

单词 使变陈

See also:

lay out
Chen of the Southern dynasties (557-589)
vassal state during the Spring and Autumn Period 770-475 BC
surname Chen

External sources (not reviewed)

然而,社会中仍然存在陈规陋习,因此,政府承认需要作出更大 努力,开展公众宣传活动和培训,以 变 社 会中 的 陈 旧 观 念。
However, traditional stereotypes existed in society, and therefore the Government acknowledged the
need for greater efforts in terms of public awareness
[...] activities and training to change persistent attitudes [...]
in society.
最后,有国家建议在 35C/5 文件中列入一段有 关第 2 类机构和中心陈述,使它们 与现行《中期战略》文件保持一致。
Finally, a suggestion was made to include a statement about category 2 institutes and centres in document 35 C/5 in order to align them with the current Medium-Term Strategy document.
变陈规定型的性别角色和识使不 平等再次出现的传统、 角色和观念是政府两性平等政策的优先领域之一。
Changing stereotypical gender roles and identifying traditions, [...]
roles and notions that reproduce inequality, is one of the
priority areas of the Government’s gender equality policies.
国际法律的变使直接赋予个人的 权利越来越多。
The evolution of international law has led to more and more rights being vested directly in [...]
the individual.
为此,目前行政部门的主持人和 行政主管官员承受着巨大的压力, 使 他 们墨 守 陈 规 , 不仅得围着规矩推磨,还要 立等可取的成果。
In this connection, a lot of pressure is currently put on directors of administration and chief administrative officers both to comply with the rules and to work around them to achieve prompt results.
虽然这种做法的初衷是保护少数群体学生免受种族暴力, 但事实上它却大有加深不同族裔间隔阂,强 陈 旧 观 念以 使 和 解 努力化为乌有 之趋势。
While this was originally done to protect minority students from ethnically based violence, it tended
to deepen the dividing lines between the different
[...] ethnicities, reinforce stereotypes and nullify reconciliation [...]
许多会员国声明,确保平等的教育机会是改善性别公平的关键,建议教科文组织努力 消除女孩教育的社会和文化障碍,特别是 变 传 统 和 陈 旧 的 男女角色分工,积 使 男 人 参与 到性别辩论中来。
Many Member States affirmed that ensuring equal opportunities in education was crucial for improving gender equity, suggesting that UNESCO should work to overcome the social and cultural barriers to girls’
education, in particular by
[...] addressing the traditional and stereotyped roles of women and men and actively engaging men in gender [...]
对某些结果陈述使用一些不具体的和难 以衡量的词语,例如:创新、培养能力、加强合作、公众认识、可持 [...]
Some results are stated in terms that are not specific [...]
or measurable, for example: renewal, capacity-building, increased
collaboration, public awareness, sustainability, sharing of knowledge.
全国促进妇女权利机 构业已推出一些有效举措,旨在变 一 些 陈 旧 观念,鼓励女孩入学攻读,以开拓 更为广泛的职业生涯选择。
The National Machinery for Women’s
Rights has pursued effective initiatives
[...] aimed at changing stereotypes and encouraging [...]
girls to pursue education leading to wider career choices.
为此,特别是在受影响最严重的撒哈拉 以南国家,必须促进两性平等、变 有 害 的性 陈 规、制止针对受艾滋病毒影响特别严重的妇女和女童施 暴的行为。
To do this, particularly in the worst affected countries of sub-Saharan Africa, it is important to promote gender equality, transform harmful gender norms and stop violence against women and girls who are disproportionately affected by HIV.
审计委员 会在审查 2008/09 年度战略部署物资储存的运作情况后,建议加强对流动缓慢的 战略部署物资储存的监测,以避免物 变 质 和 因 陈 旧 而 被淘汰。
After reviewing the operations of strategic deployment stocks for the 2008/09 period, the Board of Auditors recommended that the monitoring of slow-moving strategic deployment stocks should be strengthened to avoid deterioration and obsolescence.
(a) 初始或修订通知的登记只有满足下述条件方才有效:提供了建议 22-24
[...] 所述设保人正确的身份识别特征,或在对身份识别特 陈 述 不 正确时 使 用设 保人正确的身份识别特征查询登记处记录即可检索到通知。
(a) A registration of an initial or amendment notice is effective only if it provides the grantor’s correct identifier as set forth in recommendations 22-24 or, in the case of an incorrect statement of the
