单词 | 使烦恼 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 使烦恼 verb—bother vless common: trouble v • burden v See also:烦恼 n—annoyance n • troubles pl • worries pl • fret n 烦恼—be distressed • be worried 烦—bother • edgy • superfluous and confusing • feel vexed 恼—get angry
法律规定如果这种行为使你感到烦恼 , 你 应该将这种感受告知你的上司,并请他停止这种行为, 或者立即联系你的人力资源代表。 aosmith.com | The law states that if this bothers you, you should either tell your supervisor that this bothers you and ask him to stop, or contact your human resources representative immediately. aosmith.com |
我们提供没有最低起订量的免费送货,两年无忧保修以及三十天退款保证服务;所有这些 都 使 您 的 购物体验不 受 烦恼 困 扰。 hk.ashford.com | We offer free shipping with no minimum order, a [...] two year worry-free warranty, and a thirty day money back guarantee; all to make your shopping experience hassle free. ashford.com |
凭借手中的短笛,吹笛手成功地营救了这个村庄 , 使 村 民远 离 烦恼 的 问 题。 ycis-bj.com | With a piccolo in hand the Pied Piper saved the village and rid the village of its pesky problem. ycis-bj.com |
部分功能采用基于Ajax技术,让您不需要再为等待页面装载 而 烦恼 ; 以 后将更多 的 使 用 此 技术。 javakaiyuan.com | Part of the function -based Ajax technology , so you do not need to worry about waiting for the page is loaded ; after the use of this technology will be more . javakaiyuan.com |
她的猫魔女的烦恼,请 允许狗,鸟和青蛙帮她得到的东西,她需要骑在她的扫帚 , 使 得 它 头重脚轻。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Annoyance of her cat witch please allow a dog, a bird and a frog helped her get the things she takes a ride on her broomstick, making it top heavy. seekcartoon.com |
我们的健康中心让您在巴里式按摩以及源于古罗马的水疗中忘 却 烦恼 , 让 您从里至外焕然一新,并且精力充沛地享受游轮生活。 msccruises.com.cn | MSC wellness centres help you ease away your cares blending the magic of Balinese massage with the tradition of therapeutic waters inherited from the ancient Romans. msccruises.com.eg |
但当国家本身蓄意和专横地造成当时呼吁它予以 保护和援助的本国人民流离失所时,这个问题就变得特别令 人 烦恼 不 堪。 daccess-ods.un.org | This issue becomes particularly vexing when the State itself deliberately and arbitrarily displaced the very people it is then called upon to protect and assist. daccess-ods.un.org |
1.免配置持久层,免配置可以减少开发中配置带来 的 烦恼 , 调 试带来 的 烦恼。 javakaiyuan.com | 1. Free configuration persistence , configuration -free configuration can reduce the development of the annoyance , debugging annoyance . javakaiyuan.com |
工作组注意:工作组似宜注意到,在一些法律制度中,登记处可以在某些 情况下删除记录中的信息,包括在相关信息无关重要、令 人 烦恼 、 使 人 不 快或 违背公众利益的情况下。 daccess-ods.un.org | Note to the Working Group: The Working Group may wish to note that, in some legal systems, the registry may remove information from the record in certain situations, including when the information is frivolous, vexatious, offensive and contrary to the public interest. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些挑战令人倍感烦恼,也 是各国近期在大会、安全理事 会、20 国集团和援助实效问题高级论坛中讨论的焦点。 daccess-ods.un.org | These challenges are a significant source of frustration and have been a point of recent international discussions in the General Assembly, the Security Council, the G-20 and the High-level Forum on Aid Effectiveness. daccess-ods.un.org |
肥仔水”利用顺势疗法和其他天然成 分 使烦 躁 不 安的婴儿平静下来。 cn.iherb.com | Gripe Water" is meant to calm cranky babies with homeopathic and other natural ingredients. iherb.com |
您只需将手机SIM卡插入读卡器中,再将读卡器与电脑连接,就可以把SIM卡中的信息轻松读取到电脑中,方便的实现对手机信息编辑、备份和管理它可以帮助您对电话号码进行随意的排序和修改,还可以备份和打印 , 使 你 不 必再为手机丢失,联系信息也随之丢失 的 烦恼。 fastlong.com | You only need to insert a mobile phone SIM card reader, again will reader connect with computer, can turn the SIM card to the information easy access to the realization of computer, convenient for mobile phone text editing, backup and management it can help you to telephone number on random sequence and [...] modification, still can backup [...] and print, making you needn't have lost for mobile phones, contact information is subsequently lost troubles. fastlong.com |
我解释道,我会以不使他有麻烦的方 式向他父母报告,但他解释说:‘我不想让 Yume 公 [...] 园的游戏工作者与他父母之间有麻烦。 ipaworld.org | I explained that I would report to the parents in a [...] way that would not get him into trouble, but [...]his explanation was ‘I do not want [...]a playworker in Yume Park getting into trouble with my parents’. ipaworld.org |
这样就形成了一种麻烦 的先例,造成了广泛的影响,致使在 这 种情况下接受审议国家的报告的义务以及 通过报告的有效性都不清楚。 daccess-ods.un.org | This had set a difficult precedent, with wide-ranging implications to the extent that the obligations of the report on the State under review and the validity of the adoption of the report in such circumstances were unclear. daccess-ods.un.org |
