单词 | 使光亮 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 使光亮 verb —mercerize vSee also:光亮 adj—bright adj 亮 adj—bright adj • clear adj 亮光 n—light n • brilliance n 亮光—light reflected from an object • beam of light • gleam of light
当您使用闪光灯时, 闪光亮度比平时更弱。 us.leica-camera.com | When you use the flash, the light from it is weaker than usual. us.leica-camera.com |
如果灯具具有一个衰减通道,也将显 示 光 束 的 亮度 (使用右投影角度). dmx512.ch | If the fixture has a separate dimmer [...] channel, the brightness of the beam will also be shown (using the right projection angle). dmx512.ch |
然後你可以使用曲 線工具中的控制工具來修正過 度 光亮 部 分 ,並改善提亮範圍的細節。 mammals.org | You can then use controls in the Curves tool to pull blown highlights back in and improve detail in highlight areas. mammals.org |
擦完後,將假髮平放或者扣在某個支架上面,放置於陰涼通風的地方,自然風乾.千萬不可以日曬或者熱吹哦1—盡量不要接近高溫,因為材料 的關係假髮是不耐任何高溫的2—如果假髮用久了打結不好梳時千萬不要用力拉扯,應該噴上假髮專用的非油性保養液,然後慢慢小心地理開3—使用假髮專用 的非油性保養液使用方法也很簡單:帶上之前輕輕噴幾下在假髮上即可) 可 使 假 髮 變得柔 順 光亮 並 可 防止靜電,讓假髮一直保持滋潤狀態就像剛剛買回來的時候 一樣! 4—比較長的假髮梳的時候要將假髮分長幾段,從下往上梳,一定要輕,要有耐心5—在整理佩戴過程中有少量得掉髮屬於正常現象。 tw.taobaowig.com | Cawan the wig flat or buckle in a bracket above, placed in a cool ventilated place to dry naturally. should never be the sun or a hot blow Oh - try not to close to the high temperature, because the material relationship wig is intolerant of any high temperature - If the wig with long knotted bad comb Do not pull hard, it should be sprayed on the wig dedicated non-oily maintenance solution, and then slowly and carefully geographic open - the use of wigs dedicated The use of non-oily maintenance solution is simple: to bring before the wig lightly spray a few can) make a wig to become compliant light and prevent static electricity, so wigs has maintained the moisture status as just bought the same! taobaowig.com |
獨特維生素C乳膠狀配方,使肌膚散發 明 亮 健 康 的 光 澤。 products.herbalife.com.tw | Use it every day under make-up, to help minimise the potential effects of external influences. products.herbalife.co.uk |
由于解决了以上技术难题,使宏源 研发的无极灯具有超长的寿命、高节能、高可靠性、高功率因数、高光效、高显色性、低谐波含量、低温启动、恒功率输出、宽温度范围 、 光亮 无 闪 烁等特点,特别是其无线电骚扰特性完全符合IEC的标准。 cn.lvd.cc | After overcoming the above technical difficulties, the Hongyuan induction lamps include features of over-long use term, high energy-saving, high reliability, high power rate factor, high light effect, high color rendering, low harmonic content, staring at a low temperature, steady power delivery, wide temperature range and no flashing in light, especially its radio disturbance characteristics absolutely matching IEC standards. en.lvd.cc |
投訴個案大多關乎指稱人為光源導致失 眠或缺乏睡眠、過分光亮(例如 室內無需開燈也可閱讀書本)、 破壞正常生活( 例如無法使用睡房) 或阻礙享用物業( 例如無法 使用花園)。 legco.gov.hk | Complaints were mostly on alleged sleeplessness or sleep deprivation in [...] connection with artificial [...] light sources, illumination (e.g. enabling books to be read with no room lights on), detrimental effects on normal living activities (e.g. unable to use a bedroom) or preventing enjoyment of property (e.g. unable to use gardens). legco.gov.hk |
在閃光或是連續亮燈模式下使電池 中被汲取的電流最小化,對於現今的智慧型電話應用裝置而言是極為重要的,因為新的功能以及更高的資料速率正不斷的縮短電池的使用時間。 analog.com | Minimizing the current drawn [...] from the battery during flash or torch mode is critical [...]in today’s smartphone applications [...]as new features and higher data rates increasingly load down the battery,” said Brian Wengreen, marketing manager, Power Management Products, Analog Devices. analog.com |
在荧光灯或 LED灯具等照明环境下拍摄时,增大快门速度 会 使亮 度 和 色彩发生 轻微的变化。 us.leica-camera.com | When recording under [...] fluorescent or LED lighting etc., increasing the shutter speed may introduce slight changes to brightness and color. us.leica-camera.com |
