

单词 使伤残

See also:





remnant n
surplus n

External sources (not reviewed)

包容性设计原则和辅助技术 的使用须得到推广和支持使残疾人能够与其他人平等地充分受益。
The principle of inclusive design and the use of assistive
technologies must be promoted and supported to allow
[...] persons with disabilities to benefit fully [...]
and on equal terms with others.
(d) 秘书长也应制定条款和条件,规定工作人员如有子女因身体上或心智上伤残,不 能在普通的教育机构求学,因此需要接受特别的教育或训练 使 其能充分适应社会生活,或虽在普通的教育机构求学,但需要接受特别的教育或训练 以协助其克服残疾,可领取教育补助金。
(d) The Secretary-General shall also establish terms and conditions under which an education grant shall be
available to a staff
[...] member whose child is unable, by reason of physical or mental disability, to attend a normal educational institution and therefore [...]
requires special teaching
or training to prepare him or her for full integration into society or, while attending a normal educational institution, requires special teaching or training to assist him or her in overcoming the disability.
供应商多样性计划”的目标是确保为少数族裔、妇女、退伍军人 伤残 军 人 和同性恋者拥有的企业以及传统欠发达地区 (HUBZone) 的企业提供机会使他们 在美联航广泛的供应链中开展竞争,提供产品和服务。
Our program objective is to ensure that certified
minority-, women-, veteran-
[...] and service disabled veteran-, LGBT-owned business enterprises small businesses, and historically underdeveloped regions (HUBZone) businesses have the opportunity to compete to provide products and services within United’s [...]
extensive supply chain.
行动25 : 收集所有必要的数据并按性别和年龄予以分类,以便制定、执
[...] 行、监督和评估适当的国家政策、计划和法律框架,包括评估 地雷受害者的需要和优先事项以及相关服务的供应情况和质 量,向所有相关利益攸关者提供这种数据,并确保这项工作推 动国伤残者监 控和其他相关数据收集系统,供方案规划使 用。
Action #25: Collect all necessary data, disaggregated by sex and age, in order to develop, implement, monitor and evaluate adequate national policies, plans and legal frameworks including by assessing the needs and priorities of mine victims and the availability and quality of relevant services, make such data available to all relevant stakeholders and ensure
that such efforts
[...] contribute to national injury surveillance and other relevant data collection systems for use in programme [...]
联合国期望能够很快与其他冲突各方进行类似的对话,以制订行动计 划,按照安全理事会第 1612(2005)号和第 1882(2009)号决议的要求,停止征募使用儿 童,制止严重侵害儿童的性暴力行为以及导致儿童死亡 伤残 的 行 为。
The United Nations expects to be able to enter into similar dialogue soon with other parties to the conflict to prepare action plans to halt child recruitment and use, to stop grave sexual violence against children and killing and maiming of children as requested by the Security Council in its resolutions 1612 (2005) and 1882 (2009).
[...] 行、监督和评估适当的国家政策、计划和法律框架,帮助评估地雷受害者的需要 和优先事项以及相关服务的相应情况和质量,向所有相关利益攸关者提供这种数 据,并确保这项工作推动国伤残者 监 控和其他相关数据收集系统,供方案规使用。
74. At the Cartagena Summit, it was agreed that States Parties, particularly those accountable to and responsible for the well-being of significant numbers of mine victims, will collect all necessary data, disaggregated by sex and age, in order to develop, implement, monitor and evaluate adequate national policies, plans and legal frameworks including by assessing the needs and priorities of mine victims and the availability and quality of relevant services, make such data available to all relevant stakeholders and ensure
that such efforts
[...] contribute to national injury surveillance and other relevant data collection systems for use in programme [...]
planning26 .
欧盟范围内的文化旅游活动,其目的是通过文化旅 使残 疾 人 享受其他欧 盟国家的文化资源。
Cultural tourism in the context of the
European Union, aimed at promoting access
[...] by persons with disabilities to the benefits [...]
of the culture of other countries of
the European Union through cultural trips.
