单词 | 使...变得渺茫 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 使...变得渺茫 verb—dim vSee also:变得 v—go v • get v • turn v 渺渺茫茫—uncertain • fuzzy • unknown 渺茫—uncertain • vague • distant and indistinct 茫茫—boundless • vast and obscure
过 去十年中在获得体面工作方面取得的成就也遭到破坏,社会融合的目 标 变得 更加 渺茫。 daccess-ods.un.org | Gains made in the past decade towards decent work have also been undermined while the goal of social integration has become more elusive. daccess-ods.un.org |
此次全球金融危机以及此前的粮食和燃料价格危 机使得实现这些目标的前景更加渺茫。 daccess-ods.un.org | The global financial crisis, as well as the food and fuel price crises that had [...] preceded it, made the attainment of those goals even more uncertain. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,援助可能被误用,而且 其他财政资源,包括私人投资流量、汇款和私人慈 善事业等,使它变得渺小了 ,这些必须予以考虑。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, assistance could be misapplied and was dwarfed by other financing sources, including private investment flow, remittances and private philanthropy, which must be taken into account. daccess-ods.un.org |
该政权在这方面不负责任的行为使得 近 期内建立此类无核 武器区的希望十分渺茫。 daccess-ods.un.org | The irresponsible behaviour of this regime in this respect has put the establishment of such a zone in the region in the near future in serious doubt. daccess-ods.un.org |
心健康标准的权利仍然是一项遥远的目标,特别是那些生活贫困的人,这个目标 正在变得越来越渺茫 daccess-ods.un.org | Noting with concern that, for millions of people throughout the world, the full enjoyment of the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health [...] remains a distant goal [...] and that, in many cases, especially for those living in poverty, this goal is becoming increasingly remote daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,据许 多非政府组织报告,它们遇到一些官僚主义障碍和腐败问题 , 使 那 些 本来就很难 获得体面的生活和生计的脆弱人群本 已 渺茫 的 机 会受到进一步影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | Yet many NGOs reported encountering [...] bureaucratic hurdles and corruption, which are thus affecting the already poor chances of the most vulnerable to a [...]decent life and livelihood. daccess-ods.un.org |
主席,我當然明白內地處事的方式,越是高調聯署爭取,成功的 機會可能反而越渺茫,而很多人也覺 得 他 們 已經做了可以做的事情。 legco.gov.hk | President, I of course understand that by the way things are done in the Mainland, the more high profile the [...] signature campaign is, the less likely it will be [...] successful, and many people feel they have already done what [...]they can. legco.gov.hk |
可是,我看今次這項修正案獲得通過的機會似乎十 分 渺茫。 legco.gov.hk | However, I can see that the [...] chance of this amendment being passed is extremely slim. legco.gov.hk |
关于中东和近东,我们可以确认,除其他外,这 种情形只会使解决 巴勒斯坦问题的前景越来 越 渺茫。 daccess-ods.un.org | Regarding the Middle and Near East, we can affirm that such a scenario will, inter alia, reduce the prospects for a settlement of the Palestinian problem. daccess-ods.un.org |
不仅如此,这种定居活动也 被广泛认为对在两国共存方案基础上和平解决以色列-巴勒斯坦冲突构成重大障 [...] 碍。实际上,随着以色列继续非法没收巴勒斯坦土地,继续建造和扩大定居点、 [...] 定居点“前哨”和定居基础设施,继续将更多以色列定居者移至巴勒斯坦被占领 土以推进其事实上非法吞并更多巴勒斯坦土地的企图,巴勒斯坦领土的连续性和 完整性正在受到严重破坏,切实实现两国共存解决方案的前 景 变得 更 加 渺茫。 daccess-ods.un.org | Indeed, as Israel continues its illegal confiscation of Palestinian land, the construction and expansion of settlements, settlement “outposts” and settlement infrastructure, and the transfer of more Israeli settlers to the Occupied Palestinian Territory in order to advance its attempts to illegally de facto annex more Palestinian land, the territorial contiguity and integrity of the Territory is [...] being severely undermined and [...] the prospects for physically achieving the two-State solution are becoming ever more remote. daccess-ods.un.org |
发达国家严重的债务危机使持续的经济和金 融危机雪上加霜,加剧了发展中国家的困境,并导致 低速甚至是零增长,使得实现千年发展目标的可能性 更加渺茫。 daccess-ods.un.org | The continuing economic and financial crisis has been compounded by a serious debt crisis in developed countries; exacerbated difficulties in developing countries; and led to a low, if not non-existent, level of growth, with the possibility of achieving the Millennium Development Goals slipping yet further away. daccess-ods.un.org |
