

单词 使用率

See also:

使用 v

use v
access v
employ v
do v


make use of

External sources (not reviewed)

另一名成員則認為, 香港郵政電子核證對於提升電子政府服務 使用率 並 無幫 助。
Another member pointed out that the Hongkong Post e-cert has not facilitated the uptake of e-Government services.
在2003 年至 2005
[...] 年,康文署轄下 15 個表演場地使用率 和收支統計數字,分別載於附錄 [...]
B 和 C 。
Statistics on the usage rates and income and [...]
expenditure of the 15 LCSD performance venues from 2003 to 2005 are at Annexes B and C.
11 個非康文署演藝場地在
[...] 2003/04 年度至 2004/05 年度內使用率載於附錄 G ,以供參考。
The usage rates of the 11 non-LCSD venues [...]
from 2003/04 to 2004/05 are at Annex G for reference.
為增使用率及提升計劃的環保效益,委員曾於二零 一零年七月的會議中建議應規定區內所有私人非住宅項目 [...]
With a view to
[...] increasing the subscription rate and maximizing [...]
environmental benefit of the project, Members suggested at
the meetings in July 2010 that all private non-domestic projects in the KTD should be obliged to subscribe to the DCS service.
[...] 已經接收數碼地面電視服務,一些委員促請政府當局採取措施,以提 高使用率。
On the progress of implementing digital terrestrial television, noting that only about 61% of the households in Hong Kong received digital terrestrial
television services, some members urged the Administration to take
[...] measures to boost digital terrestrial television [...]
如個別班次不頻密的路線而又未能提高 使用率( 即該 路線 的班次在繁忙時段只能維持在 15 分鐘,而非繁忙時段只能 維持在 30 分鐘,其在最繁忙一小時內的載客率仍少於 50%),運輸署會在評估乘客所受影響及研究替代服務(包括 該替代服務的服務水平及車費)後,考慮建議取消該等路線或 [...]
If the utilisation of a low-frequency route does not improve (i.e. a bus route with average occupancy rate lower than 50%, [...]
despite its headways
having already been reduced to 15 minutes and 30 minutes during peak hours and off-peak hours respectively), TD will consider proposing cancellation of the route or amalgamation of the route with other route(s), after evaluating the impact on passengers and taking account of alternatives available, including the service levels and fares of the alternatives.
雖 然 免費泊 車 計劃已 終 止,但新推出的泊 車 代 用 劵 折 扣
計劃及 一 連 串 的 強 化推廣 及 宣傳活 動(如「 千 萬三重 巨獎迎 夏 日 」 抽獎活 動) 有 助 刺 激市民
[...] 在房屋委員會商場消費, 同 時亦可提高 停 車使 用 率 , 使 房屋委員會與商戶 同 享 雙 贏 的 [...]
效 果 。
With the introduction of the Parking Coupon Discount Scheme and a series of publicity and promotional activities such as the launching of a territory-wide ‘Summer
Lucky Draw Programme’, more customer
[...] patronage and carpark usage at HA shopping centers [...]
will be stimulated, thereby bringing
a ‘win-win’ situation to both the retail tenants and the HA.
另外,如啟德發展區約 35%私
[...] 人發展項目的空調樓面面積使用區域供冷系統的話,整使 用率便可達到 58%。
In addition, it requires subscription from
about 35% of the air-conditioned floor area of private developments in KTD to reach
[...] the overall subscription rate of 58%.
(i) 擬予以取消的服務的性質:對 使用率 持 續 偏低但屬於 切合社會需求的服務而又沒有合理的替代服務的專營 [...]
巴士服務,運輸署會考慮採取其他改善方法,例如改用 載客量較少的車輛行走、提供替代服務(例如開設專線 小巴路線)等
(i) nature of the services proposed to be cancelled : for franchised
[...] bus services the utilisation rates of which have [...]
been consistently low but are socially
essential and without reasonable alternatives, TD would consider other means to improve the service performance, such as through the use of vehicles with smaller carrying capacities, provision of alternatives such as introduction of green minibus services, etc
[...] 4.27 章指出,「康文署轄下場館使用率 很 高 ,以 2001 年計,平均為 91%;一些主要的市區場館,如香港文化中心,香 [...]
According to the
[...] Report, “the utilization rate of LCS'D venues [...]
is very high : in 2001, the average rate was 91%. Some major
venues such us the Hong Kong Cultural Centre and the Hong Kong City Hall almost reached full capacity” (see Chapter 4.27 of the Report).
使用率低而又未能提高使用率的 個 別班次的路線(即該 路線的班次在繁忙時段已維持在 15 分鐘,而非繁忙時段已維 持在 30 分鐘,其在最繁忙一小時內的載客率仍低於 50%), 運輸署會在諮詢有關的巴士營辦商後,考慮建議取消該等路 線或將該等路線與其他路線合併。
