

单词 使情绪高涨

See also:


state of mind

高涨 v

rise v

高涨 adj

discontented adj

External sources (not reviewed)

2012 年,独 联体国家的通货膨胀率预计高;而在 2011 年,食品和燃料价格涨,工涨,而且在某情况下 出现大量外汇流入, 使 通 胀 加速。
Inflation in the CIS countries is set to
[...] moderate in 2012, after accelerating in 2011 on the back of higher food and fuel prices, rising wages and, in some cases, massive foreign exchange inflows.
在另一篇报告里,我们将集中讨论有关的地区 动态,如军备升级、资源竞争和在其它声索国内日 益涨的民族主情绪。
Regional dynamics, including arms
build-ups, competition for resources and
[...] increasing nationalist sentiment in other claimant [...]
countries are the subject of a separate report.
目前事态 已得到控制,但是局势依高度紧 张,潜在的不情绪尚待解决。
The situation is now under
[...] control, but tensions are still high and the underlying grievances [...]
are yet to be addressed.
不过,在一些领先的新兴经济体中,出现 了经济放缓的迹象,再加上对全球经济的重新担忧,可能导致国际金融市场避情绪大幅高涨,造成私人资本流动的进一步大幅摇摆。
There are signs of an economic slowdown in some of the leading emerging economies, however, which, together with renewed concerns about the global economy, could
lead to a sharp increase in
[...] risk aversion in international financial markets, giving rise to further large [...]
swings in private capital flows.
更重要的, 由于全球风险厌情绪的上涨,存 在国际资本突然中断和撤出的风险,这加剧了 金融危机的蔓延。
More importantly, there is a risk of sudden stops and
withdrawals of international capital,
[...] owing to a rise in global risk aversion, which contribute [...]
to spreading financial crises.
其中最为重要的是粮食价格 持续涨并导 致营养缺失;过去四年商品价格极度波动对增长造成负面累积影 响,并威胁到来之不易的发展成就,特别是导致在其他方面采用健全宏观经济政 策的最不发达国家出现通货膨胀;国际金融危机及其后续调整的延续性影响;以 及通过预算借款高债务水平和降低许多最不发达国家的增长预期 使 债 务 可持 续性遭受损害。
Among the most important
[...] are the secular rise in food prices and the resulting nutrition scarcity; extreme volatility in commodity prices during the past four years, which has had negative cumulative effects on growth and has threatened to unwind hard-earned developmental successes, not least by inducing inflation in least developed countries that were otherwise following sound macroeconomic policies; lingering effects of the international financial crisis and subsequent adjustments; and undermining debt sustainability by increasing debt [...]
levels through borrowing
for budgetary support, and by lowering growth prospects for many least developed countries.
刑法典》界定了下列方面的责任:实施恐怖主义犯罪,挑起民族、种 族、宗教或地区间敌情绪,获 取、保存、转交和邮寄极端主义材料以进行传 播、编制和散布,以及故使用极 端主义组织标志和工具。
The Criminal Code defines responsibility for crimes of a terrorist nature, the instigation of national, racial, religious or inter-confessional hatred, the acquisition, possession, transport or dispatch of extremist materials with a view to disseminating or preparing to disseminate them, and the intentional use of symbols or attributes of extremist organizations.
这种僵局有加剧政治紧张,破坏大选 和马尔泰利总统宣誓就职之后普遍存在的信 高涨 的情绪的危险。
The impasse risks raising political tensions
[...] and undermines the mood of increased confidence [...]
that prevailed following the elections
and the inauguration of President Martelly.
由于教师地位下降、工资高、教学条件和学习环 境不好、缺乏职业发展前景和职业培训机会,导致产生不 情绪 并 促 使 大 量 教 师离职,有的教师仅仅服务了几年之后便退出了教师行业。
Dissatisfaction with loss in status, low salaries, poor teaching and learning conditions, and lack of career progression or adequate professional training have driven large numbers of teachers out of the profession, sometimes after only a few years of service.
最近,石油价格的涨已经使人们担忧加勒比经济会进一步不稳定。(人们担忧)能 源高比率对经济增长的影响会严重地阻碍本地区的发展,特别是社会方面的发展。
The recent increases in oil prices have raised concerns that Caribbean economies could be further destabilized: the impact of higher energy rates on economic growth seriously affects the development process of the region, and particularly the social aspects of development.
在独立之后、1962 年吴奈温将军政变 之前的议会时代,由于相对多数投票制有利于缅甸 的大型政党却牺牲了少数民族政党的利益,少数民 族的不情绪高涨。
In the post-independence parliamentary era, prior to General Ne Win’s 1962 coup d’état, there had been considerable ethnic disaffection that the plurality voting system favoured large Burman parties at the expense of minority ethnic parties.115 Countries in transition often change their electoral system.
中国海军利用海域紧张局势来推行 部队现代化,而领土争端又煽起了民族主 情绪, 这些因使得问题更加错综复杂。
The Chinese navy’s use of maritime
tensions to justify its
[...] modernisation, and nationalist sentiment around territorial claims, [...]
further compound the problem.
因此,呼声日高涨,要 求联合国加强协调、简化与和谐一致; 通过更广泛地利用注重结果的管理和加强联合国驻地协调员在国家级一的作用等方法提高效 率;从战略上将资金集中用于千年发展目标和选定的其它关键目标,并在一定程序上侧重于 国家计划,这就使联合国教科文组织去探究如何妥为兼顾其全球作用与地区作用。
Hence the rising demand for greater United Nations coordination, simplification and harmonization; for greater effectiveness through, for example, wider use of RBM and a strengthened country-level role for the United Nations Resident Coordinator; for a strategic concentration of funds on MDGs and other selected key targets; and for a degree of focus on country programmes that is forcing UNESCO to ask [...]
searching questions about
