

单词 使坏

See also:

break down

External sources (not reviewed)

可是实际上,他的性情和他的表面态度完全相反;他竟是一个非常狡猖阴险,常 使坏 主 意 来害人的人。
To secure his power, he cut off all routes for all potential political
challengers, including false accusations against other officials and the granting of
[...] key military commands to non-Han commanders.
It will quickly accelerate to
[...] a high speed causing damage.
Do not operate the spray gun with a bent, damaged or [...]
missing electrode.
澳大利亚政府谴责 2011
[...] 年在利比亚、索马里和 苏丹新近发生的令人遗憾使用破坏 性 弹药的做 法,并且澳大利亚政府赞赏那些往往冒着巨大的个 [...]
人风险努力清除 70 多个国家地雷和战争遗留爆炸物 的人们。
Her Government deplored the unfortunate
[...] recent use of destructive munitions in Libya, [...]
Somalia and Sudan in 2011, and commended
those who had worked to remove landmines and unexploded remnants of war in over 70 countries, often at great personal risk.
[...] 济体的发展中摒弃资源密集和碳密集模式、避免对环境造成 坏 、 以 及 使所 有人都能切实从发展中获益。
It was clear that development in
Asia-Pacific economies could no longer continue to be resource- and
[...] carbon-intensive, environmentally damaging and non-inclusive.
如果承租人、与其共同居住的家庭成员或其他人故意破坏或拆毁租住的房 屋,或改变其既定的用途或故意违反共同居住原则,使得其他人无法与他们合
[...] 住,而且相应的预防措施和公共约束手段都未产生任何效果,应出租人和其他利 益相关方的请求,可以使从事上述 坏 或 违规甚至犯罪行为的住户搬走,而且 不提供其他住所。
If the lessee, members of his/her family or other persons, who live together with them, systematically destroy or damage the living spaces, or do not use them according to its purpose, or if by systematically breaching the common living rules make it impossible for others to live with them in the same apartment or in the same house, and the preventive and public constraint measures have not showed any progress,
the evacuation of the guilty ones
[...] at the request of the leaser or other interested parties [...]
is made without a subsequent
offer of another living space.
使用非破坏性的检测方法(例如 使 用 电 位和电阻 率检测与保护层厚度测量相结合的方式),在初期便识别问题区域,这样可 以明显降低预先性维护的费用。
[...] maintenance costs can be drastically reduced if problem areas are identified [...]
at an early stage through the use
of non-destructive test methods such as potential and resistivity mapping combined with cover depth measurements.
而且地区和双边协议可能会通过常规限制发展中国家对 TRIPS 的灵活性和例外使用,坏多边体系的危险。
Moreover, there is a risk that regional/bilateral agreements could undermine the multilateral system by limiting more generally the use by developing countries of the flexibilities and exceptions in TRIPS.
蕴藏 着巨大能量的辽阔大洋从深处奋起反抗,造成的坏 使大地呈现出一派满目疮痍的景象。
The vast depths of the sea, with their enormous reserve of energy, rise up in revolt, producing scenes of destruction and desolation.
本配套产品按照国标 GB/T15361-94
的有关条款及起重机安全规程“每台起重设备应具有明显接地装置”的要求, 可作为轨道移动设备的滑动接地装置, 由于支架与接地有较好的绝缘性(6-10kv),可为雷电安全引至地面轨道的接地极,
[...] 替代国外同类产品,从而克服了原来接地依靠结构件和车轮接地, 当遇雷击时整机电位升高使电器 设备 坏。
The complementary products in accordance with the relevant provisions of the national standard GB/T15361-94 and crane safety regulations "each lifting equipment grounding should be obvious"requirements, as the sliding earth orbit mobile devices, due to better support and grounding Insulation (6-10kv), can lead to ground lightning safety grounding the track, alternative of similar foreign products, thereby overcoming the original structure and the wheels
ground to rely on ground, when the case of lightning strike, electrical equipment due
[...] to the rising potential machine Damage.
如果设备的坏,是因为使用了 本手册所述以外的其他操作程序和方法,将被 取消保修期,且免除制造商的责任。
Should the device be tampered with in any manner other than a procedure which is described and specified in the manual, the warranty is cancelled and the manufacturer is exempt from liability.
家庭法典》第二部分 X 标题第 328 条 规 定:“当一个未成年人的健康、安全、 精神 或教育,由于父 母或 监护人的不 道 德或无能, 遭 到坏或者未得到足够 保护时, 或 由于未成年人的不 端行为或不守 纪 律使 父 母或 监护人极 为不 满 或使 他 们无 法履行指 导 职责时, 少年事务法官 按规定,或 在公共部长的要求 下 、 或者在 父母 或 监护人的要求 下, 可以决定让 该 未成年人在一定时期内(这个时间不可以超过其成年的时间),接受社会助理的定期 到访,或者接受监视自由制度的管理”。
