

单词 使有偏见

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

(d) 确保为司法和执法官员提有针对性的培训,从而改变对儿童受害者偏见,并使他们 加快处理涉及儿童的敏感案件。
d) Ensure that specific training is provided to judiciary
and lawenforcement
[...] officials so as to change any misconceptions towards child victims and to enable them to expeditiously handle [...]
sensitive cases involving children.
国家工作人员和私人个人必须尊 重有人的尊严,避免羞辱偏见, 并 承认和支持生活贫困的人为改善生活所做 的努力。
State agents and private individuals must respect the dignity of
[...] all, avoid stigmatization and prejudices, and recognize and support the [...]
efforts that
those living in poverty are making to improve their lives.
首要目标必须是从根本原因着手消除性 偏见 , 使 所 有 人 都 能在 社会变革中发挥应有的作用。
The overarching objective must be to address the
[...] root causes of gender bias so that all people can [...]
play their rightful role in the transformation of society.
采取措施提高媒体专业人员对针对非洲人后裔的歧视的性质和发生情况的 认识,包括媒有责任不使偏见持续 传播。
Take measures to raise awareness among media professionals of the nature and incidence
of discrimination against people of African descent, including the
[...] media’s responsibility not to perpetuate prejudices.
行预咨委会特别提到雷险教育,指出计划的活动包括与联合国儿童基金会协 调,为 80 000 名达尔富尔平民进行未爆弹药的危险教育和培训,并实施针对 260 名教师/社区领袖的培训员培训方案, 使偏 远 地区 拥 有 社 区未爆弹药危险教育 协调人(见 A/65/740,预期成绩 2.1 项下的产出)。
With specific reference to mine risk education, the Advisory Committee notes that planned activities include the delivery, in coordination with the United Nations Children’s Fund, of unexploded ordnance-risk education and training to 80,000 Darfurian civilians, and the implementation of a train-the-trainers programme for a total of 260
teacher/community leaders
[...] in order to have community-based unexploded ordnance-risk education focal points in remote areas (see A/65/740, outputs [...]
under expected accomplishment 7.1).
[...] 及妇女在家庭和社会中的地位;(c)促进妇女参与文化、艺术、社会和经济活动; (d)提高妇女在社会不同领域的作用,消除和避免性 偏见 ; ( e ) 使 社 会 认识到妇女 的权利;(f)为消除赋予妇女权力方面的法律和执行障碍,向决策者 有 关 机 构提 出建议和意见;(g)协调伊朗伊斯兰共和国妇女非政府组织在行政管理和研究方面 的各项活动,以实现网络及其成员的目标;以及(h)加强教育和研究工作,促进实 [...]
(a) Exchange information and experiences and develop communication among members of the network and national and international organizations, within the framework of the rules of the Constitutional Law of the Islamic Republic of Iran; (b) defend women’s rights and dignity and the status of women in the family and society; (c) promote cultural, artistic, social and economics activities of women in society; (d) increase the role of women
in different social fields in order to remove and waive gender prejudices; (e) make the society aware of the rights of women; (f) give advice, make presentations to decision makers and institutes for the purpose of removing legal and executive obstacles to the empowerment of women; (g) create coordination between activities of women’s NGOs of I.R.I. in the areas of administration and research in order to attain the aims of the network and its members; and (h) administer education and research in order to attain the network’s objectives.
相对成本较高、不合理的 医疗指导方针和做法、错误信息和提供方 偏见 , 妨 碍妇女和男子在决定是否及 何时生育方面使他们的基本人权。
A relatively high cost, unjustified medical
guidelines and
[...] practices, misinformation and provider bias prevent women and men from exercising their basic human right to decide [...]
whether and when to have children.
津巴布韦并不否认单方面经济制使 其 在 经济 上所遭遇的困难,以及目前在政治上所遇到的与大 多数第三委员会成员国相同的问题,但它强烈抗议 秘书处为达到某些政治目的而在 A/63/321 号报告中 所指出的半真相和有偏见的内容。
While she did not deny the economic difficulties that Zimbabwe
[...] experiencing as a result of the unilateral economic sanctions, nor the country’s current political problems, of which most members of the Third Committee were aware, she strongly objected to the half-truths and biased information that the Secretariat had presented in its report (A/63/321) [...]
for political purposes.
在治安领域,引起严重关切的问题,包括指称将种族貌相作为系统做法、在 一些少数族群社区开有偏见的严厉警务值勤,以及过使用武力致人死 亡――尤其是年青黑人男性。
In the field of policing, serious concerns
include the use of
[...] racial profiling as a systemic practice, biased and heavy-handed policing of some minority [...]
communities and
allegations of excessive use of force leading to deaths, particularly of young black males.
