

单词 使某人处于某种情况或境地

External sources (not reviewed)

思想限制有助使基于情况所固 有的暴力和基于相关妇女人性,或两者的某种结合的不同的脆弱性常态化。
Ideological constraints help either to normalize the
[...] differential vulnerability based on the violence inherent in the context, the personhood of the women involved, or some combination [...]
of the two.
因此,采用 道路运输的货物常常要在境地区 或某 一 条 指定线路沿线的装卸点进行转 运,使在运输过程中增加了不必要的成本和延误。
As a result, goods
[...] carried by road often have to be trans-shipped at border areas or loading points along a designated route.
例如,这里的评注似可作如下说明:(f)项——筹资安排所在地或筹资批准所在地 或债务人主要银行所在地——只在银行控制债务人的情况下才相关;(k)项——雇 员所在地——或许在雇员可能成为未来债权人的情况下才相关,但如果以下述 几点为依据就不那么重要了:对雇员的保护更多的是保护相关方权利问题,与 主要利益中心分析无关,而且《示范法》第 22 条无论如何都处理这一问题; (e)项——适于大部 分争议的法律所属的法域,其重要性不足以成为一项决定 性因素,而且种法域在任情况下 都 有可能是一个与债 人 的 管 理 地或 业务 实施地无关的法域,比(e)项更重要的因素反倒是债务人的管理地或业务实施 地。
That commentary might suggest, for example, that (f) the location from which financing was organized or authorized or the location of the debtor’s primary bank, would only be important where the bank controlled the debtor; that (k) the location of employees, might be important where employees could be future creditors, or less important on the basis that protection of employees is more an issue of protecting the rights of interested parties, is not relevant to the
COMI analysis and is,
[...] in any event addressed by article 22 of the Model Law; that (e) the jurisdiction whose law would apply to most disputes, was not sufficiently important to be a determining factor and could, in any event, be a jurisdiction unrelated to the place from which the debtor was managed or conducted its business, [...]
factors that were
both considered to be more important than (e).
为了方便提 供这些设施而由国家提供的适当措施将取 于 当 地 情 况,可能包括采 使 住 区 的 法律地位正式化的步骤,为保证人们不会被强行驱逐,提供财务保证,并 某些 情况下,只要人权标 准获得尊重,就重新安置到其他地区。35 在使用权问题尚 未解决的情形下,各国应至少采取下文中进一步介绍的措施,以确保往往在这些 地区普遍存在的由非正规部门提供的服务符合起码的人权标准,如同下文进一步 所介绍的或者使 提供正式服务的创新性解决方案得到落实。
Appropriate measures by the State to facilitate provision will depend on the local context and might include steps to formalize the legal status
of settlements, guarantees that people
[...] will not be forcibly evicted, the provision of financial assurances, and, in some circumstances, resettlement to an alternative area as long as human rights standards are respected.35 Where the issue of the lack of security of tenure has not yet been resolved, States should at least take measures to ensure that the informal service provision that often prevails in such areas meets minimum human rights standards, as further outlined below, or that innovative solutions to providing formal services are implemented.
间接歧视是以一个看似中立的规定、标 或 做 法 , 使某人处 于比其他人不利地位。
Indirect discrimination shall constitute putting a person
[...] at a disadvantage compared with other persons by a seemingly neutral provision, criterion or practice.
地理标志权禁止并非出某地区的产品在未经准许 情况 下使 用该地区受保护的地理标或在产 品产地方面误导公众。
The geographical indication prevents
[...] unauthorized parties from using a protected GI for products not from that region or from misleading the public as to [...]
the true origin of the product.
教科文组织预计将参加国家方案成果,改 进治理和社会保护,通过修订教学大纲和培训教师,确保质量和包容性强的教育,特 别处于社会边缘地位的人群;加强数据收集与管理的能力;加强 境 的 可 持续性; 方案与执行;预防艾滋病毒/艾滋病;获得有效的知识体系和机制;通过便利和支持增 加就业和生计的机会,以发展种企 业 家文化、改善地方微型、小中型企业的商业气 候,包括技能培训更新,特别是对妇女和青年的培训。
UNESCO foresees participation in CP Outcomes in improved governance and social protection,
ensuring quality and
[...] inclusive education through curriculum revision and teacher training, especially for marginalized groups; strengthened capacities for data collection and management; strengthened environmental sustainability policy, programmes and implementation; HIV/AIDS prevention; access to effective knowledge [...]
systems and mechanisms;
enhanced employment and livelihood opportunities through facilitation and support to develop an entrepreneurship culture, improved local business climates for micro-, small- and medium-enterprise sectors, including upgrading of skills training with special attention to women and youth.
