

单词 使受严重影响

See also:

严重 n

seriousness n
severity n

严重 adj

gross adj

受影响 pl

affected populations pl

External sources (not reviewed)

以色列的封严重影 响了当地儿童使他们常常亲历和 受 暴 力 侵害、 得不到受教育机会以及身心健康急剧恶化。
Israel’s blockade was having a grave impact on children, who were frequently exposed to, [...]
and were victims of, violence, lacked opportunities
and access to education and experienced rapidly deteriorating physical and mental health.
穷人的生活状况也因其需要将收入的 很大一部分用于购买食品受到极为 严重 的 影响。
The living conditions of
[...] the poor had been heavily affected due to the need to spend [...]
high shares of their income on food.
在传播和信息部门,多国办事处面临的一项挑战是,在厄立特里亚,媒 受 到严 格控制严重影响到新 闻自由和言论自由。
In communication and information, one challenge faced in the cluster is in Eritrea
where there has been a clampdown
[...] on the media which has gravely affected the freedom of the press [...]
and freedom of expression.
疟疾在非洲已造严重的经济影响, 使 经 济 增长和发展减慢,造成贫困阶层的恶性循环。
Malaria has serious economic impacts in Africa, slowing [...]
economic growth and development and perpetuating the vicious cycle of poverty.
此外现有的国 际金融结构存在缺点,发达国家对货币政策的管理 不足,这严重影响了发 展中国家的经济 使 他们 无法实现千年发展目标。
Moreover, the flaws in the existing international financial architecture and the inefficient administration
of monetary policies
[...] by developed countries had adversely affected the economies of developing countries [...]
to the point where
their achievement of the MDGs was in question.
会上指出,本区域国家近年来的各类灾害频繁发生,包括洪水、 干旱、荒漠化严重影响到农 业活动的极端气候状况、风雪和沙尘 暴、野火、地震和海啸使千百万民 受 到 影 响。
It was pointed out that, in recent years, countries in the region had become prone to more disasters of various types, including floods, drought, desertification,
extreme meteorological
[...] conditions that adversely affected agricultural activities, snow and dust storms, wildfires, earthquakes and tsunamis, which affected millions of people.
除了这些巨大的挑战,最年幼儿童的福利因气候 变影响受到进 一步的威胁,气候变化造成日益恶劣的环境破坏和自然灾害, 而且全球经济危使得国家在教育、卫生、营养和社会保障方面的能 严重受 限, 对贫穷和脆弱的儿童及其家庭带来极其严重的恶果。
In addition to these monolithic challenges, the well being of
the youngest
[...] children is further threatened by the impacts of climate change which are causing environmental devastation and natural disasters with increasing ferocity, and a global economic crisis which is severely limiting national capabilities [...]
in the fields of education,
health, nutrition and social protection, with dire consequences for poor and vulnerable children and their families.
在此之后的这段时间 内,根据执行局就此问题通过的十一项决定和大会的十项决议,巴勒斯坦权力机构借助以下 措施积极参加了联合国教科文组织的活动:1993 年 12 月成立了其职权是讨论合作开展共同 优先事项的联合国教科文组织/巴勒斯坦权力机构联合委员会;1994年4月制定了"援助巴 勒斯坦人民计划"(PAPP),2000 年 4 月将重新定 名为"联合国教科文组织援助巴勒斯坦 计划"(UPP);1997年5月开设了联合国教科文组织哈马拉办事处,主要通过权力下放和 筹集追加资金使该办 事处的活动能力在本双年度期间再次得到了实质性的加强;在加沙城 设立项目分部有助于本组织积极参与对因加沙地带的近期冲突(2008 年 12 月-2009 年 1 月)受影响提供人道主义应急行动。
Since then, in compliance with the 11 decisions of the Executive Board and ten resolutions of the General Conference in that regard, the Palestinian Authority has been closely associated with the activities of the Organization thanks to: the establishment in December 1993 of the Joint UNESCO/Palestinian Authority Committee, whose mandate is to discuss joint cooperation priorities; the creation in April 1994 of the Programme of Assistance to
the Palestinian People
