

单词 使忧虑

See also:

忧虑 n

worries pl
anxiety n
care n
dread n


anxiety (about)
(feel) anxiety


worries pl
anxiety n

a parent's funeral
concern oneself with
inconvenienced by being orphaned

External sources (not reviewed)

当然一些发展中国家有些长期忧虑 , 如 对书籍 和学习材料的著作权保护可能使它 们更难实现自己的教育和研究目标。
Of course, some developing countries have long standing concerns that copyright
protection for books and learning
[...] materials, for example, may make it harder for them to achieve their goals in education and research.
[...] 权的部门做出了激烈反应之后,阿根廷国内产生了一 忧虑 , 但 是绝大部分国民均对 这种激烈反应表示谴责。
In the case of Argentina, some concerns have arisen following the violent
reaction of some sectors involved in the
[...] former military regime, but the overwhelming [...]
majority of the population has condemned this reaction.
在当代艺术中,漆艺,作为一门传统的技艺被提出有它令人不安之处——它太古老了,似乎首先必须完成对自身的超越,把它从固有的语境中解放出来;然而一旦如此,它又太年轻,带着种种问题所 使 的 激动 和 忧虑 , 徘 徊在价值的取向中。
It seems that you have to first fight lacquering itself, to liberate
it from its existing context; then as soon as you succeed, it is too
[...] young, full of issue-driven excitements and worries.
忧虑,由 于反复或长期不能实现目标,国际组织和整个国际社会的可信度 将会被削弱。
Concern was expressed that a repeated or sustained failure to reach global targets might result in a diminished credibility of international organizations and the international community as a whole.
我们仍对局势深表关切,尤其是它对索马里人民 特别是儿童的生活所造成的可怕影 使 我 们深 感忧 虑,这些儿童受到了饥荒的严重影响。
We remain deeply concerned by the situation, and we are particularly distressed by its terrible impact on the lives of the Somali population, especially on children, who have been severely affected by famine.
虽然对超额规划表示忧虑,但 认识到同上一年的业务计划相比,在减少超额规划方面已有较大改进。
Concern was expressed
[...] at the over-programming, but it was [...]
recognized that there had been considerable improvement in reducing
over-programming compared to the previous year’s business plans.
黎巴嫩没有任何影响或损害环境的武器,并支持关于裁军、军备控制和遵守 环境规范的协定,在这方面考虑到以色列造成 忧虑 , 因 为该国拥有和保持庞大 的大规模毁灭性武器武库,这些武器 使 不 使 用 ,也会损害环境。
Lebanon possesses no weapons that have an impact on or are detrimental to the environment and supports the agreements on disarmament, arms control and the
observance of
[...] environmental norms, taking into consideration the concern caused by Israel on account of its possession and retention of an enormous arsenal of weapons of mass destruction, which could be detrimental to the environment even if not used.
投机活动程度的上升也给决策者带来了新 忧虑 , 并 使 人 们认识到需要采用 恰当的法律和规章框架,以避免大量的投机活动造成过渡的价格波动。
The increasing level of speculation has
[...] also created new anxieties for policymakers [...]
and has drawn attention to the need for
proper legal and regulatory framework that should be adopted to avoid excessive price swings resulting from high levels of speculation.
令我们深忧虑的是 ,利比亚对立方的行为,特 别使用滥杀滥伤武器的做法,导致平民伤亡日益增 多和民用设施被毁。
We are deeply alarmed by the growing number of civilian casualties and the destruction of civilian facilities as a result of the actions by opposing Libyan parties, in particular as a result of the use of indiscriminate weapons.
委员会在其一 般性意见中还强调,委员会着重虑 缔 约 国当局对案件的定论,尽管委员会可以 自由地评估每个案件的事实和证据。8 在本案中,申诉人无法辩驳的是:和平协 定及刚果通过的各项赦免法带来的新局 使 任 何 担 忧 , 无论是否有理由,均成为 不必要;自这些法律通过以来,独立消息来源未曾报道任何前反叛人员受到司法 起诉;申诉人在重返恩格索政府军后两年间未曾遇到问题;最后,他没有证明其 处境会与其他赦免法所针对的人员有所不同。
In its general comment, the Committee also emphasized that it would give considerable weight to findings of fact made by organs of the State party, but that it retains the power of free assessment of the facts and evidence of the circumstances of each case.8 It appears in the present case that the complainant has been unable to put forward any counter-arguments to the fact that the peace agreements and the amnesty laws adopted in the Congo brought about a new situation, which would nullify any fears, whether well founded or not, that the complainant might have; that no judicial proceedings against former rebels have been reported by independent sources since the laws were adopted; that the complainant apparently met with no difficulties during the two years that followed his readmission in the armed forces of the Nguessou Government; and lastly that he has apparently not shown that his own situation was any different from that of other persons covered by the amnesty law.
