

单词 使参与

使 ... 参与 ... verb

interest sth. v

See also:


participate (in sth)

参与 v

participate in v
engage v
join v
hook v

参与 n

engagement n
participatory n

External sources (not reviewed)

有些代表团还指出有必使参与计划 资助的活动与 本组织的重点以及与那些必须贯穿于所有计划之中的领域的需要紧密结合起来。
Several delegations also
[...] pointed to the need to ensure that activities financed under this Programme be closely related to [...]
the priorities of the
Organization as well as to the needs of areas that must be mainstreamed throughout all the programmes.
联系学校项目网不断扩大,90 多所学校已经登记使参与学校 的总数达到了 171 个国 家,共 6,926 [...]
ASPnet has continued to expand and 90 more institutions were registered bringing the
[...] total number of participating schools to 6,926 [...]
in 171 countries.
它还在各次会议期间穿插举行了一些专题圆桌 会议使参与这一合作的各方之间得以进行直接的和非正式的交流。
The Committee has also organized, in parallel with its work, several
thematic round tables providing an opportunity for direct and informal exchanges
[...] among the various cooperating partners.
此外,这些讲习班可使参 与者建 立一些有效的工作网络,以便更好地沟通。
The workshops
[...] will also enable participants to set up effective work networks to improve communication.
技术转让必须 在《议定书》的框架内得到加强,而且必 使参与 扫 雷 、受害者康复、重建和发 展事务的非政府组织受益。
The transfer of technology must be enhanced within the framework
of the Protocol and
[...] must benefit the non-governmental organizations that had been involved in mine clearance, [...]
rehabilitation of
victims, reconstruction and development.
亚太经社会秘书处在推进无纸型贸易方面开展的工作使 参与国际 贸易交易者能够以电子形式交流信息和单证,从而减少了 [...]
使用纸页文件的必要性,并减少了提交和处理这些文件所需要的成 本和时间。
The work of the ESCAP secretariat on
[...] paperless trade enables those involved in international [...]
trade transactions to exchange information
and documents in electronic form, thus reducing the need for the use of paper documents and the cost and time involved in submitting and processing such documents.
这些安排能推动资金流动,降低交易成本,可以成为 帮助预防金融危机使参与安排 的各方复原力更强的机制。
Those arrangements can facilitate financial flows and lower transaction costs and may serve as mechanisms that assist in the prevention of financial crises and render parties to such arrangements more resilient.
因此来文方的结论是,请愿人被逮 捕、审判和判刑是他们和平使参与 公 共 事务的权利的直接后果。
Hence, the source concludes that the arrest, trial and
conviction of the Petitioners are a direct consequence of
[...] their peaceful exercise of the right to participate in public affairs.
义行动中,有很多方法使参与促进当地组织和人道 主义者的应答。
What has been the impact on education in the host community?
我们认为,秘书长的报告(S/2010/394)为我们进 一步审议如使参与索马 里海盗活动的人受到起诉 奠定了非常好的基础,因为它介绍了各种方案的优缺 点。
We view the Secretary-General’s report (S/2010/394) as a very good foundation for further considerations on how to ensure prosecution of those engaged in Somali piracy, as it presents the advantages and disadvantages of various options.
通过这些活动使参与方和 有关各方了解了有 关新广播法的种种问题并为进一步制定最后广播法草案和第二次立法提供了讨论、反馈和数 据收集的机会。
These events informed stakeholders and other interested parties on various issues regarding the new legislation and provided opportunity for discussion, feedback and data collecting for further development of the final draft law and of secondary legislation.
[...] 层物质越境转移控制方面的进一步合作,包括执行蒙特利尔议定书缔约方会议第 XVIII/18 号决定使参与国能 够改善其消耗臭氧层物质进口/出口管制和数据管理。
The project objective will be to initiate regional cooperation among countries in the South and Central Latin America Networks in order to enable the participating countries to improve their ODS import/export controls and data
management, by promoting
[...] further regional cooperation for the control of transboundary movement of ODS, including [...]
the implementation
of Decision XVIII/18 of the Meeting of Parties to the MP.
该方案目前涉及 57 个会员国的逾 110 个实验室使参与实 验 室得以全球性地连续监测它们的药物分析性能。
The programme, which currently involves over
110 laboratories in
[...] 57 Member States, allows participating laboratories to [...]
continuously monitor their performance with respect to drug analysis on a global basis.