identifier, if the notice would be retrieved by a
[...] search of the registry record using the grantor’s correct [...]
[...] 条,儿童个人表达自己意见的权利,与集体陈情权 之间存在区别,集陈情权可使儿童 作为一个群体参与协商涉及他们的事项。
The Committee considers that, in relation to article 12, there is a distinction between the right of the child as an individual to express his or
her opinion and the right to be heard
[...] collectively, which allows children as a group [...]
to be involved in consultations on matters involving them.
新技术和贸易为全球市场开辟了渠道,同时,全球生产模 式的变使国家 不得不考虑如何以其他方式在全世界保持竞争力。
New technology and trade are opening up avenues for global markets, while changing global patterns of production leave no choice to the country but to consider other avenues to remain competitive in the global world.
(b) 采取必要措施消除性陈旧定型观念 使 女 孩获得更多有针对性和更 能增加其就业机会的职业培训; (c) 采取紧急措施,改善对小学和中学教师的培训,改进为残疾儿童提供 的包容性教育,以及为特殊需要儿童提供的教育。
c) Take urgent measures to improve the training of teachers for primary and secondary schools, inclusive education of children with disabilities, and education of children with special needs.
任何心照不宣的或故意的对政府人员的虚假陈述 (口头形式或书面形式),特别是在宣誓下的任何虚 陈 述 , 都可 使 公 司 及公司员工受到严厉 处罚。
Any knowing or willful false statements to government employees (oral or written), and particularly any false statement under oath, can expose the Company and its people to substantial penalties.
我们的想法对于某些人而言可能看似巨大突破, 而有关安全理事会报告的辩论会实则 变 得 陈 旧而 程式化。
Our ideas may seem like a quantum leap to
some, but the fact of the matter is that the debate on the report of the Security
[...] Council has become stale and ritualistic.
缔约国根据本条规则第5 款提出要求后,除非委员会、工作组或报告员决定
[...] 将可否受理问题与案情是非曲直分开审议,否则要求缔约国在四个月内作出书面 解释陈述的规定变。
Submission by the State party of a request in accordance with paragraph 5 of the present rule shall not extend the period of four months given to the State party to submit its written explanations or
statements, unless the Committee, the
[...] Working Group or a Rapporteur decides to consider [...]
the admissibility separately from the merits.
大会在 2001
[...] 年的第三十一届会议上要求“总干事酌情对研究所(UIE)的 法律地位做出必要的变,使其与 教科文组织的其它研究机构的法律地位相一 [...]
致,并将所作的改变提请执行局批准”(决议 31 C/6)。
In 2001, at its 31st session, the General
Conference invited “the Director-General to make
[...] the necessary changes to the legal status [...]
of the Institute [UIE] to bring it into
line with other UNESCO institutes, and to submit them to the Executive Board for approval” (31 C/Resolution 6).
此次飞 行的目的是进一步加强了解月球的起源和 变 , 使用 轨道器上的设备,并且利用着陆器和探测舱对月球样 本进行原位分析。
The goals of the mission are to further
improve the understanding of the
[...] origin and evolution of the Moon, using instruments on [...]
board the orbiter and in situ analysis
of lunar samples using the lander and rover.
在这些深刻的不平 等以及政治、经济和社会排斥交织的情况下,一个旨
[...] 在从根本上改变现有秩序的进程出现了,它寻求的是 经济和政治变,使人们 能够参与其中,并且开启新 的表达意见的空间和手段,总而言之,它们体现了对 [...]
Under those conditions, where profound inequities and political, economic and social exclusion converge, a process aimed at transforming the prevailing order
emerges and seeks economic and
[...] political changes and alternatives, allowing participation [...]
and the opening of new spaces
and means of expression, which imply, in short, demands for fundamental rights.
委员会非常关心地听取刚果民主共和国与圣多美和普林西比民主共和国 分陈述了气候变化对 次区域和平与安全的影响。
The Committee heard with interest the briefings of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and
the Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe on
