that we can ensure further
peace, stability and sustainable, rapid economic progress in the country.
[...] 并建立一支国际部队帮助他们重新获得安全与和平, 促结束使加沙窒息这么长时间的不公正围困,按照 [...]
国际协定协助我们开放所有过境点——特别是加沙 地带和以色列之间以及加沙地带和埃及之间在拉法 的过境点,并确保实现全面、相互和持久的停火。
It means providing effective and sufficient protection for all our people and establishing an international force that
will help them regain security and
[...] peace, contribute to ending the unjust siege [...]
that has suffocated Gaza for so long, assist
us in opening all border crossings — particularly those between the Gaza Strip and Israel and at Rafah between the Gaza Strip and Egypt — in accordance with international agreements and ensure a comprehensive, reciprocal and permanent ceasefire.
我们目前 的军事任务到 5 月 31 日时应结束,使我国的大部 分部队能够在 7 月底前撤出伊拉克。
Our current military tasks should be completed by 31
[...] May, allowing the majority of our forces to withdraw from Iraq by the end of July.
以增加对一切来源之电离辐射量、影响和危险的认识;请科学委员会下届会议继 续审查电离辐射领域的各项重要问题,并就此向大会第六十五届会议提出报告;
[...] 并决心资源分配一旦确定,便在科学委员会第五十七届会议后,但不迟于大会第 六十四届会结束前,就委员会的组成作出决定(第 64/85 [...]
At its sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly requested the Scientific Committee to continue its work, including its important activities to increase knowledge of the levels, effects and risks of ionizing radiation from all sources; requested the Scientific Committee to continue at its next session the review of the important questions in the field of ionizing radiation and to report thereon to the Assembly at its sixty-fifth session; and resolved to take a decision on the membership of the Scientific Committee once a decision on resource allocation had been made and after the fifty-seventh
session of the Scientific Committee but
[...] no later than the end of the sixty-fourth [...]
session of the General Assembly (resolution 64/85).
刚果民主共和国综合战略框架的总体目标是:(a) 就联合国如何协助刚果民 主共和国政府和人结束在该 国东部地区旷日持久的冲突、巩固其他地区的和平 [...]
以及在全国加快复苏和发展进程达成共同愿景;(b) 将这一愿景转变成一个单 一、连贯的战略框架,其中列出明确的目标和优先事项,同时充分考虑到减贫战
略、政府优先行动计划及刚果民主共和国东部地区稳定和重建计划中反映的政府 自己的目标;(c) 加强联合国协调和管理机制,确保遵循“一体行动”原则协调 一致地执行优先事项。
The overall aim of the Integrated Strategic Framework for the Democratic Republic of the Congo is: (a) to forge a shared vision of how the United Nations can assist the
Government and the people of the
[...] Democratic Republic of the Congo to end the long-lasting [...]
conflicts in the eastern part of the
country, to consolidate peace in other areas, and to accelerate nationally the process of recovery and development; (b) to translate this vision into a single, coherent strategic framework that has clear objectives and priorities, taking full account of the Government’s own goals as reflected in the poverty reduction strategy and its priority action plan, and the Stabilization and Reconstruction Plan for eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo; and (c) to strengthen United Nations coordination and management mechanisms to ensure the cohesive implementation of priorities in keeping with the principle of “delivering as one”.
在双方均宣布完全撤军之后,观察 结束使 命。
The Group concludes after both sides [...]
declare the withdrawal complete.
鑒於政府當局未有採取有效行動,對15條約束政府的有關條 例作出修使其亦約束中央 政府駐香港特區機構,以及仍未 完成就《個人資料(私隱)條例》是否適用於中央政府駐香港特 [...]
區機構所進行的覆檢,以致該等機構無須遵守該等條例;而 政府當局又遲遲未將明文規定對"
官方" 具約束力或適用的35 條有關條例作適應化修改,本會表示高度關注,並促請政府 當局解釋此方面工作進展緩慢的原因,以及加快對有關條例 作出修訂和適應化修改的工作。
That, in view of the Administration's failure to take effective action to
amend the 15 relevant Ordinances which bind the
[...] Government so that they also bind the offices of the [...]
CPG in the HKSAR and to
complete the review of the applicability of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance to the CPG offices in the HKSAR, resulting in these offices not being required to abide by these Ordinances, and as the Administration has delayed the adaptation of the 35 relevant Ordinances which are expressed to bind, or apply to, the "Crown", this Council expresses serious concern and urges the Administration to explain the reasons for the slow progress of the work and to expedite amendment and adaptation of the relevant Ordinances.
非洲国家集团相信,最后审判的上诉阶段将于 2012 年 2
[...] 月结束,从而确保特别法庭将成为第一结 束使命的 国际法庭,并可供前南斯拉夫问题国际法 [...]
庭、卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭和其他国际法庭参考借 鉴其最佳做法和经验教训。
The Group trusted that the appeals phase of the final
[...] trial would be concluded by February 2012, [...]
thus ensuring that the Special Court
would become the first of the international tribunals to complete its work and could serve as a reference for best practices and lessons learned for the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and other international tribunals.