该项目包括在学校和运动场所开展针对年轻运动员和运动员辅助人员的教育计划 使参与 者 了解他们在反兴奋剂方面的 权利与责任,同时宣传体育价值观和道德准则。
The participants were informed of their rights and responsibilities in regard to anti-doping and sporting values and ethics were promoted.
亚洲太平洋区 域空间机构论坛还支持设立各种国际项目,以此作为解决灾害和环境保护等问 题的办法,从使参与国能 够实现合作。
APRSAF also supports the establishment of international projects as
solutions for issues such as disasters and environmental
[...] protection so that the participating parties can realize cooperation.
(f) 考虑采用新的投入类型,为谈判会议和研讨会提供资料和补充:“开 拓者国际的项目”使参与的几个国家就某个项目共同努力,以便对 长期合作行动问题特设工作组 提 出 的 [...]
意见和建议 进行实际测 试 (新 西 兰,MISC.1)。
(f) Consideration should be given to using a new type of input to inform and complement negotiating sessions and
workshops: ‘Pathfinder
[...] Projects’ would involve a small group of countries working together on a specific [...]
project in order to “road-test”
ideas and proposals put forward in the AWG-LCA (New Zealand, MISC.1).
通过授予奖学金促进了会员国的能力建设,并促进了 与计划部门和参与会员国的协调;成功地鼓励三分之
[...] 预算和预算外资金范围内的 415 笔奖学金;受理了教 科文组织奖学金金库计划项下的 350 多个申请;发放 了 140 笔总额为 128,683 美元的旅行补贴,使参与 会员国 [ 如中华人民共和国、捷克共和国、以色列 (MASHAV)和波兰] 的受益人能够利用所提供的奖 学金;智利、以色列(科学和技术)和大韩民国提供 [...]
了奖学金(共 54 笔奖学金,总额为 428,500 美元)。
Enhanced capacity-building in Member States through the award of fellowships, as well as better coordination with programme sectors and participating Member States; Two thirds of beneficiaries successfully encouraged to seek additional sources of funding for their studies; Award of 415 fellowships within regular budget and extrabudgetary funds; Reception and processing of over 350 applications under the framework of UNESCO Fellowships Bank Programme; Award of 140 travel
grants to value of US
[...] $128,683 to enable beneficiaries to take advantage of offers (estimated at over US $3 million in contributions-in-kind) from participating Member States [e.g. [...]
People’s Republic
of China, Czech Republic, Israel (MASHAV) and Poland]; Sponsored fellowship offers from Chile, Israel (Science and Technology), Republic of Korea (a total of 54 fellowships to the value of a US $428,500).
其目的使参与援助 方案的机构更好地跟踪援助资金用在哪里以及 取得了哪些成就。
The objective is to allow those involved in aid programmes [...]
to better track where aid money is going and what it is achieving.
参与能带来信息及解决的方法,但 使参与 更有 意义,也要给予足够的信息和支持。
Numbers of girls and boys in the host communities and their access to education.
396 175. 若干国家的法律规定在如下情况可驱逐外国人:⑴
[...] 外国人干预国内政治,397 例如无投票权却投票,398 或妨碍使参与政治 生活权(国家保留给其国民的权 利);399 ⑵ 外国人为极权政党或法西斯政党或号召世界革命政党的成员;400⑶ [...]
The national laws of some States provide for the expulsion of an alien who (1) takes part in the State’s domestic politics,397 such as by voting when not authorized
to do so,398 or by abusively
[...] interfering with the political participation rights which [...]
the State reserves for its nationals;399
(2) is a member of a totalitarian or fascist party, or a party focused on worldwide revolution;400 or (3) presents ideologically false documents or other information to the State’s authorities.401The relevant legislation may expressly permit the application of criminal penalties in addition to expulsion when grounds exist under this heading.402 176.
学术影响举措力使参与机构与联合国以及彼此之间保持一致,并努力通过 每年开办的特定项目和活动,实现得到普遍接受的目标和原则。
[...] Impact seeks to align participating institutions with [...]
the United Nations and with each other in working to realize
universally accepted goals and principles through specific projects and activities each year.
参与:使年轻 人以有意方式参与制定、执行和评估所有性健康和生殖 [...]
Youth participation: meaningfully [...]
involve young people in the design, implementation and evaluation of all sexual and reproductive
health policies and programmes.
海事组织的 海 洋 环境保护委员会 将继续制定 提高船只设 计 和 运 营 燃 油 效 率 的一揽 子 措施,并考使参与国际贸 易的船只减少温室气体排放的潜 在市 场措施。
The Marine Environment Protection Committee of the IMO will continue work on a package of measures to increase fuel efficiency of ship design and operation, and consider possible market-based measures to reduce GHG emissions from ships engaged in international trade.
