

单词 使...必然发生

See also:

必然 adv

necessarily adv
inevitably adv



必然 n

necessity n

External sources (not reviewed)

学校保健信息系统目前正在发,使 学 校 保健护士和儿童的家庭 生 能够 交流有关儿童健康必要信息,包括疫苗接种信息。
A school health care information system is
[...] being developed to allow a school health nurse and a child’s family doctor to exchange necessary information about the [...]
health of a child,
including vaccination information.
法院并不愿意对董事的商业交易加 以猜测,这就表示,认为实际发生的总 必然发生 或 当 时就一定显现无疑均不 合适。
Courts have been reluctant to second guess directors in their commercial dealings, indicating that it is
not appropriate to assume that what in fact happened was always bound to
[...] happen or was necessarily apparent at the time.
即使在这种情况中,为了使在国家继承之日之前未来得及反对保留的国家 或国际组织能够反对,那么维持领土范围已经扩大的保 必然 会 打 破条约的平 衡:这正是这一例外的狭义意思,即仅涉及保留的领土范围的扩大 使 保 留 的实 施条发生根本的改变”的情况。
Even in such a situation, in order for a State or international organization that has not objected in time to the reservation prior to the date of the succession of
States to be able to
[...] object to it, it would be necessary that the maintenance of the reservation the territorial scope of which has been extended should upset the balance of the treaty: that is the sense of the restrictive formulation of this exception, which covers only those situations in which the territorial extension of the reservation “radically changes the conditions for the operation [...]
of the reservation”.
但是,据理解,如果在国际组织方面 然发生这 种问题,人们必须通 过类比的方式对该组织适用对国家适用的相关规则,即国 家对国际不法行为的责任条款第 9 条,抑或第 10 条。
It is, however, understood that, should such an issue nevertheless arise in respect [...]
of an international organization, one
would have to apply to that organization by analogy the pertinent rule which is applicable to States, either article 9 or article 10 of the articles on responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts.
这种移动性和孤立状态然使其在 定居人 发生 根 本 性变化和进行社会适 应的时候保持了原有生活方式。
Such mobility and
[...] isolation has allowed them to preserve their way of life while radical adaptation [...]
was taking place among sedentary population groups.
必要通 过借鉴本地知识促进技术革新,以便根据当地情况建设能够经受灾害 的基础设施、住房和然沿海 保护设施, 使发 展 中 国家更能负担得起这些技 术。
Further technological innovation, which draws on
indigenous knowledge, is
[...] needed to adapt disaster-resilient infrastructure, housing and natural coastal protection to local conditions and to make the technologies more affordable for developing countries.
未經審核備 考財務資料 乃根據
[...] 貴公 司董事之判 斷及假設而 編製,僅供說 明用 途,且 由 於其 假 設性使 然,不 能保 證 或 顯示 任 何事 項 將 於未 來生,亦 未必 能 表 示 貴集團於二零一一年九月三十日或任何未來日期之財務狀況。
The unaudited pro forma financial information is for illustrative purpose only, based on the judgments and assumptions of the
directors of the
[...] Company, and, because of its hypothetical nature, does not provide any assurance or indication that any event will take [...]
place in the future
and may not be indicative of the financial position of the Group as at 30 September 2011, or any future date.
然发现因为健康要求很高在这种作物中替代 甲基溴较困难,但所访问的埃及公司却报告说 使 用 化学替代品加上虫害综合防治和水生产,结果良好。
Although MB replacement was found to be more difficult in this crop due to very high health requirements, Egyptian companies visited reported good results with chemical alternatives + IPM and hydroponic [...]
飞越行必然 使紧张状态升级,并增发生安全 事件的可能性,黎巴嫩武装部队向侵入黎巴嫩 领空的以色列飞机开火的几起事件就证明了这一点。
[...] inherently escalate tensions and increase the possibility of security incidents, [...]
as demonstrated on a few occasions
when the Lebanese Armed Forces opened fire on Israeli aircraft intruding in Lebanese airspace.
本着这一思路发言者强调必须将 提高农业部 生 产 力 作为重中之重,但 为了行之有效,还要同时作出配套努力,包括提供必要的有形和通信基础设施; 加强农业部门对技术改良的吸纳能力,特别是为高产及新颖和创新农作物提供必 要支持;重振农业推广服务,确保包容性接入和可持续能力;以及改善特别是妇 女的金融准入和合使用权
In this vein, speakers stressed that increasing productivity in the agriculture sector had to be a top priority, but that, for it to be effective, complementary efforts needed to be simultaneously implemented. These included providing necessary physical and communications infrastructure; strengthening absorptive capacity of the farming sector for technological improvement, especially in providing the necessary support for both higher yields and new and innovative crops; reviving agricultural extension services to assure inclusive access and sustainability; and improving financial access and legal tenure rights, especially [...]