Section II, title X, article 328 of the Family Code states: “When the health, safety,
morality or education of a minor are jeopardized or insufficiently protected owing to the
[...] immoral behaviour or disability of the father and mother or of the person accorded the right of guardianship, or when, owing to misconduct or unruly behaviour, a minor gives these individuals cause for very serious dissatisfaction or renders them incapable of exercising guidance, the [...]
juvenile judge may on
his own initiative, at the behest of the public prosecutor or at the behest of the father, mother or guardian, rule that the minor shall, for a period not to extend beyond the date of his coming of age, be visited regularly by a social worker or placed on probation.
只有少量捕鱼方式被认为是固有的具有 坏 性 , 无论如使 用,主要是炸鱼和毒鱼。
Only a small number of fishing methods are recognized as inherently destructive no matter how they are used, prime examples being explosives and toxins.
尽管四方机制提出报告并要求双方进行对话和 合作以便促进“C 区”的社会和经济发展,但“C 区” 一直遭到区内 124 个以色列非法定居点的坏,使其 无法在 1967 年边界内建立能够生存的巴勒斯坦国。
Despite the reports of the Quartet and its call for dialogue and cooperation between the parties in order to facilitate social and economic
development in Area C, the
[...] latter has been undermined by 124 illegal Israeli settlements that prevent the establishment of a viable Palestinian State within pre-1967 [...]
此外,以色列军队对加沙和拉姆安拉巴勒斯坦广播电视设施的 坏使 巴 勒斯坦属于教 科文组织主管领域的机构完全陷入瘫痪状态。
The destruction by the Israeli army [...]
of the installations of Palestinian Radio and Television in Gaza and Ramallah paralysed
the remaining Palestinian institutions in UNESCO’s fields of competence.
鉴于 2011
[...] 年灾难 性的水灾导致 400 亿美元的坏和损失并使国内生产总值(GDP)的增长率降 低至接近于零,减少灾害风险成为泰国的一项主要的优先目标。
In the light of the devastating floods in 2011,
[...] which had resulted in damage and losses of $40 billion [...]
and cut the gross domestic product
(GDP) growth rate to close to zero, disaster risk reduction had become a key priority for Thailand.
平协议和“苏丹人民倡议”决定的过程中,并在多哈 和平谈判的框架内作出重要让步,这些让步将促进在 达尔富尔创造一个真正安全和正义的环境,解决土地
[...] 争端,补偿和赔偿武装冲突造成的 坏 , 使 流 离失所 者和难民重新融入社会,实现社会经济发展以及开展 [...]
有可能给达尔富尔人民带来权力和善治等好处的体 制改革。
It is, however, incumbent on the Government of National Unity of the Sudan, in its implementation of the Darfur Peace Agreement and the decisions of the Sudan People’s Initiative and within the framework of the Doha peace negotiations, to make significant concessions that will promote the establishment of an environment of genuine security and justice in Darfur, the resolution of land
disputes, reparation and
[...] compensation for damages caused by the [...]
armed conflict, the social reintegration of displaced persons and refugees,
socio-economic development, and institutional reforms likely to provide the people of Darfur with the benefits of decentralization and good governance, among others.
当外部部件如表壳,表玻璃,表盘,指 针,柄头或表带坏时,有时可使 ⽤ 外 观不⼀样的备⽤部件。
When an exterior part such as the watch case, glass, dial, hand, crown or band is damaged, a spare part with different appearance may sometimes be used.
使用本网站,包括网站所有的服务和资料,表示您同意:不上传、张贴、或以其他方式传输任何病毒或其他有害的、 坏 性 或 破 坏 性 档 案; 使 用 假 身份;未经授权不使用或尝试其它用户的帐户、密码、服务或系统;不破坏或干扰任何其他用户的站点或站点附属或链接网站;不破坏或干扰网站的安全性或以其他方式损害网站或任何服务、材料、系统资源、帐户、密码、服务器及通过本网站连接的网络或链接网站或链接点。
In using the Website, including all services and materials available through it, you agree: not to upload, post, or otherwise transmit through the Website any viruses or other harmful, disruptive, or destructive files; not to create a false identity; not to use or attempt to use another’s account, password, service, or system without authorization from; not to disrupt or interfere with any other user’s enjoyment of the Site or affiliated or linked sites; not to disrupt or interfere with the security of, or otherwise cause harm to, the Website, or any services, materials, system resources, accounts, passwords, servers, or networks connected to or accessible through the Website or any linked sites.