Tesseract库以低成本提供高可靠性并且避免了开发者有关商业OCR工具的授权方面 的 烦恼 , 因为现有的这些商业OCR工具对于开发者来说通常是基于每个页面授权的或者是成本高的离谱。 evget.com | The Tesseract library provides [...] high reliability at a low cost and avoids [...] developers the annoyances related to [...]licensing commercial OCR tools which are often [...]licensed on a per-page basis or at a ridiculously high cost to the developer. evget.com |
有了 Jabra SPORT Bluetooth® 立体声耳机,两者都可轻松实现 – 并且没有耳机线的麻烦,不会使您减 缓速度。 jabra.cn | stereo headset it’s easy to do both – and without the hassle of headset wires that slow you down. jabra.com |
日本药妆店最热门的保养品,萃取自丹波黑豆的黑豆乳系列美肌保养品,天然的高保湿胶原蛋白成分,干燥环境中的肌肤、女性 的 烦恼 对 策 ,给肌肤最奢侈的保湿滋润。 aster.com.hk | The most popular skin care products in cosmetic shops in Japan, extracted from the black soybean milk black beans to care beautiful Skin, atural high-moisturizing [...] collagen composition, ever in dry [...] environment, women's annoyance response and [...]skin also get the most luxurious moisturizing. aster.com.hk |
四十年后令人十分烦恼的是 许多和武器仍然存 在;朝鲜已经研制了核武器;并且尽管原子能机构和 联合国联合国提出了要求,伊朗仍然不能或者不愿意 放弃其核野心。 daccess-ods.un.org | Forty years later, it was deeply disturbing that so many nuclear weapons were still in existence; that North Korea had developed nuclear arms; and that, in spite of requests by IAEA and the United Nations, Iran was still not able or willing to dispel concerns about its nuclear ambitions. daccess-ods.un.org |
并行许可计划让您免除烦恼,帮 助降低不必要的成本和复杂性,节省宝贵的 IT 预算并可在组织范围内广泛部署。 lifesize.com | Concurrent licensing plans eliminate hassle, unnecessary cost and complexity, saving valuable IT budgets and enabling broad deployment throughout the organization. lifesize.com |
儿童和年轻人一致认为他们把最喜欢的地方看做“倾 诉 烦恼 、 反 思个人事情、整理思路 和感受自由和放松”的地方(Korpela et al. 2002:388)。 ipaworld.org | Children and young people consistently respond that they value their favourite places as places to ‘pour out troubles, reflect on personal matters, to clear one’s mind and feel free and relaxed’ (Korpela et al. 2002: 388). ipaworld.org |
你们应该惹恼上帝的使者, 或者,你们应该在任何时候结婚他的寡妇后,他也不是适合你的。 mb-soft.com | Nor is it right for you that ye [...] should annoy God's Apostle, or that ye should [...]marry his widows after him at any time. mb-soft.com |
专利软件I-CAL(智能漏率计算法)让您忘记在低漏率范围检漏时较长反应时间 的 烦恼 , 因 为UL1000能够对所有漏率范围做出快速响应。 inficonfurnace.com | Proprietary software, I-CAL (Intelligent Calculation Algorithm of Leak Rates), allows you to forget long response times in low leak rate ranges as the UL1000 Fab responds quickly to all leak rate ranges. inficonfurnace.com |
很明显,管理烦恼的复 杂性需要智能解决方案。 bksv.cn | Clearly, the complexities [...] of managing annoyance require smart [...]solutions. bksv.com |
中医认为生活中的感情、心情、压力 、 烦恼 等 内 力因素和季节、天气、地理位置等外力因素都会对身体产生影响,而人类的身体需要达到平衡,方能实现养生的目的。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | The ancient Chinese believed that the human body is influenced by the intrinsic, internal components of human life (such as emotions, mood, stress and worries) as well as external factors such as the seasons, the weather, geographical position and so forth. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
在岸上您将不会为旅行细节烦恼-从酒店到当地游览,我们为您设计好了一切,您付出的是物超所值的价格,体验到的是高水平的服务。 msccruises.com.cn | We'll take care of all the details, from hotel booking and transfer arrangements to local tours, ensuring you enjoy great service and excellent value for money. msccruises.com.eg |
全都是因为背包还是行李箱所带来的 烦恼。 4tern.com | A choice between backpack or suitcase. 4tern.com |
若本日无法出席时,可以书面行使决 议权 , 烦 请 参 见下列的「股东大会参考文件」 后,在同封的决议权行使书上记载赞同与否,并于2011年6月23日(周四)下午5时之 前发送回本公司。 tachi-s.co.jp | To do this, we cordially ask you to study the attached reference document and then return the enclosed voting right exercise form indicating your approval or disapproval of the matters to be resolved, to reach us by 5 p.m. on Thursday, June 23, 2011. tachi-s.co.jp |
作为步入中年的你来说,或许已经开始感激 和享受「老化」这个词所赋予你的一切了, 它让你拥有大量的时间,和充分的热情与激 情,它为你解开了责任义务的镣铐,也让你 无需再为事业与家庭所带来的压力而 烦恼。 cdn.c3a.com.sg | On part of the seniors, you have now begun to appreciate the process of ‘ageing’ which gives you lots of time and enthusiasm, unfettered by commitments or pressure exerted by the expectations of the society – in terms of professional growth or family’s progress. cdn.c3a.com.sg |