

单词 使心烦意乱

心烦意乱 ()

lit. heart distracted, thoughts in turmoil (idiom);
distraught with anxiety

See also:


an upset or distraction
be troubled
feel agitated
be annoyed

心意 n

regard n
intention n


kindly feelings



External sources (not reviewed)

他们决定公平竞争,,但由她创造的merillia,接触海水时, 心烦意乱 M e r li ah。
They decided to compete fairly, but Merliah was distracted by the merillia she created when she touched the sea water.
使用标准的混响单元遇到的另心烦 和 不 满 意 的 就 是,后期制作中空间的声音与画面不能配合在一起。
With standard
[...] Reverb units it has often been a tiresome and unsatisfying task in post production [...]
to match the sound of the room to the picture.
为了给患心律紊乱综合症的病人提供高质量的服务, 这些病人被送意大利 治疗,费用大约为 15 000 至 18 000 欧元,这还不包括旅 费和每日津贴。
In order to provide quality
[...] services to patients suffering with cardiac dysrhythmias, they are sent to Italy for the treatment at a cost of 15,000 [...]
to 18,000
euros, which does not include travel costs and per diem.
意味着:(a) 禁运对“在乱中继续”使用“长武器和实弹”负有责任;(b) 制裁委员会本身应促成禁运 豁免。
In this sense, it implies (a) that the embargo is responsible for the [...]
continued use of “long weapons and live ammunition
in situations of unrest” and (b) that the Sanctions Committee should, itself, instigate an exemption to the embargo.
尽管确定和意消除 “最糟类型的童工”可能相 对容易,但“可接受的工作”和“有害的劳工”之间的区别不总是 明确,当地和传统的实践和信使评 估 混 乱。
While it may be relatively
[...] easy to identify and agree to eliminate the “worst forms of child labour”, the distinction between “acceptable work” and “harmful labour” is not always clear and assessments can be muddled by local and traditional [...]
practices and beliefs.
心律失常需要医疗护理;一些措施如药 使 用 , 电击除颤 心 脏 起搏器等也能缓 心 律 紊 乱。
Arrhythmia requires medical attention; some rhythm
[...] disturbances are addressed through the use of medications, defibrillation, or a pacemaker.
虽然我不想承认这个,但我确实对中国联通(HKEx: 762; NYSE: CHU)失去了心和兴 趣,作为中国第二大电信运营商,中国联通似乎陷入一系列无休止的管理 乱 中 , 使 其 注 意 力 从 实际业务转移到内部管理的混乱中。
I don’t like to admit this, but I’m rapidly
[...] losing both confidence and interest in China Unicom (HKEx: 762; NYSE: CHU), China’s second biggest telco, which seems to be struggling with a never-ending series of management shuffles that are diverting its attention from its real business.
他/她将确定应跟进的事项和采取行动的需要,查明和应对各 种变化、问题和事件,针对潜在的 烦 点 作 出预警,提请组长 意 相 关 事项并提 出采取适当行动的建议。
He or she will identify matters for follow-up and need for action, identify and respond to changes, problems and
incidents, providing early warning
[...] of potential trouble spots, and bringing to the attention of the Team [...]
Leader relevant issues
with recommendations for appropriate action.
设计人员可以意更改HTML而不用心 弄 乱 你 的 PHP脚本。
Designers are free
[...] to change the HTML and do not worry mess up your PHP scripts .
工作组意:工作组似宜意到, 在一些法律制度中,登记处可以在某些 情况下删除记录中的信息,包括在相关信息无关重要、令 烦 恼 、 使 人 不 快或 违背公众利益的情况下。
Note to the Working Group: The Working Group may wish to note that, in some legal systems, the registry may remove information from the record in certain situations, including when the information is frivolous, vexatious, offensive and contrary to the public interest.
古巴常驻联合国代表团向美国常驻联合国代表团 意 , 谨 通知如下:2010 年 7 月 23 日上午 11 时,约有 12 人聚集在古巴代表团大楼门前,高呼攻击性和 侮辱性的口号,阻碍工作人员进出,并 乱 外 交 使 团 平 和正常地履行职能。