秘书处继续采取一切必要措施从速处 理,除其他外包括:每隔 60 至 90 天向会员国常驻代表团发送催复通知,要求提 供完成索赔处理程序所需的进一步相关信息;向常驻代表团通报维持和平特派团 中本国国民的死亡或受重伤情况,并提醒代表团提出索赔;向常驻代表团提供有 关死亡伤残赔偿 权利以及索赔程序的指导;与维和特派团进行后续联系,确认 已收到伤亡通知;在将死亡伤残索 赔 案交给管理事务部医务司审查后,定期与 医务司进行后续联系。
The Secretariat continues to take all necessary measures to expedite the process, which includes, inter alia, sending reminders to permanent missions every 60 to 90 days to submit additional relevant information required to finalize processing of their claims; notifying permanent missions when their nationals die or sustain serious injuries in peacekeeping missions, and reminding them to submit claims; providing
guidance to Permanent
[...] Missions on death and disability compensation entitlements, and on procedures for submitting claims; following up with peacekeeping missions to obtain confirmation of notification of casualty; and regular follow-up [...]
with the Medical
Services Division of the Department of Management following the submission of death and disability claims for their review.
还批准了与《促进 无障碍法》相关的规定,涉残疾人 使 用 互 联网和公用电话等问题。
Regulations related to the Law on Promoting
Access have also been approved with respect to access for
[...] persons with disabilities to the Internet [...]
and public telephones.
特别委员会回顾大会第 64/269 号决议第二节第 4 段,其中,大会表示深 为关注在死亡伤残索赔 的理赔方面出现拖延,请秘书长采取紧急措施,结清目 前已积压三个月以上的死亡伤残索 赔 案,并向大会第六十五届会议续会第二期 会议报告所取得的进展。
The Special Committee recalls paragraph 4 of section II of General Assembly resolution 64/269, in which the Assembly expressed deep concern about the delays in the
settlement of claims in
[...] respect of death and disability and requested the Secretary-General to take urgent measures to eliminate the existing backlog of death and disability claims pending for [...]
more than three months
and to report on the progress made to the Assembly at the second part of its resumed sixty-fifth session.
上述工作的落实有利于推行一项更加广泛和协调的政策 使残 疾 人 的人权 更加受尊重。
These accomplishments are all consistent with a wide-ranging and coherent policy to ensure greater respect for the human
[...] rights of persons with disabilities.
他们表示严重关切索马里境内发生违反适用国际法的侵害和虐待儿童行为, 特别是冲突各方招募使用儿 童,对儿童实施性暴力、杀戮 残伤 儿 童、袭击学 校和医院,以及阻挠向儿童提供人道主义援助。
They expressed grave concern about violations and abuses committed against children in Somalia, in contravention of applicable international law, in particular the recruitment and use of children by all parties to the conflict, the
sexual violence
[...] perpetrated against children, the killing and maiming of children, the attacks on schools and [...]
hospitals and the
denial of humanitarian access to children.
会议还呼吁所有缔约国使在目 前这种财政困 难的情况下也坚定地致力于实现一个无 伤 人 员 地雷的世界,让人人的权利都得 到尊重,男女老幼都能有尊严地过着幸福生活。
The Meeting also called on all States Parties to recommit, even in difficult financial times, to realising a world without anti-personnel mines, where the rights of all are respected and where all women, girls, boys and men can live in dignity and prosperity.
他重申该集团了解到,根据共有问题 的决议草案(A/C.5/64/L.57)第 6 段,所有军警人员 在整个部署期间如因担任联合国公务而死亡或受伤, 将按照这些规则的规定,获得死亡 伤残 偿 金 ,但有 故意疏忽或自己造成伤害的情况者除外。
He reiterated the Group’s understanding that, under paragraph 6 of the draft resolution on cross-cutting issues (A/C.5/64/L.57), death and disability compensation would be awarded to all uniformed personnel for loss of life or injury in the service of the United Nations during the entire period of their deployment, except in cases of wilful neglect or self-inflicted injury, as provided for in the rules.
[...] 女与儿童受害最大,他们遭受的暴力行动包括:谋杀伤残;性暴力;被迫离乡背井;被迫入伍,儿童成 [...]