有必要 在正规与非正规的价值观与和平教育中利用媒体和信息传播技术,促 进通过对话和教育,解决和纠正性别问题上存在的陈腐观念以及对其它文化或其它国家偏 见。
The portrayal of gender stereotypes, other cultures or nations will need to be addressed and rectified through dialogue and education, facilitated by the use of media and ICTs for both formal and non-formal values and peace education.
该部使世界各地媒体对促进和平 与容忍文化、消偏见和分歧以及消除媒体陈规定 型做法的需要保持敏感方面起到重要作用。
The Department had a vital role to play in sensitizing the media throughout the world about the need to promote a culture of peace and tolerance, combat prejudice and division and eradicate the practice of stereotyping in the media.
e) 在社会上进行教育和宣传,以便保障尤其是全体居民真正民主地参与基因数据的 收集、处理、利用和储存,保证这种参与是受到启发、建立在科学知识和科学事 实基础上的,而不是受害怕偏见驱 使 的。
(e) public education and information so as to ensure genuine democratic oversight with regard to the collection, processing, storage and use of data – particularly in the case of entire populations – as well as informed public participation, based on knowledge and scientific facts and not motivated by fear or prejudice.
各位部长强调,移徙目的地国须实施各项政策,在 有偏见 或 歧 视的情况 下,降低移徙者向发展中国家汇款的成本。
The Ministers emphasized the need for countries of destination of migrants to adopt policies to reduce the cost of transferring migrants’ remittances to developing countries without any bias or discrimination.
媒体长期存在的 种族主义论使偏见成为 所谓的“常识”。
A racist discourse perpetuated by the media led to prejudice becoming so-called “common sense”.
各位部长表示反对散发有关发展中国家所发生事件 有偏见 和 扭 曲的信 息。
The Ministers expressed their opposition to the dissemination of discriminatory and distorted information of events taking place in developing countries.
[...] 欢迎在报告中加入关于此专题的对立的观点,同时表示关切的是,报告中的某些 结论有偏见,未 考虑到国际法的发展趋势,主要是国际法规定的严重犯罪行为 问题。
While some other members welcomed the inclusion in the report of competing arguments voiced in relation to the
topic, they also
[...] expressed concern that the report presented certain biased conclusions, failing [...]
to take into consideration
developing trends in international law concerning, in particular, the question of grave crimes under international law.
他 向大会提交的专题报告(A/66/156)所关注的是属于 不同有神论、无神论和有神论 信仰个体之间的 宗教间沟通,因为这种沟通在消 偏见 和 陈 规定型 观念方面发挥了重要作用,偏见和 陈 规定型观念 是憎恨、恐惧、仇恨、仇视、暴力、恐怖主义和相 伴而来的人权滥用的根源。
His thematic report to the General Assembly (A/66/156) had focused on interreligious communication between individuals belonging to different
theistic, atheistic
[...] and non-theistic beliefs, as such communication had an important role to play in eliminating prejudices and stereotypes, which were the root causes of resentment, fear, hatred, hostility, violence, [...]
terrorism and concomitant human rights abuses.
这些规则以常设仲裁法院的《环境规则》和 2010
[...] 年修订的《联合国国际 贸易法委员会(贸易法委员会)仲裁规则》为基础,但在某些地 有 所 偏 离, 以使规则 草案更具体并符合顾问小组所面临的国际新形势以及外层空间法的显 著特点。
Those rules took as their basis the Court’s Environmental Rules and the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Arbitration Rules
as revised in 2010 but
[...] departed from them in certain cases to make the draft rules more specific [...]
and consistent with the
new international situation faced by the Advisory Group and the distinctive features of the law of outer space.
一些做出答复的国家和区域渔业管理组织介绍了 促进发展中国家参与区域渔业管理组织的努力,其方式包括根据《协定》第
[...] 25 条第 1 款(b)项向它们提供从事跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游鱼类种群渔业的机会, 并确保这种机会能使有关国 家及其国民受益 ( 另 见 上 文第 221-224 段和第 244-246 段)。
Some responding States and regional fisheries management organizations described efforts to enhance the participation of developing States in those organizations, including through facilitating access to fisheries for straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks, in accordance with article 25, paragraph 1 (b), of the
Agreement, as well as
[...] ensuring that such access benefits the States concerned and their nationals (see also paras. 221-224 [...]
and 244-246 above).
此外,工作组还愿重申人权理事会第12/16 号决议中所阐述的原则,该项决 议在注意到使见解和言论自由权 有 特 殊 义务和责任的同时,呼吁各国不得施 加限制,包括讨论政府政策和开展政治辩论;报告有关人权、政府活动和政府腐 [...]