环境规划署表示它向博茨瓦纳派过一个特派团,促进了消耗臭氧层物质管理条例的起 草,这些条例会使履约变得更为容易。 multilateralfund.org | UNEP indicated that it had sent a mission to Botswana that resulted in the development of draft ODS regulations that should facilitate compliance. multilateralfund.org |
然而,随着教育者尝试承认新的社会经济现实(如日新月异的信息通信工具,以及它们 对人类行为、价值观以及追求的的影响),在课程设置中纳入新的知识和技能 , 使 学 习内容 既针对学生们当前的生活,也能够为他们未来的成功做准备,课程设置本身也正 在 变得 越来 越复杂。 unesdoc.unesco.org | However, curriculum itself is becoming more complex as educators seek to acknowledge new economic and social realities (such as rapidly emerging information and communication technologies and their impact on human behaviour, values and aspirations), to integrate new knowledge and skills into the curriculum, and to make students’ learning both relevant to their current lives and essential for success in their future lives. unesdoc.unesco.org |
暫且不說售賣香煙並非犯法,當即使 是 犯 法的毒 品也仍然存在的時候,而我們又不把香煙當作毒品處理,要成為一個無煙城 市的可能性便極為渺茫了。 legco.gov.hk | Not to mention the fact that the sale of [...] cigarettes is not [...] illegal, when even narcotics, which are illegal, are still available and if we do not treat cigarettes as narcotics, the possibility of this city becoming smoke-free is extremely remote. legco.gov.hk |
16 64. 因为没有国家赞助者的参与,这项举措 获 得 委 员 会授权的前 景 渺茫 , 这 意味 着这项举措将依然是一种公然违反针对索马里的制裁制度的行为,其缺乏透明度 [...] 和问责制、无视国际法的特征令人不安。 daccess-ods.un.org | Without the intervention of its State sponsor, there is no [...] realistic prospect of this initiative [...] receiving authorization from the Committee, meaning that it will [...]continue to represent a flagrant [...]breach of the sanctions regime on Somalia, characterized by a disturbing lack of transparency, accountability or regard for international law. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,在㆒九九七年前成立終審法院並開始運作,亦 會令終審法院的法官有機會坐㆖直通車 ― 即 使 機 會 是如 何 渺茫。 legco.gov.hk | Further, getting the Court up and running before 1997 offers a chance, however remote, for a through train of the CFA judges. legco.gov.hk |
因 此 , 從 實 際 發 展 的 角 度 , 我 覺 得在 2008 年 之前建 成的機 會 十 分 渺茫, 但 這 並不影響我 們採取彈性和開 放 的 態 度。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, from a practical point of view, I think the possibility of completing the railway before 2008 is rather remote, but that does not deter us from adopting a pragmatic and open approach. legco.gov.hk |
如果承租人、与其共同居住的家庭成员或其他人故意破坏或拆毁租住的房 屋,或改变其既定的用途或故意违反共同居住原则 , 使得 其 他人无法与他们合 住,而且相应的预防措施和公共约束手段都未产生任何效果,应出租人和其他利 益相关方的请求,可以迫使从事上述破坏或违规甚至犯罪行为的住户搬走,而且 [...] 不提供其他住所。 daccess-ods.un.org | If the lessee, members of his/her family or other persons, who live together with them, systematically destroy or [...] damage the living spaces, [...] or do not use them according to its purpose, or if by systematically breaching the common living rules make it impossible [...]for others to live with [...]them in the same apartment or in the same house, and the preventive and public constraint measures have not showed any progress, the evacuation of the guilty ones at the request of the leaser or other interested parties is made without a subsequent offer of another living space. daccess-ods.un.org |
面对大规 模的和日益强劲的城市化进程,需要找到新的方法和途径,努 力 使 城 市 变得 更为 安全、更为绿色、更为宜居、并使能源和水的供应和使用更有效率和更 可持续。 daccess-ods.un.org | Massive and stillrising levels of urbanization would require new ways to make cities safer, greener, more liveable, energy- and water-efficient and sustainable. daccess-ods.un.org |
人们普遍认为吴丁昂敏乌是旧商业精英的 庇护人、是关键性改革的阻挠者,他的离职可能会 使决策过程变得更容 易,也为吴登盛总统推行其经 济议程铺平了道路。 crisisgroup.org | Widely regarded as a patron of the old business elite and an obstacle to key reforms, his departure may facilitate easier decision-making and smooth the way for President Thein Sein to push ahead with his economic agenda. crisisgroup.org |
过去在核心技术和服务上的投资不足 , 使得 这 一 变 革 变得 更 为 紧迫。 wipo.int | Past under-investment in core [...] technologies and services has made this transformation exigent. wipo.int |
采用基于产品目录号的组态方式, 使得 运 动控制系统的调 试 变得 更 加快捷简单,另外,还有内容 丰富的运动控制指令库,能够为各种应用提供所需的功能。 literature.rock...lautomation.com | Catalog number driven configuration makes motion system commissioning fast and simple, and an extensive library of motion instructions provide the right functionality for any application. emea.rockwellautomation.com |