为儿童兵;绑架和人口贩运,以及奴役和其他造成心 理创伤的经历。
In this conflagration, it is, unfortunately, the women and children who suffer the most, as they
are subjected to acts of violence that
[...] include murder and maiming; sexual violence; [...]
forced displacement from their homes;
forced recruitment, in the case of children, as child soldiers; and kidnapping and human trafficking, as well as enslavement and other traumatic psychological experiences.
(vi) 任何有关接纳、修订或操作购股权计划、养老金或退休、死亡 伤残 福利 计划或其他安排(涉及董事、其联系人士及本公司或其任何附属公司雇员, [...]
且并无给予任何董事或其联系人士任何与涉及该计划或基金的雇员所无的 优待或利益)的建议或安排。
(vi) any proposal or arrangement concerning
the adoption, modification or operation of a share option scheme, a pension fund or
[...] retirement, death or disability benefits scheme or [...]
other arrangement which
relates both to Directors or his associate(s) and to employees of the Company or of any of its subsidiaries and does not provide in respect of any Director, or his associate(s), as such any privilege or advantage not accorded generally to the class of persons to which such scheme or fund relates.
直布罗陀社会保障和福利部门继续受下列法律的监管:《社会保障(工伤保 险)法》(1952 年),该法规定提供伤、残废和 工业事故死亡抚恤金;《社会保障 (非公开长期福利计划)法》(1996 年)和《社会保障(公开长期福利计划)法》(1997 [...]
年)和《社会保障(非自缴保费的福利和失业保险)法》(1955 年),其中包括产妇 补助金和津贴以及死亡补助金。
The social security and welfare sectors in Gibraltar continue to be governed by
the Social Security
[...] (Employment Injuries Insurance) Act (1952), under which benefits are paid for injury, disablement [...]
and industrial deaths;
the Social Security (Closed Long-Term Benefits and Scheme) Act (1996) and the Social Security (Open Long-Term Benefits Scheme) Act (1997), which cover old-age pensions, guardian allowances and widow/widower benefits; and the Social Security (Insurance) Act (1955) and the Social Security (Non-Contributory Benefits and Unemployment Insurance) Act (1955), which include maternity grants, maternity allowances and death grants.
渥太华公 约》完全禁使用杀伤人员 地雷,第二号议定书则适用所有形式的地雷、诱杀装 置和其他类似的装置。
While that Convention absolutely prohibited the use of anti-personnel landmines, amended Protocol II covered all types of landmine, as well as booby traps and other similar devices.
他的兄弟,Anwar 和 Akram 也受伤,以色列士兵甚至阻止巴勒斯坦医护人员接触 救治这 3 名伤员,使他们数小时流血不止。
His brothers, Anwar and
[...] Akram, were also wounded, and the soldiers even prevented access by Palestinian medics to aid the three wounded men, who bled [...]
for hours.
这项研究的目标是,首次绘制联 合国系统目前有关因公受伤、生病、死亡 伤残 时 的 福利、应享权利和保险全图, 并检查当前的覆盖差距。
The goal of the study was to produce, for the first time, a comprehensive United Nations system map of all current benefits, entitlements and
insurance related to service-incurred injury,
[...] illness, death and disability, and to examine the [...]
current gaps in coverage.
自然旅游及度假活动,即在尽可能无障碍的条件下轮 使残 疾 人及有残疾 人的家庭享受自然、文化休闲资源,其目的是为残疾人提供最大可能的独立生活 及达到个人与社会的融合。
Nature vacation and tourism activities aimed at facilitating an independent life and ensuring maximum personal and social integration of persons with disabilities through stays in conditions of greater accessibility, facilitating access to the benefits of leisure, culture and nature, as well as rest for families caring for persons with disabilities.
[...] 能够接受一个鼓吹民主、尊重人权——特别是妇女和 儿童权利和热爱和平的国家用坦克和炸弹杀害 伤残 并恐吓平民。
No human logic or conscience can accept a country that preaches democracy, respect for human
rights, especially those of women and children, and love of peace using tanks and
[...] bombs to kill, maim and terrorize [...]