[...] (PAPP), which became the UNESCO Programme for Palestine (UPP) in April 2000; the opening in May 1997 of a UNESCO Office in Ramallah whose capacity for action has been substantially reinforced during the current biennium, primarily by the decentralization and mobilization of additional funds and the setting up of a Project Antenna in Gaza City enabling the Organization to contribute actively to the humanitarian response following the recent conflict (December 2008January 2009) which has affected the Gaza Strip.
联合国排雷活动遵循的是《2006-2010年联合国地雷行动战略》确定的四项战略目标:将死伤人数至少减少50%;减轻社区生活和生计面临的危险,扩大至少 8 0 % 受影响 最 严重 社 区 的行动自由;将地雷行动方面的需要纳入至少15个国家的国家发展和重建计划和预算;在至少15个国家协助建成国家机构来管理地雷/战争遗留爆炸物的威胁和同时培养剩余反应能力。
United Nations mine action activities are guided by four strategic objectives identified in the United Nations Mine Action Strategy for 2006-2010: reduction of death and injury by at least 50 per cent; mitigate the risk to community livelihoods and
expand freedom of movement for
[...] at least 80 per cent of the most seriously affected communities; [...]
integration of mine action needs
into national development and reconstruction plans and budgets in at least 15 countries; assist the development of national institutions to manage the landmine/explosive remnants of war threat, and at the same time prepare for residual response capacity in at least 15 countries.
过去任意拒绝或 剥夺国籍而造成无国籍状态的事例,在世界各地依然 重 大 影响 : 而这 些 受影响 者的子孙一出生就是无国籍人,从 使 问 题 延续下去。
Instances of previous arbitrary denial or deprivation of nationality resulting in
statelessness have continued
[...] to have a major impact around the world: the children and grandchildren of those affected generally become stateless at birth, thereby perpetuating the problem.
其结果是,成千上万巴勒斯坦家庭继续被迫流离失所,重要民用基础设施 仍然完全失修,特别是环境卫生和污水处理问题与日俱增,进一步损害了健康和 卫生状况,使民众 从军事攻击的身体和心 影响 中 复 原的能力 受严重 破 坏
As a result, thousands of Palestinian families remain forcibly displaced and vital civilian infrastructure remains in total disrepair, with sanitation and sewage problems in particular increasing, further harming health and hygiene conditions, and severely
undermining the
[...] ability of the population to recover from the physical and psychological impact of the military onslaught.
鉴于结构性制约和诸多脆弱性,最不发达国家往往不成比例地 受 着 这些 危险严重影响,面 临着最艰巨的重建挑战。
Least developed countries, given their structural constraints and multiple
vulnerabilities, often bear a
[...] disproportionately heavy impact of these hazards and face the most daunting reconstruction [...]
政府间气候变化专门 委员会(气候专委会)已经证明 受影响 最 严重 的 人 口生活在发展中世界的大三角 洲、小岛屿发展中国家和沿海城市,例如达卡、雅加达、印度孟买和中国上海。
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has proven that the most vulnerable populations live in the developing world on mega deltas, small island developing States, and cities by the sea, such as Dhaka; Jakarta; Mumbai, India; and Shanghai, China.
最不发达国家在人的能力发展方面的努 受 到 以 下各方面 影响 : 贫 穷率 高、失业现严重、人 口增长率高、卫生和营养结果差(反映于妇幼发病率和死 亡率高),以及营养不良的沉重负担;传染性疾病的流行,包括艾滋病毒/艾滋病、 [...]
Efforts at development of human
[...] capacities in least developed countries have been affected by high incidence of poverty, mass unemployment, [...]
high population
growth rates, poor health and nutrition outcomes, as evidenced by high child and maternal morbidity and mortality rates and the high burden of undernutrition, the prevalence of communicable diseases, including HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis and polio, and the growing burden of non-communicable diseases.