the right balance between its global and local roles.
这将 使商品价涨得更高,使全球经济增长低于基线预测。
This would push
[...] commodity prices even higher and reduce global economic [...]
growth compared to the baseline forecast.
因此,由于制裁的目的通常在于削弱一个政府和/或迫使它采取某 些步骤或改变政策,结果往往造成 高 的 反西 方 情绪 以 及 地方对有关政 府/政权的加强支持,从使有关 政府/政权的合法性更高
Thus, whereas sanctions are usually meant to weaken a government and/or pressure it to undertake certain steps or change policies, the
result tends to be
[...] increased anti-Western sentiment, more local support for the government/regime in question and, hence, more legitimacy [...]
for it and its policies.
本文件概述了《2010 年亚洲及太平洋经济社会概览》的各项主要研究结 果。《2010 年概览》中探讨了目前这一复杂的环境,并为避免上述 V 型反弹使我们滋生盲目自情绪,扼 要阐述了连贯划一的区域政策议程的各项内容。
This document summarizes the key findings of the Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2010 which explores that complex environment and—lest the V-shaped rebound induce complacency—outlines the elements of a coherent regional policy agenda.
以发电为例,在价格不过度涨的情 况 下维持电力供应最具潜力的办法使用核 燃料。17 不过,如果考虑到核废料处理问题,从成本角度来看,水能或 许是最佳的选择,不过如上文讨论所述,这方面也存在一些制约因素。
In power generation, for example, the best potential to maintain
electricity supply
[...] without excessive price increases comes from using nuclear fuel.17 However, considering the [...]
problem of nuclear waste
disposal, hydro energy is probably the best alternative from a cost point of view, although here too there are some limitations, as discussed earlier.
然而这情绪,即使再满 目疮痍,依然私人得可怕不是吗?
However, despite its terribly
[...] devastation, this emotion of pain would still [...]
be personal.
关于上述第二点,可以得出以下各项结论:由于下述原因,最初对信通技 术培训相关工作与其他区域组织工作重复的关切可得以缓和:(a)没有发 现工作重复的直接证据;(b)即使有明显重复的证据,对信通技术培训的 区域需求似乎非高涨,问 题更多地出在服务交付的协调层面,而非教学 内容的重复;(c)信通技术培训中心付出超常努力,通过许多伙伴关系安 [...]
排、区域讲习班和会议及外联举措与其他组织协调工作,从而减少出现重 复的可能性。
On the second point above, it can be concluded that initial concerns over duplication of ICT training related work with other regional organizations can be allayed for the following reason: (a) no direct evidence
of duplication could be
[...] found; (b) even if such evidence were to become evident, the regional demands for ICT training are seen to be very high and increasing, and [...]
the question becomes
more one of coordination of service delivery rather than one of duplication; and (c) APCICT has taken extraordinary efforts to coordinate its work with other organizations through its many partnership arrangements, regional workshops and conferences and outreach initiatives, thus mitigating potential for duplication.
他并呼吁注 意由于种族主义和排情绪等“使我 们 大家都变得弱小”的态度而对保护空间持 续造成了威胁。
He had also called attention to the continuing threat to protection space caused by racism and xenophobia, attitudes which “diminish us all”.
未 来几年,这情况将 进一步恶化,其原因是全球正在逐渐淘汰单体油轮,而且由 于运高涨,估 计有大量积压旧船仍在运营,以及过去几年造船业整体繁荣,未 来将有大量船只报废。
This situation will be aggravated by the number of ships going out of service in the next few years following the global phase-out of single-hull oil tankers; the large estimated backlog [...]
of old vessels still
operating because of high freight rates; and the general boom in shipbuilding over the last few years.
这个除名数目相对较少情况, 与在阿富汗和解进程刚要展开之际觉 得有必要对名单的塔利班部分进行审查或甚至完全放弃的日 高涨 的 呼 声形成 强烈对比。
This relatively low number of de-listings contrasted with increasing talk of the need to review the Taliban section of the List, or even abandon it altogether, in the context of an incipient reconciliation process in Afghanistan.
在背光、普通照明、汽车和其他领域中对 LED 日高涨的需求促使制造 商以更低的成本尽可能快地提高生产效率,增加良率以及提高产品质量。
Surging demand for LEDs in backlighting, general illumination, automotive and other applications challenges manufacturers to ramp production lines up as fast as possible, while increasing yield and quality, all at lower cost.
双方仍然未能在解决阿 卜耶伊未来地位方面取得进展,这加剧了米塞里亚人和恩哥克-丁卡人的失情 绪,也使强硬分子获得支持,促发了持续的暴力行为。
The continued failure of the parties to make progress towards resolving the future status of Abyei fuelled frustration and empowered hard-line elements within the Misseriya and the Ngok Dinka communities, contributing to continued violence.
古巴认为这种承诺不应产生普遍的满 情绪 , 或 使 注 意 力偏离我们的最终目 标,即通过具法律约束力的国际协定,规定不可逆转和国际上可核查的措施,在 [...]
It considers that those commitments
should not give rise to a generalized
[...] sense of complacency or divert attention away [...]
from our ultimate goal of eliminating and
banning nuclear weapons within a specific time frame through a legally binding international agreement providing for irreversible and internationally verifiable measures.
她在 2007
[...] 年访问巴勒斯坦被占领土 后提出的一份报告中指出,目前这场冲突造成了“一 种可以感觉到的失落感和绝情绪, 使 西 岸 和加沙的 儿童有别于所有其他局势”。
In a 2007 report after her visit to the occupied Palestinian territory, she noted that this ongoing conflict has created “a palpable sense of
loss and a feeling of hopelessness that places the
[...] children of the West Bank and Gaza apart from all other situations”.




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