这与提交给委员会的申诉中所载的内容反差强烈,申诉中二人声称阿富汗警察见 到第一申诉人携带的瑞典大使馆的文件时,表现非 残 暴 , 使 他 差 点丧了命。
This is in sharp contrast to what is contained in the complaint submitted to the Committee, where the complainants state that the Afghan police had reacted so brutally when
they saw documents from
[...] the Swedish embassy, which the first complainant brought with him, that he almost lost his life.
重申决心终止杀伤人员地雷造成的痛苦和伤亡,这些地雷每星期都导致数以 百计的人死亡伤残,其 中多数是无防护能力的无辜平民,包括儿童,妨碍经济 发展和重建,阻碍难民和境内流离失所者返回家园并在布设多年后仍引发其他严 [...]
Reaffirming its determination to
put an end to the suffering
[...] and casualties caused by anti-personnel mines, which kill or maim hundreds of [...]
people every week, mostly
innocent and defenceless civilians, including children, obstruct economic development and reconstruction, inhibit the repatriation of refugees and internally displaced persons and have other severe consequences for years after emplacement
这笔钱只发伤残人士 家属――后者至少为 50%的终身医伤 残级别,和老年残障人士家属。
This sum was paid only to the dependants of a
[...] disabled person who had a permanent medical disability of at least 50%, and to the dependants of [...]
an elderly disabled person.
后来,根据香港医学会在1994 年提出的意见,“肢伤 残”的适用范围被界定为只限于影响个别人士运动机能的残疾情况,而“器官残 障”则被界定为因器官疾病而引致的情况。
Upon the advice of the Hong Kong
Medical Association in
[...] 1994, physical disability was re-defined to limit its application to disability [...]
affecting an individual’s locomotor
function, and a new definition was drawn up for visceral disability as any other disabilities arising from diseases affecting the body’s organs.
在关于移徙者保护的 66/172 号决议中,17 大会表示关切跨国和本国有组织 犯罪实体的活动以及其他在危害移徙者、特别是危害妇女和儿童的犯罪活动中 谋利者的活动日趋猖獗,这些活动无视危险和不人道的状况,还表示关切人口 贩运者及其同伙和其他有组织犯罪实体成员往往有罪而不受惩罚;鼓励各国保
[...] 法律援助的提供;鼓励各会员国制定国内立法并加强国际合作,认识到这些犯 罪行为有可能危害移徙者的生命, 使 他 们遭 受 伤 害 、 劳役或剥削,其中还可 能包括债役、奴役、性剥削或强迫劳动,从而打击此类贩运和偷运行为。
In its resolution 66/172, on the protection of migrants,17 the General Assembly expressed concern about the increase in the activities of transnational and national organized criminal entities and others who profited from crimes against migrants without regard for dangerous and inhumane conditions, as well as the high level of impunity enjoyed by traffickers, their accomplices and other members of organized criminal entities; encouraged States to protect victims of national and transnational organized crime, including by guaranteeing access to medical, psychosocial and legal assistance; and encouraged Member States to combat international trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants by enacting domestic legislation and strengthening international cooperation, recognizing that
those crimes might endanger the lives
[...] of migrants or subject them to harm, servitude or [...]
exploitation, which might also include
debt bondage, slavery, sexual exploitation or forced labour.
有报告称,印度的 地雷受害者的人数已经增加,但这种消息是不准确的,因为没有区别地雷造成伤亡和使用简易爆炸装置造成的伤亡。
There had been reports of an increase in the number of mine victims in India, but that information was inaccurate, as no distinction was made between casualties caused by landmines and those resulting from the use of IEDs.
[...] 基本自由,不分种族、肤色、性别、语言、宗教、政治或其他见解、民族或社会 本源、财产、出生伤残或其他身份。
We emphasize the responsibilities of all States, in conformity with the Charter, to respect, protect and promote human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, without distinction of any kind as to race, colour, sex,
language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social
[...] origin, property, birth, disability or other status.
任何人士如因骨胳、肌骨胳或神经器官残障,并主要损及运动机能,以致某方 面或多方面的日常活动受到妨碍或限制,皆可视为肢 伤残 人 士
A person with physical disabilities is defined as a person who has disabilities of orthopaedic, musculoskeletal, or neurological origin which mainly affect locomotor functions, and constitute a disadvantage or restriction in one or more aspects of daily living activities.




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