如果不能就以色列对巴勒斯坦人民犯下的罪行和实 施的侵犯人权行为及其一贯的肆意挑衅和煽动对其追究责任,就只会使当地危急 局势进一步动荡,使我们 实现我们长久以来一直寻求的和平与稳定的希望更 加渺 茫,并将带来影响深远的消极后果。 daccess-ods.un.org | The failure to hold Israel accountable for its crimes and human rights violations against the Palestinian people and its constant and reckless [...] provocation and [...] incitement will only allow for the further destabilization of the critical situation on the ground, leading us further away [...]from realizing the [...]peace and stability we have for so long been seeking, with far-reaching negative consequences. daccess-ods.un.org |
即使项目成功的希望渺茫,如果团队仔细考虑了项目的运营 成本和解决方案能够实现的价值,那么,高管们也更可能批准在未来的公司项目中 [...] 采用大数据解决方案。 opendatacenteralliance.org | And even if the project is only marginally successful, [...] if the team has been deliberate about understanding the cost to operate [...]and value derived from the solution, executives are more likely to approve future uses of Big Data solutions for company projects. opendatacenteralliance.org |
當基本生活未得以改 善,100 萬人生活於 赤貧之下,有這麼多人面對醫療、教育、房屋的問題,如果貿然減稅,只會 令貧富懸殊更加劇,令低收入人士面對生活改善的機會 更 渺茫。 legco.gov.hk | With no improvement in the basic living conditions and 1 million people living in abject poverty facing medical, education and housing problems, the rash decision of tax cuts will only widen the wealth gap, as well as making the chance for the low-income group to improve their life even slimmer. legco.gov.hk |
另一方面,一些发展中国 家谨慎地表示,在缺乏国家森林政策、方案、足够的立法、机构和信息,甚至缺 乏所有这些要素的情况下,成功执行森林文书的希望十 分 渺茫。 daccess-ods.un.org | On the other hand, some developing countries cautioned that, in the absence of national forest policies, programmes, adequate legislation, institutions and information, or the combination of these, there was little hope for successful implementation. daccess-ods.un.org |
我的結論是,如果有任何努力可以令兩國政府再次聯袂,就㆒項對我們的前途尤 為重要的問題達成協議,那麼即使機 會 是如 何 渺茫 , 我 們也須作出這種努力。 legco.gov.hk | My conclusion is that if there were any efforts that can bring together once [...] again the two Governments to agree on an issue vital [...] to our future, however slim the chance is, that effort [...]has to be made. legco.gov.hk |
联合国环境议程在生物多样性、臭氧层、荒漠 化、环境变化及 其他领域的进展令人称许,但还必 须辅助采取更为综合的办法,使得部 门 努力与全球 努力能相辅相成。 daccess-ods.un.org | While the progress of the environmental agenda of the United Nations at the level of biodiversity, [...] the ozone layer, [...] desertification, climate change and other sectors was laudable, it must be supplemented with a more holistic approach in which the sectoral [...]and global aspects were mutually supportive. daccess-ods.un.org |
注意到联合国总部最近进行的临时翻修工 程使 得一些建筑物变得难于 让残疾人进入,发言人建议 在未来的残疾人权利委员会所在地日内瓦要做的准 备工作中包含下述内容:对工作人员进行适当的培 训,重审会议组织并注意提供给残疾人的信息要简 单易懂,以便满足残疾人的特殊需要并使他们能全 面投入委员会的工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since the recent temporary renovations at United Nations Headquarters had made access to the premises difficult for persons with disabilities, the Geneva Office, where the future Committee would be headquartered, should take a number of steps to accommodate the special needs of handicapped persons and allow them to participate fully in the Committee’s work, by training the staff adequately in appropriate attitudes, giving thought to how meetings should be organized and ensuring that information was always provided in an accessible format. daccess-ods.un.org |
在谈论今天关于工作方法的公开辩论会的主题 时,我必须赶紧重申我们支持开展迅速和全面的改革 进程,其中包括所有可谈判的组别,从 而 使 安 全 理事 会变得更具 代表性、更透明、更包容各方、更负责、 更有效和更能高效地履行职责,以确保它作出的决定 具有合法性,并代表广大会员国的观点和立场。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addressing the theme of today’s open debate on working methods, I must hasten to reaffirm that we support an expeditious and comprehensive reform process, embracing all the negotiable clusters, that will make the Security Council more representative, transparent, inclusive, accountable, effective and efficient in executing its responsibilities in order to ensure that its decisions are legitimate and representative of the views and positions of the wider membership. daccess-ods.un.org |