高度防晒及特殊美白護理雙重功效,它獨有四倍NTP份子精華,能對抗污染,紫外線和控制自由基對肌膚的侵襲,在表皮能形成透明不油光的保護膜 , 使 肌 膚 整天顯現 明 亮光 澤 ,白雪無暇,平撫皺紋,光彩煥發。 aster.com.hk | The Benefit comes from the ability of rose water to stimulate the skin, help boost skin's natural elasticity for a visibly smoother, firmer appearance, restoring the vitalty and moisture balance of the skin on the face. aster.com.hk |
当前,电视背光(5630)跌幅约4%,(7030)在没有量产的情况下,平均报价看来并不是很有竞争力,但如果顺利量产后,预计到2012年底可望大幅度下跌;笔记型电脑(NB)应用崛起 , 使 得 高 亮 度 0. 8tLED最大降幅达8%;手机部分,由于规格逐渐成熟,因此价格降幅约为5~6%;大功率LED部分,厂商致力于规格提升和旧品清仓,整体而言平均报价跌幅约10%左右;至于液晶屏背光产品,已经有品牌厂导入高电流驱动3014封装体,可减少约一半的LED使用数量;由于 背 光 规 格 (5630)趋于成熟,且报价跌幅已大,使得越来越多照明应用制造商使用(5630)来制作LED灯管或是球泡灯,预估2012上半年报价跌幅在10%左右。 szljgd.cn | TV backlight (5630), a decline of about 4%, (7030) in the case of no production, the average offer does not appear to be very competitive, but if smooth postpartum sharp decline is expected by the end of 2012 is expected to ; [...] notebook computer (NB) rise, [...] makes the high brightness 0.8tLED largest decline of 8%; mobile phone part, due to mature specifications, the price decline of about 5 to 6%; high power LED parts vendors committed to the specifications to enhance and the old goods clearance, the overall average quoted price drop of about 10%; LCD backlight products, has a brand factory import high current drive 3014 package, can be reduced by about half the number of LED used; backlight Specifications [...](5630) tends to mature, [...]and offer the decline has been making more and more lighting applications manufacturer (5630) to produce LED lamp or Bulb, estimates quoted decline in the first half of 2012 was about 10%. szljgd.cn |
光亮(“發光”)的持續時間取決於 光 源 的 亮 度 , 光 源 的類型,與光源的距離以及光源的 照射時間和發光塗料的用量。 citizen.com.hk | The duration of the light [...] (“glow”) will vary depending on the brightness, types of and distance from a light source, [...]exposure time, and the amount of the paint. citizen.com.hk |
由于艾伯纳公司专门开发的技术,首条用于处理黄 铜以及铜合金带材的立式光亮处理线 使 得 我 们的意大利 客户可以免去价格昂贵且对环境造成破坏的酸洗工艺。 ebner.cc | Thanks to EBNER's specially developed technology, the [...] first vertical bright annealing line for brass and copper strip allows an Italian [...]customer to omit the expensive [...]and environmentally damaging pickling process. ebner.cc |
对比度增强器 [...] 对比度增强器的工作原理是根据图像状态补偿伽玛值以及控制 背 光亮 度 和增益等级、从而复制出带有对比度 的图像。 eizo.com | Contrast Enhancer Contrast Enhancer functions to reproduce images with a taste of contrast by [...] compensating the gamma value as well as [...] controlling the backlight brightness and the gain level [...]according to the image status. eizo.hu |
AM-CCSM的国际负责人巴柝声牧师用使徒 行 传十一章分享他对我们机构的异象:"一群平凡人兴起,对中国的所有生活领域发挥影响力:因为他们与耶稣同行,将祂 的 亮光 带 进 每一个黑暗的地方;因为他们拥有耶稣对彼此和对中国百姓的爱;因为他们明白成功是复数;也因为他们相信平凡人也可以发挥影响力。 amccsm.org | AM-CCSM's international director Ross Paterson spoke from Acts 11 about his vision for the company "of an army of ordinary people raised up to make a difference in every area of China's life: because they walk with Jesus and bring His incarnational light into every dark place; because they have Jesus' love for one another and the people of China; because they understand that success is plural; and because they believe that ordinary people can make a difference. amccsm.org |
一个漂亮,易于使用的颜色选择工具。 javakaiyuan.com | A beautiful, easy to use color selection tool. javakaiyuan.com |
或許我們的聲音,將如心㆗的燭光,給那些堅持的㆟和痛苦的㆟ 帶來㆒點點的溫暖、希望和亮光,儘 管他們今㆝不㆒定知道。 legco.gov.hk | Perhaps it will give some warmth, some hope and some light to those who are persevering and those who are suffering, though they may not realize it today. legco.gov.hk |