尽管联大决议(61/194、62/188、63/211 和 64/195)再 三呼吁以色列承担起责任,及时和充分地赔偿黎巴 嫩政府及阿拉伯叙利亚共和国受本 次浮 油 影响的 其 他国家,但以色列仍未承认其责任,秘书长已在 其有关这一问题的最新报告(A/66/297)中对这一问 题表严重关切
Despite repeated General Assembly resolutions (61/194, 62/188, 63/211 and 64/195) calling on Israel to assume its responsibility for prompt and adequate compensation to the
Government of Lebanon and
[...] other countries affected by the oil slick, such as the Syrian Arab Republic, Israel had yet to acknowledge its responsibilities, a matter regarding which the Secretary-General had expressed grave concern in his [...]
most recent report on the matter (A/66/297).
环境规划署解释,巴哈受到美利坚合众国的技术 严重影响 , 鉴 于R-410A 技 术当前的价格和可及性,巴哈马已经正在进行转变。
UNEP explained that Bahamas (the) is strongly influenced by technologies in the United [...]
States of America and, given the
current price and availability of R-410A technology, Bahamians are already making the transition.
经社会认识到需要汲取泰国 2011 年受洪灾 的教训,实行综合水资源 管理,并说此种管理从经济角度看可对工业供应连产生连锁影响,因为洪严重影响了汽车和电子产品制造商的主要零部件供应商的正常运作。
The Commission recognized the need for integrated water
resources management in
[...] the light of the floods in Thailand in 2011, which from an economic perspective had had ripple effects on the industrial supply chain as the floods had adversely affected the operations [...]
of major parts suppliers
to manufacturers of cars and electronics.
经社会强调指出,使艾滋病毒防治工作可持续,相关方案就必须更 有效重点针对年轻人和主受影响 人 口 ,并更全面地处理法律和政策障 碍、两性平等、以及轻蔑和歧视等问题,包 使 迁 徙 者更容易获得艾滋病毒 防治服务。
The Commission
[...] emphasized that for HIV responses to be sustainable, it would be necessary for programmes to more effectively focus on young people and key affected populations and more comprehensively address legal and policy barriers, gender dimensions, and stigma and discrimination, including enhancing access to HIV [...]
services for migrants.
(d) 建立最低教育质量标准:由于学校目前提供的教育质量下跌 使 许多 国家的学校最近扩大招生 影响严重受 损。
(d) Establishing minimum quality standards for education: The impact of recent
expansion of enrolment
[...] in schools in many countries is seriously compromised by the deterioration in the [...]
quality of education
that schools currently provide.
表示关切伪药日益成为一个全球问题,带来了严重后果,既构成公众健康 风险使受影响者遭受严重健康 后果,甚至死亡,又导致广大公众对医药产品 的质量、安全性和功效失去信心,还致使医疗费用增高
regarding fraudulent medicines as a growing global issue that has severe consequences, both as
a public health risk,
[...] with those affected suffering serious health consequences or even death, and in terms of a loss [...]
of confidence by the general
public regarding the quality, safety and efficacy of pharmaceutical products and higher health-care costs
受疟疾影响严重的国 家,非政府组织正努力促 进有效的疟疾控制方式,而不依靠在矢量控制中持 使 用 滴 滴涕。
In malaria-stricken countries, NGOs are working to promote effective malaria-control measures that do not rely on the continued use of DDT in vector control.
城市化和私人使用机动车的增加导致了前所未有的拥挤、能源的浪使 用、 机动车排放量增加,给城市的空气质量、生活条件、能源安全和公共卫 生带严重的负面影响。
Increasing urbanization and increased use of private motor vehicles have resulted in unprecedented
[...] wasteful use of energy and increased motor vehicle emissions, with serious negative impacts on urban air quality, living conditions, energy security and public health.
如果法案生 效,将会阻碍缅甸国内可以创造就业机会的制造业 的发展,进一使缅甸 经济朝着可能存在多种问题 的采掘业方向发展,从严重影响缅 甸 的经济复 苏。
If this step is taken, it could have a serious impact on Myanmar’s economic recovery, by hindering the growth of job-creating manufacturing industries and further skewing the economy towards potentially problematic extractive industries.
