单词 | 使曝光 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 使曝光 ... verb—expose sth. vSee also:曝光 n—exposure n 曝光 pl—exposures pl 曝光—exposure (e.g. of photosensitive material) • expose (a scandal to the public) 曝 n —sun n • air n
使⽤曝光补偿 可更改照相机所选的曝光值。 ricoh.com | Use exposure compensation to vary exposure from the value [...] selected by the camera. ricoh.com |
长时间曝光 使⽤长时间曝光可捕捉升⾄空中绽放的烟花,在汽车和其他移动物体 后形成光轨效果,或拍摄夜景。 ricoh.com | Use time exposures to capture fireworks as they [...] rise into the air and explode, to create trails of light behind cars and [...]other moving objects, or to shoot night scenery. ricoh.com |
在这次营销活动中,卡地亚使用了网络视频的方法使自己的品牌信息本土化(爱可以克服文化差距的主题是微电影的主要情节),借真实的艺术价值宣传丰富的内容,巧妙运用社交媒体和微博丰富的特 性 使曝光 量 最 大化。 labbrand.com | With this operation, Cartier uses web videos to localize its message (the topic of love overcoming cultural gaps is central to the movie’s plot), [...] promote rich content with true artistic [...] value and maximizes exposure through smart use of [...]social media and Weibo’s rich features. labbrand.com |
在“底片”这本书里,Ansel Adam 是这样说的:曝光不足和过度其实是曝光差错,曝 光不可能总是正确的,所以他建议使 用 曝光 增 加或降低来代替曝光不足和过度的说 法。 motion.kodak.com | In his book The Negative, Ansel Adams states that under- and over-exposure refer to exposure errors, which is not always accurate. motion.kodak.com |
如何使用曝光,光圈和 快门速度得到完美的照片。 cn.photokore.com | Learn how to use exposure, aperture, and shutter [...] speed to get great shots. photokore.com |
她提出,某些国家不愿收集数据的根本 原因是他们不希望使存在的差别曝光 , 然 后被迫解决这些问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | She suggested that the reluctance of certain States to collect data was rooted in the fact that they did not wish the disparities to become visible and then be forced to address them. daccess-ods.un.org |
因为卤化银颗粒在即使没有曝光的情 况下也会自然显影,从而产生所谓的化 学灰雾。 motion.kodak.com | Chemical fog occurs because a few silver halide crystals will spontaneously [...] develop, even though they received no exposure. motion.kodak.com |
例 如,如果您要使图像曝光不⾜或曝光 过 度 ,就需要进⾏调节。 ricoh.com | For example, an adjustment is required if you want to underexpose or overexpose the image. ricoh.com |
即使被攝物體移動,焦點和曝光也會 繼續自動跟著 被攝物體。 us.leica-camera.com | Focus and exposure will keep following the subject automatically [...] even if it moves. en.leica-camera.com |
当您想使⽤最佳曝光作为 起点调整曝光时,这⼀功能很有帮助。 ricoh.com | This is useful when you want to [...] use optimal exposure as a starting point for modifying exposure. ricoh.com |
图像质量设为RAW模式时,若您使用 长时 间 曝光 拍 摄 照片,所拍图像可能会损坏。 ricoh.com | In RAW mode in Picture Quality, if you take a [...] picture with long time exposure, recorded image may be [...]corrupted. ricoh.com |
该微缩胶片专门设计用于通过氙气闪光灯曝光(比如 IBM 3890 和 3891 照相机/分类器)内使用的曝光)和 “透过胶片底片”的荧光灯曝光(比如 BancTec 照相机/分类器内使用的曝光)来 提供最佳的影像清晰度和红色索引号采集。 graphics.kodak.com | It's specifically designed to provide optimum image clarity and red index [...] number capture with a [...] xenon flash exposure (such as those used within the IBM 3890 and 3891 Camera/Sorters) and for "through film base" fluorescent exposures (such as those within BancTec Camera/Sorters). graphics.kodak.com |
使⽤⾊彩包围式曝光可记 录三张图像: ⼀张⿊⽩、⼀张彩⾊,及⼀张棕⾊图像。 ricoh.com | With color bracketing, three images, a black-and-white, a color, and a sepia image, are recorded. ricoh.com |
无线通讯和智能设备接口使用户 可以执行多 重 曝光 , 而不会存在辐射屏蔽区域,从而在操作者和测试设备之间通过最少的通讯行程执行完整的测试方案。 zh.flukebiomedical.com | Wireless communication and intelligent [...] device interface allows the user to perform multiple exposures without leaving [...]the radiation-shielded [...]area, thus allowing complete test protocols to be performed with minimum travel between operator and test device. flukebiomedical.com |
曝光补偿 照相机⾃动为画⾯中央的被摄体调整 曝光 , 使 被 摄 体即使在 逆光时也能达到最佳曝光。 ricoh.com | The camera [...] automatically adjusts exposure for the subject in the center of the frame, producing optimal exposure even when the subject is backlit. ricoh.com |
使用"bulb"模式,按下快门释放按钮开始曝光,松开快门按钮结 束 曝光 ; 而 使 用 "t ime"模式,按下快门释放按钮开始曝光,再按快门释放按钮结束曝光。 ricoh.com | With "bulb," the exposure continues while the [...] shutter release button is pressed, and with "time," the shutter release button [...]is pressed to start and end the exposure. ricoh.com |
