

单词 使发生


使发生变化 v

change v

使...必然发生 v

entail v

See also:


take place
break out

发生 n

occurrence n
incidence n
occurence n
arrival n

生发 n

hair growth n

External sources (not reviewed)

请移除配线、配管及其他物件等障碍物,使得 使发生 转 动 也没 有关系。
Remove wiring, piping and other
[...] interfering matters to allow it to rotate.
使发生了这一切,他们 仍然不接受全球变暖这一事实。
Even with all this, they still [...]
do not accept the fact of global warming.
海盗对亚丁湾和印度洋船只的一系列袭击 使发生 在 沿海国海岸一定距离 之外,仍干扰了该地区海上交通。
A series of pirate attacks on ships in the Gulf of Aden and the Indian
Ocean has been disrupting maritime
[...] traffic in that area, even when carried out [...]
at some distance from the shores of coastal States.
其理念是将防错纳入流程设计中,使 错误难以(理想情况下是不可能 发生 , 即 使发生 也能够轻易识别和纠正。
The idea is to incorporate error-proofing into the design of processes, so that mistakes are difficult (ideally, impossible) to make, and easy to identify and correct should they occur.
Uploads can be restarted after browser crashes, network interruptions, etc.
由于它提取自植物油而非矿物油,因此 使发生 泄 漏 、溢出或溅落,也不会对环境造成多少危害。
Since it is made from vegetable oil rather than mineral oil, it is less harmful to the environment if there's a leak, spill or splash.
此类政策还应包括促进行为 和生活方式改变的干预措施,例如健康的营养做法和积极的生活方式, 使发生 健康 问题的时间拖后,并提供负担得起的保健服务,包括筛查和治疗疾病,尤其 是老年妇女最常见的疾病。
It should also include interventions promoting behavioural and lifestyle changes to delay the onset of health problems, such as healthy nutritional practices and active living, and affordable access to health-care services, including screening and treatment for diseases, in particular those most prevalent among older women.
(b)项中置于方括号内的案文意在确保,使发生刚才 描述的情况,电子传送的通知的有效日期和时间可能早于纸质通 [...]
The text in square brackets in subparagraph (b) is intended
[...] to ensure that, even in the case just [...]
described, the electronically transmitted
notice would have an earlier date and time of effectiveness than the paper notice, even though the latter was received a little later than the former.
更换或维修服务将无法延长担保期限,此项担保服务仍将于厨房从 Scavolini 公司仓库被发往 SCAVOLINI
[...] 产品零售商处当天午夜起的 30 个月后失效,使发生更换家具/装置的情况也不例外。
Replacement or repair does not extend the length of the guarantee which will, in any case, still expire after 30 months with effect from midnight of the day in which the
kitchen left the Scavolini S.p.A. depots to be sent to the retailer of
[...] SCAVOLINI products, even for replaced furniture/units.
另外由于操作结果数据全部保存在F-ROM里面, 使发生 主 电 源和备用电源同时无法供电的极端情况,数据也可继续保存,等待新电源支持后,仍可将数据传送到PC。
In addition, because the operating result data are
[...] saved in F-ROM, even when the main and standby [...]
power supplies do not work, data can
still be saved and transmitted to PC after the power recovery.
另外,有义务调查、起诉和处 罚每一起酷刑事件,因为这是性质不同的侵犯人权行 为,如不加处理,使发生酷刑 的条件重现。
Moreover, there was a duty to investigate, prosecute and punish each incident of torture, as it was a qualitatively different kind of human-rights violation and failure to do so would replicate the conditions in which it occurred.
学校保健信息系统目前正在发,使 学 校 保健护士和儿童的家庭 生 能够交流有关儿童健康的必要信息,包括疫苗接种信息。
A school health care
[...] information system is being developed to allow a school health nurse and a child’s [...]
family doctor to exchange
necessary information about the health of a child, including vaccination information.
但是,对该物质的全球需求可能 发生 变 化, 并 使生 产 再 次变得有 利可图,从而增加四氯化碳的联产。
However the global demand for the substance could change and make the production profitable again, so increasing the co-production of CTC.
我感到关切的是,在本报告所述期间,在人口密集地区一 发生使 用 武 器和 炸药的安全事件,最近,在 Zahle 的一座教堂内,一个装有两公斤梯恩梯的装置 发生爆炸。