The Permanent Mission of Cuba to the United Nations presents its compliments to the United States Mission to the United Nations and, wishes to inform it that, on Friday 23 July 2010
at 11:09 a.m., a group of around 12
[...] people gathered in front of the entrance doors of the Mission’s building, shouting offensive and insulting slogans, blocking the staff’s comings and goings and disturbing the peace and proper functioning of the diplomatic Mission.
没有烦,无需忙乱您只 需开往您想去的地方,Jabra Drive 能为您打理好一切。
No hassle, no fussYou need to get where you’re going, and Jabra Drive helps you on your way.
对效率的探讨也体现在对筛选 工作的关心上,优先拟定各种重要文书和明确规定各种工作方法,以避免由于反复的、令心烦的和毫无结果的,要使会员 国灰心丧气。
The search for effectiveness has also been marked by a concern for selectivity, giving pride of place to key instruments and specifying the working methods, to avoid discouraging the Member States by repetitive, tiresome and futile requests.
肥仔水”利用顺势疗法和其他天然成 使烦 躁 不 安的婴儿平静下来。
Gripe Water" is meant to calm cranky babies with homeopathic and other natural ingredients.
这样就形成了一种烦 的先例,造成了广泛的影响,使在 这 种情况下接受审议国家的报告的义务以及 通过报告的有效性都不清楚。
This had set a difficult precedent, with wide-ranging implications to the extent that the obligations of the report on the State under review and the validity of the adoption of the report in such circumstances were unclear.
如果长时间睡眠不足,您就会发现自己可能更容易生病,而且容易为一些平常小事感 烦心 或 沮 丧。
After a long period of poor quality sleep,
you might also notice that you get sick easier, and you
[...] get sad or depressed by things that [...]
normally wouldn't bother you.
法律规定如果这种行使你感到烦恼 , 你应该将这种感受告知你的上司,并请他停止这种行为, 或者立即联系你的人力资源代表。
The law states that if this bothers you, you should either tell your supervisor that this bothers you and ask him to stop, or contact your human resources representative immediately.
2009 年总统选举期间在最后确定及公布投 票心名单 方面出现的延误导致在选民中产生 乱 , 使 政 党 和候选人代理人未能 及时到达某些投票地点,在某些地区还引发了舞弊行为。
The delay in the finalization and public
[...] announcement of polling centres during the presidential elections in 2009 had led to confusion among the electorate, [...]
the inability of
party and candidate agents to reach certain polling areas in time, and, in some instances, to fraud.
[...] 乘客被怀疑犯有刑事罪行,所有乘客都应受到保护,免遭公众好 心烦 扰。
Regardless of whether any passengers on board the
flotilla were suspected of having committed of criminal acts, all passengers should have been
[...] protected from public curiosity.
最后, 她提请委员会意,她 的健康状况,她在来文内附上了一份医检证明证实她患有 若干生理心理紊乱症, 包括抑郁症,严重失眠和自杀倾向。
Lastly, she drew the Committee’s attention to her state of health, enclosing with her submission a medical certificate attesting to the fact that she had numerous disorders, both physical and psychiatric, including depression, severe insomnia and suicidal tendencies.
我解释道,我会以使他有麻烦的方 式向他父母报告,但他解释说:‘我不想让 Yume 公 [...]
I explained that I would report to the parents in a
[...] way that would not get him into trouble, but [...]
his explanation was ‘I do not want
a playworker in Yume Park getting into trouble with my parents’.
此外,对于如何在发展项目和方案中纳入土著观点,世界上有各种各 样意见,这使情况更为乱。
In addition, alternative views worldwide about how to integrate indigenous perspectives into development projects and programmes contribute to the confusion.
