

单词 使受伤

See also:

受伤 v

injure v
violate v


injury n
wound n

External sources (not reviewed)

最有效的抬高方式使受伤部位 高于心脏,上肢伤害可以借助垫子或吊腕带实现抬高,对于下肢伤害而言应尽 使受伤 区 域 高于臀部。
Upper limb injuries can be elevated by use of a pillow or sling.
(c) 因疏忽行为而使这些儿童或残疾人 受伤 害 或 丧失肢体,或造成身 体或精神残疾。
(c) Through neglect, causing such a
[...] child or disabled person to suffer damage or loss of limbs, or [...]
physical or mental disability.
本报告所 述期间排雷行动过程中发生了两起事件,造成两名排雷人 受伤 , 使 得 因 排雷行 动造成的死伤人数共计 57 人,其中 14 人死亡,43 人受伤。
Two accidents occurred during clearance operations in this
reporting period,
[...] resulting in injury to two clearance workers and bringing the total number of casualties due to clearance [...]
activities to 57,
with 14 fatalities and 43 injured.
大会第六十六届会议吁请各国切实促进和保护所有移徙者特别是妇女和儿 童的人权和基本自由,不论其移民身份为何,并通过国际、区域或双边合作与对 话,以综合、平衡的方式处理国际移徙问题,同时认识到原籍国、过境国和目的 地国应发挥作用并承担责任,促进和保护所有移徙者的人权,避免采取可 使移 徙者更受伤害的 做法;请移徙者人权问题特别报告员向大会第六十七届会议提 交报告(第 66/172 号决议)。
At its sixty-sixth session, the General Assembly called upon States to promote and protect effectively the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all migrants, regardless of their migration status, especially those of women and children, and to address international migration through international, regional or bilateral cooperation and dialogue and through a comprehensive and balanced approach, recognizing the roles and responsibilities of countries of origin, transit and destination in promoting and protecting the human rights of all migrants, and avoiding approaches that might aggravate their vulnerability; invited the Chair of the Committee on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families to address the Assembly at its sixty–seventh session; and invited the Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants to submit his report to the Assembly at its sixty-seventh session (resolution 66/172).
恐怖分子的野蛮战略是造使平民遭 受伤亡 的局面,具体手法包括:强迫平民接 使 用 武 器的训 练并拿起武器,招募儿童执行作战任务,把成千上万 的平民赶到一起,组成人肉盾牌,将其作为人质,并 将重型武器置于人群之中,以吸引枪炮还击。
The terrorists’ brutal strategy
[...] was to create a situation inviting civilian casualties by forcing civilians to be trained in weapons and to [...]
take up arms, recruiting
children for combat duties, herding thousands of civilians to form human shields, holding them hostage and placing heavy guns in their midst, attracting retaliatory fire.
前一个《中期战略》(2001--2007 年)(31 C/4)中已有这类规定,它指出“在国家间和国家内部,旧冲突持续不断,新冲突 还在爆发,新的社会风险层出不穷,给平民百姓带来严重损失 伤 亡 , 使 许 多 社会更 受到 伤害。
These provisions mirror similar stipulations in the preceding Medium-Term Strategy for 2001-2007 (document 31 C/4), which indicated that “UNESCO’s commitment to fostering a culture of peace in all its fields of competence is as relevant as ever and has even acquired new relevance for inspiring action by international organizations, States, civil society and individual citizens in the face of ongoing and
newly flaring conflicts
[...] among and within States and newly emerging types of societal risks, which are taking a heavy toll on civilian populations and aggravating the vulnerability of many societies”.
他的兄弟,Anwar 和 Akram 也受伤,以色列士兵甚至阻止巴勒斯坦医护人员接触 救治这 3 名伤员,使他们数小时流血不止。
His brothers, Anwar and
[...] Akram, were also wounded, and the soldiers even prevented access by Palestinian medics to aid the three wounded men, who bled [...]
for hours.
但是,北米特罗维察星期五发生炸弹袭击,导致 一人被杀和 11 人受伤,使那些希望破灭。
However, the bombing that took place in North Mitrovica on Friday, which killed
[...] one person and injured 10, has dashed those hopes.
[...] 不使用头盔、酒后和吸毒后驾驶、车速不当和超速以及缺乏适当基础设施等重大 风险因素,加强道路安全管理,尤其注意行人、骑自行车和骑摩托车以及使用不 安全公共交通工具的人等受伤害 的道 路 使 用 者的需要,以及改进道路重大碰撞 事故受害者碰撞后的救治
Underlining the importance for Member States to continue using the World Report on Road Traffic Injury Prevention as a framework for road safety efforts and implementing its recommendations, as appropriate, by paying particular attention to the main risk factors identified, including the non-use of safety belts and child restraints, the non-use of helmets, driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs, inappropriate and excessive speed and the lack of appropriate infrastructure, by strengthening road safety management and by paying particular
attention also to the