I am concerned by repeated security incidents involving the use of weapons and explosives in populated areas during the reporting period, as manifested most recently in the explosion of a device containing 2 kilograms of TNT inside a church in Zahle.
讨论会提出的建议如下:提倡深化全球治理改革 使发 展 继 续以减贫为重 点;鼓励布雷顿森林机构进行改革;落实更多资金,以便为发展供资;主动预见 今后潜在的挑战,如气候变化等;制定收入重新分配政策,据以降低市场波动引 起的代价;利用区域银行提供的准备金和贷款稳定汇率制度;促进向绿色、公正 和公平经济的过渡;鼓励社会公平,以便更好地保护环境;制定旨在创造更多就 业机会的政策;制定国内立法,鼓励使用不对粮食安全构成威胁的可再生能源; 逐步维持对可生能源 的使用提供补贴的稳定性;在全球一级更好地协调宏观经 济政策。
The recommendations of the Symposium
were to press for more reforms in global governance;
[...] maintain the focus of development on poverty reduction; encourage reforms at the Bretton Woods institutions; secure greater capital in order to fund development; be proactive in anticipating potential future challenges such as climate change; set up income redistribution policies as a way of reducing the costs of volatility in markets; stabilize exchange rate regimes through the use of reserve funds and loans from regional banks; foster the transition towards a green, fair and equitable economy; encourage social equity for a better preservation of the environment; set up policies to increase the creation of employment opportunities; put in place national legislation to encourage the use of renewable energies posing no threat to food security; maintain over time the stability of subsidies for renewable energy use; and better [...]
coordinate macroeconomic policies at the global level.
所谓的绿色经济模式对资本有 利,而对地球则无利可言,因为它的目的是要创造 一生态系统市场,一个能使发达 国 家在逃避其 承诺的同时又能得到收益的市场。
The so-called green economy model was good for capital but not for the
planet, since it sought
[...] to create a market of ecosystems that would enable the developed countries [...]
to receive payments while evading their commitments.
会议还注意到以下建议:缔约国可能需要讨论详细的援助程序,以便在一 发生 使用生 物或毒素武器的情况时确保缔约国在收到请求时及时提供紧急援助。
The Conference also takes note of the proposal that States Parties may need to discuss the detailed procedure for assistance in order to ensure that timely emergency assistance would be provided by States Parties, if requested, in the event of use of biological or toxin weapons.
在加强生产使生产多样化方面,国家对加强非常具体的投入物的当地 供应和生产某一产品的兼容发挥关 键作用。
In strengthening and diversifying production, the State plays a key role in building local availability of highly specific inputs and compatibilities for producing [...]
a product.
这种保护应基于各国按照本宣 言中所阐述的各项原则通过的伦理和法律标准,并符合以下准则: 没有其他具有相当效果的方法;有可能直接受益;经过伦理审查; 向当事人尽可能说明情况;
向相关的法定代理人和/或具有正式授 权的机构提供情况;征得法定代理人和/或根据国内法授权的机构的
[...] 同意;当事人不反对;如果研究没有可 发生使 当 事 人直接受益, 则须有可能有利于其他年龄相同或患有同一种疾病的人,但须使当 [...]
Such protection shall be based on ethical and legal standards adopted by States, consistent with the principles set out in this Declaration fulfilling the following criteria: no alternative of comparable effectiveness, potential of direct benefit, ethical review, information of the person concerned as far as possible and complete information of the respective legal representatives or duly authorized body, consent by legal representative and/or by authorized body provided for by
domestic law, no objection by the person
[...] concerned; in case of research with no potential [...]
direct benefit to the person concerned
additional conditions of potential benefit to other persons in the same age category or afflicted with the same disease and minimal risk and minimal burden for the person concerned.
他 还希望国际社会加倍努力消除所有障碍 使生 活 在外 国占领区的民众能够使其社会发展 权 利,尤其是自 决权。
