

单词 使命

使命 noun, plural ()

missions pl

使命 ()

set task
mission (diplomatic or other)


新使命 n

new mission n

最初的使命 n

initial goal n

External sources (not reviewed)

无论如 何,联合国部队有权使用武力的限度这一问题取决于关 使命 范 围 的初级规则, 不需要在这里进行讨论。
At any event, the question of the extent to which United Nations forces are entitled to resort to force depends on the primary rules concerning the scope of the mission and need not be discussed here.
阿联酋代表团要求国际社会,作为紧急事项, 采取 A/64/339 号文件所载报告的结论和建议中指示 的一切措施,包括如果以色列未能完全遵守所有联 合国决议,即对以色列实施制裁;要求以色列允许 特别委员会成员进入被占领土,以履行 使命 ;并要求以色列政府对其给巴勒斯坦人民和被占领的叙 利亚戈兰人民造成的损失给予适当补偿。
His delegation requested the international community, as a matter of urgency: to take all the measures indicated in the conclusions and recommendations of the report contained in document A/64/339, including the imposition of sanctions on Israel if it failed to comply fully with all United Nations resolutions; to request Israel to allow the members of the Special Committee to enter the occupied territories in order to fulfil its mandate; and to require the Israeli Government to pay appropriate compensation for the damage it had inflicted on the Palestinians and the population of the occupied Syrian Golan.
每天都使用这些进展支持特派团计划和开展行动,应对紧急情况和危 机,并完成使命。
Such processes are used daily to support missions plan and execute operations, respond to emergencies and crises, and accomplish their mandates.
战略规划编制局助理总干事的代表介绍了两份文件,并指出,当今挑战的复杂性要求各学科领域都有所 投入,这就是教科文组织《中期战略草案》(34 C/4)在唯一一使命宣言 中提出了跨学科的整体方法的原 因,文化是其中的主要支柱之一。
The two documents were presented by the representative of ADG/BSP, who pointed out that the complex nature of contemporary challenges requires inputs from several disciplines, which is why UNESCO’s Draft Medium-Term Strategy (34 C/4) offers a holistic, interdisciplinary approach under a single Mission Statement, of which Culture is one of the main pillars.
他强调了请会员国提供咨询和指导意见的几个问题,其中包括:教科文组织今后行动的范 围;教科文组织使命和职 能;教科文组织的四个计划中每个计划的战略目标的选定;横向专题的 选择;反映在每项战略目标“预期结果”的制定方面的重结果的方法。
He highlighted several issues on which Member States were invited to provide guidance and direction, including the scope of UNESCO’s future action; UNESCO’s mission and functions; the choice of strategic objectives for each of UNESCO’s four programmes; the selection of cross-cutting themes; the results-based approach, which is reflected in the formulation of “expected outcomes” for each strategic objective.
此外,执行秘书还突出强调了把各种协调工作框架正规化所具有的 价值,包括亚太区域协调机制,以期增强亚太经社会在其工作的所有层面上
[...] 与其他利益攸关方实行的问责和进行的协调,并使联合国大家庭得以在区域 一级携手一体完成所肩负使命。
Furthermore, the Executive Secretary highlighted the value of formalized frameworks for coordination, including the Asia-Pacific Regional Coordination Mechanism (RCM), to enhance accountability and coordination with other stakeholders in
all aspects of the work of ESCAP and to bring the United
[...] Nations family together to deliver as [...]
one at the regional level.
它相信,大会将加强特别 委员会使命,以 确保其全面覆盖在巴勒斯坦和阿 拉伯被占领土的侵犯人权情事,以提醒世界舆论巴 勒斯坦问题和中东局势的危险,达成巴勒斯坦问题 和中东局势的公正和持久的解决办法。
It trusted that the General Assembly would strengthen the mandate of the Special Committee to ensure comprehensive coverage of breaches of human rights in the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories so as to alert world public opinion to the dangers and to achieve a just and lasting settlement of the Palestinian question and of the situation in the Middle East.
[...] 努力不懈,設法加強與員工的溝通、幫助員工瞭解在達成共 使命 方 面 他們所能作 出的貢獻,以及為員工提供支援服務和參與決策的機會。
This owes much to the efforts of the Hospital
Authority (HA) to enhance communication with staff,
[...] to help them realize their potential [...]
contribution towards the corporate mission,
and to provide them with supporting services and opportunities to participate in decision making.
1998 年,国际刑事法院在秘书长的指导下在罗马建立,其《罗马规约》规定 了检察官办公室使命:结束种族灭绝、危害人类罪和战争罪这些国际社会关注 的最严重罪行的逍遥法外现象,从而有助于防止这类罪行。
The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, created in 1998 in Rome under the guidance of the Secretary-General, defines the mission of the Office of the Prosecutor: to put an end to impunity for the most serious crimes of concern to the international community — genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes — and thus contribute to the prevention of such crimes.