Moreover, the Working Group wishes to reiterate the principle, enunciated in Human Rights Council
resolution 12/16,
[...] which calls on States, while noting that the right to freedom of opinion and expression [...]
carries with it
special duties and responsibilities, to refrain from imposing restrictions, including on discussion of Government policies and political debate; reporting on human rights, Government activities and corruption in Government; engaging in election campaigns, peaceful demonstrations or political activities, including for peace or democracy; and expression of opinion and dissent, religion or belief, including by persons belonging to minorities or vulnerable groups.
如果通过当代语言表述的教科文组织的宗旨和目标,仅仅用一句话来概括本组织使 命,很可能偏离教科文组织《组织法》条文所始终 有 的 现 实意义。
Defining UNESCO’s mission in a single statement, by capturing in contemporary terms the Organization’s purpose and objectives, must depart from the abiding relevance of the provisions of the UNESCO Constitution.
宪法》规定,任命一个司 法和法律事务委员会,就下列事项向总督提出咨询 见 : 有 关 一些司法和法律办 公室的官员任命、免职和惩戒行动,其中包括首席法官、大法院法官和治安法官、 总检察长和公诉局长(公诉局长负责进行所有刑事诉讼,这个职能以前由总检察 长使)。
Provision is made for the appointment of a Judicial and Legal Services Commission to advise the Governor on appointments to and removal from office and on disciplinary action in relation to the holders of
certain judicial and
[...] legal offices, including the Chief Justice, Grand Court judges and magistrates, the Attorney General and the Director of Public Prosecutions (which will assume responsibility for the conduct of all criminal prosecutions, a function previously exercised by the Attorney General).
委员会 并鼓励缔约国根据《人权协商报告》的建议确保在新的“人权框架”下建立反种 族主义战略,并确保通过一项面对 有 澳 大利亚人的、尤其是指出制止歧视偏 见和种族主义的教育方案。
The Committee also encourages the State party to ensure that an anti-racism strategy be established under the new Human Rights Framework, as per the recommendations of the Human Rights Consultation Report, and
that an education
[...] programme for all Australians, with particular reference to combating discrimination, prejudice and racism, [...]
be adopted.
在这些规则不断演变时,只有将决策稳固地建立在证据上,而不是建立在对价值 或发展中国家规则偏见上, 才能对它们的实际和潜在影 有 正 确 的理解。
As the rules evolve, it is important that their actual and potential impact be properly understood if policymaking
is to be more
[...] firmly based on evidence, and less on preconceptions of the value or otherwise of these [...]
rules to developing countries.
五.54 经询问,咨询委员会得到了关于亚洲及太平洋区域妇女所处地位和面临 的挑战的资料。这些资料表明 有偏见 的 宏 观经济和体制结构、歧视性法律和习 [...]
V.54 Upon enquiry, the Advisory Committee was provided with information on the status of and challenges facing women
in the Asian and Pacific region indicating that
[...] factors such as biased macroeconomic and [...]
institutional structures, discriminatory
laws and customs, and societal attitudes have contributed to the majority of the absolute poor being women.
委员会建议缔约国特别通过实施有 的 有 关 仇 恨言论和仇恨罪行的刑法条 款,继续通过提高认识的运动及其他具体步骤加强和促进各民族和宗教团体成员 之间的民族团结、容忍和和平共处,加强通信管理机构在监督公开煽动种族和宗 教仇恨行为方面的权力,继续努力消除种族之间 偏见。
The Committee recommends that the State party continue to endeavour to combat inter-ethnic prejudices, by, inter alia, applying existing criminal provisions on hate speech and hate crimes, continuing to strengthen, and to promote, through awareness-raising campaigns, and other concrete steps, national unity, tolerance and the peaceful coexistence of members of various nationalities and religious groups, and by strengthening the monitoring powers of the Communications Regulatory Agency with regard to acts of public incitement to ethnic and religious hatred.
为了避免陷入一有偏见的选 举进程(这种情况正如科特迪瓦近期所经历的一样,太容易变得暴力),所以技术和资金援助应该视情况而定,要对竞选自由、对政治多元化的尊重、政治暴力、国家媒体的获得、与刚果当局的对话、国家分配给全国独立选举委员会的资金情况以及民间社会团体对竞选进程自行监控的机会进行持续和认真的监控。
In order not to
[...] become trapped in a biased process that could [...]
all too easily become as violent as that which Côte d’Ivoire
recently experienced, technical and financial assistance should be contingent on constant and precise monitoring of the freedom to campaign, respect for political pluralism, political violence, access to state media, dialogue with the Congolese authorities and state funding for the NIEC, as well as the opportunity for civil society groups to do their own monitoring of the process.




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