The international community should also redouble its efforts to
eliminate all
[...] obstacles preventing peoples living under foreign occupation from exercising their right to social [...]
development, in
particular their right to self-determination.
如果指发生使用生 物或毒素武器的情况,经任何缔约国请求,提供 援助并与有关组织协调,包括提高疾病监测、检测和诊断的国家能力以及改善公 共卫生系统。
(f) Provision of assistance and coordination with relevant organizations upon request by any State Party in the case of alleged use of biological or toxin weapons, including improving national capabilities for disease surveillance, detection and diagnosis and public health systems.
最近曾经有一段时间,这一难以实现的目标终于 似乎可以实现,但多种新挑战同 发生 , 使 目 标 更加 遥远。
There was a time recently when that elusive goal finally appeared within reach, but multiple new challenges have coalesced to render the goal even more distant.
z 与频繁发生的灾害相比,地震较 发生 , 使 其 减灾措施更难实施。
Earthquakes occur rarely, making them a ‘harder sell’ for risk-reduction measures than more frequent disasters.
同样,课外辅导学校将其 上课时间延长了 2 小时,目的是加强开发学生的阅读能力和数学能力,帮助学生 提高科学理解能力,将英语作为第二语言掌握并 发 学 生使 用 电 脑的能力。
Similarly, the extended day schools add two hours to their timetable with the aim of strengthening the development in the subjects of reading and mathematics, together with the understanding of science, learning of English as a second language and the development of the ability to use computers.
与 安全有关的事件持发生使少数 民族社区之间的不 安全状况长久存在下去。
The persistence of security-related incidents perpetuates insecurity among the minority communities.
(b) 鼓励并促进成立发展合 作社,包括采取措 使生 活 贫困者或属于弱势 群体者,包括妇女、青年、残疾人、老年人和土著人民,能够在自愿基础上充分 参与合作社,并解决他们在社会服务方面的需要
(b) Encouraging and facilitating the
[...] establishment and development of cooperatives, including taking measures aimed at enabling people living in poverty [...]
or belonging to
vulnerable groups, including women, youth, persons with disabilities, older persons and indigenous peoples, to fully participate, on a voluntary basis, in cooperatives and to address their social service needs
尽管互联网上的许多网站上都建议离开首次出现为无,(该文件夹中的一个默认)我发现,只有更换所有 发生 , 使 永 久性的工作习惯。
Despite many sites on the Internet are advising to leave the first occurrence to None, (that one in the default folder) I have found that only replacing all the occurrences, makes custom permalinks work.
但是,这个机制有可能产生将排减责任转移给发展中国家的 不利影响,发展中国家可能不得不改变生产工序, 发 达 国 家则不一定需要作使生产工序更加有利于环境的改变。
However, the mechanism could have the adverse effect of shifting the burden for emissions reduction to developing countries, which may have to change their production processes, while not necessarily bringing about a change in the production processes in developed countries to make them more environmentally friendly.
最 后,为使发展中 国家能够应对商品价格的波动, 因为波动尤其影响到粮食净输入国或者热带作生 产国 ,国际社会应当帮助这些国家培养适应和顽强 生存的能力。
Lastly, for developing countries to be able to face the impact of commodity price volatility, which particularly affected economies that were net food importers or produced tropical crops, the international [...]
community should
help the countries concerned to create national capacities for adaptation and resilience.
据预测,在整个 21 世纪内,冰川大面积损失 和雪盖的减少情况将会加发生…… 使 供 水 量 和水力发电潜力减少,并改变由主要山脉积雪融 水供应用水地区的水流季节性。
w]idespread mass losses from glaciers and reductions in snow cover … are projected to accelerate throughout the twenty-first century, reducing water availability and hydropower potential and changing seasonality of flows in regions supplied by melt-water from major mountain ranges” ( A/64/350, para. 34).




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