[...] Ahn博士说,“这款LG智能手机的设计初衷就是希望那些对智能手机望而却步的普通用户能 忧 无 虑 地 使 用 它
Says Dr. Skott Ahn, President and CEO of LG Electronics Mobile Communications Company, “This is a
device that was designed for regular people
[...] who want to jump into the smartphone experience [...]
but have been hesitant to do so
because of the learning curve.
基于 347 型的这种设计,用户无需有任忧虑 , 也 不需要调整或改变成分和为了适应高达 235 摄氏度最高回流温度而强使用“高温”无铅焊料的 PCB 设计进行更改。
The design of 347 is such that user should neither be constantly worrying about nor adjusting or changing component and PCB designs in order [...]
to accommodate the high peak reflow
temperature of more than 235 degree Celsius imposes on the use of “high temperature” Lead Free materials.
它坚决支持工作组关于鼓励民间社会参与选举周期,加强国家人权委员 会的独立性和能力以及虑使妇女拥有财产权的建议。
It strongly supported the Working Group recommendations to encourage the participation of civil society during election cycles, increase
the independence and capacity of the national human rights
[...] commission, and consider providing property rights to women.
尽管这样的结构变化可能引起发达世界 国家的些忧虑,但 我们也不应忘记它可以促进发展中国家和地区的整体发展,进而从全人类的角 度来看这能使得资源更加公平的分配,人们也从中得到更多的机会。
Notwithstanding the fears that this structural change may provoke in the industrial world, we should not forget that it also brings the promise of a general improvement [...]
in development and a fair distribution
of resources and opportunities for all humanity.
这种担心忧虑常常使患儿 感到不安和苦恼,可能会影响患儿的学习和日常生活。
These worries and anxieties frequently bother [...]
the child, cause distress and may affect functioning at school or at home.
虑到更多更复杂的移 民问题可能会引起无国籍人口数量的增加,气候变 化和自然灾害引起的人口迁移的增加,就像联合国 难民事务高级专员办事处为来年做出的预测一使 人担忧。
The increase in the number of displaced persons as a result of climate change and natural disasters was worrying, as were the projections by UNHCR that, over time, there would be much larger and more complex migrations, which were expected to result in an increase in the number of stateless persons.
遗憾的是,工程处在不同场合被 迫采取的紧缩措施让难民忧虑不安 ,担心国际社 会不再致力于必要的人道主义援助,甚至最终不再 支持公正解决他们的困境。
Regrettably, the austerity measures the Agency had been forced to apply on various occasions had made the refugee population fearful that the international community was no longer committed to the necessary humanitarian assistance, or even ultimately to a just resolution of their plight.
面对地区各国忧虑, 中央政府试图收缰加紧对军队的控制。
In the face of this concern, the central government made efforts to rein in the military.
一代表要求报告反映她对根据第 61/8 号决定从环境规划署业务计划中删除绿色海 关和亚洲及西亚执法网络感忧虑。
One representative requested that the report reflect her concern at the removal of the Green customs and Asia and West Asia enforcement networks from UNEP’s business plan, as per decision 61/8.
提到在编制 35 C/5 号文件时,应虑 以下 优先领域和主题:表达自由和新闻自由;进一步重视伦理道德,此主题还与信息社会世界首脑会议“日内 瓦行动计划”的行动方针 10 有关;“媒体形式”及“媒体内容”的文化多样性;推 使 用 多种语言;媒体与 和平文化;知识在社会发展中的作用;信息与传播技术在建设知识社会中的作用,这是全民信息计划(IFAP) 可以发挥积极作用的一个领域和为非洲的管理者提供帮助。
The following priority areas/themes were
[...] mentioned for consideration in preparing document 35 C/5: freedom of expression and freedom of the press; increased emphasis on ethics, also in relation with action line 10 of the Geneva Plan of Action of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS); cultural diversity “of the media” and “in the media”; the promotion of multilingualism; media and a culture [...]
of peace; the role
of knowledge in societal development; the role of ICTs in building knowledge societies, an area in which the Information for All Programme (IFAP) could play an active role; and support for regulators in Africa.
他对武装冲突对儿童权利的影响以及小口径轻 型武器使用深表担忧,因为这造成了非洲数百万 人的伤亡,其中大多数是儿童,因此他呼吁各会员 国在全球范围内加强对非法武器买卖的监控。
Deeply concerned about the impact of armed conflict on children’s rights, as well as about the use of small arms and light weapons, which had claimed millions of victims in Africa, including many children, he urged member States to strengthen global control on illegal trade in these weapons.
同样令忧虑的是 ,由于这些破坏稳定的势力继续得 到支持、保护和庇护,国际社会打击恐怖主义的努力受到削弱。
Equally of concern was that the efforts of the international community to fight terrorism were being undermined by support, protection and shelter that these forces of destabilization continue to receive.