23.4 为了完使命,新 闻部采取如下核心做法:与秘书处及联合国系统各组织 [...]
和机构实务部门和厅处建立战略工作关系;加强使用传统媒体和新媒体的最新信 息和通信技术,直接而即时地向全世界提供信息;通过与民间社会组织建立伙伴 关系,扩大基层支持面;在制作新闻和宣传材料方面体现联合国各正式语文的平 等地位。
23.4 To accomplish this mission, the Department [...]
takes the following core approaches in its work: strategic working relationships
with the substantive departments and offices of the Secretariat and the organizations and bodies of the United Nations system; enhanced use of the latest information and communications technologies, in both traditional and new media, to deliver information directly and instantaneously worldwide; the building of expanded grass-roots support through partnerships with civil society organizations; and the parity of official United Nations languages in the preparation of news and communications products.
“ 鑒 於去年的七 一 遊 行 , 有 很 多 青 少 年 參 加 , 顯示青 少 年 越 來 越 關心公 共 和社會事務,本 會 促 請 政 府 增 撥 資源, 讓 學校及 社 會 團 體有充足 經 費 推 動 公民教育,而 有關的政府部門亦應積 極 推 動 青年登記為選民,
讓 他們在選舉 中行使 其 公民權,以 及 積 極 推 動 各區議會發展 青年議會 的工作 , 協 助青少 年議論和參 與
[...] 公 共 和社會事務,既 加 強 他們對社會 的 承 擔使 命 感 , 亦有助 社 會 培 育 領袖人 才 。
That, as many young people participated in the march on 1 July last year, which demonstrated their increasing concern for public and social affairs, this Council urges the Government to provide additional resources for schools and social organizations so that they have adequate funding to promote civic education, and the government departments concerned should also actively encourage young people to register as voters and exercise their civic rights in elections, as well as give strong impetus to District Councils' efforts in developing youth councils as a forum for facilitating discussion of and participation in public and social
affairs by young people, thereby
[...] enhancing their sense of commitment and mission towards society, [...]
as well as helping the community in nurturing leaders.
我們使命是讓 人們能夠做到更多、感覺更舒適、生活更長久,從而提高人類的生活質量。
GSK's mission is to improve the quality of human life by enabling people to do more, feel better and live longer.
理事会于 2004 年通过了其作为具有特别咨商地位非政府组织参与活动的如使命:“ 管理咨询研究所国际理事会将努力在发展中经济体里建立专业管理咨 询研究所,将与其他非政府组织合作帮助他们了解合格的本地管理咨询师可以怎 样协助他们实现自己在经济中的领导、机会管理和发展目标。
In 2004, the Council adopted
[...] the following mission for its involvement as a special status non-governmental organization: “ICMCI will strive to establish professional management consulting [...]
institutes in developing
economies and will work with other non-governmental organizations to assist them to understand how the use of qualified indigenous management consultants could assist them to achieve their goals for leadership, change management and development in the economy.
竭盡所能打擊金融犯罪和保護 環境也是這使命的關鍵所在。
Doing what we can to combat financial crime and protect the environment is also crucial to this commitment.
与联合国许多其他组织不同,WIPO 使命中诸多的关键服务都 是通过受时间严格限定的在线交易流程向其用户和利益攸关者交付的。
Unlike many other United Nations organizations, a significant number of WIPO’s mission critical services are delivered to its users and stakeholders through the processing of time-critical online transactions.
本集团认为,需要加强贸发会议的最 使命 , 并结合不断变化 的、复杂的政治和经济环境确立新的方向。
The Group feels that UNCTAD’s original mandate needs to be strengthened with a new direction in the context of the evolving complex political and economic environment.
通过主席在会上所作的发言,理事会再次对信通技术培训中心的 的出色工作、以及培训中心为履行 使命 所 展 现出来的热情表示赞 赏,并注意到培训中心主任所发挥的坚定有力的领导作用。
Through the Chair, the Council once again recognized the excellent work of APCICT, expressed appreciation for the passion demonstrated by APCICT for its mission, and noted the strong and energetic leadership of the Director of the Centre.
执行局不妨注意到这一报告并就道德操守职能的发展及其对开发 使命和 任务的贡献提出意见。
The Executive Board may wish to take note of the report and comment on the development of the ethics function and its contribution to the mission and mandate of UNDP.
该中心使命是协 助西亚经济社会委员会成员以及公共和私人组织获得加 [...]
快社会经济发展的必要工具和能力,以达到与世界其他国家和地区相等的科技水 平,并协助成员国经济转型为以科学技术知识为基础的经济。