做最糟的设定,以典型的 SAC 合金来用作回流,其所能设定的回流顶温必须不低于 235 摄氏度,仅仅只能提供 18 摄氏度 的所谓温差,这也确是一个免强可以让 SAC 形成可靠焊接点的最低温差,但是,在很大的 程度上,对那些热敏感零件仍然会造成可能性的 坏 , 从 而 使 整 个 组装在信赖度方面也只能 达到最低水平。
To illustrate, for the worst scenario, only 18 degree Celsius “differential” temperature above the melting point of a typical SAC alloy subject to a peak reflow temperature of 235 degree Celsius, which certainly a minimum setting that can be attained for a proper joint to form and to a large extent, still subject to a borderline case of reliability performance should a highly heat sensitive component be involved.
格鲁吉亚还称,“2008 年 8 月 8 日,俄罗斯联邦为了支持南奥塞梯和阿布 哈兹族裔分离主义者,对格鲁吉亚发动全面军事入侵”,那次“军事侵略导致数 百平民死亡,平民财产受到广泛坏 , 使 南 奥塞梯的格鲁吉亚族人几乎全体流离 失所”。
Georgia further stated that “[o]n 8 August 2008, the Russian Federation launched a full scale military invasion against Georgia in support of ethnic separatists in South Ossetia and Abkhazia” and that this “military aggression has resulted in
hundreds of civilian
[...] deaths, extensive destruction of civilian property, and the displacement of virtually the entire ethnic Georgian population in South Ossetia”.
然而,飓风对缅甸粮食生产的毁灭性 坏使 该 国 本已糟糕的人道主义境况进一步恶化。
Moreover, the massive damage to Myanmar’s [...]
food bowl will worsen the already dire humanitarian situation in the country at large.
正常情况下,钻凿不会因氧化而坏, 使用时即可除去锈迹。
Under normal conditions oxidation is not detrimental to the auger and will vanish upon use.
Service is what differentiates one distributor [...]
from another.
全国道路和桥 梁所受到的坏使复原 努力遭到严重挫折,进一步降低得到包括保健、水和营养 [...]
The damage to roads and bridges throughout [...]
the country represents a sharp setback for recovery efforts and further reduces
access to basic services, including in the areas of health care, water and nutrition.
最后,热带风暴和飓风所造成的 坏使 人 一 目了然:迫切需要改善海地人民 每日的生活条件,以及稳定安全和发展之间存在联系,因为该国目前的贫困、贫 [...]
Finally, the damage inflicted by the tropical [...]
storms and hurricanes has made starkly apparent the urgent need to improve
the daily living conditions of the Haitian people and the linkage between security stabilization and development, since the current levels of poverty, deprivation and suffering in the country are clearly incompatible with its long-term stability.
总之,轮垦社区若断绝这一生活方式,其社会完整性、相应的政治、经济和 文化完整性常常遭到结构性的猛烈 坏 , 使 其 处 于更为弱势的地位。
To summarize, in cases where communities practising shifting cultivation have been cut off from this way of life, their social integrity and corresponding political, economic and cultural integrity has often been violently and structurally disrupted, leaving them in a far more disadvantaged position than they would have been otherwise.
定居者暴力行为、夜 袭、拘留、房屋拆除、威胁性驱逐和其他做法加剧 了西岸巴勒斯坦儿童的不安全状况,而定期暴力入 侵和飞越行为产生的声震,加之四年的封锁及以色 列部队在“铸铅行动”期间对难民营、居民社区和 公共建筑进行的不可修复的坏,使 加 沙 儿童受到 了精神创伤。
Settler violence, night raids, detentions, house demolitions, threatened expulsions and other practices aggravated the insecurity of Palestinian children in the West Bank, while children in Gaza were traumatized by periodic violent incursions and sonic booms from overflights, compounded by the
four-year closure and the
[...] unrepaired destruction of refugee camps, residential communities and public buildings by Israeli forces during Operation Cast Lead.
忘记带着繁重的摄影包上机的经历,也不需用毛毯包裹你的摄录设备以免 坏 , 使 用 KA TA的ABC系统,您一直可以拥有周到的保护!简洁的充气保护气囊可以折叠存放在小袋中,体积甚至小于一本书。
Forget about fighting to get your camcorder bag on board with you, say farewell to the days of wrapping up your camcorder in blankets and hoping that the other suitcases up there don't smash it up, with KATA's ABS you have protection you can always get on board!




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