我们重申深为关切多重而相互关联的各种危机,包括金融和经济危机,深为 关切能源和食品价格动荡,对粮食安全的持 忧虑 , 以及气候变化和生物多样性 的丧失带来的日益严重的挑战,这些问题加重了脆弱性和不平等,对发展成果产 生不利影响,特别是在发展中国家。
We reiterate our deep concern at the multiple and interrelated crises, including the financial and economic crisis, volatile energy and food prices and ongoing concerns over food security, as well as the increasing challenges posed by climate change and the loss of biodiversity, which have increased vulnerabilities and inequalities and have adversely affected development gains, in particular in developing countries.
虽然有关长期药理疗法的数据可能看起来令 忧虑, 但 在解读这类数据时应看到:(a)目前缺少被确认为可治疗兴奋剂依赖的药物; [...]
(b)由于类阿片依赖问题不是一个普遍的国家问题,因此缺少提供药理治疗的必 要性;(c)会员国缺少提供长期药理物质的适当立法;或(d)上述各项因素并存。
Although the data concerning long-lasting pharmacological
[...] therapies may appear worrying, the results [...]
should be read in the context of either: (a)
the current absence of medications clearly recognized for the treatment of dependence on stimulants; (b) the lack of the need to provide pharmacological therapy because opioid dependence is not a prevalent national problem; (c) the lack of appropriate legislation in the Member State to make the long-lasting pharmacological substances available; or (d) a combination of the above.
上海和睦家医院的年度“糖尿病管理套餐”能帮助您远离病痛 忧虑 , 本 套餐可为您提供包括医师定期诊疗、糖尿病教育、饮食咨询和必要检测在内的综合性服务。
The SHU annual Diabetes Management Package takes away the pain and guesswork by offering regular physician visits, diabetes education, dietary counseling and essential tests.
筹备委员会和不扩散核武器条约缔约国 2010 年审议大会的当务之急是解决 无核国家对发展和部署新型核武器及其运载工具 忧虑 , 并 应考虑通过一项关于 禁止任何新型核武器、特别是微型核武器的发展、现代化和生产的决定以及禁止 在本国和外国建造旨在发展、部署和生产核武器及其运载工具的任何新设施的禁 令,减轻它们的这忧虑。
The Preparatory Committee and the 2010 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons have the urgent tasks of addressing the concerns of the non-nuclear-weapon States emanating from the development and deployment of new nuclear weapons and their means of delivery and alleviating these concerns by considering a decision on the prohibition of the development, the modernization and the production of any new nuclear weapons, particularly mini-nukes, as well as a ban on the construction of any new facility for the development, deployment and production of nuclear weapons and their means of delivery in home and foreign countries.
最近,石油价格的上涨已使人们担 忧 加 勒 比经济会进一步不稳定。(人们担忧)能 源的高比率对经济增长的影响会严重地阻碍本地区的发展,特别是社会方面的发展。
The recent increases in oil prices have raised concerns that Caribbean economies could be further destabilized: the impact of higher energy rates on economic growth seriously affects the development process of the region, and particularly the social aspects of development.
i 在本案中,申诉人无法辩驳的是:和平协 定及刚果通过的各项赦免法带来的新局 使 任 何 担 忧 , 无论是否有理由,均成为 不必要;自这些法律通过以来,独立消息来源未曾报道任何前反叛人员受到司法 起诉;申诉人在重返恩格索政府军后两年间未曾遇到问题;最后,他没有证明其 处境会与其他赦免法所针对的人员有所不同。
In its general comment, the Committee also emphasized that it would give considerable weight to findings of fact made by organs of the State party, but that it retains the power of free assessment of the facts and evidence of the circumstances of each case.i It appears in the present case that the complainant has been unable to put forward any counter-arguments to the fact that the peace agreements and the amnesty laws adopted in the Congo brought about a new situation, which would nullify any fears, whether well founded or not, that the complainant might have; that no judicial proceedings against former rebels have been reported by independent sources since the laws were adopted; that the complainant apparently met with no difficulties during the two years that followed his readmission in the armed forces of the Nguessou Government; and lastly that he has apparently not shown that his own situation was any different from that of other persons covered by the amnesty law.
但是,全球性的低利率和对增长的 忧 , 可 能会 使 全 球 投资者进入商品 市场躲避风险,为了赚取较高的收益而进行投机买卖,从而提高商品价格的波动 性。
Nevertheless, globally low interest rates and growth concerns may drive global investors into commodity markets to seek risk aversion and speculate on higher returns, increasing the volatility of commodity prices.




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