[...] needs of vulnerable road users, such as pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists, and users of unsafe [...]
public transport, as
well as by improving post-crash care for victims of road crashes
我们仍在目睹这种走私活动造成的破坏性后果, 上月哈马斯恐怖组织的成使用他 们走私进入加沙 地带的反坦克导弹,攻击并完全击毁了一辆行驶在以 色列南部的校车,导致汽车司受伤 和 一名 16 岁的 少年死亡。
We continued to witness the devastating consequences of this smuggling activity when, last month, members of the Hamas
terrorist organization used an anti-tank missile
[...] that they had smuggled into the Gaza Strip to strike and completely destroy a school bus travelling in southern Israel, injuring the bus driver and killing a 16-year-old child.
这类司法机构的目标通常是为受害者提供与 受伤 害 相称 的赔偿,它们之所以非常重要,是因为它们还能够发挥催化作用, 使 否 则 还有 所保留的政府主动制订大规模赔偿方案。
Such judicial institutions are normally motivated by the goal of providing victims with compensation in proportion to harm and are important because [...]
they can also catalyse the willingness
of otherwise reticent Governments to establish massive reparations programmes.
有报告称,印度的 地受害者 的人数已经增加,但这种消息是不准确的,因为没有区别地雷造成伤亡和使用简易爆炸装置造成的伤亡。
There had been reports of an
[...] increase in the number of mine victims in India, but that information was inaccurate, as no distinction was made between casualties caused by landmines [...]
and those resulting from the use of IEDs.
未遵循本警告可导致死亡、严受伤 或财产损失。
Failure to follow this warning can result in
[...] death, serious injury, or property damage.
在这方面,我遗憾地告知你,占领国以色列对巴勒斯坦被占领土及黎巴嫩南 部城镇马伦拉斯和被占领叙利亚戈兰的叙利亚城镇 Majdal Shams 的平民示威者 过度和滥用武力,使参加这些抗议的平民中数十人被打死,数百 受伤。
In this regard, I regret to inform you that Israel, the occupying Power, responded to civilian demonstrators in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and in the southern Lebanese town of Maroun Al-Ras and the Syrian town of Majdal Shams in the Occupied Syrian Golan with excessive and
indiscriminate force,
[...] killing dozens of civilians and injuring hundreds more who had been participating in those [...]
重申决心终止杀伤人员地雷造成的痛苦和伤亡,这些地雷每年导致数以千计 的人——妇女、女孩、男孩和男子——死亡 受伤 , 使 居 住 在受影响地区的民众 面临危险,并阻碍其社区的发展
Reaffirming its determination to put an end to the suffering and casualties caused by
anti-personnel mines,
[...] which kill or injure thousands of people — women, girls, boys and men — every year, and which place people living in affected areas [...]
at risk and hinder the
development of their communities
她的脚早受伤,使得她 行走困难,此外她腿上也有一处迟迟不能痊愈的伤口。
An earlier injury to the foot meant that she had difficulties walking, but she also had a wound on her leg [...]
that did not want to heal.
我/我们明白,我子女进入“光明未来”学前班学习时: a. 他/她只需很少帮助就使用卫生间; b. 一旦有关我子女的信息有变动,我/我们将及时通知其教师; c. 我/我们确认这些信息一定要始终保持准确无误,这样,我的子女在校期间生病 受伤 时 , 学校就能及时与我联系; d. 我/我们同意遵守学前班的规章,严格遵守到校离校的时间。
I/We understand that during the time my child attends the Bright Futures preschool program: a. S/He will be able to use the toilet with minimal assistance; b. I/We will inform my child’s teacher when
any of my child’s information
[...] changes; c. I/We will keep my child’s information accurate so that I can be contacted in the event my child becomes ill or injured while attending preschool; d. I/We will abide by the program policies and adhere to the scheduled arrival and departure times.
[...] 可根据刑事诉讼予以惩罚的,因此造 受伤 害 的人死亡,健康严重受损或健康紊 [...]
A crime of violence is an act committed against the life or health of a person which is punishable
under the criminal procedure and as a result
[...] of which the injured person dies, [...]
sustains serious damage to his or her health,
or sustains a health disorder lasting for at least six months.
在许多情况下,这些行动的目标就是 使受 害 者 的工作无 效,这些受害者因被视为是政府政策的潜在反对者而成为了“合法目标”。
These actions, in many cases, had the objective of invalidating the work of the victims, who were considered as “legitimate targets” for being potential opponents to Government policies.
Uğur Suleyman Söylemez 的伤情(昏迷) Uğur
[...] Suleyman Söylemez, 46 岁,来自安卡拉的土耳其公民,伤势严重,包括至 少一处头部伤,使受害者在安卡拉医院中陷入昏迷。
The serious nature of wounds to Uğur Suleyman Söylemez, a 46-year-old Turkish citizen
from Ankara, which include at
[...] least one bullet wound to the head, have left the victim in a coma in [...]
an Ankara hospital.
该项目的目的是致力于把全民教育国家计划纳入消除贫困的国家战略,同时确保与正 在进行的和平文化和人的安全教育和培训项目之间的协同关系;加强人的安全,确保最受 伤害的 民众,尤其是农村地区的民众享受基本的社会服务,以多学科方法支持当地的试办项 目。