一般規例 內 12部涵蓋的事宜包括規管本地船隻到達和駛離有關的程序規定、本 地船隻在香港水域內航行、停泊和使用浮標及碼頭、乘客登船和離船、 處理貨物的安全規定、使用及展示燈 光 及 訊 號、對某些在中國內地或 澳門註冊的船隻的規管及管制、可透過高頻無線電話通訊運作的報告 系統的船隻航行監察服務及對香港水域內某些活動(例如賽事、滑水、 捕魚及供給燃料活動)施加管制,以及提升本地船隻航行安全的雜項規 定。 legco.gov.hk | The 12 Parts of the General Regulation cover matters from the procedural requirements governing the arrival and departure of local vessels, the navigation in the waters of Hong Kong, the berthing of, and use of buoys and piers by local vessels, the embarkation and debarkation of passengers, the safety requirements for handling of cargo, the use and display of lights and signals, the regulation and control of certain vessel registered in Mainland or Macau, the vessel traffic service permitting a report system operated through high frequency radiotelephone communication, and the imposition of control over some activities (such as racing events, water-skiing, fishing and bunkering activities) in waters of Hong Kong, and miscellaneous requirements enhancing the navigation safety of local vessels. legco.gov.hk |
有机硅还是完美的光泽优化剂和增辉剂: 薄薄的一层即可以让头发、 皮肤和嘴唇的表面均匀光亮。 wacker.com | Moreover, silicone products are [...] the perfect gloss [...] optimizers and luminosity enhancers: a thin film creates a homogeneous, glossy surface on hair, [...]skin and lips. wacker.com |
有五种基本类型的荧光染料:小分子染料(如荧光异硫氰酸酯/ [...] FITC和Alexa染料),蛋白染料(藻红蛋白、别藻蓝蛋白、绿色荧光蛋白),串联染料,其中蛋白染料收集荧光,将它传输至小分子染料,然后串联染料发出同小分子染料(如APC-Cy7)量子点和多聚染 料( 亮紫)相同波长的光波。 labome.cn | There are five basic types of fluorochromes: small dyes (e.g. Fluoroscein isothiocyanate /FITC and Alexa dyes) protein dyes (PhycoerythrinAllophycocyaninGFP) Tandem dyes, where a protein dye collects laser light, transfers it to a small dye, and [...] the tandem emits at the wavelength of the smaller dye (e.g. APC-Cy7) [...] quantum dots, and polymer dyes ( Brilliant Violet). labome.com |
其他電子器材如音訊CD、DVD、VCD、LD、電 腦 光 碟 機 、迷你雷射唱碟機、攝錄機、雷射唱碟機、設有「飛行模式」 的流動電話或個人電子手帳 (PDA) 及手提電腦,則可於航機起飛後15分鐘至降落時,安全帶燈 號 亮 起 前 使 用。 dragonair.com | Other forms of electronic devices such as players for audio CDs, DVDs, VCDs, LDs, computer CD-ROMS, mini discs, camcorders, combined cell phones/ PDAs with a “flight mode” setting which allows the phone to be switched off, and Laptop computers, may be used on board from 15 minutes after takeoff until the seat belt sign is switched on in preparation for landing. dragonair.com |
当位于画⾯中央的被摄体⽐背景更亮 或 更暗 时 使 ⽤。 ricoh.com | Use when the subject in the center of [...] the frame is brighter or darker than the background. ricoh.com |
完美的再现应该导致水平线在 100%,即使亮部和 暗部中间的区域减少了(由横标上从左到由的移动来表示)。 motion.kodak.com | A perfect reproduction would result in a horizontal line at 100%, even as the space between the light and dark areas decreases (represented by a movement from left to right on the horizontal axis). motion.kodak.com |
即使 實施所有交通管理措施,假如不興建 P2 道路網,中區 填海第一期地段內的交通將會在 2011 年全面癱瘓,原 [...] 因是干諾道中沿途會出現連綿不絕的車龍(在沒有中環 灣仔繞道的情況下),即使綠色交通燈 亮 起 , 康樂廣場 的車輛仍然無法駛入干諾道中。 devb.gov.hk | Even with all the traffic management measures, traffic in CRI will be paralyzed by 2011 if Road P2 network is not built, because continuous traffic queues will be found along CRC (without [...] CWB), and vehicles from Connaught Place will not be able to exit [...] onto CRC even when the traffic lights are in their favour. devb.gov.hk |
他们的衣服,然后穿上哆啦A梦把他所熟悉 的 光 , 使 它 们 在水下呼吸。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | They put on the clothes then Doraemon puts his Familiar Light to make them breathe underwater. ja.seekcartoon.com |
关于喀布尔银行问题,我们看到乌云背后现 出光 亮,强烈的光亮,坦率地说,有时候到了乌云看起来 不再像乌云的地步。 daccess-ods.un.org | On the issue of the Kabul Bank, we see light, strong light coming from behind the cloud, to the point where sometimes it does not even look like a cloud, frankly. daccess-ods.un.org |
其分辨率为 1280 x 1024,高 宽比为 5 x 4,高清晰的图像显示,对比度为 800:1,标准液 晶面板亮度为 300nits,可使显示画面明亮且对 比度较高。 elotouch.com.cn | Its 1280 x 1024 resolution with a 5 x 4 ratio displays clear, precise graphics and a contrast ratio of 800:1 together with a typical LCD panel brightness of 300 nits provides bright, high contrast for improved readability. media.elotouch.com |