The mission of the Centre is to [...]
assist members of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia and public and private
organizations to acquire the tools and capabilities necessary to accelerate socio-economic development in order to attain technological parity with other nations and regions of the world, and to contribute to the conversion of the economies of member countries into economies based on scientific and technological knowledge.
政府咨询委员会强调,政府间组织用公共资金执行着重要的全球公 使命 , 它们是各国政府 根据国际法建立的,它们的名称和缩略语应当在扩张后的 DNS 中得到特别保护。
The GAC stresses that the IGOs perform an important global public mission with public funds, they are the creations of government under international law, and their names and acronyms warrant special protection in an expanded DNS.
美国最大的新教团体,美南浸信会,拥抱基督教原则;的福音派的其他组件包括Pentecostalists,有魅力的重建(包括罗马天主教翼),阿民念主义,圣洁的教会,保守confessionalists如路德教会,密苏里州主教,以及许多黑人浸信会,以及独立的“信 使命 ” , 如跨瓦西蒂团契,学园传道会,世界展望教派部委。
The largest US Protestant body, the Southern Baptist Convention, embraces Evangelical tenets; other components of Evangelicalism include Pentecostalists, the Charismatic Renewal (including its Roman Catholic wing), Arminian-Holiness churches, conservative confessionalists such as the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, and numerous black Baptists, as well as independent "faith missions" and interdenominational ministries such as Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship, Campus Crusade for Christ, and World Vision.
法國電視媒體大家庭中如果少了Arte電視台將不完整,這是法德合辦的綜合性電視台, 使命 是 使 歐 洲 人民之間的關系更親密,在非洲也播出文化和國際類節目。
The overview would not be complete without Arte, the French-German general-interest channel which is designed to bring Europeans together, but which also broadcasts its cultural and international programmes in Africa.
为实现这使命需要 开展的活动包括但不限于:(a)宣传和推广内部审计专业人士是对其组织的有益补 充这样一种价值观;(b)提供全面的专业教育和发展机会,制定标准及其他专业实 务指南以及认证方案;(c)研究并向执业者和利益攸关方传播和推广与内部审计及 其在控制、风险管理和善治中的适当作用有关的知识;(d)对执业者和其他相关受 众开展有关内部审计最佳做法的教育;以及(e)汇聚各国的内部审计员,分享信息 和经验。
Activities in support of that mission will include, but will not be limited to: (a) advocating and promoting the value that internal audit professionals add to their organizations; (b) providing comprehensive professional educational and development opportunities, standards and other professional practice guidance, as well as certification programmes; (c) researching, disseminating and promoting to practitioners and stakeholders knowledge concerning internal auditing and its appropriate role in control, risk management and governance; (d) educating practitioners and other relevant audiences about best practices in internal auditing; and (e) bringing together internal auditors from all countries to share information and experiences.
迅速伸张真正的正义 并完成寻求真相使命,这 将为该区域实现和解创造一个真正的机会,和解进程 虽已启动,但无疑需要国际社会更广泛的支持。
Rendering expeditious and true justice and accomplishing our truth-seeking mission will create a real opportunity for the region to effect a reconciliation process that, although already in motion, undoubtedly requires broader support from the international community.
根据目前的公设辩护体制,任何被告都有权 进行辩护,如果被告无力支付法律顾问费用,国家 应提供符合资格的辩护律师,其应具备 使命 感和 正义感履行职责的专业品质。
Under the current system of public defence, every accused person had the right to defence, and if a defendant could not afford legal counsel, the State provided highly qualified defenders, who were professionally equipped to dispatch their duties with a sense of commitment and integrity.
请允许我重申我们对人道主义工作人员的感谢 和声援,他们安全、不受阻碍和及时地为平民人口提 供援助,特别是在武装冲突时期这样做,是履行其职 责使命的一个基本条件。
Let me reaffirm our gratitude to and solidarity with humanitarian actors whose safe, unhindered and timely access to the civilian population, in particular in times of armed conflict, is a fundamental condition for the fulfilment of their mandates and mission.
美国国际发展署(USAID) 的使命是支 持发展中和转型国家的人民实现长久经济和社会进步的努力。
The mission of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is to support the people of developing and transitional countries in their efforts to achieve enduring economic and social progress.
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