

单词 使某人想起

See also:


some people
a certain person
I (self-address after one's surname)


think of
call to mind

External sources (not reviewed)

这 种想使人想起力图 宽容对妇女或儿童的家庭暴力,将其作为“私事”的陈词滥 调,而不承认这类行为构成的罪行。
This thinking is reminiscent of archaic arguments [...]
that sought to condone domestic violence against women or children as
a “private matter”, rather than recognizing the crimes that such acts constitute.
人不禁想知道,为何某一个 阶段,她可以被视为受害者,而在稍后阶段,却不许她 使 自 己 的权 利。
The author wonders how, at one stage of the proceeding she can be considered a victim and at a later stage be barred from exercising her rights.
这些措施人想起现代 史上最黑暗的岁 月,即欧洲在第二次世界大战刚开始时 某 个 国 家袭 击并兼并其他国家部分领土。
Those measures recalled the
[...] darkest days of modern history when, at the beginning of the Second World War in Europe, a particular State had attacked and annexed parts of other [...]
整体的做法要求使某些侵犯人权的 行为被掩 起 来 的 说法提出质 疑。
A holistic approach will require the
[...] challenging of discourses that make certain human rights violations invisible.
剥夺儿童的笑容和想,使其身负 重伤和机枪,人听闻,是某些团体和个人价值观 的严厉控诉。
To deprive a child of
[...] his smiles and dreams and burden him with gore and machine guns is an appalling indictment of the values of the certain groups and individuals.
[...] 15 条 a 分段至 c 分段所述之违约行为要求引 渡,或以第 15 条所述之违约行为要求提供相 互司法协助的目的是为了某人的种 族、宗 教、国籍、族裔或政治观点而对人 进 行 起诉 和惩罚,或认为顺从这一请求使该 人 的 处境 因上述任何一种理由受到损害,则本《议定 书》的任何条款都不应被解释为规定该缔约国 有进行引渡或提供相互司法协助的义务。
Nothing in this Protocol shall be interpreted as imposing an obligation to extradite or to afford mutual legal assistance if the requested Party has substantial grounds for believing that the request for extradition for offences set forth in Article 15 subparagraphs 1 (a) to (c) or for mutual
legal assistance with
[...] respect to offences set forth in Article 15 has been made for the purpose of prosecuting or punishing a person on account of that person’s race, religion, nationality, [...]
ethnic origin or
political opinion or that compliance with the request would cause prejudice to that person’s position for any of these reasons.
该法律也禁止制作、 复制、存储、展示、美化或传播旨在煽动、鼓励或散布仇恨或反对公民自由隶属 的不容忍、种族、民族或宗教仇恨或不容忍或者宣传或维护新纳粹和法西斯的思 想和组织或某种其他方式危害公共秩序的宣传材料、符号或节目,禁止制作、 复制、储存、展示或传播或以任何其他形 使 用 有 助于宣传或维护被判犯下战争 罪人的思想、活动或行动的符号。
The law also prohibits the production, copying, storage, presentation, glorification or dissemination of promotional material, symbols or features which incite, encourage or spread hatred or intolerance against free affiliations of citizens, racial, national or religious hatred or intolerance, propagate or justify neo-Nazi and fascist
ideas and organizations or
[...] jeopardize the public order in some other way, as well as the production, copying, storage, presentation or dissemination or any other form of using symbols promoting or justifying the ideas, activities or actions of persons convicted of war crimes.
24 “他自己的国家”一使人想起这样 的因素:长期的居 留、紧密的个人和家庭联系纽带和留下的意愿,以及在其它地方没有这种联系。
The words “his own country” invite consideration of such matters as long standing residence, close personal and family ties and intentions to remain, as well as to the absence of such ties elsewhere.
如果时间更为充裕,厄立特里 亚愿意就这一耸人听闻的指控提供更确切的进一步信息,目 前 的 指使人想起早 先 监察组曾指责厄立特里亚向索马里派遣 2 000 名士兵,甚至还包括他们在何时 以及如何抵达,还有多少人部署在何处。
If given the time, Eritrea wishes to provide
[...] crucial extra information pertaining to this sensationalized accusation, which reminds of an earlier accusation by the Monitoring Group that Eritrea had 2,000 soldiers in Somalia, with detailed information on when and [...]
how they arrived and
where and in what numbers they were deployed.
該 條例第6(2)條訂明某人如沒 有在第3(1)條提述的限期內繳付該條 所指的通知書內指明的表列罪行的定額罰款,或拒絕接受該通知 書,指明的主管當局須向該人送達一份採用訂明格式的通知書, (a)要求他繳付有關表列罪行的定額罰款;(b)告知該人如他意欲就 該罪行的法律責任提出抗辯,則須以書面通知主管當局;以及(c) 述明該項繳款或通知,均須在自如此送達的通知書日 起 計 的 10 天內作出。
Section 6(2) of the Ordinance provides