两位亲善 大使致力于使教科文组织的更多亲善 使参与 中 心 的项目,因为各位大使可以为支持教科文 组织履行使命做出积极贡献,特别是在文化间对话方面。
Both are working to involve more UNESCO Goodwill Ambassadors in the Centre project, as each Ambassador can make a positive contribution in support of UNESCO’s mandate, most notably with regard to intercultural dialogue.
为了能够全面展现中国——这个全球最大、最重要的起重机市场未来发展趋势 使参与 者 了解未来行业产品、技术走向,洞察用户需求变化等,在全球起重机制造商与用户之间搭建起直接沟通的平台,同时在世界起重机用户之间,传播最先进的经营理念、施工方案等,2012全球起重机峰会组委会将邀请制造企业、中国以及全球主流起重机用户代表,就中国起重机市场以及吊装行业未来,起重机制造企业和吊装企业发展等话题,发表主题演讲,共同进行讨论与互动。
Show China - the world's largest and most important
crane market trends, in order to be
[...] able to fully enable the participants to understand [...]
the products of the future of the
industry, technology trends, insight into user needs change, erected between the global crane manufacturer and user to communicate directly platform for the dissemination of the most advanced management concepts, construction program in the world between the crane user 2012 the global crane Summit Organizing Committee will be invited to manufacturing enterprises, users on behalf of the Chinese global mainstream crane, Chinese crane market and lifting industry's future , crane manufacturing enterprises and lifting business development topics, keynote speeches, discussions and interaction together.
首先通过无故障情况下的在线慢同调分析,掌握系统中发电机群的关联特性;在扰动发生后,利用平均数充分性(MIA)同调识别法获取具体的发电机摇摆分群模式;在发电机的分群模式约束下,把电网中节点间关系表达为拓扑距离,并按照该距离关系完成系统节点的K-Medoids聚类,最终得到满足孤岛功率平衡约束的解列面;为避免电网连锁解列和提前解列,对全网线路运用“激活-闭锁”的策略 使参与 解 列 的线路在检测到可靠的失步信号后,同步速动完成解列。
The correlation among generator groups in system is obtained by the online slow coherency analysis during non-faulty period;the actual grouping pattern of generator swing is detected during faulty period by the MIA(Mean Index Adequacy) coherency identification;in the constraint of grouping pattern,the relationship among buses is expressed as the topological distance and the K-Medoids clustering of system buses is carried out according to the distance to obtain the split section meeting the constraint of islanding power balance;in order to avoid the cascading split and premature split,the
“activation-blocking” strategy is applied to all lines in system to quickly and
[...] simultaneously split all participated power lines after [...]
the out-of-step signal of generator is detected.
利用不同形式的媒体,包括社会媒体和民意测验扩 参与 , 使 公 众 知情 和参与,并查明潜在的争执点。
Use different forms of media, including social media and opinion
[...] polls, to expand participation, inform and engage [...]
the public and identify potential points of contention.
国家计划还包括各项措施使参加与 具 有 暴力性质的极端主义作斗争工作的 各政府机构进一步改善协调连贯性和合作。
The national action plan also contained measures, which aimed at increasing coherence and cooperation among various Government agencies involved in the fight against violent extremism.
今后五年, 本组织需要在以下四个相互关联的领域推进该进程:使本组织更具有普遍性;使各
[...] 国议会更多地参与议会联盟的会议,包括从政治和性别平等的角 参与 ; 使 年 度 大 会更加有效、更能满足其成员的需求;以及协助加强议会间合作的协调统一。
For the next five years, the organization needs to bring this process forward in four interrelated areas: making the
organization more universal,
[...] improving on parliament’s participation in IPU meetings, including [...]
from a political and gender
perspective, making the annual assemblies more effective and better able to meet the demands of its Members, and facilitating greater coherence in parliamentary cooperation.
7.3 反兴奋剂组织应以书面、口头或其他方式及形式提供上述信息,从 使参 赛 者 或 与 个 人信 息有关的当事人便于理解,同时要考虑到关于处理个人信息的当地做法、习俗和特殊情 况。
7.3 Anti-Doping Organizations shall provide the above information in a
manner and format, whether written, oral
[...] or otherwise, that Participants or person to [...]
whom the Personal Information relates
can easily comprehend, taking into account local practices, customs and the particular circumstances surrounding the Processing of the Personal Information.




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