在下述情形下可能出现同样 的情况:(a)设人寻求 取得排他性许可, 种情况 将 作 为知识产权本身的转处理;(b)许人如被提供额外保护,这种额外保护超出其简单终止许可协议所 得,将愿意发放非排他性许可;(c)被许可人作为次级许可人仅在能够取得次级 被许可人权利和任何对次级次级被许可人应付次级被许可人的次级许 使 用费受付权上的担保权的情况下,愿意发放非排他性次级许可;(d)购置款融资非由 所有权人作为转让或作为 许可人提供,也非由被许可人作为次级许可人提 供,而是由第三方出贷人提供。
The same situation could occur where: (a) the grantor seeks to acquire an exclusive licence, which is treated as a transfer of the intellectual property itself; (b) a licensor would be willing to grant a non-exclusive licence on credit if it is granted additional protection beyond that which it would get by simply terminating the licence agreement; (c) a licensee, as a sub-licensor, is willing to grant a non-exclusive sublicence only if it can acquire a security right in the rights of a sub-licensee and any rights to payment of sub-royalties payable to the sub-licensee by a sub-sub-licensee; and (d) the acquisition financing is provided not by the owner as transferor or as licensor, nor by [...]
the licensee as sub-licensor, but by a third-party lender.
会议还呼吁所有缔约国使在目前这 种 财 政困 难情况下也坚定地致力于实现 一个无杀 人 员 地 雷的世界,让人人的权利都得 到尊重,男女老幼都能有尊严地过着幸福生活。
The Meeting also called on all States Parties to recommit, even in difficult financial times, to realising a world without anti-personnel mines, where the rights of all are respected and where all women, girls, boys and men can live in dignity and prosperity.
小组委员会认为,受害处于无保护 地 位 的 这 种境况 令人完全 无法接受,缔约国应确保声称受到酷 或 任 何 其他形式虐待者具有举报 此类事件的充分自由,而不需要担心随后遭到报复。
The Subcommittee considers such situations, in which the victim is rendered completely defenceless, wholly unacceptable and believes that the State party should ensure that persons who allege that they have been victims of torture or any other form of [...]
ill-treatment have complete
freedom to report such incidents without fear of subsequent reprisals.
为本条的目的,酷刑是指为了向某 或 第 三 者取 情 报 或 供状,为了 他或第三者所实施的行为对他加处 罚 , 或为了恐吓或胁迫他或第三 者,或为了于任何歧视的任何种 理 由 ,蓄 使某人 在 肉 体 或 精神上遭受剧烈疼痛或痛苦的任何行为,而这种疼痛或痛苦是由公职人员 或以官方身份行使职权的其他人所造成或在其唆使、同意或默许下造 成的。
For the purposes of the present article,
torture means any act
[...] by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason [...]
based on discrimination
of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity.
承诺确保于预防 的财政资源要针对循证预防措施,此类措施体现各国疫情 的具体性质,注重容易感染艾滋病毒的地理方位、社会网络 人 群 (具 体看在每 一境下这些地理方位、社会网络 人 群 占 新感染案例的比例),以确保尽可能 以具有成本效益的方使用预 防艾滋病毒的资源,并根据 地情况 , 特别注重妇 女和女孩、青年、孤儿和弱势儿童、移徙者和 人 道 主 义紧急情况影响者、囚犯、 土著人民和残疾人
Commit to ensure that financial resources for prevention are targeted to evidence-based prevention measures that reflect the specific nature of each country’s epidemic by focusing on geographic locations, social networks and populations vulnerable to HIV infection, according to the extent to which they account for new infections in each setting, in order to ensure that resources for HIV prevention are spent as cost-effectively as possible and to ensure that particular attention is paid to women and girls, young people, orphans and vulnerable children, migrants and people affected by humanitarian [...]
emergencies, prisoners,
indigenous people and people with disabilities, depending on local circumstances
为了持久解决危机,我国政府制定的其他优先工 作包括:向穷困者境内流 离失所者提 人 道 主 义援 助;制定全面国家安全战略使政府能在国际恐怖团 体发动的安全威胁情况下,更有 地 开 展 工作;在 国家机构巩固善治、问责、透明度和公正;重建能够 确保可持续经济复原的国家基础设施;为沿海社区和 其他地区建立替代性生计项目,使年轻人不参与海盗 和其他犯罪活动——我们认为这项工作非常重要;和 加强区内各国的良好关系、相互了解和合作。
Other priorities laid down by the Government with a view to finding a lasting solution to the crisis include the delivery of
humanitarian assistance
[...] to the needy and the internally displaced; the formulation of a comprehensive national security strategy that would enable the Government to function more effectively in the midst of security [...]