但 是,港英當局給予香港居民相當多民主自由,人民通過政黨、立法機關、 司法機關,輿論工具有權監督港英政府官員、可以告發、可以檢舉、可 以在公眾面前使官員的醜行曝光。 legco.gov.hk | However, the British Hong Kong Government has given considerable democracy and freedom to Hong Kong residents. The people have the right to watch over the officials of the British Hong Kong Government through political parties, the legislature, the judiciary and the tool of public opinion, and [...] they can inform against and report on the [...] misdemeanor of officials so as to reveal to the public their notorious conduct. legco.gov.hk |
设置为6K时在高灵敏感光乳剂上进行 曝光 , 即 使 是 一 秒的误差也可能致命的,而在设置为3K或1K时进行曝光,一秒的误差就远不那么重要了。 mrprint.com | Where a one-second difference might be critical on a highly sensitive emulsion exposed at a 6K setting, that single second is far less critical when exposed at the 3K or 1K setting. mrprint.com |
产生这种现象的原因包括偶然在 光线或 X-光下曝光,过度显影,使用了 过期的胶片或在热和潮湿的地方储存胶片。 motion.kodak.com | Causes include accidental exposure to light or x-rays, overdevelopment, [...] using outdated film, and storing film in a hot, humid place. motion.kodak.com |
系統包括備有鎢陽極的特殊X光管,使 用 新 式自 動 曝光 控 制 計算制式,能夠根據個別乳房的大小及組織類型計算劑量,達致最低劑量。 hksh.com | Furthermore, with a special X-ray tube with a tungsten anode and new AEC algorithms, which individually compute the dose according to the size of the breast and the type of tissue, the system ensures the lowest possible dose. hksh.com |
选择对焦和测光对象 对象选择可在不移动照相机的情况下,⽤来为偏离中⼼的被 摄体设定对焦和曝光,以便您使⽤三 脚架。 ricoh.com | Target selection can be [...] used to set focus and exposure for off-center subjects [...]without moving the camera, making it easier to use a tripod. ricoh.com |
在[M]模式(手动曝光模式)下,使用 [一 键M模式 ]功能设定光圈和快门速度后,若再更改快门速度,光圈可能也会改变。 ricoh.com | In the [M] mode (Manual Exposure mode), after you have set aperture and a shutter speed using the [One Press [...] M mode] function, then [...]if you change a shutter speed, aperture may be also changed. ricoh.com |
在移动影像领域,除了提供曝光信 息,它的使用还 有更重要的意义——那就是为洗印厂和后期公司提供目标参考。 motion.kodak.com | In the motion picture world, the gray card performs an equally, if not more important task—providing a reference point to the lab or post house. motion.kodak.com |
该解决方案既基于对国际标准的严格实施,也节省了大量 的工作和财政资源,使将军们免于被媒体进一 步 曝光 , 并 使 有 关当局不必考虑复 杂的海外移送带来的问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | That solution — based on the strict application of international standards — also yielded great savings in terms of work and financial resources, spared the generals [...] from being further [...] subjected to media exposure and spared the authorities from having to consider issues arising from a complex [...]transfer abroad. daccess-ods.un.org |
其图像输出质量极高,在标清制式下最高达到800线水平清晰度;智能算法打造出优越 的 曝光 系 统,实现宽动态应用范围;其独特的逐行扫描模式,可抓拍高速运动场景每个细节;智能帧累积配合拓邦独有的电子ICR(IR CUT Removal)装置,可实现星光级照度;使摄 像 机在白天和夜晚都能同样能获得清晰的图像;还有背光补偿、光圈修正、自动跟踪白平衡等。 topband-e.com | The high quality image output, [...] the highest in the SD format to the next level of resolution of 800 lines; intelligent algorithm to create a superior exposure system, to achieve wide dynamic range of applications; its unique progressive scan mode, can capture every detail of high-speed [...]sports scenes [...]; Smart frame with Topband cumulative unique e-ICR (IR CUT Removal) devices, can achieve star-level illumination; to the camera during the day and night can also get a clear image; also backlight compensation, aperture correction, automatic tracking white balance. topband-e.com |
即使資料分置於 RAID 陣列中的多部硬碟機, 資料也難免遭竊,因為即使是現 今高容量陣列中的一般單一分置,也可能 導致最敏感的資料曝光,例 如成千上百的人名或身份字號。 seagate.com | Even data that has been striped across many drives in a RAID array is vulnerable to data theft, because just a typical, single stripe in today’s high-capacity arrays is large enough to potentially expose the most sensitive data, such as hundreds of names and social security numbers. seagate.com |
從使用者 的反饋來看,我們現在的研 究報告不論在觀點、深度還是時效性上都獲得了長足的進 步,在高端主流媒體上的曝光率迅 速提高。 htisec.com | Judging from the [...] feedback from our users, our research reports have shown considerable improvements in terms of vision, depth and timeliness, and the exposure on the mainstream highend media has also [...]increased rapidly. htisec.com |