单词 | 使怒 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 使怒 —exasperateExamples:使愤怒—provoke 使发怒 v—anger v See also:怒 n—anger n • wrath n 怒—fury • vigorous
前全國政協 [...] 副主席霍英東先生臨終前亦曾透露,他在內地投資南沙項目時,曾遭地方 官吏留難剝削,致使他怒罵說 ︰“我從未見過這樣離譜的事。 legco.gov.hk | Mr FOK Ying-tung, former Vice-Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, revealed before he passed away that regional officials had made things difficult [...] for him when he invested in a project in [...] Nansha and he was so angry that he said, "I [...]have never seen anything so ridiculous. legco.gov.hk |
我使用“觸怒”這 兩個字,其實是十分可 悲的,我們身為中國人,誰不愛國呢? legco.gov.hk | I actually find it very sad that I have to use the word "upset". legco.gov.hk |
若理由不足,縱使「龍顏」大 怒,我 們亦應站在道理原則的㆒方,據理力爭。 legco.gov.hk | If the accusations are weakly founded, then we should stand on the side of truth and principle and argue for our case strongly in spite of the wrath of China. legco.gov.hk |
即使我的血壓再上升30度,即 使我繼續怒吼, 其他議員也仍是盲動,繼續盲目。 legco.gov.hk | Even though my blood pressure reading is 30 mmHg higher, or even if I keep on roaring, other Members will still support the motion blindly. legco.gov.hk |
潘佩璆議員: 代理主席,政府的答覆實在使人憤怒。 legco.gov.hk | DR PAN PEY-CHYOU (in Cantonese): Deputy President, the Government's [...] reply is really infuriating. legco.gov.hk |
主席,今天發生這事,除使我感到震驚外,我不能不說,在回歸以來, 特區政府有很多政策失誤,更使我 感到 憤 怒。 legco.gov.hk | Madam President, what happened today has astonished me. legco.gov.hk |
凯文似乎确切地知道他的所有客户的需求, 这 使 得 涡流 愤 怒 的 ,和EDD嫉妒的,因为埃迪说,凯文是比他聪明。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Kevin seems to know exactly what all his customers [...] want, which makes Eddy furious, and Edd jealous because [...]Eddy says Kevin is smarter than him. en.seekcartoon.com |
可是,最使 人感到憤怒的一 點是,特首現在似乎想把整個政改討論的中心放到策發會 上,委託策發會研究最終的政制模式,訂出路線圖,最後訂出時間表。 legco.gov.hk | However, one point that angers people most is that [...] it seems the Chief Executive wants to shift the whole centre of the discussion [...]on constitutional reform to the Commission by tasking the Commission with studying the final model of the constitutional system, drawing up a roadmap and finally, scheming a timetable. legco.gov.hk |
因此,在 1930 年代初日本 侵略滿洲後,西方國家與日本的關係日趨破裂,它們透過國際聯盟譴責日本,結 果 使日 本在盛怒下於 1933 年退出了國際聯盟。 hkahe.com | Therefore, after Japan occupied Manchuria in the early 1930s, Japan’s relations with the western powers were worsened. They condemned Japan’s action in the League of Nations. hkahe.com |
坦白說,我不會相信政府, [...] 因為我自己也曾在基層的議會工作,我知道很多時候政府的做法也 會 使 我很 憤怒,所 以我和工聯會是會支持李華明議員這項修正案的,我認為應該在中 [...] 間設立投訴機制,通過投訴,我想可以更公平,即使議會意見一致,但當我 們沒有條例可約束政府使它聽取我們的意見時,我便得相信這樣的一個仲裁 機制。 legco.gov.hk | Even if the councils are unanimously agreed, [...] when we have no legislation to bind the Government to listen to our views, [...]I have to put my trust in such an arbitration mechanism. legco.gov.hk |
坦诚、 [...] 相互尊重和公开的对话使那些寻求以谈判和非暴力 方式解决争端的人力量更强,使那 些以 愤 怒 、 恐 怖主 义、暴力、侵略和仇恨取代说理和礼仪的人力量更弱。 daccess-ods.un.org | Frank, respectful and open dialogue strengthens those who would resolve disputes through negotiation and [...] non-violence and weakens those who would replace [...] argument and civility with rage, terrorism, violence, [...]aggression and hatred. daccess-ods.un.org |
马来西亚痛恨这类事件,因为它们只会点燃 阿富汗人民对安援部队的愤怒,使其 更 加难以赢得民 心。 daccess-ods.un.org | Malaysia abhors such incidents, as [...] they will only fuel anger in the Afghan people [...]towards ISAF, making it more difficult [...]to win their hearts and minds. daccess-ods.un.org |
根據條例,殘酷對待動物主要包括殘酷地打、踢、惡待、折 磨、激怒或驚嚇動物,使其受 到不必要的痛苦。 legco.gov.hk | Under the Ordinance, cruelty to animals mainly includes the act of [...] cruelly beating, kicking, [...] ill-treating, torturing, infuriating or terrifying animals, [...]or causing unnecessary suffering to them. legco.gov.hk |
根據香港法例第169章《防止殘酷對待動物條例》,殘酷對待動 物包括殘酷地打、踢、惡待、折磨、 激 怒 或 驚 嚇動物 , 使 其 受 到不必 要的痛苦。 legco.gov.hk | Under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Ordinance (Cap. 169), cruelty to animals includes the act of cruelly [...] beating, kicking, [...] ill-treating, torturing, infuriating or terrifying animals, thus causing unnecessary [...]suffering to them. legco.gov.hk |
虽然这一系列不断升级的事件激怒了北 京,使中国愿意谴责朝鲜,但谴责的方式是克制的, 是在能保护中国利益的范围之内的。 crisisgroup.org | Beijing was angered by the latest escalation and [...] was ready to reprimand the North, but in a controlled way that would protect Chinese interests. crisisgroup.org |