会议热烈欢迎在注重结果的计划编制方法方面所取得的进展,不过,它应得当进一步 加强和深化,使数量和质量指标之间的比例更加合理,与《中期战略》的预 结 果 相 辅相 成使预期结果、预期成果及监督手段和汇报标准之间的协调一致。
The meeting strongly welcomed the advances in results-based programming which should, nonetheless, be further strengthened and refined with a view to achieving a better balance between qualitative and quantitative indicators, complementarity with the expected outcomes of the Medium-Term Strategy and coherence between expected outcomes, expected results, as well as monitoring instruments and reporting standards.
这是因为,如果以色列接受阿拉伯和平倡议,就 会确保以色结束其对 自 1967 年以来所占领的所有 叙利亚领土以及在同一年所占领的其余黎巴嫩领土 [...]
的占领,确保建立一个以东耶路撒冷为首都的独立的 巴勒斯坦国;此外也因为这将保证达成协议,根据大
会第 194(III)号决议解决巴勒斯坦难民问题;并且将 确保以色列同所有阿拉伯国家缔结和平协议,同其他 35 个伊斯兰国家建立正常关系。
That is because Israel’s acceptance of the Arab Peace Initiative
[...] would guarantee the end of its occupation [...]
of all Syrian territories occupied since
1967 and the remaining Lebanese territories occupied in the same year and the establishment of an independent Palestinian State with East Jerusalem as its capital, and because it would guarantee an agreed resolution of the issue of Palestine refugees in accordance with General Assembly resolution 194 (III) and would secure for Israel peace agreements with all Arab States and normal relations with 35 other Islamic States.
在这方面,本月初主持了支持巴勒斯坦经济和加 沙重建问题的国际会议的埃及再次呼吁以色列确保 立即、无条件和持续地开放通往加沙地带的过境点,
[...] 允许人员流动和让货物及重建物资进入加沙 结束不 断 升级的人道主义危机和重建被摧毁的一切。
In this connection, Egypt, which hosted the International Conference in Support of the Palestinian Economy for the Reconstruction of Gaza early this month, renews its call for Israel to ensure the immediate, unconditional and sustained reopening of its crossing points with the Gaza Strip in order to allow for the movement of
people, goods and reconstruction materials
[...] into Gaza, put an end to the continuously [...]
escalating humanitarian crisis, and rebuild what was destroyed.
预期在本议程项目下取得的各项成果包括:(a) 明确那些需要基 于政策导向予以关注的各种新出现的议题;(b) 明确在执行经社会各 项法定任务方面所取得的进展和需要予以优先关注的差距;(c) 各次 重大全球会议的后续跟进行动;(d) 针对那些将在 2011 年期间的各次 重大全球论坛上予以讨论的议题阐明亚洲及太平洋区域的看法和观 点;(e) 核可自经社会第六十六届会结束以 来 举行的各下属机构会 议的报告;(f) 明确拟由各下属机构在 2011 年期间举行的会议上加以 处理的各项主要议题。
The expected outcomes under this agenda item include: (a) the identification of emerging issues that merit policy-oriented attention; (b) the identification of progress achieved and gaps requiring priority attention with regard to the implementation of Commission mandates; (c) follow-up actions to major global conferences; (d) the articulation of Asian and Pacific perspectives on issues that will be addressed in major global forums in 2011; (e) the endorsement of the reports of the subsidiary bodies which have been held since the sixty-sixth session of the Commission; and (f) the identification of key issues to be taken up in meetings of subsidiary bodies in 2011.
(g) 收 購 人不擬 於收購 建 議束 後 行 使 其 可 能 應 有 之任何 權 利 [...]
, 以 強 制 收 購 並 非 根 據 收 購 建 議 收 購 之任何 股 份 及 ╱ 或 股 份 權 利 。
(g) The Offeror
[...] does not intend to exercise any right which may [...]
be available to it to acquire compulsorily any Shares and/or
right over Shares not acquired under the Offers after the close of the Offers.
在双年度到期部门间平结束后, 开启关于可持续发展教育部门间合 作前景的磋商,探讨如何继续实施教科文组织统一应对可持续发展教育十年的工作。
Consultation on the future of ESD intersectoral
[...] cooperation, after the end of the Intersectoral [...]
Platform at the close of the biennium, has been initiated
to explore the ways to continue operationalizing a one-UNESCO response to the DESD.
谈到咨询委员会关于加强和统一联合国安保系 统的报告(A/64/7/Add.15),其内容涉及 2010-2011 两年期拟议方案预算若干款的订正估计数和卢旺达
问题国际刑事法庭的预算,她说,咨询委员会注意到, 标准化出入控制项目第一阶段已经在所有地点充分 执行,只有非洲经济委员会(非洲经委会)、西亚经济
[...] 社会委员会(西亚经社会)和前南斯拉夫问题国际法 庭是例外;对这个法庭来说,鉴于法庭即 结束 ,这 个项目也将停止。
Turning to the Advisory Committee’s report on a strengthened and unified security management system for the United Nations (A/64/7/Add.15), which concerned the revised estimates under various sections of the proposed programme budget for 2010-2011 as well as the budget for the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, she said that the Advisory Committee noted that phase I of the standardized access control project (PACT I) had been fully implemented at all locations except the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) and the International Tribunal for the
Former Yugoslavia; in the Tribunal’s case, the project would be discontinued in view of
[...] the Tribunal’s impending closure.




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