安全理事会促请叙利亚政府以明显可见 的方式紧急履行承诺,因为它已在 4 月 1 日给特 使的信函中意:(a) 停止把部队调往居民中 心;(b) 停止在居民心使用一 切重武器;及(c) 开始撤出在居民中心和周围地区集结的军队,并 至迟于 2012 年 4 月 10 日履行所有这些承诺。
The Security Council calls upon the Syrian Government to implement
urgently and visibly its
[...] commitments, as it agreed to do in its communication to the Envoy of 1 April, to (a) cease troop movements towards population centres; (b) cease all use of heavy weapons in such centres; and (c) begin [...]
pullback of military
concentrations in and around population centres, and to fulfil these in their entirety by no later than 10 April 2012.
平民被作为屏使用,并且他 们目前越来越成为乱团体故意攻击 的目标。
Civilians are
[...] used as shields and are now increasingly the target of deliberate attacks by the insurgents.
许多会员国强调,当今世界的挑战突出强调了不同民族和文化在相互尊重和共同价值 观的基础上开展对话的重意义,而促进这一对话是教科文组织的 心使 命 之 一。
Many Member States emphasized that the challenges of our time only serve to underline the importance of dialogue among
peoples and cultures based upon mutual
[...] respect and shared values, the pursuit of which lies at the heart of UNESCO’s mandate.
這些成就以及本集團全體持續專心 意 追 求 進步的 心 , 使 G l e nc ore具備良好條件於來年繼續為其客戶、夥伴、雇 員 和 [...]
股 東 帶 來 價 值。
These achievements and ongoing focus on
[...] improvement across the Group leave Glencore well positioned to [...]
continue to deliver value to
its customers, partners, employees and shareholders in the years to come.
它还能促进 CPLP 国家的合作使其在全球范围内能与下述机构协调配合:欧洲核研究组织(瑞士日内 瓦)、国际基因工程和生物技术心 ( 意 大 利 的里雅斯特和印度新德里)、中东同步加速器 辐射促进实验科学及应用科学国际中心(约旦阿伦)、阿卜杜勒·萨拉姆国际理论物理中心 (意大利的里雅斯特)、国际理论数学和应用数学中心(法国尼斯)、国际分子和细胞生物 学研究所(波兰华沙)等示范中心以及国际基础科学计划的科学网络和与该计划合作的非政 [...]
It will also enable cooperation of CPLP countries to be fostered and streamlined at the global level with centres of excellence such as CERN (Geneva, Switzerland), ICGEB (Trieste, [...]
Italy, and New Delhi, India), SESAME
(Allan, Jordan), ICTP (Trieste, Italy), ICPAM (Nice, France), IIMCB (Warsaw, Poland) and with IBSP science networks and nongovernmental science organizations working in partnership with IBSP.
在基金会论坛设立了儿童意中心, 使 年 轻 一代了解乌兹别克人的文化价 值,保留了古老传统和各类国家应用艺术,发掘并支持青年人才。
The Forum has also set up
[...] Children’s Cultural Centres, which educate the [...]
younger generation in the cultural riches of Uzbekistan,
preserve ancient traditions, promote Uzbek applied arts and identify and support young talents.
不可抗力”:指超出一方合理控制能力, 使 一 方无法 根据本协议规定履行其全部或部分义务的任何原因, 包括但不仅限于罢工、封锁、其他工业纠纷、核事 故、自然灾害、战争、恐怖主义活动、 乱 、 动 乱、 蓄意破坏(不包括涉及受影响方或其分包商雇员的蓄 意破坏)、极端不利天气条件、火山灰云、法律/政府 命令/规定/条例或指示的执行、机器设备损坏、火灾、 洪水、暴风雨或供应商/分包商违约。
Force Majeure” means
[...] any cause outside the reasonable control of a party preventing that party from performing any or all of its obligations under the Agreement, including without limitation strikes, lock-outs or other industrial disputes, nuclear accident or acts of God, war or terrorist activity, riot, civil commotion, malicious damage (excluding malicious damage involving [...]
the employees of
the affected party or its subcontractors), extreme adverse weather conditions, volcanic ash cloud, compliance with any law or governmental order, rule, regulation or direction, breakdown of plant or machinery, fire, flood, storm or default of suppliers or sub-contractors




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