[...] that where a person fails to pay the fixed penalty for the scheduled offence specified in the notice given under section 3(1) within the time specified or refuses to accept the notice, the specified Authority shall serve on the person a notice in the prescribed form (a) demanding payment of the fixed penalty for the scheduled offence; (b) informing the person that if he wishes to dispute liability for the offence he should notify the Authority in writing; and (c) stating that the payment or notification shall be made within 10 days from the date of the notice so served.
這令想起某些奉行規 劃經濟已久的國家,現時正在試圖以最快的時間去轉變為市場經濟。
This reminds me of cases in which countries attempt to change from the planned economy they have practised for a long time to market economy in the shortest span of time.
在全国委员会自己某些国 内活动提供赞助时,它们可以授权在教科文组织主管领域的机构 始终与全国委员会自己的名称结合在 起使 用 教科文组织名称、简称和/或标识,而且,如若它们 希望的话,也可以根据上述第 IV.2 条的规定使用自己的标识。
When granting their own patronage to national activities, National Commissions can authorize organizations working in UNESCO’s fields of competence to use UNESCO’s name, acronym and/or logo always in association with the National Commissions’ own name and, if they so desire, their own logo, according to the provisions of point IV.2 above.
[...] 年来反恐战争的收获,看看我们是否在治本方面取得 任何进展,还是我们起某种转变使 病 毒 进一步扩散。
In retrospect, we should analyse in all frankness what has been achieved by the war on terror in recent years to see
whether we made any progress in curing the
[...] disease or if we caused a kind of transformation [...]
and further spread of the virus.
2011年也是非洲裔人国际年,这不但 人想起 了 《德班宣言和行动纲领》所确定的所有受害人, 使 国 际 社会又一次可以侧重于防止和打击一切表现形式的种族主义和种族歧视。
Coming as it did during the 2011 International Year for People of African Descent, it reminded us about all victims identified in the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action and created another opportunity to focus on how to prevent and combat racism and racial discrimination in all its manifestations.
具体而言,例如,对于某个职位,计划负责人可以选择自己中意的候选人,也可能因为失误 (如有关人员的行政档案问题) 使某 个 候 选 人 没 能入选,而又没有任何弥补的机制。
For example, the fact is that programme directors may choose the candidate they prefer for a given post and it is possible that a candidate may not be selected as a result of a mistake (in the administrative file, for instance), without any remedial mechanism being available.
根据 通告,公共检察官必须“……在评 某 项 思 想 的 表达,是否属欧 人 权 法院案例 法框架所述批评范围时,采取应有的谨慎态度” 。
In this Circular, public prosecutors are requested to “…give due care while assessing whether an expression of thought is within the limits of criticism as under the framework of the case-law of the ECtHR.
使主餐厅装饰人想起中世 纪的城堡骑士大厅。
Making the Main
[...] dining room decor reminiscent of knights hall [...]
in medieval castles.
但现在主流新闻媒体 的相关性受到了非主流渠道日益流行的挑战,新闻传播平台正在迅速扩张,并不 断地花样翻新,社交媒介工具也在改变 人 们 获得和共享信息的方式,因此,咨 询委员会想,现 在是否已到新闻部作出以下评估的时候:如 使 其 新 闻活动更 好地为本组织需求服务,如何提高其工作的创造力和创新性,如何继续以较贴近 世界各地人们日常生活的方式促进联合国工作。
However, now that the relevance of the mainstream news media is being challenged by the rising popularity of alternative sources, news distribution platforms are rapidly multiplying and diversifying and social media tools are revolutionizing the way in which people access and share information, the Committee wonders whether the time has come for the Department of Public Information to assess how it can enhance the responsiveness of its public information activities to the Organization’s needs, how it can bring greater creativity and innovation to its work, and how it can continue to promote the work of the United Nations in a way that is more relevant to the daily lives of individuals all around the world.
强大的合作精神和所有与会者对成功的愿望维持并 加强了国际动力,以期在未某天 使人 类 不 再遭受 核武器之苦。
The potent spirit of cooperation and the desire of all participants for success had sustained and increased the global momentum towards one day freeing humanity from the scourge of nuclear weapons.
(5) 如人 因 某 項 罪 行 而 被 定 罪,任 何 警 務 人 員 均 可 取 得使 人 取 得 該 人 所 有 或 任 何 的 鑑 證 資 料,不 論 該 等 資 料 是 否 已 由 警 務 處 處 長 保 存,而 警 務 處 處 長 可 保 留 已 取 得 的 鑑 證 資 料,除 非 或 直 至 該 人 的 控 罪 經 上 訴 駁 回 為 止 。
(5) Where a person is convicted of an offence, any police officer may take or cause to be taken all or any of the 165 identifying particulars of that person whether or not such particulars are already in the possession of the Commissioner, and the Commissioner may retain any identifying particulars so taken unless and until and conviction is set aside on appeal.