The aim of the project is to contribute to the integration of national Education for All plans into national poverty eradication strategies by ensuring synergy with ongoing projects on education and training regarding the culture of peace and human security; to strengthen human security by ensuring access by the most vulnerable sections of the community, in particular in rural areas, to basic social services, by providing multidisciplinary support to pilot projects at the local level.
会议还呼吁所有缔约国使在目 前这种财政困 难的情况下也坚定地致力于实现一个无 伤 人 员 地雷的世界,让人人的权利都得 到尊重,男女老幼都能有尊严地过着幸福生活。
The Meeting also called on all States Parties to recommit, even in difficult financial times, to realising a world without anti-personnel mines, where the rights of all are respected and where all women, girls, boys and men can live in dignity and prosperity.
(c) 一些儿童受到心理或间接影响,包括失去单亲或双亲的儿童、在暴力受伤的儿 童、亲眼目击事件或通过媒体等方式获知事件的儿童,以及其生活受 [...]
(c) A number of children are affected psychologically or indirectly, including
children who have lost one or both of their
[...] parents; children injured by the violence; [...]
children who witnessed the incidents first
hand or have been informed of the incidents by, among others, the media, and children and families whose lives have been affected by the incidents.
此 外,缔约国还回顾,受害者援助应成为公共健康、康复、社会服务和人权框架的 组成部分,应把各项努力纳入与残障、健康、教育、就业、发展和减贫相关的更
[...] 广泛的国家政策、计划和法律框架,并再次指出受害者援助工作不应排斥其他方受伤或残 障的人士,确保在需要的地方提供相关服务。
In addition, they recalled that victim assistance should be part of public health, rehabilitation, social services and human rights frameworks and that efforts should be integrated into broader national policies, plans and legal frameworks related to disability, health, education, employment, development and poverty reduction, noting again that
victim assistance efforts should not
[...] exclude any person injured or disabled in another [...]
manner while ensuring that services
are provided where they are needed.
管理问题高级别委员会一直在指导罗列和审查联合国工作人员和联合国人 员在因受伤、死 亡或残疾时的福利范围的工作,并提议修改联合国工作人员细 [...]
则附则 D,而附则 D 将成为所有机构的参考范本。
The High-Level Committee on Management has been guiding a mapping and review of the benefits coverage for United
Nations staff and personnel in the event of
[...] service-incurred injury, death or disability [...]
and has proposed changes to appendix
D of the United Nations staff rules, which will become the reference model for all agencies.
3.104 为了循序渐进地登记损失索赔, 使受 影 响的巴勒斯坦自然人和法人更加了解能否进行损失索 [...]
赔登记和办理登记的要求,有必要:(a) 在巴勒斯坦被占领土,包括东耶路撒冷及其周围开展 外联活动;(b) 开展理赔活动,包括向可能的索赔人分发索赔表,向可能的索赔人提供填写索
赔表的技术援助,收集索赔表并交给位于维也纳的登记册办事处;(c) 处理收集的索赔表,并 准备好将它们提交给联合国损失登记册委员会;(d) 审查索赔表,并将委员会认为符合索赔标 准的索赔列入登记册。
3.104 In order to accomplish progressive registration of
damage claims and increased awareness on
[...] the part of the affected Palestinian [...]
natural and legal persons about the possibility
of and requirements for filing damage claim forms, it would be necessary to: (a) undertake outreach activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including in and around East Jerusalem; (b) conduct claim intake activities, including distributing claim forms to potential claimants, providing technical assistance to potential claimants in completing the claim forms, and collecting and delivering claim forms to the Office of the Register in Vienna; (c) process the claim forms collected and prepare them for submission to the Board of the United Nations Register of Damage; and (d) review claim forms and include in the Register those claims that the Board decides are in conformity with established criteria.
部分委員雖然贊成應把自 願退還牌照計劃擴大至家禽批發商和農戶,但認為應更彈性處理有關
[...] 提供財政援助和再培訓計劃的安排 使受 這 政 策影響的散工亦可受惠 於該計劃。
While supporting that the voluntary surrender of licence scheme should be extended to poultry wholesalers and farmers, some members considered that there should be greater flexibility for the financial
assistance and re-training programmes so that
[...] casual workers affected by this policy [...]
could also benefit from the scheme.
但一名嫌疑人 无法识别基本爆炸材料、辨别手榴弹组件或正确持握手枪,尽管他声称曾 受使 用所有这些武器的训练。
However, one suspect was unable to recognize basic explosive materials, to identify components of hand grenades or to hold a handgun correctly — all subjects he claimed to have been trained in the use of.




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