for women.
发言者想知道是否可能成为两种歧视的受害者,即 基于种族和宗教的歧视或基于另一种因素的歧视, 以及是否仇恨的发必然立即 引发暴力或 生 长期 影响。
He wished to know whether it was possible to be the victim of double discrimination, in other words, discrimination on racial grounds and discrimination on religious or other grounds, and whether incitement to hatred was bound to manifest itself in immediate violence or whether it could also manifest itself over the long term.
在稳态剪切或动态模式下的连续应力(扭矩)测量在制定触变性物质结构恢复中尤其有用 – 在“休眠状态必然发生重建 过程,因此在低应力下的响应值是非常关键的。
Constant stress (torque) measurements in steady shear or dynamic mode are particularly useful for determining rebuild properties of thixotropic materials – invariably the rebuild process occurs at ‘rest conditions’ so the response data at low stress can be very critical.
会议建议,缔约国应思考如使各方 能够就请求 开必要的 深入分析和讨论,以确保提出高质量的请求 然 是 规 范做法。
It was suggested that the States Parties reflect on how they can enable the necessary in-depth analysis and discussion of the requests in order to [...]
ensure that high quality requests continue to be the norm.
在许多新兴经济体国家,通 过国内工业的联系以及推动有利于投资的环境,导致了结构方面的改变,同使 教育体系根据生产部门的需发生必 要 改 变。
In many countries with emerging economies, domestic industrial linkages and the promotion of an investment-conducive environment have led
to structural changes
[...] which have been accompanied by the required changes in the educational system [...]
in accordance with the
needs of the productive sectors.
特别报告员认为,言论自由权的使必 然意味 着,妇女在公共事务和对可能直接影响 发 展 的 问题的决策过程的参与会 有所增加。
The Special Rapporteur
[...] considers that the exercise of the freedom of expression necessarily implies an increase in women’s participation in public affairs and in their involvement in decision-making on issues that may directly influence their development.
今后两年,占全球国生产总值 1%的投资可以提供足够数量必要绿 色基础 设施,以便大规模催化全球绿色经济( 当 然 , 发 达 国家与发展中国家的具体投资 重点会有差异,其财政筹资和援助供资的搭配也会不同)。
An investment of 1 per cent of global GDP over the next 2 years could provide the
critical mass of green
[...] infrastructure needed to seed a significant greening of the global economy (of course, the specific focus of the investment would differ between developed and developing [...]
as would the mix of fiscal and aid funding).
所有部 门、中央机构和越来越多的总部外办事处都参与了这一集体努力,它是朝着把本组织的万维 网改建成一个门户网站而迈出的一步,这也是在横向专题范围内深化 发 展 知 识门户网站所 获经验必然结果
All the sectors, the central services and a growing number of field offices took part in that collective effort which was merely a step towards the transformation of the Organization’s website into a portal, the extension and logical development of the knowledge portal experiment carried out as part of the cross-cutting projects.
发言还指出,那两条 并必然适用 于武装冲突的情形,且属于一般性规则;而委员会的任务是制定一 套条款草案,作为有关此类一般性原则的特别法。
It was also pointed out that those
[...] two articles did not necessarily apply to situations of [...]
armed conflict, and existed at
the level of general rules; whereas the task of the Commission was to develop a set of draft articles which would operate as a lex specialis in relation to such general rules.
审议大会然深信 ,普遍加入《条约》 可实现这些目标,并敦促所有尚未加入该条约的国家——印度、以色列和巴基斯 坦立即无条件地加入该条约,使必 要 的 全面保障监督协定和符合示范附加议定 书(INFCIRC/540(Corrected))的附加议定生 效。
The Conference remains convinced that universal adherence to the Treaty can achieve these goals, and it calls upon all States not parties to the Treaty, India, Israel and Pakistan, to accede to it without further delay and without any conditions, and to bring into force the required comprehensive safeguards agreements [...]
and additional protocols consistent with the model additional
protocol (INFCIRC/540 (Corrected)).
经社会强发展必须以 人为本,实行善政和促进 生 、 教 育、 技能开发、创造体面工作、性别平等和增权等公共政策,以及各种提高社会 保护和社会正义的各种措施,并同时应对社会差异和收入不平等日益扩大的 [...]
The Commission underlined that development must be people-centred, including through [...]
good governance and public policies
that promote health, education, skills development, decent job creation, gender equality and empowerment, as well as through measures to enhance social protection and social justice, while simultaneously addressing the challenges of increasing social disparity and income inequality.
但两个案文之间存在着两处不同:㈠ 国际法学会的决议只涉及武装冲突各 方之间有效的条约的命运,委员会的草案则应涵盖条约缔约方与武装冲突当事方 之间、以及冲突单一当事国与“第三”国(即未参与冲突的条约缔约国)之间的武 装冲突的影响;㈡ 国际法学会的案使用了 “当然”的说法,而委员会所拟定 的第 3 条草案用“自动”、再用必然”加 以取代。