threats unleashed by
international terrorist groups; the consolidation of good governance, accountability, transparency and justice in the State institutions; the rebuilding of the infrastructure of the country that would ensure a sustainable economic recovery; the creation of alternative livelihood projects for the coastal communities and other areas to dissuade youth from piracy and other criminal activities, which we see as very important; and the strengthening of good relations, mutual understanding and cooperation among countries in the region.
根据以情况,秘书处表示担忧,提议的项目不符合 58/19 号决定的准则,也没有 明地回应 蒙特利尔议定书缔约方大会第二十一次会议第 XXI/2 号决定,其中请执行委员 会,除其他外,“审议其现行销毁活动中一次性供资窗口的成本,应对低消费量国家对那 些来源国缔约方无使用的 臭氧消耗物质积聚库存的出口和 境 无 害 处置问题”,因此该提 案更像是一篇研究,了解该区域同处置消耗臭氧层物质废物有关的问题和难题,以便找到 未来解决办法。
Based on the above, the Secretariat expressed concerns that the proposed project did not meet the guidelines in decision 58/19, nor does it clearly respond to decision XXI/2 of the Twenty-first Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol where the Executive Committee was requested, inter alia, “to consider the costs of a one-time window within its current destruction activities to address the export and environmentally sound disposal of assembled banks [...]
of ozone-depleting substances in low-volumeconsuming countries that are not usable in the Party of origin”, since
the proposal is more of a study to see what are the issues and problems related to ODS waste disposal in this region with a view to finding a future solution.
这么看来,为在战时保护无辜平民起见, 战争法和国人权法 需要肯定每一个非战斗平民成为难民的权利 或 和 至 少有权 寻求这样种地位, 特别是在不具备选择 境 内 难 民的条件 情况 下。
It would seem that the law of war and international human rights law, for the sake of the protection of civilian innocence in wartime situations, needs to
[...] affirm the right of every non-combatant civilian to become a refugee, or at least to have the right to seek such a status, especially if the conditions for an internal refugee option are not present.
如果父母欠其子女抚养费,但却拥有工资和/或其他次要的不稳定收入,或 可获得部分或全部以实物形式支付的工资和/或其他收入,以及如果出现 于某 种原因不可能按工或其他 收入的比例支取抚养费的其 情况 , 法 庭可设定每月 支付的抚养费的固定金额,或固定金额与按工资和/或其他收入的一定比例设定 [...]
In cases when the parent that owes childcare allowance to his child has a salary and/or other secondary unstable or fluctuant income or receives salary and/or other income which are partially or totally in
kind, as well as in
[...] other cases when due to certain reasons the charge of the allowance as a share of the salary and/or other income is impossible, [...]
the court of law may set the amount of the
allowance as a fixed amount of money paid monthly, or concurrently in a fixed amount and as a share of the salary and/or other income.
此外,财务处将继续管理维和资金的投资及资金流动;每月给外地行动汇款;向 国际征聘工作人员支付工资(包括教育补助金);印发给派往执行 地 行 动 的缴付 美国税的工作人员的偿还收入税款的支票 处 理 对 银行账户签 人 名 单 的修正; 提供于使用各种银行 系统的技术支持和指导。
In addition, the Treasury will continue to manage the investments and liquidity of peacekeeping funds; execute monthly remittances to field operations; execute payroll payments (including education grants) to internationally recruited staff members; print and distribute cheques for the reimbursement of income
tax to United States tax-paying staff
[...] members assigned to field operations; process the amendment to the bank account signatory panels; and provide technical support and guidance on the use of various banking systems.
种情况下,分子处于与硅 烷组分的硅原子相对的α-位置,有助于加快固化反应速度,即便没有锡催化剂,整个反应也能非常快 地 进 行 ,”瓦克有机硅大客户经理Michael Graw博士解释道。
In this case, the bridge is in the α-position relative to the silane component’s silicon atom and accelerates the curing reaction, which then proceeds very briskly even without a tin catalyst,” [...]
explains Dr. Michael
Graw (key account manager at WACKER SILICONES).