If the utilisation of a low-frequency route does not improve (i.e. a bus route with average occupancy rate lower than 50% during [...]
peak hour, despite
its headways having already been reduced to 15 minutes and 30 minutes during peak hours and off-peak hours respectively), TD will consider proposing cancellation of the route or amalgamation of the route with other route(s) in consultation with the bus operators.
由於發電容量過剩、經濟復甦緩慢,加上出口減少,內地發電廠的平使 用率較 2008 年下降。
The combination of over-capacity, slow economic
recovery and reduced exports meant
[...] that the average utilisation rate of power plant [...]
in the Mainland declined in comparison with 2008.
行政長官在剛發表的二○○九至一○年施政報告中,宣布 推行新措施,鼓勵活化舊工業大廈,目的是透過促進重建和整幢改裝 現時空置使用率偏低 的工業大廈,早日提供合適的土地和樓面空 間,配合香港的經濟和社會需要,包括高增值經濟活動的發展,如經 濟機遇委員會選定的六項經濟產業。
The objective is to provide readily available and suitable land and premises to meet Hong Kong’s economic and social needs, including the development of higher value-added economic activities, such as the six economic areas identified by the Task Force on Economic Challenges.
當局有否任何宣傳措 施以提高「百樓圖網」使用率?
How many electronic files have been viewed? Are there any publicity measures
[...] to increase the utilisation rate of the BRAVO system?
17.37 張國柱議員察悉,庇護工場使用率 在 20 08-2009年度 至 2010-2011年度維持在102%,他詢問政府當局有否任何計劃使用率減低至100%以下。
17.37 Noting that
[...] the enrolment rate of sheltered workshops had been maintained at 102% from 2008-2009 to 2010-2011, Mr CHEUNG Kwok-che enquired if the Administration had any plans to reduce the enrolment rate to below 100%.
在這方面,改善買位計劃能有效改善私營安老院舍的質素,並 提高私營安老院舍使用率。
In this connection, it is recognised that EBPS is successful in enhancing the quality of private RCHEs, and better utilising RCHE places in the private sector.
(二 ) 過去5年,使用威爾斯親王醫院的婦產科住院及分娩服務的 孕婦中,有多少名是來自北區、大埔區及沙田區;這3個地 區的孕婦數目,各佔使用該院婦產科住院及分娩服務的孕 婦總數的百分比為何,並按年列出分項數字;及 (三 ) 當局根據甚麼準則來決定是否在某間醫院提供婦產科住院 及分娩服務,以及該等準則的詳情為何;現時醫管局轄下
的醫院中,有否未完全符合該等準則,但仍然或將會設有 婦產科住院及分娩服務的例子;如有,詳情為何;鑒於北
[...] 區醫院的婦產科只提供助產門診服務,該服務 使用率為 何 ,以及當局有否計劃在北區醫院提供婦產科住院及分娩 [...]
(c) the criteria based on which the authorities decide whether a hospital should provide O&G hospitalization and delivery care services, and the details of such criteria; among the hospitals under the HA, whether there are examples of those hospitals which have not fully met such criteria and yet they still or will offer O&G hospitalization and delivery care services; if there are such examples, the details; given that the O&G department of the North District Hospital
(NDH) provides midwifery clinic service
[...] only, the utilization rate of such service, [...]
and whether the authorities have any
plan to provide O&G hospitalization and delivery care services at the NDH; if so, the details; if not, the reasons for that?
在廣西經濟穩步復甦下,我們相 使用率的 升勢將於 2010 年持續不斷。
We believe the
[...] upward trend of utilisation is sustainable [...]
for 2010, due to the continuing recovery of the Guangxi economy.
鑑於公眾對設備完善、位處市中心並可供舉行大型展覽和藝 墟之用的出租場地需求日增,在西九龍文娛藝術區內設立藝展
[...] 中心,將可補足香港中央圖書館、香港大會堂和香港會議展覽 中心使用率甚高 的現有大型藝術展覽場地。
Considering the increasing demand for more well-equipped and centrally located hiring venues for mounting large-scale exhibitions and art fairs, provision of an Art Exhibition Centre at WKCD would complement the existing major art exhibition venues at the Hong
Kong Central Library, Hong Kong City Hall and Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition
[...] Centre which are all heavily utilized.
當局的政策目標是在可持續發展的環境下提供安全、有效率和可 靠的運輸系統使用率偏低的專營巴士路線會不時重組,以提高巴士 [...]
運作的效率,同時照顧乘客的需求和配合區內的運作環境,紓緩交通 擠塞和減少路旁廢氣排放量。
In pursuance of our policy objective of providing a safe, efficient and reliable transport system in a