However, there are two differences between these two provisions: (i) whereas the Institute’s resolution is concerned only with the fate of treaties in force between the parties to the armed conflict, the Commission’s draft is intended to cover the effect of armed conflicts either between parties to the treaty that are also parties to the armed conflict, or between a single State party to the conflict and a “third” State, that is, a State party to the treaty which is not
a party to the
[...] conflict; (ii) the Institute’s text uses the term “ipso facto”, whereas, in the Commission’s draft article 3, that term was replaced by “automatically” and, later, “necessarily”.
为此,本公司在发的同时也正在建 立一种能确保最短交货期生产体 制, 必使 在 接 到大型机械的订货单的六个月内就将产品送 到客户的面前。
Therefore, simultaneously with the machine
[...] development, we are going to establish a system which allows us to deliver large machines to our customers within [...]
6 months of receiving
an order in order to avoid this risk.
然使用溶液 对地表的破坏力也许较小,但这些有毒危险物质会 生 与 其 使用、配送、储存和 处置相关的化学品管理挑战。
While the use of solutions may have a less destructive impact on the surface ground, these toxic and hazardous substances bring with them chemical management challenges related to their use, distribution, storage and disposal.
遭受暴必然使儿童 的权利受损,因此 需要周到的措施,确保儿童保护方面的干预行动不会使儿童的权利进一步受损, 而是通过精心组织的参与对其康复和重新融入社会 生 积 极 影响。
As the experience of violence is inherently disempowering, sensitive measures are needed to ensure that child protection interventions do not further disempower children but rather contribute positively to their recovery and reintegration via carefully facilitated participation.
然使办事处得以积极参与联合国在国家一级的 联合举措,正如教科文组织在西班牙千 发 展 目标基金的文化 发 展 专题窗口项下,参与制 定阿尔巴尼亚及波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那的概念说明所证明的那样。
This clearly permits to actively participate in the joint United Nations initiatives at the country level, as exemplified by the participation of UNESCO in the formulation [...]
of the concept notes
for Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina under the culture and development thematic window of the Spanish MDG Fund.
会议还注意到以下建议:缔约国可能需要讨论详细的援助程序,以便在一 发生 使用生 物或毒素武器的情况时确保缔约国在收到请求时及时提供紧急援助。
The Conference also takes note of the proposal that States Parties may need to discuss the detailed procedure for assistance in order to ensure that timely emergency assistance would be provided by States Parties, if requested, in the event of use of biological or toxin weapons.
这种保护应基于各国按照本宣 言中所阐述的各项原则通过的伦理和法律标准,并符合以下准则: 没有其他具有相当效果的方法;有可能直接受益;经过伦理审查; 向当事人尽可能说明情况;
向相关的法定代理人和/或具有正式授 权的机构提供情况;征得法定代理人和/或根据国内法授权的机构的
[...] 同意;当事人不反对;如果研究没有可 发生使 当 事 人直接受益, 则须有可能有利于其他年龄相同或患有同一种疾病的人,但须使当 [...]
Such protection shall be based on ethical and legal standards adopted by States, consistent with the principles set out in this Declaration fulfilling the following criteria: no alternative of comparable effectiveness, potential of direct benefit, ethical review, information of the person concerned as far as possible and complete information of the respective legal representatives or duly authorized body, consent by legal representative and/or by authorized body provided for by
domestic law, no objection by the person
[...] concerned; in case of research with no potential [...]
direct benefit to the person concerned
additional conditions of potential benefit to other persons in the same age category or afflicted with the same disease and minimal risk and minimal burden for the person concerned.
然总体 上该科,特别是指导小组,将参与今后关 于制定平民保护指导的工作,但需要在维和部/外勤部内部增加用于协调平民保 护的能力,以发必要的 工具,有效地执行任务并进一步推动利益攸关方的平民 保护对话。
While the Section generally, and the Guidance Team in particular, would be involved in any future development of guidance regarding this area, additional capacity for civilian protection coordination within DPKO and DFS is required in order to develop the tools necessary for the effective [...]
implementation of the
task and to further advance the civilian protection dialogue among stakeholders.
这些权利的保护机必 然会限 制竞争,从而可能损害消费者和破坏贸易自由,问题是该机制对研究 发 明 的 激励 作用是否超过了这些代价。
Such rights necessarily involve restrictions on competition which may be to the detriment of consumers and the freedom of trade, and the [...]
question is whether these costs are outweighed by the incentives for research and invention.




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