人权教育和培训应当面向所有人,人人都可参加,应当考虑到 于 弱 势 和处 境不利的个人和群 体、包括残疾人所面临的特殊挑战和障碍,以及他们的需要和 期望,以增进赋权工作和人的发展,进一步消除受排 或 边 缘 化的根源 使 人人 都能行使自己的一切权利。
Human rights education and training should be accessible and available to all persons, and should take into account the particular challenges and barriers faced by, and the needs and expectations of,
persons in vulnerable and disadvantaged
[...] situations and groups, including persons with disabilities, in order to promote empowerment and human development and to contribute to the elimination of the causes of exclusion or marginalization, as well as enable everyone to exercise all their rights.
这些议题包括但不于:打 击非法、 不报告和不管制(IUU)捕鱼;管理捕捞能力;生态标签和水产养殖认证;支持小 型渔业;采用捕捞渔业和水产养殖的生态系统办法;确定脆弱海洋生态系统;恢种群;降低财政人力资 源水平;控制污染;气候变化;兼捕;以及在已开展 绩效审情况下,处理有 关建议的需要。
These subjects included, but
[...] were not limited to: combating IUU fishing; managing fishing capacity; ecolabelling and aquaculture certification; supporting small-scale fisheries; adopting an ecosystem approach to capture fisheries and aquaculture; identification of vulnerable marine ecosystems; rebuilding of stocks; low levels of financial and human resources; pollution control; climate change; bycatch; and, where a performance review had taken place, the ongoing [...]
need to address its recommendations.
妇女署还编制了秘书长关于 暴力侵害移徙女工的报告(A/66/212),促使大会通过了关于加强 种 措 施 ,保 护移徙女工人权, 不论其移民身份为何的第 66/128 号决议,并编制了一份报告 (A/66/181),使大会通过了于改 善农 村 地 区 妇女 的 境况 的第 66/129 号决议。
UN-Women also prepared the report of the Secretary-General on violence against women migrant workers (A/66/212), which led to the adoption by the General
Assembly of resolution 66/128, strengthening measures to
[...] protect the human rights of women migrant workers regardless of their immigration status, and a report (A/66/181) that led to the adoption of Assembly resolution 66/129 on improvement of the situation of women in rural areas.
检察厅调查据称在依议会任何法案任职的任何人或设置的任何 主管机构下,因该主管个或机构 的行为 使某人 遭 受 不公正伤害,而对此法庭 尚未采取合理补救办法情况,并由此扩大了人民诉诸司法的渠道。
The office investigates any persons or authorities established under any Act of Parliament where there are
allegations that an
[...] individual has suffered injustice arising out of that person or authority’s action in circumstances where no remedy is reasonably available [...]
in the courts and
this increases the people’s access to justice.
选择哈龙替代品涉及到对各种因素进行评估,这 些因素包括空间、重量、成本、安全、对“清洁”的 需求(即例如在唱片储藏或文化遗产建筑物方面不会 产生残留或损害)、境性能、对 于某种 特 定 火灾 威胁的有效性(固体材料火灾为 A 类,易燃液体火 灾为 B 类,通电的电力设备火灾为 C 类,以及特情景如极端寒冷条件下的火灾)。
Selecting an alternative to halon involves evaluating a wide range of factors. These include space and weight, cost, safety,
requirements for ‘cleanliness’
[...] (i.e. without residue or damage such as in the storage of records or cultural heritage buildings), environmental performance, effectiveness against a specific fire threat (fires in solid materials (‘Class A’ fires), flammable liquids (‘Class B’ fires) and energized electrical equipment (‘Class C’ fires) and special circumstances (e.g. very cold conditions).
为了确保从整体上更好地协调国际教育局的计划, 将在与亚地区教 育与革新为发展服务计划(APEID)、教科文组织曼谷办 处 和 日 本基金 会合作已编写的实例研究(东亚和东南亚 或 正 在筹备的实例研究(七个冲突后 境况 ),培训活动(科索沃、阿富汗)及教育局的其它活动 [非洲 于 开 展 政治对话培训的实例研 究、阿拉伯海湾国家教育局(ABEGS)项目等 ]之间建立协作机制。
In order to ensure the best possible overall consistency in IBE’s
programme, the aim will
[...] be to create synergy between case studies already produced (South and South-East Asia) in partnership with APEID, UNESCOBangkok and the Japanese Fund or in preparation (seven post-conflict situations), training activities (Kosovo, Afghanistan) and other IBE activities (case studies on training and political dialogue in Africa, ABEGS [...]
project, etc.).




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