这一问题尤严重,因为许多岛屿小而偏远,以致柴油发电占很大 重 ,使 这些国家非常受石油价格波动 影响。
This is a particularly serious issue in view of the extensive use of diesel in power generation as a result of the small size and remoteness of many islands, which leaves these States highly exposed to oil-price [...]
事会相关决议,包括安全理事会第 1612(2005)号和第 1882(2009)号决议,我受
[...] 托以工作组主席的身份,请你加强监测和报告阿富汗境内的儿童状况,特别是受冲突影响严重地区 ,在这方面,通过任命特派团儿童保护顾问,继续加强联合 [...]
In follow up to the recommendations of the Working Group, approved by the Security Council, and subject to and consistent with applicable international law and relevant Security Council resolutions, including Security Council resolutions 1612 (2005) and 1882 (2009), I am entrusted, in my capacity as the Chairman of the Working Group, to request you to strengthen monitoring and reporting of the
situation of children in Afghanistan,
[...] especially in areas most affected by the conflict, and, [...]
in that regard, to continue to strengthen
the child protection component of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan through the appointment of child protection advisers in the Mission.
仍然关切在实使无法 持续享有安全饮用水和基本环境卫生的人口比例减 少一半的目标方面进展参差不齐,而全球气候变化和其他挑 严重影响 水 的 数量 和质量,在这方面,确认国际水合作年除其他外可以对酌情在各级加强对话与合 作发挥关键作用,并确认国际年对行动十年的重要贡献
Remaining concerned by the slow and uneven progress in achieving the goal of halving the proportion of the population without sustainable access to safe drinking water
and basic
[...] sanitation, while global climate change and other challenges seriously affect water quantity and quality, and in this regard recognizing the crucial role that the International Year of Water Cooperation [...]
could play,
inter alia, in strengthening dialogue and cooperation at all levels, as appropriate, and its important contribution to the Decade
法庭正在采取一切可能的措施,限制藐视指控对其核心程 序的影响,但是在藐视的指影响是 阻 止证人上法庭作证的情况下,这些核心诉 讼程序的继续可能严重受阻。
The Tribunal is taking all possible measures to limit the impact of contempt allegations on the conduct of its core
proceedings, but
[...] where the alleged effect of the contempt is to prevent witnesses from appearing before the Tribunal, the continuation of those core proceedings may nevertheless be substantially hindered.
使受影响的国 家缔约方评论或报告在其他地方没有涉及、但在国 家级别或《战略》和《公约》的执行框架内十 重 要 的 问题。
It allows affected country Parties to comment or report upon issues that are not covered elsewhere but that are nevertheless of importance at the national level or within the framework of the implementation of The Strategy and the Convention.
在加沙地带,20 名妇女领导人及和平活动家会见了一个联合国代表团,强调目前 的人道主义危机对妇女和女孩带来 严重影响 , 她 们继续 受 暴 力 和严峻的经济 冲击,以及妇女应该越来越多地走上政治舞台。
In the Gaza Strip, a group of 20 women leaders and peace activists met with a United
Nations delegation and
[...] emphasized the severe impact of the ongoing humanitarian crisis on women and girls, their continued subjection to violence and [...]
harsh economic despair,
and the importance of increasing women’s participation in the political arena.
经过一段时间的沉寂之后——在此期间,我们这 个次区受到多次冲突严重影响— —中部非洲国 家经济共同体(中非经共体)于 1999 年重新启动,目 前,其主要职责是重建稳定、和平与安全。
After a period of latency, during
which the subregion was
[...] profoundly affected by its numerous conflicts, ECCAS, relaunched in 1999, [...]
now has as its primary
mandate the task of re-establishing stability, peace and security.




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