[...] the impact of climate change on peace and stability [...]
in the subregion.
应当实现此 类变,使该地 儿童有生以来也能第一次实现梦想, 而不是面对不断的对抗和困难,以便他们也能与世界 [...]
其它地方的所有儿童一样,过上世界其它地方同龄人 所享受的尊严生活。
Such change should be brought about so [...]
that, for the first time in living memory, the children of that region can also realize
their dreams rather than face constant confrontation and difficulty, so that they too, like all children in other parts of the world, can live the dignified lives experienced by their counterparts elsewhere in the world.
关于总干事就《反对教育歧视公约》和《反对教育歧视建议书》问题与会员国进行第 七次磋商的进展情况报告(第 I 部分),专家小组组长对会员国反馈很少表示关切,这在第 176 EX/5 号文件第 6 段作陈述,这样便使得提 交分析报告要推迟到第一七七届会议。
Concerning progress reported by the Director-General on the seventh consultation of Member States on the implementation of the Convention and the Recommendation against Discrimination in Education (Section I), the Chairperson of the Group of Experts expressed concern with regard to the very few replies received from Member States, as set out in paragraph 6 of document 176 EX/5, which has resulted in the postponement of the presentation of the analytical report to the 177th session.
(f) 在迪拜的前中东区域办事处,项目厅所做的初步调查显示,一名高级官 员(非上述与该办事处有关案件中的个人)可能做了虚 陈 述 , 并可 使 用 项 目厅 的信纸签署了文件,而该工作人员没有任何职权或权力协助一家私人公司为向项 [...]
(f) In the former Middle East Regional Office in Dubai, a preliminary investigation by UNOPS revealed that a senior official (different from the individual in the above-mentioned case regarding
that Office) may have
[...] made false representations and also may have signed documents using UNOPS stationery [...]
while the staff
member was without any functional title or authority in order to assist a private company to secure financing and insurance for a purported contract to provide UNOPS with goods and services.
它们可建立自己的血液供应(血管新生);能够透过使肿瘤抑制基因不活跃来捍卫自己;分泌腐蚀性 使 其 能 在整个身体自由移动 ; 改 变 自 身 新 陈 代 谢 ,以生活在低氧和酸性环境;清楚如何移除本身的表面受体蛋白,逃过自血细胞的检测。
They are capable of building their own blood supply (angiogenesis), are able to defend themselves by silencing cancer-suppression
genes, secreting
[...] corrosive enzymes to move freely throughout the body, alter their metabolism to live in low oxygen and acidic environments, and know how to remove their own surface-receptor [...]
proteins to escape
detection by white blood cells.
尽管有这些有效的诊断机制,英国出口信贷担 保署仍然强调说,《案例影响分析程序》“不是对 每种情形中需要采取什么措施陈述 ” ,并且使 出现 了违反国际标准的行为,也不能阻止它为项目 提供支持2 。
In spite of this effective prognostic mechanism, ECGD stresses that the Case Impact Analysis Process “is not a statement of what will be done in every case”, and that even a breach of international standards will not prohibit it from providing support to a project.2 Such discretion significantly weakens the policy’s value.
供应商立即在第 3 平台上竞争的能力(或缺陷)- 甚至冒着吞噬其自身第 2
[...] 代平台特许经营权的风险 - 将重塑 IT 市场,并最终变使用 IT 的每一个行业。
Vendors' ability (or inability) to compete on the 3rd Platform right now — even at the risk of cannibalizing their own
2nd Platform franchises — will reorder leadership ranks within the IT market and,
[...] ultimately, every industry that uses IT.
代表团强调,人权问题受到关注应归功于1979年8月3 日的自由政变及其 后的行动,这场变使政府 得以建立民主国家的法治,消除前政权下的不公与侵 [...]
The delegation stressed that human rights issues were taken up thanks to
the action taken starting from
[...] the Freedom Coup of 3 August 1979 which allowed the government [...]
to install the rule of law in
a democratic state, in order to eradicate the injustices and violations of the previous regime.




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