sustainable environment, franchised bus
[...] routes with low utilization would be rationalized [...]
from time to time to enhance bus
operation efficiency while meeting passenger demand and matching local operating environment, reducing traffic congestion and roadside emission.
至 於 汽 車 渡輪服務使用率更下降 至無法繼續經 營的地步。
The patronage of vehicular ferry services has also declined so much that they have become not viable commercially.
隨著全新流動電話應用程式推出,客戶可享更便捷的服務,預 使用率 將 於 2013年進一步增加。
Utilisation is expected to expand further in 2013 as new mobile services are introduced to provide greater convenience for customers.
於二零零九年全年度,該假設已轉為 計及近期保單持有人年齡為釐 使用率 主 要 因素的情況。
For full year 2009, the assumption has been altered to take account of
recent experience which shows that the attained age of the policyholder is the key
[...] factor in determining utilisation levels.
經過諮詢各院校意見、參照校舍空 使用率 調 查 結果及參考美國、加拿大及澳洲等其他地區的經驗後, [...]
顧問就釐定院校空間需求的計算程式提出一些修訂建議;不過,綜合各項改動,所造成的影響其實十分 輕微。
Having consulted the institutions, considered the results
[...] of the space utilization study, and studied [...]
experience from other jurisdictions
in the United States, Canada, and Australia, the consultants have proposed some adjustments to the formulae.
根據醫院管理局 的統計數字,長者人口(年滿六十歲)佔全港人口約 15%(二零零四年資 料),但其醫院服使用率(以留院日子計算)卻佔 使用率的 50%(HA, 2005)。
Thus, as revealed by statistics of the Hospital Authority (HA), while the elderly population (aged 60 or over) constituted some 15% of the
total population (as at
[...] 2004), their utilisation of hospital services (in terms of bed days) constituted more than 50% of the overall utilisation (HA, 2005).
另一方面,由於服務合約重續時收費上調,以及物流設 使用率 提 升 ,香 港及澳門的除稅後分部溢利上升17.6%至港幣20百萬元(2011年︰港幣17百萬元)。
Segment profit after taxation in Hong Kong and Macao increased by 17.6% to HK$20 million (2011: HK$17 million), with favourable price revision upon service contract renewal, and increase in enhanced occupancy rate for the logistics facilities.
運輸署會考慮的因素包括: (a) 擬予以取消的服務的性質: 對使用率持續 偏低但屬於切 合社會需求的服務(即行走偏遠地區或乘客主要為長者的服 [...]
務的巴士路線),而又沒有合理的替代服務可供選擇,運輸 署會考慮採取其他改善服務的方法,例如引入載客量較少的
(a) nature of the services proposed to be cancelled: For
[...] services the utilisation rates of which have [...]
been consistently low but are socially
essential (i.e. those serving remote areas or where majority of the passengers are elderlies) and without reasonable alternatives, TD would consider other means to improve the service performance, such as through the use of vehicles with smaller carrying capacities, provision of alternatives such as introduction of replacement green minibus services, etc
[...] 萬英鎊(反映有關變額及定額年金業務的部分提 取選擇權的假使用率上升 的(3,000)萬英鎊),及因應實際情況的其他已變更失效率的影響(2,600)萬英鎊。
The charge of £(34) million for other operating assumption changes for half year 2009 includes a charge for the effect of changes in persistency assumptions of £(56) million
reflecting £(30) million for an increase
[...] in the assumed utilisation of the partial [...]
withdrawal option on Variable and Fixed
Annuity business, and £(26) million for the effect of other altered lapse rates, in line with experience.
(a) 為提高體育設施使用率(尤其 是非繁忙時段 使用率 ) , 康 樂及文化事務署 (康文署)會繼續讓學校、受資助的非政府機構、體育總會和地區體育會在非 繁忙時段(即 9 月至翌年 6 月期間的周日由開放時間至下午 5 時 )免費使用選 定體育設施。
(a) To increase the utilisation of sports facilities, especially during non-peak hours, the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) will continue to allow free use of selected sports [...]
facilities by schools,
subvented non-government organisations, “national sports associations” and district sports associations during non-peak hours (i.e., from opening till 5 p.m. on weekdays between September and June in the following year).




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