在她的愤怒,乌苏拉使用的三叉戟成长为滔天比例。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | In her rage, Ursula uses the trident to grow [...] into monstrous proportions. seekcartoon.com |
我提醒她们,在某些时候,如果做了 使 邪 灵 愤 怒 的 好 事情,或是在某些邪灵活跃 的地方,等等原因和环境中,邪灵还会来攻击,但不会束手无策了,我们完全可以胜 [...] 过邪灵并向他们夸胜了。 vck-web.org | I reminded these Christian friends [...] that sometimes when we did [...] something good that angered evil spirits, or [...]at places where evil spirits were active, or for other [...]reasons or under some other conditions, evil spirits might come again to attack us. vck-web.org |
我對上一次這麼憤怒的,便是那個使 曾 蔭 權闖出禍來的《截取通 訊條例》,情況又是這樣,人家一走開便罵。 legco.gov.hk | The last time I was so furious was during the deliberation [...] of the Interception of Communications and Surveillance Ordinance, [...]which got Donald TSANG into trouble. legco.gov.hk |
就以香港社會來說,即使大眾如何憤 怒也好 ,也很少會說革命的,說革命的人除了口說之外,其實也不知 道自己說甚麼,因為香港有很多中介機構,例如教會、社團、政黨和 媒介等,把人民的聲音宣泄出來,令我們跟政府的對立能夠透過這種 緩衝得以解決。 legco.gov.hk | This is because in Hong Kong, there are numerous intermediaries, such as churches, social groups, political parties and agents, which enable people's voices to be heard. legco.gov.hk |
我們要懷有寬恕和不記恨的心;不要把他人的判斷和怨恨記在心頭,因為這只會引起 憤 怒 和 仇恨 , 使 我 們 遠離其他兄弟姊妹。 focolare.org | We should not harbor traces of [...] judgment or resentment in our hearts, since these can [...] easily give rise to anger and hatred that alienate [...]us from others. focolare.org |
主席,真是“可怒也”!換言之,即 使 他 當 選,他也會一如對待我 17年前獲得通過的議案般,繼續拖延。 legco.gov.hk | In other words, even if he were elected, he would continue to adopt stalling tactics, just as how my motion passed 17 years ago was treated. legco.gov.hk |
我跟很多議員一樣,一直以來都十分關注3條過海隧道流 量不平均的問題,因為我也是駕駛者,我也曾在使用紅隧時遇上堵車, 令我很憤怒,亦曾在使用西隧而付款時,望着那張鈔票說,為何我要 付出這麼多金錢來通過這隧道? legco.gov.hk | Like many Members, I have all along been very concerned about the uneven traffic flow at the three harbour crossings, because I am a driver too, and I have run into traffic congestion at the Cross-Harbour Tunnel (CHT) in Hung Hom before, which I think is so frustrating, and I was once looking at the banknote when paying the tunnel toll at the WHC, wondering why I should pay this much for using this crossing. legco.gov.hk |
二战后没有因愤怒而使 用任何核武器很大程度上要归功于《条约》的签订。 daccess-ods.un.org | The fact that no nuclear weapon [...] had been used in anger since the end of [...]the Second World War owed much to the Treaty. daccess-ods.un.org |
可惜現時的政策往往只是回應了成年㆟的 憤 怒 ,而 忽略了兒童,甚至名義㆖是幫助他們,而實際㆖卻加深對他們的傷害。 legco.gov.hk | Unfortunately, the existing policy has too often [...] reflected only the anger of the adults and [...]neglected the children, and it has even [...]aggravated their plight in the name of helping them. legco.gov.hk |
張國柱議員:我想,私人院舍內基本上有這麼多同事,也可能發生虐待 [...] 長者的情況,我認為最近那宗個案已經是一宗能讓我們看到的情況,有 些更是我們看不到的,例如是用言語來辱罵長者等,這充分表示出院舍 同事是做得很辛苦,又或是薪酬待遇方面不很好,以致他們把 憤 怒 發泄 在服務使用者身上。 legco.gov.hk | I think the incident revealed recently is already a case which allows us to identify [...] such situation. legco.gov.hk |
如果你不處理居屋的問題,不處理普羅大眾的居住問題, [...] 不處理15年免費教育的問題,不處理醫療不足的問題,不處理全民退 休保障的問題,不處理社會的貧富懸殊的問題,你所製造的,便是自 [...] 己腳下的一座火山;你所製造的,便是羣眾 憤 怒 的 臨 界點;你所製造 的,甚至你極有可能看到的,便是臨界點的爆發,便是社會的羣眾運 [...] 動,便是對政府的不滿,對管治的推翻。 legco.gov.hk | If you do not deal with the issue relating to the HOS, do not deal with the housing problem of the general public, do not deal with the issue of 15-year free education, do not deal with the issue of inadequate healthcare, do not deal with the issue of universal retirement protection, do not deal with the issue of wealth disparity in society, you are creating a volcano under [...] your feet and you are creating a breaking [...] point of public anger, you are bringing [...]about and even likely to see the eruption [...]of such a breaking point, that is, mass movements in society, the discontent with the Government and the toppling of the regime. legco.gov.hk |
關於修訂法例和相關規定的討論,首先,在法例方面,根據《防 [...] 止殘酷對待動物條例》,殘酷對待動物包括殘酷地打、踢、惡待、折 磨、激怒或驚嚇動物,使其受 到不必要的痛苦。 legco.gov.hk | Under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Ordinances, cruelty to animals [...] includes cruelly beating, kicking, [...] ill-treating, torturing, infuriating, or terrifying any animal [...]to cause unnecessary sufferings to it. legco.gov.hk |