刪除“鑒於”,並以“想的生活模式應該是能夠平均分配工作、休 息及活動時間使人在各 方面得以平衡發展;然而儘管今時今日” 代 替;在 “社會問題”之後加上“;就 此 ”;在 “立法制定”之後加上“每 周 ”;及在緊接句號之前加上“44小時及超時工作薪酬不少於平時 [...]
障僱員權益;與此同時,政府亦應積極落實與制定‘標準工時’目的 息息相關的家庭友善政策,以推動工作與生活平衡”。
To delete "as Hong Kong"
[...] after "That," and substitute with "an ideal life pattern should allow an even distribution of time for work, rest [...]
and activities to
facilitate a balanced development of the various aspects of a person; however, while Hong Kong nowadays"; to delete "yet" after "society,"; to add "; in this connection" after "social problems"; and to add ", stipulating that the 'standard working hours' be 44 hours per week with overtime pay at a rate of not less than 1.25 times of the normal pay, and that exemption may be granted to employees of certain industries in the light of the specificity of their work, so as to protect the employees' rights; at the same time, the Government should also proactively implement family-friendly policies, which are closely related to the objectives of stipulating 'standard working hours', to promote work-life balance" immediately before the full stop.
[...] 残疾人法案兼容,最小下载时间),HTML版本的站点在视效上非常简单,正如屏幕的比较截图所揭示的那 使人 回 想起 1 9 9 6- 1998时期的网站。
For various reasons (budget, W3C ADA compliance, minimal downloading time),
the HTML version of the site is very
[...] simple visually, reminiscent of Web sites circa 1996-98 [...]
as the comparison screenshots reveal.
澳大利亚、芬兰和牙买加等一些代表团也对动用基 使某 些 缔 约方能够参加大会的做法表示担 忧,认为这种做法对加强全球反兴奋剂事业 起 什 么 作用。
A number of delegations including Australia, Finland and Jamaica shared concerns about the use of the Fund to allow some States Parties to attend the Conference, arguing that this would do little to enhance global anti-doping efforts.
由于这两种乳胶粉能够改善膨化聚苯乙烯板(EPS)和其他有机基底用砂浆的粘附性, 它们也是节能型外墙外保温系统的 想 用 料, 与SILRES®有机硅树脂抹灰等产品 起使 用, 外墙保护可变得更为持久、 高效和灵活。
Since both powders improve the bonding of mortars to EPS
boards and other organic
[...] substrates, they are ideal for use in energy-saving external thermal insulation composite system (ETICS).
在行星51蜗牛般的触角,耳朵尖的,绿色的类人型机器人与和平地生活在一个社会 人想起 1 9 5 0s美国的,但外来技术与1950s为主题的空间于家庭和外来。
On Planet 51, green humanoids with snail-like feelers and pointed ears live peacefully in a society reminiscent of 1950s America, but with alien technology and with 1950s themed space-ships and alien homes.
塞尔维亚在人权和少数族裔权利以及两性平等方面的战略目标包括:使国家 法律与欧洲标准相一致,设立行使所保证权利的体制机制 使某 些 少 数族裔、主 要是罗人族裔 的社会经济生活水准与占多数的塞族生活水准平衡和平等;实现 一定比例的少数族裔在司法部门、检察官办公室、警察、军队和地方自治政府中 [...]
The strategic objectives of Serbia in the field of human and minority rights and gender equality included the harmonization of the national legislation with European standards and the
establishment of institutional
[...] mechanisms for exercising guaranteed rights; the balancing and equalization of the socio-economic standards of living of certain minority communities, [...]
primarily the Roma
community, with that of the majority Serbian population; the achievement of a proportional participation by members of minorities in the judiciary, prosecutors’ offices, police, army and local selfgovernment; the reduction of the social distance between minorities and the majority Serbian population; and the improvement of the situation of persons with disabilities.
1)如果我们现在在详细分析这些群体,我们发现行 使 徒 父亲,圣克莱门特,圣依纳爵和圣波利卡普,古老的字母不仅为他们的古老,但对 某 些 简 单和 想 贵 族和风格,非常 人 感 动 的读者。
(1) If we now take these groups in
detail we find the
[...] letters of the chief Apostolic Fathers, St. Clement, St. Ignatius, and St. Polycarp, venerable not merely for their antiquity, but for a certain simplicity and nobility of thought and style which [...]
is very moving to the reader.
事实上某些政治和想观念 及历史定见 有可能导致发生冲突或延长冲突或 使 冲 突 死灰复 燃,从而不可避免地影响到发展利益和带来不必要的 负担。
Indeed, certain political and ideological concepts, as well as historical stereotypes, can contribute to the eruption or [...]
protraction of, or
relapse into, conflict, thus inevitably affecting in the first place development interests and imposing unnecessary burdens.




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